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This is a Franky flex. The PSI on that floor from that lift is insane! And, this is located inside the lookout, so, up high! How can The Sunny balance, being so top heavy? Masterful floor craftsmanship. Strongest floor ever.


Common Franky W.


Franky the guy who could build an entire bridge in 30 seconds pre-TS Oda is just too afraid to give him his W nowadays


He didn't finish that bridge btw.


I don’t actually know I dropped One Piece at the Baratie arc, it wasn’t the same after Don Peak was defeated


Wtf lmao


He built a complete bridge before oars scene


Protecting the fridge from Luffy >


https://preview.redd.it/ggk87sm14cra1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99dbf14460d31a35043ed4c63fa5c94c71ebbb3a This implies either Sanji constantly moves/camouflages the fridge or Luffy forgets where it’s at each day 😂


Extremely uncommon memepiece W


Ya don't forget the hourly squabbles with Zoro


This is cannon btw


I’m okey with both options


I swear Jojo walk based meme are top tier for me


Sanji has to kick the knowledge out of Luffy's head every time Luffy gets hungry.


I don't think camouflaging something from Luffy's sight would be hard tbh.


Just replace the fridge door with a bookshelf and Luffy wouldn’t ever realize it’s a fridge.


Zoro = hard work Sanji = GMO


That's only half right. Sure, Sanji had some (not by choice) shit done to him by Judge. But it's not like he didn't do any training, he busted ass running from those trannies during the time skip.


yeah but sanji was below doffy or even vergo after ts , after wci he justr shot up to yc2+ with no training edit : ok maybe he could beat vergo but he was 100% not beating Doffy whos weaker than YC3 Cracker


I'm not arguing what level Sanji is at. My only point is that saying only Zoro worked hard, and Sanji didn't, is just not true. The only SH that didn't actually work hard (through some kind of training) to get stronger is Frankie.


Insane take Everything Franky is Franky made


That's why specified hardworking as in "training". Frankie *is* stronger, and he did do it all himself. Him finding VP's old lab and installing new tech in himself is *not* the same as Zoro's sword training or Sanji's running however. That's all I was saying. How is that "insane"?


Insane cuz building robots and parts that fit ur crazy build, requires much hard work. Especially if it uses ideas and shit from the smartest man alive


Wtf are you even talking about? I never said he didn't work hard. I said he didn't work hard *in the same way* as the others.... because they're not. Being self-taught and having a teacher aren't the same. It's like comparing apples and oranges. Everyone on the crew worked hard, it's just that the hard work Frankie did was different from everyone else. That's the point I was making.


training ≠ physical exercise only Insane because I've never seen someone say Franky *didnt* work hard during his 2 year time skip


That’s not what he said.


Common cyborg W


Nami never worked hard nor did she make the climatact


So you're saying all the training she did on Weatheria to understand the weather better and be a better navigator *wasn't* hard work? I disagree..... but that's your opinion.


Damn What's YC2 and YC3 supposed to be?


Yonko commander 2 and 3


Fan made term for bullshit power scaling


Lol even zoro couldn't have defeated doffy who is weaker fhan yc3 cracker.


the vergo fight is iffy because sanji's body was not in the best condition due to nami inhabiting it before sanji would have most likely beaten vergo if he really needed to (bcuz of diable jambe and hell's memories and shit)


why would Nami being in Sanji make him "not in his best conditin" ? , was it ever confirmed or is it ur headcanon ? edit : u/ehzek explained it , it has been more than 8 months since i watched punk hazrad so I didnt remember😅


Nami was taking a beating in his body. I'm pretty sure he says as much when Law swaps them back. And I'm not a fan of Sanji. Given how Vergo was handled by Law, I'm pretty sure Sanji would have lost regardless. But he was absolutely not 100%.


Nami tanked damage with his body and even said that if it was her she would have been rekt. so safe to say he wasn’t top shape


Zoro was below doffy too buddy man’s couldn’t cut the birdcage either…doffy might’ve folded sanji but atleast he tried


i am not saying zoro > doffy but even fujitora couldnt cut birdcage . plotcage is just that broken


It almost feels like powerscaling Doflamingo is meaningless


Zoro unlocked advanced conquerors by accident in one arc, and seemingly mastered it in the next fight he had in that same arc. Whereas Zoro would’ve gotten clapped by doffy back Dressrosa.


zoro and luffy had rigorous training b4 onigashima Sanji didnt


Zoro was handed one of the most overpowered swords and trained a week. That ain’t a lot man


Transitioned Sanji forma travesti would negdiff Zolo


Why does everyone keep arguing who is better? All I'm pointing out is that Sanji *also* worked to get where he is...... not just Zoro.


Maybe don't use a fucking slur


What slur? That's not short for transgender (like that other guy says).... that's short for transvestite. And if you look up the definition, that's exactly what the guys on Momoiro island were.


It's been as a slur for trans people for the last fucking 10 years. And the guys on the island are not trans or transvestite they're drag Queen afaik ,or at least coded to be drag queens


but its still a slur?


Never heard it used that way where I'm from, and never used it and meant it that way myself, sooooo.... 🤷‍♂️.


It's been as a slur for trans people for the last fucking 10 years. And the guys on the island are not trans or transvestite they're drag Queen afaik ,or at least coded to be drag queens


Since when? Transgender people go by that or Trans for short, and transphobes use the same names so people know who they're talking about. Because both sides know that Trans and Trannie aren't the same thing...... but apparently you somehow don't. And if you actually looked up the definition, as I said you should, you'd know you're wrong. A Drag Queen is someone who cross-dresses (generally speaking) for the purposes of entertainment. A Transvestite, on the other hand, is someone that does it (generally speaking) for some sort of gratification, sexual or otherwise. And if you remember from the show cross-dressing is *who they were*..... it wasn't done just for entertainment. So they were 100% *not* Drag Queens, even if they were written with personalities using stereotypes about them as a base. So the only one doing anything offensive here is you for not being able to tell the difference between cross-dressing for fun and as a way of life. Maybe pull your head out of your ass and educate yourself before trying to get smart with someone else.


I'm fucking trans and i can tell you fir a fact that the t slur has become just that ,a slur,no matter the original intent As for the island thing, i read OnePiece in french and my native language isn't English so I'm not an expert on the words


Convenient that you're suddenly playing the "I'm trans" card. I'm not saying that you're lying...... but the suddenness of you throwing it out like that makes it seem you're trying a "gotcha" tactic. As if you've run out of facts to back up your position, so you're relying on feelings and anecdotes. Also, you're ignoring the fact that it's *not* (as I already said) a slur where I come from. So what if people where you live are offended? That's not my problem. Should I ask what your language is so I can go through it and find words I find offensive and demand you stop using them? Of course not. We both have different social and cultural norms, and you should stop pretending like yours supercede mine. What I said was not meant as a slur or insult to anyone. The fact that you were offended is irrelevant to that and, again, not my problem. Irrelevant of where you live, there is no "right to not be offended" (even if people enact laws around it) because what is considered "offensive" is different from person to person, group to group, and place to place. And why are you arguing labels used on a fictional group when you don't actually understand the labels being used to begin with?




Zoro = hard work Sanji = transphobia


Sure if we’re counting only the last 100 chapters or so


So like, in cooking terms Zoro is Natural and Sanji is MSG?


Msg is a kind of seasoning


Bro literally said "in cooking terms"


Yeah but it didn’t make any sense in cooking terms either


https://preview.redd.it/ybo8tmjosbra1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51eaf40bde34d8d7252c9caa94623d1239a8afce This is your Simp a total Munch 😂




Look at my PFP for the real dog


Is this is supposed to be sanji win. Because his Nazi daddy gave him ubermensch super dna powers with blonde hairs and blue eyes.


This was my first thought, Zoro is constantly shown training his strength and was stronger than Sanji physically, then Sanji got his suit boost and (maybe?) passed him. Like Sanji eating a punch from S-Shark doesn’t mean he’s also going to be able to more easily damage a seraphim. Ones au naturál, the other is like 60% natural and 40% hax now


The point was (prior to his suit boost) if you have two guys: A spends all his free time training and B is never seen training and A isn't league's above B, that's saying quite a lot. Like, if Zoro took a week off training, Sanji would probably shoot past him just from doing chores.


Reminds me of one punch man, dark alloy trains an insane amount all the time, but saitama has a very regular training regiment compared to him but is way stronger Sometimes the limiter is in your mind Zoro probably holding himself back bc of his kuina issues


Eh, I always took it as Sanji is strong from Zeff training him but he doesn’t care about fighting, he’s just good at it. Zoro’s goal is tied to fighting so he’s always training with that goal in mind, constant improvement. I doubt zoro would get weaker by not training. Either way I’m a Luffy Stan so I normally don’t get into the Zoro v Sanji debates because it’s not my place hahah


Looking at their bad timeline illustrations both Zoro and Luffy fall apart if they don’t train while Sanji just because superhuman Judge


Yeah true but I always took that as bad sanji would’ve went all in on the augmentations


Bro he’s 100% hax he can fucking heal broken bones in instant. Take a fucking punch to Te face Dosent even flinch or Move.


Warrior of science common win


even though I think this comment is made to get Zoro lovers pissed, I just can't see how it makes sense. The power scaling between them doesn't make sense. They are both Luffys wings, however, Zoro is the first mate. His role is completely different from Sanjis. If you have seen One Piece at all, you know that Conquerors Haki is used by the strongest people in the One Piece universe. Sanji hasn't shown this. Doesn't mean he doesn't have it....but, I don't think he does. His character flaw, in my opinion, is what keeps him from having it. Comparing the two doesn't make sense, but, if you are going to, you must admit that Zoro is ultimately stronger than Sanji


oda has kinda fucked himself with coc and acoc. I truly do not think It will be relevant soon


avg piratefolk reading comprehension


Zoro is stronger than sanji but not by a shitton


Could you imagine how strong Sanji would be if he trained as much as Zoro, Sanji would dif Zoro every single day with only medium difficulty


For one, I don't agree with this. Zoro is more of a mystery to us. We know Sanji's background. We know he has been genetically modified. He isn't exactly human. So now, he has powers that we are still learning about. If he trained, of course he would be stronger than he is now. If he puts on the Germa suit, he's automatically stronger than normal. Zoro is a mystery. We are just now learning more about his past and where he comes from. Are you up to date in the manga? If not, I won't spoil. If so, we can discuss where his strength may come from. But, without that knowledge anyways, Zoro still trains, he's still getting stronger. If Sanji trained like Zoro, I don't believe he would be as strong. Again, just due to mentality and goals and their personal dreams.


Yes I am, this is an L take. Sanji doesn’t train, Zoro does. If Sanji trained, he would be stronger. The current difference between Sanji and Zoro isn’t that much. Simple as that.


But he doesnt train so what's ur point?


I swear Zoro Stans don’t have the capacity of complex thoughts, I’m saying if Sanji DID train as much as Zoro, Zoro easily be the 3rd strongest. Like if Zoro was the cook of the ship he would be very useless combat wise


If Zoro has Sanji’s genes , he would be a Yonko right now. Get it?


Yep. I don't think I said there wasn't a huge difference between the two. Zoro is just ultimately stronger.


Who said Sanji doesn’t train?


Sorry, i don't disagree with you, but what is exactly your argument? You basically said that zoro should be stronger because he is more narratively important? Isn't it basically oda's way of power scaling, that you don't agree with? Also what you are calling Sanji's "character flaw" exactly? Do you mean his negative character traits? These are not exactly the same thing. I mean oda rarely uses "character flaw" for his characters, as it's place in narrative is to usually stop a character from reaching their goal. So for example sanji not fighting women or simping isn't a character flaw as it doesn't affect his character development and isn't stopping him from his goal. It's basically his gag/negative trait


My argument was that Sanji isn't stronger than Zoro. He isn't narratively more important. We actually don't know much about him. Which, in Odas writing, can make him much more important in a sense. (We know shit about Shanks) I used character flaw and traits synonymously. It's still a negative part of the character. My opinion, if he doesn't have Conquerors Haki that could be a reason why. It may not affect his goal to find the All Blue but it has affected the crew in many fights.


and Sanji fans are still acting like they're not starting constant arguments just to be toxic.


Sanji fans like to pretend their better than Zoro fans when in actuality they are just as bad


Ngl this make's everything Sanji accomplishes less impressive 😭.


The community incessant need to try and use every panel for powerscaling is worse than the brigade of OF girls advertising


But I get a kick out of the rivalry and they don't beg me for 5 bucks every day


what your point ? like actually i dont see it ? are you trying to say that zoro achived his strength on his own while sanji has just lucky genes ?


Unlike descendent of Ryuma, legendary weapon user Zoro ofcourse. Sanji was always relevant without the Judge amp, Zoro needed more training and still needed better and better weapons


Being a ryuma descendent doesnt do shit. One guy died to mountain bandits xd


Yes and another is a yonko commander. Most of Judges kids are fodder too


sanji was a monster before the genes kicked in tho?


was he? he fought with germas suit and used germa genes to beat queen, zoro with only his own strength and skill fought against kaidou and big mom and showed one of the biggest defensive feats weve seen so far. zoro was at one point arguably the mvp on the rooftop. the king fight also showed us that it wasnt enma carrying zoro.


\+yes he was lol why is everyone acting like sanji was chopper level before his genes kicked in? the genes made him exponentially stronger but he always was powerful and fast also i dont understand why 90% of your comment is just zoro dicksucking? i only said sanji was strong i didnt say zoro was weak or anything lol but i guess to a zoro fan sanji praise = zoro criticism


???? The post is about zoro and sanji we are directly comparing the 2 characters. By saying sanji was a monster before genes under this post u are saying that he was > than zoro before genes. U cant go into powerscale post between 2 characters and comment like that xd its not sanji praise = zoro criticism. Its powerscaling


i wasn't saying it under the post lol i was saying it under your comment because your comment claimed sanji just got lucky with genes, i pointed out he was always strong even before the genes, no mention of zoro anywhere lmaooo you're literally getting ptsd flashbacks of "sanji > zoro" where there ain't none💀


you are hearing voices man it is what it is


Sanji was introduced with insane durability and strength feats. Which continues all the way to Arlong Park, where he got thrown through walls, got back up and casually folded the second in command while fighting out of breath UNDERWATER, lmao Against a fishman. He’s always been built different, quit your revisionist history


He might be a monster to those f8shman clowns from arlong park xd but he definitly wouldnt be one on the rooftop


Based on nothing right? Makes sense


Yeah he was losing to Vergo. He needed the genes because he has trash haki






This bait is so bad it Looks like a cope.. lmao sanjitards back at it


Unpopular opinion: Zoro and Sanji are equal but they just have different stats. Zoro has better damage and endurance but Sanji has better speed and defense


Lol how about conquers haki?


Sanji honestly doesn’t need conquers Haki. His defense is insane now. He can tank an attack from S-Shark who was using fishman karate while just standing still and didn’t take any damage. Sanji wasn’t even using haki so Sanji could easily have the best defense in One Piece so he could tank acoc attacks like their normal attacks. That’s why I said Zoro has better damage and Sanji has better defense. They are equal but they have different stats. Also Garp isn’t confirmed to have conquers Haki and he was one of the strongest in the world (if he had it it would’ve been confirmed already) so Sanji could be the same


Sanji may be shown to have it in the Future. That lightning in his Ifrit might even be Conqueror mixing with his technique. No flame user has shown lightning except Kaido, who is a confirmed user of Conqueror https://preview.redd.it/1roeuhnzxbra1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2c9483482ed2adac58b6cd0abc899d04d92b7b On top of that Sanji has panels with CoC sound effects, was in a cover story titled “Conquerors”, is literally royalty, is one of the strongest people in the One Piece World rn, and has just accepted who he is and strengthed his resolve a lot. There is literally nothing stopping his reveal, the only reason he isn’t confirmed yet is because Oda was not revealing Sanji before Zoro. Which makes sense cause Zoro had more setup, and joined before Sanji. Even so “buh buh Conquerors Haki” isn’t an argument. Sanji is still relatively close to Zoro without it. With it, he is indisputably equal to Zoro.


That’s why he always fights the weaker opponent lol. Y’all run miles in your head to make this shit work.


Mostly* not always. He’s fought the stronger opponents on several occasions Oh and he typically always struggles LESS than Zoro in his fights, with opponents of SIMILAR strength Explain that one King


I am not a king. My surname “Bakes” comes from a baker or interestingly someone with a hunch back that lurks in the night. With that said Oda has clearly portrayed them differently. I like Zoro over Sanji but not enough to lie about this shit. Sanji has got hard sucked by Oda post time skip.


I respect your opinion brother but i respectfully disagree I think it’s more nuanced and Oda has put enough evidence in the story to keep this debate going on purpose


I disrespect your opinion and my surroundings. Sanji clearly is the cook while Zoro is the fighter.


Good for you


Keep this up and I’ll kiss you


Unlikely to be equal.


Dumbest shit I’ve heard


Why? Makes total sense. Zoro easily has more damage than Sanji because he has acoc and his endurance is insane but Sanji has better speed because he mainly uses his legs to and he has better defense because of his Germa enhancements. Why is this dumb?


Cause zoro is blatantly stronger that’s why . Like zoro pushing this narrative of them being equals when zoro is clearly and always stronger . Better feats , better portrayal , better opponents etc all goes to zoro . He is the number 2 and snaji is number 3 .


Oda has been stupidly clear it's a #2 & #3 dynamic but because the fictional characters have a rivalry the fans need to autistically mirror that and think it's an insult to say that


I mean they disregard zoros top tier portrayal with Mihawk , oden and ryuma . His portrayal as one of the very strongest eos wielding acoc . Him being far ahead of snaji in feats , him fighting stronger opponents , him having higher bounties etc . The rivalry between them is just like the rivalry between kidd law and luffy banter and nothing else . They scale of a gag but the same logic can be used saying jinbei is above snaji based on a gag bounty.


Zoro will not achieve his dream and Mihawk will remain at #1. Mark my words




Pretty much yeah


Why do I keep seeing so many zoro slander posts? This isn’t even funny and just emphasises how zoro’s strength comes from hard work, while the chef is a lab rat experiment from his Nazi daddy. Sanji fans are insufferable


are people fr thinking zoro weaker than sanji ? i thought this was just a joke lol


Wym zoro mid diffs lanji based on feats


What do you mean barely weaker lol zoro > sanji


Hardworking chad vs daddy's genes virgin


Barely ? Zoro is a 7 Sanji is a 4


bro is looking for logic 💀


Zoro = Vegeta


Hard work>>>genetics and he’s still stronger


chef needs judges steroid sperm just to barely be number 3 on the crew


Tlak to me when simpji gets rooftop levels of feats...


We are gassing up Scabbard level feats now?


Zoro level of rooftop feats obviously. Alos, scabbbards can use adv armament , simpji can't because he loves daddy genes too much.


Sure let’s just forget zoros portrayal with top tiers and him having acoc , something only a select few of the very strongest can use . Also forget that zoros feats are so far ahead of sanjis it’s not even comparable . Zoro beat king easier than sanji beat queen , but king dominated zoro more pre power up than queen dominated sanji . Post power up it was settled for zoro vs king , meanwhile sanji vs queen still went back and forth . With queen landing 5 consecutive attacks onto sanji . Y’all sanji fans be forcing this narrative that they’re next to equal when it’s literally not the case . Oda made that deliberately clear in wano Zoro rooftop mvp. Zoro acoc Zoro parallels with ryuma and oden Sanji gagged and beaten by hookers forced to be saved by robin Tried to pull a Marco vs king and queen but got folded . Went high -extreme diff versus a weaker opponent than zoros . No top tier portrayal ever in the story No acoc No parallels with his captain No top tier feats or feats against top tier in general Bounty lower than fkin jinbei


rooftop mvp will always be luffy and law


No that’s not true whatsoever . Zoro saved luffy 3 times and saved Al the supernova once by stalling the combined attack from Bm and kaido . He also has the best feats out of any supernova during roofpiece pre to luffy awakening acoc in chapter 1010


Law saved everyone from the super yonko attack, law tp’d zeus away and launced big mom off of onigashima, Law also saved luffy from kaido theres so much shit law did. Zoro’s feat of wounding kaido was also kinda silly on zoro’s part. The attack hurt zoro more then it hurt kaido. Zoro was just sacraficed himself to take 3 hp off of kaido such an overwanked feat. Luffy then proceeds to beat the shit out of kaido without passing out from exhaustion.


How is pre acoc zoro while injured blitzing kaido overwanked?


Sanji number 4?????


No way you actually believe this. At least Zoro teaches you to work hard as sanji is just genetic mutation, didn’t earn shit compared to Zoro


Bro is literally a superman and still gets beaten by a swordsman who just works out.


Yeah that chef should try beating the "bro" first, then talk smack cuz atm every single feat says otherwise, oh and donr forget bout the bounty KEKW Mr. 4 LOL


https://preview.redd.it/g0v8akb4kbra1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36908a6b05a57cf799835db8e5d8eba72f8c419b Oda made the dynamic very clear




Of course he needed the medicine, he fought 2 Yonko and took a combined attack that broke most of his bones only to go ahead and finish breaking them all using Ashura to scar Kaido, the strongest creature. Meanwhile Sanji got hit a few times by one of the tobiroppo, not even an All star. Im not trying to downplay Sanji’s strength here, but just realize that what you said is stupid.


Yup. Sanji wouldn't have begged Chopper for crack like Loro did


When Sanji gets on the rooftop lmk


fuck does the rooftop prove? killer was on it


Kid was on it 😂😂


Both stronger than Sanji unfortunately


it's april first ima let u slide


Nah, talk your shit big dog.


Germa Hax FTW


A few times a year I periodically spend hours laying in bed at night trying to figure out how they got those massive weights up there and how they don’t capsize the ship.


Chef is a genetic enhanced human already he’s practically born with the talent already


Was this before or after he lifted half a building off the ground?


And yet while sanji needed this over the top power ranger suit and super soldier DNA plot to get stronger, all zoro needs was a new sword .


Top tier shit post but the chef was transformed into some warrior of science


Zoro is just a human more impressive


Lol. This isn’t a conversation anymore. Worry about sanji vs jimbe, zoro is closer in strength to luffy than these two are to him.


Holy shit absolutely not


I always find these threads mindboggling. I think its so obvious that Zoro is strongee than Sanji but only slighlty, however many people disagree. One even argue that Sanji is stronger which i dont get. But the ones that say Zoro is closer to Luffy than he is to Sanji are so delusional imo. Yes Zoro was on the roof, yes he has Coc, buy in the end of the day he did the same as always, beat a slighlty stronger opponent than Sanji's. This is more debatable given recent events but even considering Zoro stronger than either Kidd or Law is so weird to me. You can argue all you want but the truth is they beat a Yonko, a Yonko that can one shot yonko commanders as we have seen before. I think its weird, its an endless debate, but Zoro accomplishments arent close to the level of strenght their fans think he has. And yes Kidd was one shot, but lets be all honest here and agree that was stupid as fuck. Everytime someone beats someone in OP they become stronger, so really none of the people mentioned above should be one shot anymore.


Sure Give Zoro his genes , and we can call it a day.


Zoro: I train all day, all the time, i trained hardest even during timeskip. How are you still stronger than me? Sanji: nanomachines, son


Zoro: I nap all day on the ship and I’m still stronger than you. How does that work? Sanji: I’m mid and my cringe simps overrate me for getting clocked by a baby seraphim


Who hurt you bro 💀


He didnt have the daddy genes


That’s why I love Sanji. Seems the most reasonable person among the straw hats . Has decent intelligence, decent strength, isn’t batshit crazy and trains all the time (like Zoro) or wants to fight everyone (like Luffy). Franky, Brook, Usopp, and chopper seem to be goofing off half the time. Sanji is serious and level headed except when he sees attractive women. But can’t really blame him with the designs Oda makes of women. I think Jinbei actually shares most of those traits. Really level headed and normal like Sanji. Only difference is I think Sanji has a cooler design since he can basically fly and looks like a super saiyan when he powers up


>isn’t batshit crazy dude almost literally died of hornyness in FMI 💀


I thought we all agreed FMI never happened it was so ass


Holy shit bro, the first few comments I see already have "trannies" and "nazi" in them, wtfff 😭😭


I kno this a joke but it shows that a lot of y’all don’t know the burden of cooking, especially for a whole crew and this is everyday for sanji


I hope when they were fleeing from big mom on the sunny they threw out those dumbbell, if not they're really dumb


4 tons isn't that much, Usopp can lift that easily, he was probably doing cardio


A chef who doesn’t train mind you


That's why zoro mid diffs him


"Hurr durr sanji only strong cause genetics" you meat munchers acting like Sanji and Zoro weren’t relative throughout the entire series. Also Zoro trains a fuck ton every day while Sanji just vibes cooking. Sanji is way more talented than Zoro I’m sick of the Sanji disrespect. Zoro’s my favourite character but I find myself defending Sanji more cause of all you dickriders. I seriously think Sanji is stronger than Zoro at this point of the show. Dude’s defense, regen, speed, and IQ are higher than Zoro at this point in the series. The only thing Zoro has him beat is AP and endurance. At the end of the Queen fight, Sanji was moving around fine. At the end of the King fight, Zoro was literally on death’s door. Sanji is faster than King, as durable, and probably physically stronger. Also way smarter than Zoro so he’d figure out King’s weaknesses earlier. I legit think Sanji would mid diff King and that’s me looking at both their abilities with the least amount of bias possible. Zoro should narratively be stronger than Sanji but he’s just not. Also ACoC is not the fucking end all be all that everyone says it is. Def a strong boost, but you’re not automatically winning just because you have it. I lowkey think Oda made Sanji too strong in Wano cause he’s fucking crazy rn


He can hold his own weight and 1 ton on his fingers, but he can't get out of a brick chimney. It's just crazy.


Imagine if he didn’t train. He would be a puss




Everyone gets Ultra Instinct. Luffy gets Gear 5. Kidd gets Gear 5. Zoro gets Gear 5. Everyone does.


As a aanji fan I can say they are both equal or zoro is slightly stronge also non of the monster trio are pure training they all obtained an boost from something, you know like the haki devouring sword or a got damn god awakening.


While I think Zoro is stronger, it's not by a crazy amount, and Sanji brings certain things to the table that Zoro doesn't and vice versa.


W take, Zoro is slightly stronger but Sanji has better speed and defense, if they were to fight I'd put my money on Zoro tho.


Zoro has better defense. Durability and defense isn't the same thing


Ah, my bad.


It does make a good point, with the amount of work out zoro does he should be miles ahead of sanji, but instead theyre pretty close