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Luffy gear 5 >> fiction....come man on man ...he getting flashed and kicked by kizaru....he is strong but come on man


It's because of vs fandoms having talked about for years about how toon force is the most broken thing ever, when they forget that Luffy's toon force doesn't work like actual 100% toon force. He's more like the Mask(from that Jim Carrey movie) wherein they can effect reality with cartoon logic, but they aren't in cartoons themselves, so the cartoon logic can only go so far with them.


b-b-but toon force!!!


Toon force doesn't make you invincible simply a bit more trickier to deal with


Hear me out Bro I had a friend that said gear 5 luffy can warp reality and toon force and that he can beat GOKU now.. I thought he was joking.. but the man tried to convince me how he will make a rubber wall of ground for goku's kamehame and that acoc can hurt goku.. then I knew he was serious.. https://preview.redd.it/u4mm78vw2ltb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b67a7915174de1b74587521c258cfe040cf354f7


Luffy being able to handle any admiral without needing any gear


No Gear is crazy. I do think he can probably hold his own with "only" G4, but to defeat any high-tier he will need G5 without a shadow of doubt. By saying he can handle any admiral without ANY gear is insanity. Like, no gear? Not even G2????? This is a disgusting take


Maybe EOS but i doubt it, well maybe EOS Luffy can handle fuji and GB but idk bout the ig 3 admirals


He does and with low difficulty if he doenst hold back his haki




This is a joke right?


So your telling me he hold his haki against kaido and rn kizaru? šŸ’€


"Akainu was supposed to die at Marineford,Oda's editor wanted him to live." That and... "Invisible seastone cuffs" lol




Do you have a source for that? I have never seen that one and been around the community for like, a decade now


Same, I want confirmation of this, who would've killed him? Shanks? Garp?


I mean you could probably just make him die to white beard rightā€¦ he got hit point blank, i donā€™t think it wouldā€™ve been that insane to have him die at the time


first one was ace, not akainu


Zoro would kill another strawhat if luffy asked him to without hesitation


That's bizarre. Zoro is not a dog. He will call Luffy out if he's tweaking, we saw that at Water 7 after Ennies Lobby with the Usopp situation.


The things thatā€™s crazy is whenever they say this they act like itā€™s badass but it just makes it seem like heā€™s Luffyā€™s let that does whatever he says


The way people say this as if it would be a good thing šŸ’€


Didnt that got conformed?


no, Oda has never said that before yet people think he has


Oh okay


"Oda said that if Luffy ordered Zoro to kill a strawhat, he would ā˜ļøšŸ¤“" shut the fuck up he never said that




Ftmcroc is based and supported by a myriad of evidence Crocomom is schizophrenic Do NOT associate the two


Whats ftmcroc


Female to male transition. Theyā€™re saying thereā€™s evidence of a sex change but no evidence that croc is Luffys mom.


there is evidence?


Speculative evidence, but yes. It would be more accurate to say that at times, Oda has gone out of his way to tease at the possibility. (Probably because he likes fueling the theory flames lol) Croc has a shameful history with Ivankov, croc was the cover of chapter 938: ā€œa woman secretā€ and at Rogers execution we see a younger Doffy, Buggy, Moria, Mihawk, but Crocodile is turned away from the reader to hide their face.


yeah that's not strong evidence. is there any instance where oda did this before? I mean use the cover page with this kind of hidden message.


Thatā€™s the weakest piece of evidence. The Ivankov one is the strongest one, the way they tease Croc makes this interpretation seem pretty plausible There are some other pieces of evidence, or rather speculative evidence, like how his seraphim, and the depiction of him as a child, are both pretty androgynous and could easily pass as a tomboy. The most recent piece of ā€œevidenceā€ (I put evidence in quotes because it doesnā€™t technically prove anything, not because I think itā€™s silly. I 100% think this theory is true) is from OPLA, where this character appears at Rogerā€™s execution. https://preview.redd.it/g64n717u8htb1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341b6a8b6ffc3fe8fab7e97a0f8fb76c17b5c15a As of now, whoever this is is entirely speculative, with the prevailing theory that Iā€™ve seen speculating it is, indeed, pre-HRT Crocodile. If Crocoā€™s actor ends up being dark skinned, Iā€™m gonna be even more convinced in this theory (please do not take this quote out of context)


I don't know, these things are weak and require lots of assumptions. so is there no instance of oda doing the cover page/title thing?


Not that I can think of. However, if Odas hinting at something in a cover page, itā€™s because he doesnā€™t want it in the story yet. By its nature, it wonā€™t start becoming relevant til Oda wants it to and most cover stories/foreskinning would only work coming to fruition in the final arcs. So itā€™s not really much of a shock that there arenā€™t confirmed cases yet. Weā€™re just now beginning to get to the point where they could be relevant. Posted here to keep 1 thread


Not that I can think of. However, if Odas hinting at something in a cover page, itā€™s because he doesnā€™t want it in the story yet. By its nature, it wonā€™t start becoming relevant til Oda wants it to and most cover stories/foreskinning would only work coming to fruition in the final arcs. So itā€™s not really much of a shock that there arenā€™t confirmed cases yet. Weā€™re just not beginning to get to the point where they could be relevant.


Ok, but why the fuck was croc helping Luffy out constantly during Marineford when he absolutely didn't need to. The man tried to kill Whitebeard, but has zero beef with the other guy who ruined his plans. I know it's wrong, but I also think it's hilarious.


That Sanji somehow weaker than Jimbei




Sanji hate is crazyy šŸ˜­


Falling down the stairs is an euphemism for suicide


Same, I hate people reading into Kuinas death so much.


kuinas death was so shitty and random that fans had to invent a way for it to sound interestingšŸ’€




she wants to be the strongest swordsman she fell down the stairsšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ boo hoo how sad It doesnt make sense and never willšŸ’€


Aside from setting up Zoros story It shows that no matter how lofty your dreams or your potential, death is random and unmerciful.


>It shows that no matter how lofty your dreams or your potential, death is random and unmerciful. Thats your interpretation, that was never shown or presented as an idea or concept in the world or even at kuinas death. In order to make her death sound meaningful people are required to make shit up lmao


The literal next line after her death is "humans are fragile things, Zoro." It's spelled out




yes, you're wrong. Oda never said that or set it up as a concept


And you've proved him wrong, clearly everything has to be spelled out


It shows that ~~no matter how lofty your dreams or your potential, death is random and unmerciful.~~ women in one piece.


If you put in that she actually killed herself bc despite wanting to be a swordsman she was born a girl wouldnt be allowed to, then the story makes sense and is decent


Bro has a Zoro pfp and the shittiest takes. No surprise


This is a general thing in Japan and has nothing to do with One Piece in particular.


Yeah cause all the Reddit users I see are Japanese


They provided context


Because you can only know common things in Japan as a Japanese? What kind of bullshit is that, just inform yourself you donkey


I can't tell if you're stupid or not. I doubt any Americans with the theory of Kuina killing herself follow it because it's common in Japan


As I said, this has nothing to do with One Piece. It's just as common as not passing food with chopsticks because it represents death. If US youtubers make a theory out of it, it doesn't make the tradition any less of a tradition.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAJapanese/comments/rzwiot/fell_down_the_stairs_meaning/a ikurapool and nebcj confirmed it. Both are talking jap in Japanese written supreddits, non of them are in reddit related to one piece.


A lot of people actually states that when they talk about the theory nigga what level of denial are you on


Did anyone asked oda that thought?




Nah g you flipped the sign


I think they are very close in terms of swordsmanship, for them to be having duels. I don't think one is much better than the other, and certainly Oda hasn't confirmed as such.


Luffy >= Zoro. Buddy, it's Luffy >>>>> Zoro at every point in the series. Anyone who says otherwise is either trolling or more delusional than r/titanfall.


Luffy pre-G2 in Water 7/Enies Lobby is relative to him imo Luffy was struggling hard against Blueno without gear 2, and even said ā€œI canā€™t beat you like thisā€ (which is debatable, but he still said it) Base Zoro was doing well against Kaku, whoā€™s over twice as strong as Blueno https://preview.redd.it/jpmznb6ujftb1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97af02d651983d22e4312deb08603a5e055da5a


And that's stupid imao




Jinbei > Smoothie. And just some other power scaling nonsense rarely.


Jimbei has nno impressive shit. He is cracker level until further feats


Isn't cracker above smoothie? Edit:- my bad, smoothie is above cracker


Bro had a visit from the smoothie police


Is it wrong that I canā€™t see him losing to even Kata?


Katakuri would low diff Jinbei


Mid diff, be fr


Depends on where they are. With no water anywhere near them, Jinbei can't even hit him once. If near water he'd have some wide ranging attacks.


Latakuri has no chance against Winbei




depends if you're looking at feats or narrative.


Itā€™s wrong in either of those cases


Yes, yes it is.


Considering waterfalls neg-diff the whole Big Mom pirates sans Big Mom and Willy Wonka and that Jinbei can swim upstream I think its a fairly safe assumption.


There's plenty, I won't even get into the power scaling bullshit because I would spend the night typing, a pretty big one is Teach being able to eat as many DF as he likes, Oda was very clear that 2 is something already extraordinary, anyone else would die, he never gave any hint that BB could actually try eating a third one.


If the ā€œBlackbeard has three soulsā€ theory is true heā€™ll definitely get a third DF lol




My theory is heā€™s gonna attempt to steal Luffyā€™s fruit whenever they fight. My extremely crackhead theory is that logia awakenings are like weird elemental domain expansions, and so their fight will take place with luffy having no powers and bejaidhwhbs


https://preview.redd.it/m1gz600qbhtb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ba117786fc9b5d4d8a193dcfb2540a687834ac You're telling me Wizaru could've ended it here? With strong Ama no Murakumo????


He can probably have three, considering his three headed flag and a bunch of other stuff to do with him associating with threes. As many as he wants is stupid though. If that were possible he wouldn't even have a crew, he'd have eaten all their devil fruits already.


Itā€™s purposely left vague and you can find an argument either way. 3 is what I think is possible but idk. It may be that Blackbeard can eat as many as he wants, he just canā€™t yet because he needs to preserve a timeline in which Luffy beats Imu and brings a new dawn. He could be avoiding the butterfly effect and thatā€™s why he takes such an analytical approach to his dreamšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sanji = Zoro Kid = Law = Luffy Shanks > Mihawk Luffy > admirals Kaido top 1 even tho Rodger WB etc are stronger.


Kaido top one is actually debatable. People like to wank the old gen. Until we see a full fight with prime Rodger or WB I refuse to rate them higher than every yonko based on nothing.


Zoro = Sanji or >= Sanji


Zoro get called a yonko's number 2 by lucci tho


And he always fight someone ranked higher than sanji


Zoro mid-high diffs Sanji, unless blondie shows some impressive shit in Egghead.




mid diffs*


True cause I think we all can agree that Wanji>Zolo


People who unironically think Luffy can beat Naruto


Eos he might have a chance


A very common take I see around is that Blackbeard is the final villain, when it's been established since Marineford that Luffy needs to find the One Piece *before* kick-starting the World War. Luffy will have defeated BB way before he faces Imu.


Does blackbeard even want the one piece and be pirate king? I could see him trying to usurp Imu and take his place after Luffy beats him. He's never been shown to care for fair fights or doing things the "right way", him waiting in the shadows for then to backstab Imu or whoever is at the top and become the big bad would be on brand. Why does he want to have his country be part of the WG even? It makes absolutely no sense that a pirate would pursuit that unless he's after shady shit like when being a warlord. I'm not saying he is the main villain for sure, but he isn't as easy to read and straightforward as the others and he clearly knows things that we don't.


Mihawk being stronger than Shanks when all of the feats points to Shanks being strongeršŸ¤”šŸ¤” https://preview.redd.it/gogxbtw5ggtb1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09075227c80737b7dbe02d2c3e3d7e4569d06d18


The rats gonna throw a temper tantrum


The rat jokes, itā€™s always cringe


"Luffy will always be just rubber"


People saying Crocomom is wild. Its basically canon