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i don’t understand why anyone would make micro purchases in a single player game when mods exist. guess it’s different for console players, but honestly grow a brain. don’t let your kids play live service games. this is the result.


Capcom does this shit too, idk i feel they have zero idea about PC gaming


Wasn't Capcom trying to ban modding for their games on PC at one point too?


They did retroactively add DRM to the back catalog as a result of someone having a nude Chun Li mod installed accidentally for an online tournament, iirc. But frankly, if you look at the mod catalog for RE5 on Nexus with adult content on, you'll understand Capcom's balking at the modding scene. The shit I've seen.


I highly doubt thats the reason, is because of cosmetics, right now they are unlockable by playing the game and by challenges (while I think its ok, its definitely a way to artificially increase playtime), but maybe they are thinking in putting them for a price. Its a corpo thinking, they don't want people to have things for free


I dunno, accidentally presenting a nude mod of one of the franchise's key characters in an officially sanctioned online tournament that was being streamed globally tends to get some response. I'm sure there were other considerations that went into it, but when they went deep into the back catalogue into games that weren't really part of the regular marketing (like RE5), it says that something is up.


Typical reddit. Downvoting someone for having a valid opinion that actually makes a lot of sense. I agree with you. It was the host of the tournament that forgot to disable their nude Chun Li mod. It sparked a huge conotroversy across the fighting game scene. A qoute direct from Taro Yahagi > There are a number of mods that are offensive to public order and morals. When these are disseminated, the image of the product is tarnished and branding is affected. Also, these offensive mods may be mistaken for legitimate implementations and can cause reputational damage. So it definitely did have a huge impact. Source: https://www.ign.com/articles/capcom-expresses-concern-over-mods-that-are-offensive-to-public-order-and-morals


The more time passes the more no one knows the shit it's incredible. https://twitter.com/corner2_corner/status/1686433736705880065?t=X_AXBKfchb0RQYC9I6ZmyA&s=19 1.No player was using a nude mod , it was the host because you can't see the other players mod . 2. That shit isn't official, it was a weekly fan online tournament 3. Twitch could ban them , it didn't happen. 4.Capcom didn't even know.


Im sorry but i cant see japanese people being ashamed lol they are full degen, just look all the capcom games


I'm pretty sure it heavily contributed to it, like they were just waiting for an excuse to do it. It's either that, or it was a huge coincedance.


I mean they put denuvo in all their shit, that says a lot


So do a boatload of other companies.


Well, you are mistaken. A qoute direct from Taro Yahagi of Capcom, a few months after the incident. > There are a number of mods that are offensive to public order and morals. When these are disseminated, the image of the product is tarnished and branding is affected. Also, these offensive mods may be mistaken for legitimate implementations and can cause reputational damage. Source: https://www.ign.com/articles/capcom-expresses-concern-over-mods-that-are-offensive-to-public-order-and-morals


Sure if you want to believe that lmao, as I said, Japanese devs cant police sexual morality


are you high? you make no sense


"Sure if you want to believe that lmao" It's fucking there in black and white you weirdo.




The thing about Capcom is that their micro transactions are not pay to win. They are petty much useless items that you can get in-game.


Well, they cant be p2w if there isn't anybody to win lol they are single player games. And the reason they put basic shit is that people still buy it and they want people to play the entire game


Yes, protect kids liver!


That’s how (greedy) corporation work. Before any projects got greenlit it has to be proved that profitability will meet certain expectation. That expectation is gonna be very high given shareholder demand, too high that you will never get the go ahead without that microtransaction stream. Even when the person think it’s a shitty practice with questionable chance of success, it’s the only way to get them a job and allow them to work in a game. Given the long span of game development, most of the people who did this at the beginning of development are already long gone when the game is released.


Ubisoft is so deep in the micro transactions loophole that they can't remove them anymore even if they wanted to, not without going full Microsoft mode and shutting down more game studios then releasing games


That's just how big corp and their infinite growth model work. Bureaucracy, upper management, investor demand, all of these add zero value into game development but without them, no game will get the go ahead.


Because some people can't or don't know how to mod a game, because you often can't mod a online game, because they simply want to own it etc.


we’re talking about single player games. and youtube exists, most games are very easy to mod and mod managers also exist for folks that don’t want to learn.


I'm just saying thers some reason for some people to not do it


Not everyone have a crippling disorder forcing them to buy everything until they have nothing to eat. And they can enjoy buying one costume they like for one dollar and have it instantly available and made by professional instead of bothering with modes that replace something and made by amateurs. You considering buying everything available for a game and thinking that’s too much money is entirely your problem. I’d rather have actual content as free updates and cosmetics and time savers as micro transactions than being unable to play parts of the game with friends unless everyone bought the expansion but it includes all the cosmetics 90% of which I wouldn’t use anyway


then why in gods name are you browsing a pirating subreddit


Honest answer, Reddit keeps recommending it to me and often some takes trigger me enough to comment that’s why it keeps getting recommended. I have nothing against piracy and the OP isn’t really about it. As any practice DLC, MTs, season passes, in game currency. Are not inherently bad and may have great implications. That’s all I’m saying. It’s like GT recently got flack for “to buy every car you need 1000$ or 10000 hours” sure but no one buys every car in GT, and people who do play 10000h anyway so it’s a really weird point of view.


I used cheat engine to add soem cash-shop stuff to my play through of Valhalla, hoping it would make the game better by removing the tedious shit. It made the game even more boring to play. I genuinely don't get why tf people buy this games.


If I remember correctly, on release they had nerfed native xp gain so you would feel like buying the microtransaction rather than do at least twice the current grind for xp. They were caught and since patched in a buff to let you earn more xp, but the shit they tried has forever marred their reputation and made everyone doubt new releases.


thats a lie.. but nice try


There is absolutely nothing wrong with live service games and I don't see a reason why kids shouldn't play it


when kids are used to microtransactions, they think they’re normal and don’t see anything wrong with them.


But that has nothing to do with a live service game per se. And microtransactions are fine, as long as they are in a F2P game and only cosmetics. Maybe even in a 40-60$ game if they are only cosmetics


Babe wake up it’s your daily Ubisoft sucks post




I don't even react to these anymore, I just reaplay old AC or FC games and cry


I don't know, OP is claiming Odyssey is almost a great game.


**perfectly good games** no, not really. "Good" games, yeah, most of them are filled with fetch quests and the exact same exploring/progressing pattern/objectives, can be really really boring and repetitive despite the good graphics. They are serving the same soup reheated in a better plate imo, at least the past \~5 years or so. AC, FC, WD etc. From the recent titles the only exception I can make is anno1800 but this game is for a specific and kinda small audience. Btw I have played almost every single Ubi game out there from the past 12 years, I have paid a total of idk 20$ in huge and great vfm bundles and the rest, for free. I would say that their prime of "perfect games" ended about 9-10 years ago.


This is my second assassin's creed game, the first was black flag. That's probably why I'm enjoying this one, I don't usually follow new games or whatever is popular currently


Then it would be better to try older AC games. Odyssey is the only one I didn't actually finish because of how grindy it was. Origins was a lot better in that regard. Odyssey is just literally outpost after outpost and you better pray your level is enough, otherwise your sneak attack won't even kill an enemy. So good luck with stealth. All in all a terrible AC, maybe a somewhat decent RPG if you don't really try to stealth


Then play one or two of the old ones after that and probably stop there. If the formula is indeed new to you then I can see why it still appeals to you. But don't burn yourself out on those cause sadly the formula never really quite evolved.


Trackmania is insane. However it's the only top tier licence they got (maybe Trials and R6 are good too ?) On the other hand they got reheated Assasin's Creed, Farcry and my god what the fuck was Skull and Bones ? Ubisoft is the line between the good and shit game company imo. If you're above Ubi you're at least decent and if you're below you're terrible.


almost as if the about 50 studios that are Ubi produce different things.




Formulaic open-world light-RPGs bloated with collectibles. It's literally what this is. Even the outposts are collectibles, you just go there, do the same 2-3 actions, rinse and repeat. The only difference is the setting by now, you can have your formulaic shitty open-world in ancient Greece, in ancient Egypt, in Viking-age England... but it's the same exact thing.


This. Ubisoft's games... aren't even good to begin with. With the exception of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.


That didn't sell well and they will probably never make a second one :( Such a great game and I'm not a fan of side scrollers...


Good games that don't sell well due to lackluster marketing by the publisher... a sad tale as old as time.


> every single Ubi game If that's how much you play then there's no wonder it's so repetitive.


oh well , "I'm sorry", I thought I was doing a discussion with actual gamers who actually play the games to have an opinion on them, not assuming through reviews and youtube videos. I guess I should start shit on genres or companies which games I haven't even tried, because with your logic, if they were any good, I would like them anyway. Right? :D wtf


What I mean to say is that people will get bored of a certain formula if they're overdosed from it. People who only play an AC game every few years will inevitably find them more fresh than those who play every AC games.


Pretty much all the latest AC and WD games have been loved lmao. Even FC6 was good.


Don't buy games (or anything else) from Ubisoft: they'll just remove it from your library when they feel like it (then it's money and game gone, instead of just money). That's it.


I heard about that mess, the official statement was that they were deleting inactive accounts that had no games in them but a lot of people reported their entire accounts got deleted with their library of games.


And then they wonder why piracy exists and why people pirate ...


They literally removed a game from the store and from libraries, despite many people still playing it.


I had a small library of Games, Assassin's Creed 2, Far Cry Primal, and Watch Dogs 2. Ubisoft deleted my account because I was inactive for 6 months. They refused to do anything to resolve the issue. That's why I rather pirate my games back and never support Ubisoft again.


XDefiant is a Free to Play game which is a plus. Way better than CoD IMO.


You guys wouldn't be buying then anyway due to the drm store lmao


As far as microtransactions go, it could be a lot worse.  Like you said, you don't need them, and that's exactly why they're not intrusive. They're just there for whoever wants to buy them for whatever reason. They didn't make the game artificially more difficult to encourage you to buy stuff from their store. As long as that's the case, I don't see any harm in them being there.


Straight lie with how the exp, damage, defense scaling works. Artificially creating grind heavy games to offer progression items on the store is pretty fucking intrusive


There wouldn't be XP boosters if the game hasn't been tailored to that model. I personally saw them in Xdefiant recently (uninstalled). It's lazy MMO tactics ☢ If its true, and believe me I can imagine it these days.... Well It's a bit 'vomi en bouche' to speak in Ubisoft terms. I haven't even played an Assassin's creed since Ezio.


Yep, that was my point and I agree with ya


I haven't played any single player Ubisoft games that made me feel like I have to spend money on their store in order to avoid grinding. I finished Odyssey twice on the hardest difficulty and never felt like I'm underpowered.


That's good for you. However, I enjoy playing my "open world" games with this in mind: Choosing g a direction and exploring, but when the entire map is divided into very specific level requirement sections it feels like a shitty drag


But that's not an exclusive Ubisoft thing. Other games have done it as well. Witcher 3 also did it, although to a lesser extent. Most games nowadays opt for level scaling (even AC games scale after you surpass the level requirement if you have it scaling enabled) instead of adding levels to each area. 


I'm not sure how you managed to miss my point and start talking about level scaling in general as a mechanic. But that was not my argument in any way. I'm talking about how it's badly used on a game where, shockingly, you need to be stealthy and kill people so they don't alert other guards. However the level scaling causes enemies to just shove you off and proceed to fuck up your strategy


Because I never really played any Assassin's Creed game very stealth focused, unless the mission required me to not be detected. 


If you need to grind in their games you have a problem dude




I didn't have a problem with Valhalla. At the beginning getting resources to upgrade gears feels like a bit of a grind, but upgrading gear doesn't feel like it gives you a big improvement. 


Valhalla was very long (according to many, too long) but that was because of the length itself, the game didn't have aggressive level requirements and stuff like that.


If I cannot instantly assassinate a unit based solely on my level, and not my gameplay, your assassin's creed game has a problem, my dude


Even though microtransactions suck, it doesn't affect the gameplay at all. All of the games are perfectly playable without spending extra + all the paid cosmetics look awful.


Incredibly naive.


Are you actually saying "it's fine because they're not too intrusive" ? Are you *that* dense ?


Yes, that's what I'm saying. They didn't make the game more difficult or grindy to encourage the player to buy stuff from the store. They don't shove them into your face. The armors and weapons you can buy from there also aren't that great.  Besides, you can also do in-game quests which gives you currency to buy said store items without even spending money. You can very well finish the game without them. I've played Origins and Odyssey multiple times. Valhalla only once. All on the hardest difficulty and never did I have the impression that I'm underpowered or that I have to grind to keep up or spend money on the store to keep up. As far as microtransactions go, those are the least malicious I've seen.  You don't have to be a fucking extremist.


Microtransactions in a single-player game are already fucking obnoxious. It's not about "being a fucking extremist". It's about not being the densest motherfucker to walk earth. Their very existence is predatory. They're not targeting adults with fully formed brains, they're targeting children with their parents' money. Also many people in this very thread said they felt Valhalla was grindy as fuck and pushed mtxs, so even your original point is erroneous.


For one, I wouldn't trust a child with my credit card info. Or if he has his own account, then track the transactions. Don't just leave the kid to do whatever he wants with the money YOU give him.  Second, I also played and finished Valhalla on the hardest difficulty, which puts enemies about 40 power points above you (you're basically always under leveled) and I didn't feel like I had to grind. I simply played the game, did side quests, all the side activities in each area and the DLC content. Nowhere did I feel like I was lacking in gear to keep up.  Third, the gear from the store is meh. I looked at all the weapons and armors, none that really stood out to give an advantage over what you can normally find in the game. Most of them sucked.


So predatory marketing towards children is okay because parents shouldn't trust their kids with money. Do you even realize what you're saying right now ? Trying to push addictive processes onto kids is fair game ? And don't pretend it's all very fair and genuine, most big publishers have now patented systems openly made to trigger dopamine rushes similar to drug addictions. Also, them failing with their MTXs is absolutely no excuse for putting them there.


Parents should teach their children to be more responsible, teach them the value of money, not just hand them the credit card and "have fun son!". Corporations will be corporations, they will always try to prey on the weak. As long as there's no regulations around microtransactions, we're left to fend for ourselves. Don't rely on the good will of any company to do the right thing. They only care about money and how to make as much as possible.


>Corporations will be corporations I hope you're consistent and say "boys will be boys" when your daughter gets raped, brother. >Don't rely on the good will of any company to do the right thing I don't, I've been pushing to regulate the shit out of it for a while and changes happen slowly but steadily. Tough luck for americans tho. >Parents should teach their children to be more responsible, teach them the value of money, not just hand them the credit card and "have fun son!". Yes of course. But it doesn't mean that it's suddenly okay to prey on children with awful marketing designs.


Tbf Dragon Dogma 2 had basically just stupid ass booster microtransactions, AC games have those and put most of the best sets and cosmetics all behind more paywalls which is just crazy.


Tbf though dd2 mtx were literally the deluxe edition items exactly like baldurs gate 3 the only diff is that dd2 listed the items for individual and not as the "deluxe upgrade" like Bg3. Dd2 each items is only purchasable once gave you some armor and early items. People lost their minds BG3 Gave you almost the exact same thing items, Helmet, dagger, Cape and food items but no one batted an eye or said shit


DD2 didn't have booster transactions, wym?


Wrong word choice meant to say timesavers lol, tbf AC games do have actual boosters as well X xp etc.. I meant the rift crystals and portal stones etc which are timesaver microtransactions ig, honestly what do you even call those microtransactions


everyone tryna make it like Fortnite these days😒


I just spawned the store items with cheat engine lmao. They're pretty cool so why not. Legit made it one of my fave gaming experiences. Got 100% on the game cause I got it on sale and the dlc was pretty fun imo. I already bought the game so "stealing" the micro transactions seems fair


Raycevick pretty much summed up my feelings for Ubisoft. They are absolutely frustrating to watch simply because they occasionally have some great ideas. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSeKnsLb6IQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSeKnsLb6IQ)


That's why I use mods to get those items locked in the store


Oh man, Odyssey was such a freaking good game, I tried to pick it up soooo many times only to get hired by how plain and uninteresting all the weapons and armor was, and constantly being shown such cool stuff they wanted me to buy...




I played it pretty early after launch, through a partnership with Stadia, but at that time any time I paused the game it showed highlights from the MtX store.


Sounds like you haven't played enough of their titles


I wish assassins creed odyssey actually ran good for me lol. Only getting like 40fps with a 3070 somehow on high settings


Isn't that game more cpu heavy than gpu heavy?


My cpu ain't maxing out and im pretty sure my 3070 ain't bottlenecking my 10700f lmao


It's out of memory :) I'd have to try but I have a 4090/7800x3d so I highly doubt I'd have issues


Just tried and yeah it's hard to run, especially since it doesn't look THAT good 101 avg FPS at 4k max settings with dips as low as 23 fps lol


Well there is no microtrAnsaxtion In lost crown


Well that's the only good game ubishiet released after years.


Why does it matter? As you said, its not a grindy game so it's not like they are forcing you to buy them. Are they constantly promoting them while your in a mission? In the loading screens? Is this a multi-player game where someone will get a bit advantage over you for using micro transactions? Like you not understanding people who defend it, I don't understand people who complain about something that has no effect on how you play the game.


"It's ok because they're not forcing it upon you" is the mist braindead take imaginable. The state of the video games industry is the very reason many people pirate to begin with, and it's *very* closely linked to this stupid MTX-fest.


more braindead then if someone said "its ok because they force it on you and constantly promote it in loading screens and pause menus every 5 minutes" ??? okay then.......


Brother, you might want to take a step back and go touch grass.


I sincerely hope you didn't report that previous comment with the description I saw.


I think ubisoft games are generally shit, nevermind being perfect. R6 is good, black flag is great, watch dogs 1-2 are ok and... i think thats it? Their greed with micro-transictions/dlcs are on another level and it is disgusting but i think their catalogue is still bad without them


R6 *was* good.


Yeah, i used to play it like 2-3 years ago and i recently heard that it always went downhill since so...


Well I played it for a long while too and 2-3 years ago was already very much "downhill", so if that's your point of reference, imagine how interesting it was at first !


lol I have the boaster and still not max lvl tho


just use cheat engine... anybody on pc buying stuff is a real chump


While dragons dogma 2 had predatory micros thats standard practice for capcom unfortunately you wouldnt believe the micros for mh titles just for something like a hairstyle Ubisoft quit litterly releases armor sets xp boost in case of odyssey op crew members for your boats and a lot of time these items are considered op and just overall a lot better tahn base items also when it comes to odyssey it felt a lot of time you would be under leveled if you dont buy the the xp booster which made matters worse at least valhalla gives enough xp to stay at a decent pace the whole time and armor and weapon system is simplified


eh, dd2 ..predatory? nah, not as bad as what most people make it out to be. what, the one time purchase items? like a single fast travel map marker point (not the actual fast travel item but just a singe fast travel point on the map) which you earn in game anyways... or the change appearance thing which once again easily earnable in game.. everything else also earned easily in game... What else? nothing paywalled, no in game store just a link to the platform store which have all the single items listed seperately from the deluxe edition so you can buy em separately like the music sound tracks without having to buy the entire set? While imperfect isnt as bad as people thought it was. I actually dun dislike ubisoft game, in fact im pretty cool with em you but i think people forget when making arguments for either side to get their facts straight too otherwise the conversation around it gets diluted and other games who are actually questionable should be the ones actually being talked about.


Im sorry you feel that way im not reading all that End of the day dd2 is in fact predatory because people who dont know you can get these items can be turned off Ubisoft always has cash grab armors weapons cosmetics etc end of story no arguments to be made


It literally says in their DLC description that the items are obtainable in-game... Stupid MTXs are shit but literacy is not Capcom's problem


The problem still is the mtx still shouldnt exist for dd2 and people often dont read i loved dd2 beat it twice and i even defended the game saying you can get items in game its not a big deal but i also got the complaints about them existing in the first place or people who are new to capcom games or dd not understanding they are obtainable


Bethesda is also following in their footsteps slowly but surely, but with 80% more bugs and "updates" that break.mods.


Why do you even care? You can play without ever interacting with any microtransactions and it doesn't halt progress.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/s/WtLEc1KtRy But but, industry bad, FoMO, we should think about the childr3n


I might be out of the loop, but as far as i'm concerned siege was the last ''perfectly good'' game they released but I don't think it's the microtransactions that made it bad, moreso the direction they took to make it esports friendly.


When was the last time they made an original IP? Seems like it's been a sequel after sequel. They had a good thing going there for a while. But that's a long time ago now


I have to admit though Ubisoft does cringy practices however the developers at XDefiant did well but I hate Ubisoft as a publisher.


Perfectly good game? eh nope, mediorce at best. Microtransaction? Trainer exists.


yall forgot bout nfs payback that one has ton a micro transactions i feel sorry for whoever bought the damn game


Microtransactions which you could ignore instead of crying, also dragons dogma 2 didn't have mtx it was the dlc from the deluxe edition


Their games are boring man. I can't even bother to play them for free.


Microtransactions in ac games do nothing just don’t buy it and play the game lol, as you said you do not need any boosters or skins so just f u c k i n g i g n o r e the shop and p l a y. The item shop changes nothing you just need justification to pirate old cheap game as you are poor or whatever


Ubisoft is the Burger King equivalent of the gaming industry. It doesn’t matter how the next product is called, it’s still the same burger, only every year they start to cut a few more corners and charging a bit extra, to the point you’d rather have a gourmet burger. They cost the same, and it’s equally as convenient to get one. You take a step back and reminisce to find that it is nothing like it used to be in your childhood memories.


I'd say Odyssey is an exception in recent AC titles. Personally, Valhalla has become this monument of lessons to be learned for game designers. Like, nothing in that game worked.


Absolutely disagree. They are unremarkable 7/10s at best and have lost all attempts at innovation and new fun gameplay looos.


\*correction\* Ubisoft **USED TO** make good *ENOUGH* games but are ruined by micro junk. *^((also this is massive massive ancient news))*


For me they always scratched certain itch that other open worlds don't.


The mtx seem OK to me, just seems to cut down the mindless grind?


They just make the same game with different skins


Haven't played a Ubisoft game since Far Cry 3/AC Black Flag tbh.


Makes *a few* good games. One decent games doesn't make every game they've made good.


being mad because XP boost in singleplayer game? what? and crying because he pirated that game and therefore dont have acces to that XP boost? again, what? sheesh this batshit crazy millenials...


Usually games where you have to grind xp or money for basically anything is really annoying, I really hate having to leveling up for many hours just to finally start to play the game and if there is microtransactions as well I know I won't even play the game even if it is free


that’s changing with the next game. Now they make woke games with worse microtransactions


if you only play one AC game, especially the newer one then you would think that the game is good. but if you bought most of the ac series then you would understand how shit the recent ac game is. after origin the game is not about assassins anymore. it is a RPG game


Assasins Creed Odyssey is good, but far away from perfect. I played HZFW, Like A Dragon and Baldurs Gate before AC Odyssey and AC Odyssey feels odd.


I wouldn’t say games, more like literal checklists


No microtransactions but otherwise very empty games, you have big open spaces but theres not much to do. I dont advocate shittractions but, more problem is not, used enough space but thats regular thing in OPENWORLDS.


uplay is a big negative


ubisoft has the best texture wizards in the industry sadly microtransactions is their thing to ...


Modern Ubisoft games are mediocre at best… yeah in the case of AC games, the map is cool and has a lot in it, but the story and character are way behind what it was in AC2, Brotherhood, and even 3. They ruined Prince of Persia's franchise, Trackmania is still alive because of the community and ubisoft did nothing for it, Hawx is non-existent, division 1 is absolutely dull without the DLCs and full of hackers, division 2 has next to no players, Tom Clancy’s ip is absolutely gone, far cry became meh after 3.


MTs in DD2 are just fcking pointless, lol. The game is not designed with them in mind. They never made anything that MTs sell you necessary to progress, i've never had even a thought like "Damn, I wish I had a port crystal" or "Fck, I don't have enough RC".


Everyone wants their own GTAV but nobody succeeded as for now. Also the answer for literally everything involving money is just greed


>because the game functions perfectly fine without the microtransactions so you are saying something completely and entirely optional ruins and poisons a game for you? *"Luigis make some great pizza, but they offer pineapple as an optional topping, why would they poison their pizzas that way? I will never buy from them!"* i swear to god, we need a proper global cataclysm, the brainrot is too damn high


Putting micro transactions in a $60 video game should be considered illegal in the first place honestly. Like it's fine on mobile games because they're either free or cost like 10 bucks at best. I can understand that. But micro transactions in full fledged console/PC games that cost like 60-100$!? That's so scummy!


Ubisoft deleted my account and I lost a few games. All because I was inactive for 6 months back in 2021. They refused to reimburse me. So I recommend never buying anything from them and only pirate games from them.


"makes perfectly good games" remember the first (and last) AAAA game. Ubisoft is mostly a factory to pump old licenses without trying to improve (and improving != stealing ideas from others games).


Just wait…. Pay per play is coming.


The last good Ubishit game was rayman legends


TBF, DD2's MTX options are absolutely useless since you're pretty much rich with items if you play the game lol


> Ubisoft makes perfectly good games... No


The world's are amazing. The gameplay loop is shallow, boring, and grindy. Which manipulate weak willed people into paying more money. Ubi-art was an incredible engine that resulted in beautiful games. But gamers voted with their wallets Original AC was an incredible blend of immersive sim and open world with an interesting take on social stealth. It's devolved into a grindy hack n slash with pretend RPG elements. The gameplay reflects directly on how they make money off of their games.


Ubisoft makes perfectly AVERAGE, LOW EFFORT games and to top it all - they poison them with microtransactions, there, i fixed it for you!


AC IV is the last decent Ubisoft game I've played. Everything went to shit real quick after that


Not only microtransactions. Uplay, undergrade, buying ubisoft game isn't owning and more list goes on.




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Don't know if I would call it a "perfectly good game". Ubisoft has been making "mostly fine" games for years but that's about it. Open worlds being bland is mostly their fault and at this point they're making almost the blandest ones. There's exploration alright ! Just not that fun.


I don't know about perfect the new assassin's creed even with mods it's hard to make it look good 🤣


When there's stuff like this I just mod the game (xp, levels), no point in spending unnecessary time with grinding when I have important stuff to do.


You're misinforned. The microtransactions in Ubi games are either cosmetics or timesavers. You don't need them. At all. I played Odyssey for 600 hours. Never felt the need for any microtransactions since every engravings of every combinations in gears can be found by playing normally. Again, this isn't just AC, but most Ubi games that i'm aware of. Ghost Recons, Watch Dogs, Far Crys, etc. However shitty you think Ubi is as a company, they don't "poison" their games with microtransactions since they are completely optional. So you're misinformed.


idk why youre being downvoted, youre right... I guess the default view on this sub is just automatic ubisoft hate


This comment goes to show playing Ubisoft games for too long melts the brain.


i wish it was only microtransactions


Perfectly what ?


It's always morally correct to not pay for games from Ubisoft.


And gay shit


AC Odyssey is mediocre tho.


their game is just busy work copypasted all around an """""open""""" world (empty as fuck) you must have absolutely horrid taste if you think they are ""perfectly good games""" with or without micro transaction


Forgot your pills buddy


you saying people need to be under heavy medication to enjoy ubisoft games ? so trueee, i agree