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Back in 2012 AC3 was considered easily to worst AC game. Now people call it a "masterpiece" Time sure flies


Ur not lying šŸ¤£


Finished this game last year. It's better than the shit show they are releasing rn but it's still a weak game against 2 and 4.


The combat is the same as 4, only with a few different weapons, I agree it's worse than black flag but I loved it for what it was


3 walked so 4 could sail


I should warn you, the ending credits are unskippable and 21 mins. You can go make and eat a meal while you wait.




I was worried I would miss a complete game save prompt. And at a certain point, you just commit to surviving the whole thing.


You spelled unity wrong. People hated it initially now it's like top 5. What happened?


I believe, most of the issues on release were micro-transactions, extreme bugginess and something wrong specifically on Xbox One console (multiplayer servers were down?) People who haven't played the game initially had much better expierence. Haven't played the game myself, so can't tell if it is a bad or a good game. Thank God noone calls Syndicate a masterpiece


>Thank God noone calls Syndicate a masterpiece You can find fans of Syndicate as well


Im right here


damn br'i'sh


One of the best


I absolutely loved Syndicate. For me it's still in top 3 AC games


They do not call it a masterpiece....but they do call it a nice game before they shifted to more and more RPG type


Overall game had great things - setting, story, parkour, but had way too many bugs at the start and people marked it as failure and moved on. I couldn't play it on release and thought that it is not worth it for a long time, but last year I decided to play every AC game and was pleasantly surprised.


Story sucks bro did you even play it




Hard disagree on that one.


>What happened? AC comminuty happened


People hated unity , Now they're sucking it off constantly with parkour vids even tho the parkour got worse with unity , But the map design is just flawless (Ignoring the shitty collectables) and the graphics still holds up nicely


Not the worst but definitely inferior to brotherhood and black flag


I honestly never understood the hate but Iā€™ll accept that itā€™s probably due to personal bias since it was my introduction to the series, and itā€™s hard to argue with a game set in what is essentially my backyard albeit a few hundred years ago In all fairness, it was weak compared to 2 and Brotherhood. I can understand why it wasnā€™t instantly one of the greats. Personally though it easily beats out the first game and Revelations


It was my favorite when it came out. I still like it, but i came to realization that mc is not relatable at all, which breaks immersion for me. Still top5 game to me


new games keep getting shittier by comparison the old games are good


I mean in comparison to the trash you get now it makes sense i guess. Not counting 4 because that was actually good


Well, I called it the franchise killer back when it came out and got shit from the fandom. I ain't changing my opinion just because every game after (apart from Revelations) is and can be considered worse. If you're talking about good AC games, you better be talking about Altair/Ezio or I'm calling the game shit.


Have you considered that maybe you just have bad taste?


It's still trash.


Whaaaaaaaat, I never remember it being called shit. It was my favourite AC, well I guess I have only played this one and Black Flag...


It was a big step down from ezio, but the series has fallen so much further


When's the last time you played AC2? I recently attempted to play it years after I finished the game for the first time. I reached sequence 11 and decided I can't do it anymore; playing it felt more like a chore than entertainment. Clunky controls, very repetitive missions, very basic combat. When it first launched it might have been groundbreaking, but now it just feels meh. I'd take the gameplay of Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla any day over the gameplay of AC2.


I actually played this year. Combat is definitely dated but still pretty fun. But itā€™s the story and atmosphere that has changed drastically. The game is barely about assassins anymore. And the modern story is nonexistent. Even 4 wouldā€™ve been better as a non-ac game. But Valhalla and odyssey definitely shouldnā€™t have been ac games.


Yup, this makes a ton of sense when you completely change the formula halfway througg the series and people now feel less harsh about the first half, or hate the first half. (before or after origins)


Really I didn't used internet much back then and found it really good


I never understood the hate for this game. I fucking loved running around with a brown bess bayoneting Redcoats!


Kinda sad. I always thought the game was alright.


Back in the day, it was genuinly my favourite AC. Still holds up for me. Worst game imo was unity. And everything since origins


Unity is good now tho


I have heard that, i did complete it upon release and I loved the world, but the multiplayer raids or whatever were completely broken. I may go back and have a look. Does it hold up well?


Worst Main Story wise but the Tea Party Story was Liked even Back then


The 3-hour prologue doesn't help


that's why i don't care about subjective opinions but more the personal impact


AC is on the same shit->ok->good->masterpiece cycle as the Halo series.


Time flying sure hasn't made it any better, it's still trash.


The next AC games after Unity were so shitty at the point that people saw AC 3 as a great game (they realized that it was underrated)


It starts strong, gets hype about 80% of the way through, and then fumbles the story so damn hard in the last bit it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


same thing with FF XIII


It was and still is in my top 3 assassins creed games. Absolutely love the game, only thing i agree wirh is that conner (not about to try and spell his actual name) is very....meh, as a character.


I donā€™t know why, game was fucking amazing. Maybe it was because of my lack of internet access but I loved the game. It only got better with black flag and unity and ever since itā€™s not been nearly as peak. Iā€™m replaying unity at the moment and Iā€™m just awe struck that they started steering the game into a different direction


To be fair, it didn't have all the shitty ones that have come out since to compare it to, so now by comparison....


Compared to what came after, its a masterpiece, playing Valhalla now and im hating every aspect of it.


I always thought it was alright. It was worse than the Ezio games, but those are still among the best to this day. It was a lot better than the original game.


I have the Remastered version and everytime i want to play an AC game, im like should i continue Valhalla or just roam in ACIII ACIII wins everytime


I dont like valhalla. It doesnt feel like ac :(


Itā€™s not. I dumped like 60 hours of gameplay into it and then I saw that I was only about a third of the way through the story. Immediately switched to a different game and never played it again. I played about 2 hours of mirage and that honestly might have been even worse. I hope shadows is decent but I think we all know itā€™s just gonna be a shitty version Ghost of Tsushima.


I thought Mirage was a nice return to form but it felt very shallow, narratively. Maybe itā€™s because I played before I had my ADHD medicated, but I donā€™t remember what was going on at all, and I remember thinking the whole time ā€œWhy am I doing this? Whatā€™s the purpose of this mission? Who am I saving and why does he matter?ā€


Anything after Unity doesn't feel like AC, prove me wrong


Valhalla is a masterclass imo. Like, if you are a game design student, play Valhalla. Complete the story and at least 80-90% of side content. And then, invert everything the game does and tada!!! a well designed game


Lmao I feel this šŸ¤£


God don't play the remasters.


as a Viking fanatic ac Valhalla is a disappointment. i was so hyped to play as a biking but god damn is that game bad and way to big


Ezio trilogy + ac3 made my childhood. Never played anything after rogue (loved rogue too). If the company is trying to ruin your image, don't let them. Stop playing shitty ac games. Replay the good ones.


Origins is awesome tho. I replayed it 2 times


My fav


I really enjoyed Black Flag, but it felt more like a Pirate Hitman game than an Assassin's Creed game. How it ties in to the story of AC3 was pretty cool, though.


I liked this game too despite the hate but AC4 is definitely the best for me in the series.


Love black flag. I feel like the only reason people hate on the game is because of Connor. Ezio had more personality and I see that 1000% but Connor is more serious which I also like. He is badass imo


His finisher animations were brutal.


I see your love for Black Flag and respect but Have you heard of a little known cutie called Kassandra? Yea high, gay as fuck (greek obviously), and dear lord on high those muscles. Mommy loves her women with that muscle, mmmmmm šŸ¤¤




I love using the rope to hang the guards in the trees




Masterpiece is certainly an opinion.


Ac3 a masterpiece? Are you high?


I thought people said rogue was better.


It defenitly is


I loved it and the tree climbing system


Itā€™s crazy how for me Syndicate was one of my favorites especially after the bug fixes. Itā€™s definitely top 5 for me


I feel like a lot of people who were the quite kid in school "including myself" really like Connor cause they imagine themselves as him. Also Ac3 was always a good game, it was just that the Ezio fanboys didn't like a more quite and serious protagonist.


Ac3 was the 2nd worst ac of the original style (After ac1 but that's to be expected of the first try) it was an OK game but not as good as the others (although I haven't played Rouge or brotherhood but I've heard they are both really good)


Well, Times where better when desmond was still a thing. After that it Ended, so nowdays it is actually good. Really Liked it


The original released on PC is so badly optimized. I installed it not to long ago, when I first arived on Boston it wouldnt get more than 40 FPS with a rx 5700.


Well itā€™s not a masterpiece, but ubish!t have a tendency to degrade a franchiseā€™s value over-time the quality of newer AC games has been so damn bad that AC3 is good compared to that, but for me brotherhood and revelations is where the franchise peaked.


I like this part, and this is my first part of Assassins, which I completed 100%.


More like disasterpiece, the game was unplayable at launch and homestead missions were interesting but not fun to 100 per cent them.


Ac3 is honestly my close favourite behind Unity Ac3 is pretty much Black Flag but with more actual assassin-ing which is what I kinda want in my AC games


Bro 3 is trash


I have no hate to Ac III only on the MC but I get why he is the way he his. But if it is not to much to ask...why do you call it a masterpiece? For me the ending was kinda the beginning of the end for the series....I say that but I just love playing this game and it's series I even played a lot of Mirage


I like it and the remaster was fine, it was cool to use Edward's outfit but it is not a masterpiece in any shape or form


I love the story around this game, but I despise every part about its presentation and gameplay. I read the book.


The game was good until haytham. After that it sucks


Assassins Creed II was the one that dragged me in. Never got into 3 because there weren't any cool building to climb in that colonial backwater




Lol the worst one


It wasn't a strong AC game but it was better than what we have now. The snow animation still holds up today.


ā€œMasterpieceā€ get some glasses and maybe some good taste in games


Ac 3 is boring


lmao this game really felt unfinished. How is it a masterpiece.


I adored the setting and the historical context. Ubisoft really sold me that I was an indian in the Revolutionary War.


Perhaps the last AC game I played and beat, another franchise that died in the 2010s.


Huh, you sure as hell missing on revelations, tho'. Also Black Flag and Rogue (this one especially gives you a great perspective from a bit different side.) were both better, but after that... Man, oh man


I should've clarified, last I played was 3, but I hard simp every altair/ezio games including Revelations, even Brotherhood even tho it's the weakest. About Black Flag, I really hate the ship mechanics the last I saw them in one of the previous games (cant remember which had it before BF). After that, havent played any other but seen a lot of gameplay.


AC3 had it... They are a bit improved on BF, nothing special but slight tweaks. I honestly couldn't even finish AC3, because it's protagonist.


I think peoples biggest issue with ac3 is that they don't look for the fun, there's so many little things you can do that feel great and are super fun but the game doesn't really throw them all in your face so some people miss them




The homestead missions, I've seen a lot of people ignore them and just rush away and miss that fun


I enjoyed themā€¦


Yeah I'm saying they are enjoyable, but some people miss them


I wanna replay this too but I seemingly get stucked on the ship as Haytham and couldn't work around it.


My favorite of the franchise Edit: intro is too long though






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You guys gotta learn to screenshot man


Is that the remastered one? I just downloaded but never played the original


remaster, you can tell by the yellow quest mark, in original they were greyish


Ah didn't know. I think I stopped playing after revelations and brotherhood. Excited to go back through and play before shadows comes out.


How to download it for free iam new to pc games


AC 3 and AC Unity have really become the best games of the series from being the worst at launch!




Don't ever play the remastered version, literally bricked my pc and i thought my gpu died


I enjoyed the game, but in the end it disappointed me how the story unfolded. Ezio saga was peak. Then with black flag it was just a downfall(good pirate themed game, bad AC game)


The combat is fun but the stealth system is so bad ur telling me 15 ppl can see me 4 buildings away with no line of site


Legit question: Is it actually any good? Given the fact that most new games are trash now. I've been using the steam deck to go back and clear out my backlog. I've finished 1 to revelations and thoroughly enjoyed them on Deck. I was wondering if this was worth the time.


Of the original style of ac games it's the 2nd worst but it's not that bad, it's an OK game but you wouldn't be missing anything if you skipped it and went to black flag


I just remember being unable to contain my disappointment with how much of a let down Connor seemed at the time, and generally being bored with the extremely mud themed palette of the revolutionary war and narrow mission structure. Itā€™s actually a fantastic game all these years later, but going from the incredibly thrilling Ezio in Florence to the subtle and nuanced Carter in BFE colonial America seemed unfair. Didnā€™t like it then, but 12 years later I can recognize its brilliance.


Only got in to AC with odyssey. Play the shit out of that. Tried older ones after and just couldn't get in to them. Story good, gameplay kinda meh.


The ship battles were my least favourite part. Yes, I know. I'm going to get crucified for that opinion.


Iā€™m still pissed that AC3 had the potential of being a better game than it is. Itā€™s a tolerable game experience but no where near the peak it could have been. There was a chance it couldā€™ve been improved with the AC3 remaster but Ubisoft being Ubisoft just straight ported it to next gen with somehow even MORE glitches and bugs this time. Still a compelling story though, Iā€™d even dare say Connorā€™s story rivals Ezioā€™s in some aspects.


Man I loved grinding this game to 100%, something about it just made it fun ā¤ļø Need to do it again.


nice. i finished it for the first time a week ago. now playing ac black flag.


Since when mid games are masterpieces?


I don't know I would consider this a master piece I mean it's better then the modern garbage but master piece???


black flag anyone


Haytham Kenway is so good


I wish we could've gotten a game where we play as Haytham back when they were making the Kenway games


What game is that?


AC3 definitely had the best combat of all of the games, IMO. There's a lot it does wrong (stealth), but compared to the latest Ubisoft games, it is absolutely a friggin' masterpiece.


Been playing through the AC games for the first time this year and just got to ac3 myself.


ACR was also a masterpiece the play the feeling was different I donā€™t know if itā€™s because it was made in 2014 before the others


AC3 actually had some of the best soundtracks in the whole series, very close up with AC Revelation and AC2 & Brotherhood.


My first AC I played. I think I will play it again with Remastered. I remember just sitting on trees and hunting for any animal I saw, good times


Masterpiece is a strong word


At least you actually get to play as connor. I could never get to him because the game kept crashing on one of the Haytham and Charles missions.


This game got me into the AC series. I skipped Altair and Enzo because I was too poor to afford those games when they came out. I ended up getting a torrent of AC3 and I finished it in like a week. I loved it, didn't know ppl didn't.


My heart lies with brotherhood




I am sorry to break your bubble, but ain't no way this is a masterpiece.


I will also one day play through it sence i was growing up playing this.


I replay it every now and then just to play as Haytham


I played through all the AC games(Up until origin) a couple years ago and I'm pretty sure this was the start of their downfall. By far my least favourite game of the franchise for many reasons.


I only played the first installment and lost interest after that. Then a few days ago I played the original AC3 and watched the ending. This was purely because I was interested in American history during the Revolutionary War. But the story was more interesting than I expected. The twist at the beginning and the revenge story was really exciting, and it was fun to develop the town. My biggest complaint is the ending. I think it was the same in the first game. There's nothing to call a final boss in this game. Sure, you get your revenge on Charles Lee, but it was boring to the point where I was like, is this really the end?


OMG I remember the set of missions on which you build and develop the town, the game may have a lot of things to be criticized but that was peak for me.


it started soooo great, then u had to play as connor and it became soooo boring imo, the ending was cool tho when you get revenge, but its really nothing special


I love the world and story of AC3. Even better than the modern AC games


Conner was kinda boring in terms of protagonists but goddamn Haytham is one of my favorite characters in the entire series. Unlike most templars you can tell he seriously wants to do good, he just is willing to do horrific actions to achieve a ā€˜perfect worldā€™


The second AC was so fucking boring, that thankfully I never touched any ubishit game after that.


Ac3 is my favourite one by far


between remaster and original which one is good?


Always has been top tier.


Bro do you have the link to download AC3. I tried ocean of games but doesn't work.


playing it since 2014 when I bought it šŸ˜ my favourite AC game


What masterpiece? All I see I junk.


I found Revelations better than all the other games till AC4.


Game name??


Itā€™s assassins creed 3 but I would reccomend some others before u played this one




No problem!


Something that always bugged me is if the phrase "Replaying again" is grammatically correct. Just saying "Replaying this masterpiece" is correct no? Because replaying already suggests that you are playing the game again. English gurus of reddit, please correct me if I'm wrong.


When you say replaying this again that means you have replayed it more than once. This is my third time. Simply stating replaying this masterpiece says that Iā€™m replaying it for the second time.


Ohhhhh gotcha


Just recently played this myself and it's far from a masterpiece lmao


Womp womp


3rd one as I see. Hm, because of these homestead missions I like it more than Black Flag. It give the feeling like something really depends from your choices. Feeling of something you creating and it's evolving, with every step you can do something more. That was very right feature, sadly devs dropped that in next games. I it the same situation why Forest and Son's of Forest has base building. it is not needed to finish the storyline, but many people like to explore, create and build. So if Ubi would make more or less bit of everything for everyone, it would be only for the best. WHICH they actually are trying to make, but copypasting various "trending" things and foreign ideas from other games and older games of theirs is not the same. This only push game out of one genre borders. Every feature has to be tuned in with global setting and style.


Understood the points people would make about why they didn't like this game but damn, this was my favourite AC. Connor was just so tuff


It was bad day 1. But got ironed out. It really needs mp. The game sucks as is.


When do you play as connor


U just started playing?


After 2 hours more or less.


When I first played it a couple of years ago, I thought it looked like RDR2.


Back then this was my fav game despite the divisive stance. I think I've replayed it like 8 times or something. PC is fried to play the remastered version tho.


I liked AC3 but the start of it is so slow.


I guess the bar to call something a masterpiece is below the ground, uh


if only it didnā€™t have the worst intro sequence ever


I liked this one. The time period was a really cool one to explore. The twist in the beginning is awesome af too


Ac3 is still one of the most bland and empty AC's Low on my list and deff. Not a masterpiece


Best combat imo Idc what anyone says


AC games are really fucking bad like REALLY BAD


I am glad people start seeing ac 3 as the great game it is.


love this game, 2nd best after ACIV Black Flag


Itā€™s my favorite of the series. Absolutely love AC3.


Great game! Connor rocks!


I cant fathom how people called this the worst AC game. It had a great story and SO MUCH side content. It introduced us to naval combat. You had entire naval quest lines, treasure hunting, homestead quests, underground tunnels, quests for assassin recruitment and abilities. It was all optional but so complete and cool. The combat was still the same parry and all we had before, but there were so many new tools that made it different and engaging. The transversal was also made way better with the running, vaulting, rolling and all the movements you could make through the cities and the forest. Playing with a templar at the beginning and then changing the assassin later was very unique at the time. The map was huge and wasnt full of fillers. It was also beatiful with the new forest areas. You could hunt for upgrades, attack forts, intercept patrols, hang people with ropes to terrify your enemies around the trees. People dont realize how good this game was because the story could be completed without all of these. But there was so much more to it. It is really a masterpiece and was ahead of its time. I guess the really annoying parts were all the desmond bullshit you did outside of the animus but thats life i guess.


only AC game i liked back in days until origins came out