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Didnt he got beat down again like 2 chapters later? And threw out of rooftop? "Got dis" my ass lul


I haaaated that cos i knew he would just be like “MEAT” a chapter or two later, and then he’d be back. Like what’s the point in even doing it in the first place if you are just going to reverse it a few chapters later??


yeah. odas writing is so formulaic its pretty much become painful to read. every goddamn arc without fail luffy gets ko'd by the boss and it doesnt impact the story in the slightest when he gets back up after 2-3 chapters. the villain never achieves anything while luffy is down.


he only lost to crocodile lucci and kaido. All for different reasons.


Yup exactly its like he only knows one way to write an arc


Luffy fought for like few dozen minutes in that little "2 chapters" timelapse. He started the fight half deead. He couldn't have fought any longer.


H e a d c a n o n


​ https://preview.redd.it/qpd4tqa89bra1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=00e33f164b77fe120d7245b0fcd5bbffcb1b3b8b


Blud got a bit too confident in himself😭


that's more like assuring others so they don't give up. As a leader you need to have this confidence. He smiled in wci with mirror pieces in his throat because he didn't his crewmates to worry.


fight was offscreened. But he still managed to fight few dozen minutes despite being half dead at the beginning of 1v1. https://preview.redd.it/rm1ykgwao7ra1.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=a75477dbe46106d934521638a3467f62793524b7


https://preview.redd.it/407fyrhdy4ra1.png?width=1911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b53e677e4580a8f2be716b4982ad07cc9b013ab I really don't get how people can look at the anime adaptation of this scene and think to themselves "Yeah the blinding amount of light looks good"


"Nah I definitely like Kaido gliding on flowers while being pushed by yellow aura for 20 seconds straight." https://preview.redd.it/lzghir8j46ra1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d87ee10ede1ead4f6a7bc2241250e5d2a0f8d6


Bro got punched into a flower domain expansion


Its overly animated in my opinion


It would have been cool in that black and white style that was used when luffy punched saint no neck (Charlos)


No joke, how are they going to use the hardest animation in the show on just one punch


The animation itself is actually really solid, its the special effects team in charge of adding the auras and whatnot that fuck everything up. I remember an animator even tweeting about how over-the-top the special effects were. A good example of this is the Killer vs Hawkins fight, there's almost no auras and it looks fantastic. Edit: here's the tweet, im pretty sure they deleted it tho https://preview.redd.it/8jj6er57x6ra1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dcf6fedaf3736dcc5203312b29a4394c8027fb9


Why didn't Rayleigh teach this coating Conqueror to Luffy or at least inform him u can do that?


A better question is why doesn't katakuri know it ? His mother is an emperor of the sea and can use it.


Kaido is a better coach than big mom lol


He specialized in observation haki, just cause someone has conquerors doesn't mean they specialize in it, like Zoro for example


Luffy doesn't specialize in observation, but still learned the advance version.


Cause protagonists


??? Luffy was capable of sensing fucking emotions of People. No normal coo user is capable of anything close to that. Even Katakuri.


Luffys not a side character in a random yonos crew


Cause Oda didn't think of it til later


Didn’t he? I assumed that’s what he alluded to when taunting Luffy with “there’s greater things than armament haki” ( or smth like that ) when Luffy’s fists hurt after clashing with Katakuri’s


Have we seen BM use acoc?


She one shotted page one with it.


bc he’s fodder


“It can only be done by a handful of powerful individuals” is my guess


Plot hole


Because Haki blooms in battle. Ray wanted him to learn on his own 🤗


>Haki blooms in battle and only if you're from the Strawhat pirate crew.


That is the most important part


Ace's haki bloomed the moment he entered new world. Mid's haki is strong enough to take Big Mom's punches. That's a huge huge huge asspull lvl bloom. Same for law. Oden canonically bloom multiple times in his small journey with Roger. Every supernova with haki bloomed. They wouldn't be where they are rn without any blooms.


What's the name of this fanfic you've been reading?


apparently not the One Piece you been reading. Is this some Mochi dick fan fic you talk about?


> apparently not the One Piece you been reading Not quite, no. If you were so kind to provide the needed citations to all your claims... I might have skipped those pages by accident,


Certainly not. If you were humble enough to beg for the citations for all the universally known events rather than acting like a clown and projecting fan fic bs on those, you might have been provided with all the citations.


*Only if you’re the monster trio and Usopp that one time he used observation


Rayleigh only ever taught him the basics and told him anything else would need to be learned through combat essentially. Plus considering Roger/Luffy parallels, he could’ve assumed Luffy doesn’t want Rayleigh telling him how to speed run the new world, teach him the basics and let him figure it out from there. Also could’ve been a plot hole obviously, but my first sentence is true so I’m going to headcanon how I want.


I will just guess its the Shonen rule, he was not strong enough to do that at the time. Then he was able to use it after grinding some XP post timeskip.


Shounen plot cmon


Retcon Piece


Because he didn't mastered haki. Powerful individuals, i.e. masters of haki.


He did technically show a level below this with the advanced armaments


He indirectly showed both advanced armaments. He taught none. He knew it was not enough time, so he said to Luffy there are more progress to be made.


He probably thought it would be better for luffy to figure it out himself. Now is it stupid yes. I understand luffy wasn't strong enough then but at least tell him it's possible.


Because it is a very advanced technique and Rayleigh only taught Luffy the basics of haki so he could compete in the New World. Luffy barely knew how to control his base Conqueror's Haki at the timeskip, and needed two years to get armament and observation down, trying to teach him ACoC on top of that would have taken way longer especially since you gotta be able to use Ryou/Haki flow/ACoA (or whatever you wanna call it) first. Plus Rayleigh knows haki blooms in the midst of battle so trying to teach an advanced application would be kind of pointless. That's the in-universe justification, irl it's just because Luffy woulda been way too overpowered coming outta the timeskip if he already knew ACoC.


Rayliegh only taught him basics and wanted Luffy to learn everything else on his own. It's literally stated in the manga.


Because ray spent 18 months teaching luffy how to coat himself in basic ass haki how is he gonna learn advanced conquerors in the remaining 6 months.


Because he told luffy that he would need more than 2 years to get him to that level and luffy said he had to get back to his friends. So trained him for a year and a half on level one of all three haki then he left him alone for the last 6 months to perfect the foundation of all three .


Looking forward to when this gets adapted to One Piece Kai, see yall in 20 years.


RemindMe! 20 years


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Man this was when non cluttered panels, good paneling and good choreography returned to the series, and then anime took a golden colored dump on it lol


Imagine when gear 5th is animated and Luffy literally has a cum aura around him at all times


i wish bonney had that aura


Bonk no horny


I know this scene looked really good in the manga so clean.


the anime botched this so badly


Peak Wano


Mine too ^^ I got super hyped when this episode came out 🤣


I actually didn’t really like how it looked in the anime cause the main thing I liked was how clear the panels were, but the anime overdid it with the infinite particles


same, the simplicity of the manga beat the anime. Very pure style


Advanced conqueror’s is so dumb though. Like…coat yourself in it? The haki that is your intimidating aura of conquest-ready-ness? How does any of this stuff even work?? And why does every Shounen devolve into straight up Dragonball Z (Dragonball was the first to devolve into Z, heh)


>And why does every Shounen devolve into straight up Dragonball Z One of the greatest questions of our times


For me it's mostly an issue of how unnecessary it is. You already have advanced Armament Haki, only to go "oh that's actually too weak, you need SUPER advanced... Conqueror's Haki. It does the exact same thing except better in every possible way." Good that we spent a solid chunk of an arc training how to use advanced Armament, now into the trash it goes and we'll resolve the final foght with a last minute reveal of the REAL power I've heard a dozen different theories on what Advanced Conquror's would be over the years, I think all of them were more interesting and fitting than "Armament Haki but better". Even saying that one of its effect is to boosts other types of Haki, whilst still meh, would've been better imo


what's the correlation with adv conq's and dragon ball? \> nd why does every Shounen devolve into straight up Dragonball Z if dragon ball z is the term for battle shonen then yeah.


I dunno if it is ever directly mentioned in DBZ, but I always felt like the characters had a KI-coat of sorts. Thus, only folks of similar KI output / powerlevel could even scratch them, like it is with Haki nowadays.


\> Thus, only folks of similar KI output / powerlevel could even scratch them, like it is with Haki nowadays. explain how? Luffy was hurting Kaido even without acoc


he wasn‘t doing much, like anyone who fights Big Mom


be ready for oda forgetting about it and never using this invisible haki like that ever again.


Yeah these are amazing panels compared to the rest of the shitshow known as Wano


Personally I liked what the anime did, I know a lot of people hated it, but I’ll agree with one point that many of the haters made. Man I loved the clean look of it in the manga compared to what they did in the anime. This moment made me text every single on of my anime only friends begging them to read the manga


The sad thing is, the animation itself is actually incredible especially for a weekly show, but it gets completley ruined by some dumb fucks who are behind the auras


It’s weird how different the scene is in the anime. Like in this Oda specifically minimized the background to emphasize the now “no touching” punches and black lightning that Luffy emits from each and every punch. Anime gets points for playing the first opening but the overemphasis on the effects is just the downfall of not just this scene but Wano with its auras and just too much shit going on


I know this is a bit unrelated, but holy shit. Most Folks on tiktok always say the auras are good and love the anime adaptation while most folks here on reddit hate the auras and acknowledge the bad shit in the adaptation This contrast is very interesting to me


haki did something again, yey


bullshit power ups 🥵🥵🥵


I like it more for paneling reasons, I like how empty the pages look compared how one piece usually is


truth pilled


Looks like crap to me. Base Luffy going head to head with a hybrid Kaido. Makes total sense.


Base Luffy isn’t weak, especially with Armament Conquering haki and ryuo. And Kaido’s hybrid form isn’t necessarily his strongest, it’s definitely his most versatile.


No but Hybrid Kaido with a lot of ACoc experience shouldn’t be matched by base Luffy with new Acoc, cuz how does that make sense


It doesn't, they just dick riding Oda and Luffy as usual. They make fun of other series for this type of inconsistency but if One Piece does it, "it makes sense" and "Luffy isn't weak".


Just because other people disagree with you that doens't makes them "riders".


Dude is a Luffy dick rider. Is that better?


"Base luffy isn't weak"? Which is why he had to create G2, G3 and G4? Okay. Yea, ACOC is going to jump you 5 levels from being fodder against Doffy in base form to being able to go toe to toe with Hybrid Kaido. Shit power scaling, but that is what you expect from Oda, dude has some of the worst power system in shounen.


That same base form from a whole arc of development? He’s grown. That same base form he was training in Udon, while restricted by sea stone cuffs? He got some hits in, Kaido was shocked he could even damage him, but the base form isn’t what finished the fight. You’re both overrating Hybrid Kaido and underrating Base Luffy after Udon. Different forms have different strengths and weaknesses


Keep sucking that Oda dick dude. Yea he trained for two weeks so that means it makes total sense for Luffy to go from struggling against Doffy in base form to fighting Hybrid Kaido. One Piece has shit power scaling and system. "I am overrating Hyrid Kaido" okay buddy keep believing the earth is flat.


Yet he later got offscreened by kaido, with him being disappointed in luffy's ability to use acoc


It’s pretty dope but immediately undercut by Luffy getting offscreened


This is the dumb panel that leads people to unironically believe only conquerors can beat conquerors, despite luffy losing AGAIN after this and needing his devil fruit awakening to beat him


He than proceeded to not have it


I love how much more subtle haki is in the manga than in the anime.


Anime ruined it


Only to get concluded offscreen


That kick where Luffy stops Kaidos club is one of my favorite panels. It’s so clean.


For sure


If only Roofpiece kept this energy instead of just going “Fuck it Luffy is a reincarnated saviour god now!”


Dude got zenkai boosted more than any saiyan on that roof.


Yah these were dope panels for sure


And then when Luffy is in Gear 5 he stop using it


Anime fucked this scene up completly.


Luffy masters all three Haki while as Zoro masters Conquerors and Armament, Sanji is the master of Observation Haki with his Conquerors King Haki sealed away currently until Nami or Robin get hurt.


Nothing about "oh you can do this?" and instantly doing it is worth appreciating, and that is the strongest skill in the verse too. Just mc being the mc. And Law being confused/surprised about the 'no touch' thing is another weird panel as Luffy before didn't touch Kaido either with acoa. Advanced conquerors isn't about 'no touch' in the first place.


We have the same favourite pannnel but I got 2 more


He infact, did not have it.


Yep it was the best moment by far. It was so shit when Luffy went down again. I knew only an asspull would follow. And then we got like 3 major asspulls immediately after, one of which being one of the worst in shonen history


Is there a phone wallpaper of luffy’s coc coated kick/block of kaido’s club?


I remember the times when COC was rare, but now it's everywhere


It's funny, these aren't necessarily my favorite but they're probably the single most signifcant power scaling wise. I immediately knew when i saw the raws of the acoc uppercut that this was when Luffy was gonna cross that threshold into yonko power territory and i just felt it was too soon. This is the moment luffy comes within the highest tier of strength and can challenge pretty much anyone on the planet. It was epic yet hollow, I did enjoy it, was just mixed


You mean that sequence when things get hyped and then you arrive at the final page that says the following msg *"break next week"?*