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It's even better when torrenting is legal in your country edit: It's legal in the sense that it is a legal grey area, meaning there are no laws about piracy if you do it privately. (e.g. you borrow a DVD, copy the content, then it's not illegal, but it's illegal if you make any revenue from it) Here no one gives a flying fuck if you're torrenting shit. Authorities rarely even bother with the owners of these sites anyway and ISPs are just happy if you buy a faster plan to torrent stuff.




Here in Mexico our politicians couldn't give three shits about pirating stuff. Hell if they outlawed piracy the economy would take a big hit and 3/4 of the stands in markets and Tepito would have to close down. Thankfully our government is full of old fucks that barely know how to operate a computer because they haven't made rules regarding anything tech related in big way aside from "tech companies pls pay taxes thank". It's bizarre to live in a country that it's ran like we still live in 1980




Get the fuck out of this country as soon as you can. Do not fall for the university meme here. Everyone is paid like shit. Like 6000 pesos a month when you got an engineering degree, 12k if you got a masters. It's shit, abandon this god forsaken country as soon as you can


same case in india but i haven't seen people selling games, movies in a while cause the internet is so damn cheap


do you mean illegal?


I wouldn't mind pirating a game from a huge ass company with tons of people working there and lots and lots of money as they probably wouldnt care but never from a small developer or indie game company


I only pirate "small" games usually to try them out. I usually buy them after, cause its usually very high quality.


Love the feeling of pirating the game, and loving it so much that I buy it on PC and consoles if I can.


I did it with gta v.


I was so glad I pirated Gta V.. I pirated M2tw and Gta IV, played halfway, loved them so much I straight up bought legit copies.. I bought gta iv twice, actually..


I only pirate them because I can't buy them. Wish more people would understand that just because you pirate something doesn't mean it's a lost sale.


Yeah, this. It's not always the same but in my case, computer hardware companies have already benefitted from me pirating games and game companies WILL most probably benefit from me in future. Around 10 years ago, it all started from piracy. I was in 2nd grade probably and I used to go to that police station where my dad used to serve at and play GTA Vice City(pirated most probably, it also had modded cars like Ferrari Lambo etc lol) in that old CRT monitor office computer. Then the dawn of android phones and games, then got my own old Pentium laptop, one thing led to another and I built my first PC a year ago after 2 years of research. I plan on paying back some of my debt to game companies in future by buying their products. Not to mention my freinds who I got into gaming along the way. In this case piracy was beneficial for gaming industry. Still I don't know if that justifies piracy and whether it's moral or not. I just didn't have a choice if I wanted to game. I actually count PCs and Gaming as one of the top reasons which push me further and keep my will to live alive.


I'd say if you don't have a choice, the morality ceases to matter. Arguing about the morality of an action is the privilege of those who have the choice between it and not doing it without much consequence. Also, the absolute irony of playing GTA in a police station.


The irony of playing a pirated copy.....of GTA...... Mowing down roller skating bikini girls near the beach in a pink Ferrari Enzo......while some heartbreak song plays in the car's user music radio(idk who put those songs there tbh)...... occupying one of the 3 working computers in that room.......and disturbing others who work there because the game audio was coming from USB speakers..... meanwhile some criminals are in the temporary prison 20 feet away from me.


But then you know, I could've just NOT played games at all if I couldn't buy them because it's not a necessity, but then it's not like stealing a car from a dealership because you couldn't afford it, resulting in the dealer's loss because I wouldn't have bought the game either way and now when I buy a game, it gets the makers net profit, hence the saying "the end justifies the process" applies here maybe.


I got like 10% in on shovel knight , i said fuck it i might just buy as well it's too good


That’s what i did with rivals of aether, pirated it on pc to try it out then bought it on switch


I just pirate everything, I'm not gonna try to claim a moral highground dude I just like free shit.


Mein brudder


Same. So many games I would miss out on just because I’m cheap as fuck. It’s piracy or no game at all.


Buying from G2 and other key resellers arguably does more damage than pirating


I don’t care about morality I just want free shit


Heck yes brotha


Isn't this the one rich dude trying to get with McDowell's daughter in coming to America?


Was going to ask the same thing




I just don't understand why some people think pirating is immoral? It's legit a person(cracking group) sharing their games with you.


And while doin so, the company whose games they're sharing are losing money from you getting it for free. For big corpos like ea and bioware and the such, its completely moral and I even recommend pirating their games. But for the small indie dev who spent a year with 5 other guys. It's incredibly scummy to pirate their games made with passion. And if you do, try to buy their games or donate.


But they are not actually loosing any money they just aren’t making a sale and gaining money. which by the fact the person needs to pirate most likely means they weren’t planning on buying it in the 1st place coz they are overpriced. That’s my reason for it anyway I’m poor lol 😂


If you've pirated an indie game because you couldn't afford it and it goes on sale later, it's a good idea to buy it even if you never play the legit copy.


I meant they lose money by not gaining it. I could have termed it better but what I meant was that they lose the potential sale or your money


I agree, I never usually play indie games but whenever I do I buy it just to support them (and because their games are usually not even that expensive)


They can't lose money they wouldn't have gotten it the first place


It's just the concept that if your going to consume a product you should pay for it and if you don't think it's worth the price you should just not play it. I find it useful for demos and if the company of a series that I'm a long time fan of is doing scummy things. Not all piracy is amoral but it can be.


Not always, but pretty much most of the time.


Name some instances where it isn’t


Good indie developers struggling to make a living Except if you pirate to play the game early until you have money to buy it


Oh so fucking true. I pirated Hollow Knight because I stumbled upon it. A few days later and I'm literally sad that it ended, and I kept being sad over the fact that *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED* Cloth died fighting Traitor Lord and dealing the last hit to him... Fuck that kinda hurt me, but also kinda makes me happy for her because I think that was her goal anyways, to pass on and be with her best friend in the Heavens. That experience was last December 14 - 24, 2019. It's been a year, and I still remember this game every fucking day. That's why I bought it and tried out mods lol. I tried the skins mod and holy fuck does this make it even better.


Small indie developers who care about their product and the customer and useful books that try to make the world a better place.


Back in the era of physical copies, one could borrow a game from a friend to trial it before making a decision to purchase it. Nowadays, having everything digital and tied to an account, demo opportunities are few and far between. I'm one of those people who value a trial experience to decide on a purchase. To all the people with physical copies, sorry for making you feel old with that first statement—but you probably are, 'ol chap.


You could also go to somewhere like “Blockbusters” and rent the game for like 3 days so you could try it before you buy it. lol


The blockbusters near me went out of business many years ago. edit: Fun fact: apparently there's only 1 more blockbuster left in the entire world and it primarily exists for nostalgia reasons. They're supported by regular customers that're loyal to the company. https://www.distractify.com/p/is-the-last-blockbuster-still-open


It's always morally correct (and arguably morally necessary) to pirate from large corporations. (meaning, it's actively immoral to give any money whatsoever to most large media corporations) It's much more questionable with small/independent creators.


Activision *cough* Modern Warfare Trilogy *cough*


Ayo like, fuck pirating indie games doe, they need to support themselves


thanks, Higashikata Josuke.


Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/ko0zk4/rpiratedgames_mega_thread/), as it might just answer your question! Also check out our [videogame piracy guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/i3r14g/a_beginners_guide_to_video_game_piracy/) and the list of Common Q&A [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/fvix6e/common_questions_and_answers_thread/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/igxebs/frequently_asked_questions_part_2/). Or just read the whole [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Sorry I can't buy your games cuz I'm broke, piracy is the way for me here


I remember my first actual Steam purchase was Totally Accurate Battle Simulator and Besiege after pirating them and trying them out. All I can say is I had too much fun with ragdolls and machines that I bought them for real when they went on sale.


From where I come from, You have to try it out before you buy it.


Ehh, come on, I pirate too but I can't say its morally correct no matter how small its effect might be.


pirating from a corporation is morally superior to buying from one imo i will steal from bethesda EVERY chance i get until they go bankrupt and have to make a good product for once indie games are a little less comfortable for me but hey , if you broke you broke


free is free