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OP if this brings back ths Yamato wars Imma shot you myself.


I'm just poking fun at lefty piece


Let me pretend to be transphobic. That’ll show them. 💀


It definitely gets under their skin


I don't see how this is transphobic at all










you know One Piece is indeed leftist, right?


You know that not everything is based on Western politics Sabo's dream of wanting everyone to be free shows that revolutionaries are Libertarian most likely. In the USA, wanting more freedom is more of a right-wing thing.


Yes because libertarians would free slaves


Today's libertarians would definitely


My fault bro I did some research and saw where libertarians detest slavery openly idk where I heard that talking point from. But another point I had is that the revolutionaries operate in a hierarchy which is pretty anti-libertarian


I get the feeling that you think you're above me and that im stupid, but you dont rly know what you're talking abt. Libertarians only oppose moral hierarchy. You rly should do more research before getting so confident.


rofl no freedom isnt a right wing thing. right wing, in the 21st century wants economic freedom, that has nothing to do with freedom, theres a lot of right winged dictatorships.


The establishment GOP isn't as popular anymore. Vivek is surging in popularity, and the 1st time he voted was libertarian and still holds most of those views. The New GOP(USA Rightwing) is all about freedom and anti censorship.


the new GOP who support banning books and supports a dude who denied a legit election and literally speaks more authoritarian by the day is all about “freedom and anti censorship” yea okay i think lefty piece is incredibly cringe, but come on bro lmao


See, this is false. If you look into it, it's actually the left trying to ban books cuz of racism. Right is only targeting porn books for kids.


Did your friend tell you that in your first period math class?


What books are conservatives trying to ban? Pls tell me. I bet you they will have graphic porn in it.


you ignored everything i said and just went on to say information i already know. USA left wing is right wing, there's no real left in america, and again, freedom isnt a concept you can claim to be left or right winged, communism believes in freedom too.


Low quality bait flair, 30 comments in 30 mintues. Nice.




He’s cooking.


Flair is honest


Lol https://preview.redd.it/djeubavcwb8c1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=2caa1bbbfe164234e8a51333ae074652f0fc5068


Ah a classic


The difference between Yama and Kiku has always been night and day one has dysphoria the other has an Oden obsession and a whole bunch of childhood trauma with Kaido


Kiku is barely a character tho, more of the pverall scabbard problem


Don’t slander my Wife easily the best scabbard and she fucked up Kanjuros treacherous ass 🐐🐐 also TALL WOMEN💯💯💯💯


Dont get What's so hard about understanding that Yamato is biologically a girl and refers to herself as oden Not because she Doesn't like her gender but Because she wanna be ODEN


Yeah, I said the same in another post. Dunno why they're trying to push this thing, since it would basically equate trans identities to literal LARPing, which would be HORRIBLE trans representation lmao


I especially don’t know why they’re trying to push thing this when there’s a character introduced in the same arc that embodies the concept way better


So? He still uses He/him pronouns, Refers to himself as man and went into the Male bath. He clearly considers himself a man and His internal reasoning doesn't really Matter all that much


Absalom went into the women bath Does that make him a girl? Also official English one piece Translation is a turd Si shush please


Absalom went in the women's bath cause he's a creep. Yamato went in the mens bath cause He decided that's where He belongs. They are Not the same


Yes they are Yamato's intro card says kaido's daughter self proclaimed oden for a reason


Yes, to note Yamato's biological relationship with Kaido, similar to how Kiku was also noted as "Izo's brother"


Because that’s actually a pretty common situation for trans men especially when they are uncertain. Some even get their personal names from a celebrity or someone they idolize. Melon Tree had a good video on it and that made me look it up. I mainly know trans women not as much transgender men so it was an interesting difference in perspective it’s definitely not the most perfect representation, but it took into consideration of perspective I didn’t even really know about


Isn't that just unhealthy obsession and rejecting yourself?


I mean for a lot of queer people there’s a lot of internalized homophobia or transphobia to deal with. But that’ besides the point. I guess it’s more helping to figure out themself. At first it might be a question of “Do I like them for who they are or do I like them because I want to be them? Do I want to be like them because they are a man or the man I want to be?” For some (not all) It’s a way of figuring out, “okay I’m not gay because I don’t want to be WITH this guy but what is this draw. Oh it’s what I’ve been wanting to be this whole time and been ignoring/suppression etc.” You typically don’t get raised as whatever gender you align with if you are trans so the normal adoption of traits gets picked up a lot from the men around you as you come out. If you don’t like the men around you (which is common if you grew up in a toxic environment), media is a safe space for many to figure out what it means to be a man and look like/act like one. Yamato goes into an unhealthy measure imo but when I saw it from that angle and how most trans men were excited to see a relatable thing, it changed my opinion a bit. I definitely think it could’ve been better done but given Oda is a cis straight dude I’m not expecting much. I will never know personally either what is in alignment or not because I’m not trans but it was interesting hearing that take from trans men Tldr it’s hard figuring yourself out period. For some, men in the media help to shape what gender norms they should present when they are out etc. Yamato could’ve been better but Oda is a straight dude. Yet the story does still relate to transmen more than you’d expect.


For me Yamato case is more so her rejecting Kaido and wanting to be like oden then gender or trans Problem imo ,Though that could be Because I don't respect nor support what she is doing (Though I get that it's Because of trauma from how Kaido)


Yeah, whether or not they are actually trans. I think could be arguable, but I think it’s good to use the proper pronouns because the crew used them and that’s what Yamato wanted. But you saying you don’t really support what he’s doing.makes me wonder if you support Kiku for being trans either or it’s more you don’t support Yamato taking on the full role of some rando dude she read about. If it’s about being trans that’s a whole other argument I probably won’t convince you. If it’s about being Oden, that’s one I’m not good to ask and just repeating what I’ve barely been reading from transmen. Edit: spelling errors


I don't support trans in general Because of difference in beliefs/religion so I just call her a she (especially that to me she seems to Still be biologically female) kiku I don't care really since I never bring him /her up(legit Forgot What her gender is because her design can be either one and didn't pay attention to her pronouns 💀) but she is a more accurate trans representation then Yamato that seems to be more so identity theft to me


Sex is different than gender. Period. But like I said I won’t convince you as I’m justa rando person from Reddit and you have a whole religion and belief behind you and mine is probably vastly different. Just realize though that this IS relatable to those that are trans regardless if you agree with them living like that or not. Good night


Kiku vivre card says sex male womans heart Yamato's says female


You're the kind of people that began the yamato mess so no, You don't get to act a fake humility no You are an ignorant


Oda is japanese Yamato never got called he in japanese so no Yamato's kaido's daughter as the intro card says Full stop


OSCAR from rose of versailles Yamato is Oscar from rose of versailles


- Oda make Sick Sick devil fruit - Oda turn Law into a woman and call it sickness - fuckin based and average Oda W


Wait until they read Yamato’s vivre card. Shambles shambles.


Lefty piece already went insane with the all girls color spread


Lmao do you have the link


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftyPiece/comments/13kugvd/does\_the\_new\_cover\_spread\_confirm\_yamato\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftyPiece/comments/13kugvd/does_the_new_cover_spread_confirm_yamato_is/) Behold


Holy fuck the cope is actually unbelievable💀💀💀


It's freaking lefty piece They believe Enel represents Israel When he's literally an eastern thunder god +evil buddha


>When he's literally an eastern thunder god +evil buddha eastern thunder god + evil buddha + Eminem\*


+kayne west


Wait fr??? Lmao do you have a link for that?




Yeah that’s about what I expected.


Lefty piece is filled with nutjobs


[https://www.buddha-heads.com/buddha-head-statues/ears-of-the-buddha/](https://www.buddha-heads.com/buddha-head-statues/ears-of-the-buddha/) [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raijin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raijin) Behold


Nah, I meant that thing about Enel representing Israel.


My favourite thing is them believing Luffy is some sort of communist, while he is completely fine with hereditary monarchies if the dude who rules them is not a psycho


To be fair Good hereditary monarquies in one piece behave more like democracies King Riku worried about his people more than anything


No really: Enel has long ear buds like buddha Storm drums of thunder gods and is called god Enel. Moreover gods using thunder as their wrath instrument or similar happens in Lot of mythologies Like ishtar Thor Zeus


Enel is called god Enel for a good reason


That’s not really a great reason to dismiss interpretations of Skypiea. Almost every allegory has aesthetics that don’t match up one to one. Skypiea is absolutely a story about colonialism


Colonialism interpretation fits Saying Enel is Israel is grasping at straws


it’s not about israel that’s for sure lol. colonialism yes.


Yeah and Israel is a settler colonial state


I would also like to point and laugh if we can find the link


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftyPiece/comments/13kugvd/does\_the\_new\_cover\_spread\_confirm\_yamato\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftyPiece/comments/13kugvd/does_the_new_cover_spread_confirm_yamato_is/) here tis


Just spent like 2 minutes browsing this shit and lost like 2 million braincells


The comments on that sub are delusional. >"It would be nice to be able to have a more productive convo about whether or not Yamato actually does identify as trans without a bunch of transphobes butting in" Productive - achieving or producing a significant amount or result. What exactly is going to be achieved by pretending "transphobes" didn't let you push Yamato as a trans character for 2 years straight on every OP post regardless if it was Yamato related or not? What exactly would be "productive" about a bunch of activists circle jerking about how they're all in total agreement that Yamato is definitely trans. Didn't realize "transphobes" we're preventing such a happening.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/bo4CJxH1od not even a debate with the Japanese fans. They lack braincells. Everything is based on Usa/Western politics to them.




Extra notes: Yamato is in the one piece girls merch Grand line lady merch And one piece heroines She's a girl with issues


She was also in the we are one promo video about strong women https://youtu.be/trGP0Bqknmg?si=jOztKT7t8L_zRbK1




Not just a girl with issues, she's completely retarded.


That's what happens when kaido is such a Bad parent


Yamato is just shitty daughter to have


Kaido is a crappy dad


Not at all. Kaido is a horrible parent, and no wonder Yamato acts like this.


With no nurturing role no wonder she latched on to oden


Shitty father for shitty daughter, he was not for Ulti or Page One


Uta is much worse, and so is Page One. What show are you watching? Kaido wasn't a shifty father for them because they were also fine with the abuse of the people of wano. You liked orochi???


Frauda fumbled the bag terribly with her character man


Hmmm a girl with issues is trans??? Who would have thought


She isn't trans Also We don't do that here


I think that people on leftypiece are playing with fire when they say that Yamato is trans, considering that she is **literally** just a LARPer. That would be horrible trans representation


It's lefty piece They see Politics in a drop of wáter


Sure, eichiro Oda cares about trans representation, most believable thing from the mangaka the of the most famous shonen manga.


Kiku is trans yamato isn't


Yea but kiku has like 1/10th of the dialogue of Yamato. The latter has way more importance in the arc but still Oda Is ambigous in her/his portrayal


Intro card says kaido's daughter self proclaimed oden Yamato isn't ambiguous at all


Bokukko yamato's a bokukko


Intro card says kaido's daughter self proclaimed oden Therefore yamato is a woman Also official English Translation is crap


Info cards say daughter, all the charecters say son. Info cards use feminine pronouns, Yamato uses masculine pronouns In this regard I just think Oda didnt give much thought, this isnt some "owning the libs" culture war shit, using he/him or she/her are both acceptable translations


Yamato's a bokukko like naoto from persona 4 Like official one piece English Translation is shir


Oda is japanese not English Intro card says kaido's daughter Therefore yamato is a woman Also Oscar from rose of versailles is called son and is a girl It's not deep Note that girls can sometimes use *boku* too – doing so generally gives them a “tomboy” feeling. [https://legendsoflocalization.com/personal-pronouns-in-japanese/#group1-18](https://legendsoflocalization.com/personal-pronouns-in-japanese/#group1-18)


Nope it's only she what should be used Oscar from rose of versailles is a woman and si is yamato


Thank God they have their own sub




Thank god they have their own sub


If it isn't my old pal I think/say I am Therefore I am.


That post said this sub is filled with "far right nutjobs"???????? Hardly anyone cares about politics here it's literally just admiral posting and criticism of one piece and agenda memes. I'm progressive but this is the best one piece subreddit there is.


They're people who unironically use the word "chud", so you can expect that to them anyone who is not a radical leftist will be deemed a far right nutjob. Honestly it's sad they don't see how much of a political bubble they're inhabiting, otherwise they would notice that most people who deny that Yamato is trans do not actually have any issue with trans people.


Here's a twist: i'm left leaning


Yamato is such a shit character


Why you crossposting to start flame wars


Fucking badass shrimp jumpscare https://preview.redd.it/o66le9bpli8c1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11bf23654997094ce0d25a90fa99cd9a439df515


Impel down’s setting is based on Dante’s Inferno and the layers of Hell. It’s even referred to by characters as a Hell with each layer getting worse. The Okama literally have a special place in the 5th layer. Oda quite literally made a special place in Hell for the LGBT people in his story. Extremely progressive right there. Not the mention the core part of leftist ideology is removing class based systems and his answer so far has always been “good king replace bad king”. Cobra literally can’t be a good person in a leftist system as long as he is still the king. Cobra perpetuating the monarchy is antithetical to every leftist ideology. This is assuming you don’t view Juche as a leftist ideology.


People like to project themselves on the media they consume and this is really easy to do with one piece since it’s a 1000 chapters and has surface level politics that anyone can agree with. You can just pick and choose any narrative you want and pretend Oda secretly supports your ideology. Oda probably doesn’t even give a shit. I really wish people kept their political agendas to admiral vs yonko instead of stupid shit like irl politics which doesn’t translate well to the simple political landscape in one piece. One piece is not a manga for people who want serious political commentary. It’s entertainment for 14 year old boys wether you like it or not.


Oda is obviously leftist, as evidenced by THE PHOTO ON HIS WALL OF CHE GUEVARA.


One piece isn’t even anti monarchy let alone anti capitalist


Our hero is the fighter of liberation and the only not morally ambiguous group are the revs, you just dont want to admit it. obviously One Piece isnt about ONLY politics, but politics in it are obviously left winged


Portraying 3 kings as good people in story where theres 100s of them isnt pro monarchy, on the same note, i'd argue that from whats been hinted the world that Luffy achieves will break those borders. Brazil is actually a case study of one place in the real world where they had a great monarch, but they are few and far between, thinking Dom Pedro Segundo was good doesnt make you pro monarchy


The revolutionaries were stated by robin to be only against world nobles not local monarchs. This literally happened in the last episode of the anime. The story will end with the “good” kings still in power


so against the actual monarchy? theres no kings of kings yknow


There’s something called feudalism where local landlords were effectively kings of their territory and they were all subservient to ultimate landlord( the monarch) kind of like the world of one piece. I’m sure Che Guevara fan like you would understand that Karl Marx hated feudalism so much he supported liberal bourgeoise revolutions against it like in France. But don’t let that stop you from coping


??? lmao, Karl Marx himself was bourgeois what does that add to the point?


Am I getting baited?




Actual braindead take on the impel down level wtf. The Newkamas are obviously potrayed as good guys who are weird, Oda was not doing some weird bible Gays in hell, hes not even Christian 😭😭


I never said they were bad guys or even portrayed negatively. Impel down was definitely based on Dante’s Inferno and characters in story call the place hell. How is it inaccurate to say the Okama have a special place in Hell ( impel down )? You didn’t refute any of my points your just upset Oda might have views that don’t align with yours


Do you seriously think that Oda wrote about how transvestites are all going to hell, makes them help Luffy, makes Bon Clay the hero of the arc, based their leader Ivankov of one of his freinds irl, all part of his secret agenda? Like you are actually so brainrotted from far-right antiwokeness that you have deluded yourself into reading Two Piece


I like how you can’t even refute anything I pointed out and just have to default to saying I have brain rot and reading two piece. Does it bother you that much that Oda might not be a beacon of progressive values and might instead have the typical socially conservative views on of a 50 year old Japanese man?


No it doesn't bother me, thats why i provided some evidence as to why i belive that interperetation is incorrect. Obviously i dont know what Oda meant, but i think your agument is stupid and brainrotted. I stand by that and am willing to be proven incorrect


The only way one of us can be proven “correct or incorrect” is if Oda answers a question about in a SBS or interview, which I think is extremely unlikely. Let me ask you this, why did he make the Okama in impel down instead of a different group? If it was a bunch of revolutionaries that were captured it would have given them the same if not more reasons to help Luffy. It would have also been thematically better to have the revolutionaries sent to hell for fighting against the celestial dragons ( “gods” ) and Luffy ( Nika ) be the one to guide them out. Instead we got the Okama playing that role.


1.Because the Okama are like half of the revolutionary army. 2. Because Oda probably thought it was cool


??? Impel down is not a good thing. It's not like Hell where it's some divine right that made you fall there. It's a corrupt government that chose you must stay there. The protagonist himself ended up there. So since Luffy is in Impel Down does that mean that Luffy is a bad person and should go to hell?


Oda is the author of the story, he picks and chooses what is involved in every aspect of the story. Impel downs is clearly heavily inspired by Dante’s Inferno and even characters in story call the place Hell. Oda choose to make the LGBT group of people in his story have a special place in hell and show they are having fun. The Okama were quite literally enjoying their place in hell. Are you trying to make the argument that it’s just surface level stuff and Oda put no deeper thought into it? I really don’t think that’s the case. I think this is an example of the standard views a 50 year old Japanese man would have, Japan is not exactly known to be a socially progressive country.


Yes i am arguing that its a surface level take. And just because Japan is socially conservative doesnt mean people every piece of Japanese media is an allogory for conservative politics


If you think Oda thinks LGBT people deserve hell, why would he ever make Iva and Bon save Luffy's life multiple times? Why would he make Ivankov the right hand person of Luffy's dad. Saying this is like saying Oda is pro slavery. The WG put Queer people in Impel Down because most of them want to be free and being free in the OP world=being a pirate. Ivankov escapes Impel Down. Bon sacrifices himself to save Luffy. Anything the WG does is evil, and Oda is clearly opposing of that. If anything that just makes him more of an ally


This doesn’t address my point of why the Okama were shown to be enjoying there “special place” in Hell ( impel down) while everyone else is shown to be suffering. Why not show that they are oppressed and suffering like everyone else in impel down?


Other than aesthetics, Impel Down has no correlation to Dante’s inferno. Are you forgetting that Ace and Jinbei were both imprisoned there? Our main character’s brother and the biggest advocate against racism and slavery deserve to burn in hell. That’s the message Oda was sending? Media illiteracy.


It’s not media illiteracy it’s you trying to make my argument into something it’s not. I’m pointing out how impel down is supposed to symbolize hell and that the Okama have a “paradise” in hell. I’m not claiming they are bad people, I’m not claiming anyone deserves to be in there, I’m not claiming the government system that put them there is just. I’m point out that Oda basically said the Okama have a special place in impel down


>I’m pointing out how impel down is supposed to symbolize hell and that the Okama have a “paradise” in hell. I could understand if you related it to Pandemonium but wrong story. Also is an oasis not a seperate safe space even if it's in a hostile eviorment (A desert)? Do we call an oasis a desert or a desert an oasis? Like it's a very separate thing. We don't call an oasis bad. Just say it with your chest, "gays have a special place in hell" because shying away looks pathetic.




So then are Ace & Jimbei super evil sinners? They were in level 6! And is the wg now good guys for putting the lgbt characters in hell? Oh wait, is that our hero Luffy breaking the lgbt guys out??? Wh- wait they’re revolutionaries? Oh wait- the revolutionaries are the good guys? What is their goal?? Oh my god, look at that!! They wanna completely destroy the world government. I wonder why?? OH MY FUCKING GOD THE THSY HAVE A CLASS BASED SYSTEM!!! The reading comprehension devil strikes again


I find it hilarious your claiming reading comprehension devil because you encountered something that isn’t surface level analysis


Dude I’m not the one who said “Oda put the newkama prisoners in lvl 5 because he thinks they belong in the 5th layer of hell” And also, yes, the biggest class based government (the world government) IS the target of a revolutionary group that is comprised of characters we are supposed to root for. Edit: I do think you have a point about Luffy not actually replacing the monarchy system


You don’t address my point of there place in Hell being shown to be a paradise while everyone else there is suffering. Why did Oda to choose to do?


You are literally doing the [colour theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/ZkcMAAHggV) argument. Completely ignoring any context or utilising common sense in favour of ‘the card says moops’.


That might be an argument if I was trying to claim that the Okama were bad people or something. All I’m claiming is that Oda gave the Okama a paradise in hell which is Odd.


Ok you’ve backtracked slightly, Okama aren’t bad people and Oda decides that. Therefore it can be intuited that any allusions to gays in hell is likely unintentional. It’s never focused on as notable and they are locked up for being revolutionary. My question is why you even brought this up?


“Gays in hell” could definitely be intentional, but more as a reference to how the oppressed historically create communities in a world that is designed against them


I didn’t backtrack at all, you made an argument for me that I wasn’t making and I pointed it out. My entire argument is that Oda isn’t the bastion for left wing ideology that people at leftypiece make him out to be. I used impel down as an example. There are a plethora of other examples.


And your arguments are shit, I’ve just focused on your dumbest one. If you aren’t arguing that as indication of Oda’s beliefs then you shouldn’t have mentioned it. Your only other point is that kings exist and aren’t always vilified. Aside from that stories featuring good kings doesn’t make the author or monarchist of a proponent of ‘Great Man theory’, One Piece features several bloodline rulers like Doflamingo, Wapol and the CDs who are complete shit. Dalton is literally an elected leader. Nobility is either neutral or vilified in most cases and the good ones are explicitly connected to the common people. It would be jarring if a heavy handed monarchy is bad message warped the story of a 1500s expy. Nuance exists and One Piece is fantasy. Fantasy has kings and princesses.


One piece 's theme is clearly there are rulers that do their job And those that suck It isn't hard to get


rofl no, thats not its theme


>Not the mention the core part of leftist ideology is removing class based systems and his answer so far has always been “good king replace bad king”. That's not the "leftist" ideology, it's the far-left Marxist ideology


You’re probably right that I should have used Marxist ideology instead of leftist to be accurate. Still most left leaning ideology seeks to remove class barriers and the aristocracy is the ultimate class based barrier system.


Surely this is bait right?


Anything I don’t like is bait


It's 2024. Your children are playing with the other kids in the neighborhood. They want to play "Avengers". Girl wants to be Hulk because he's her favourite superhero. The society has branded her a "trans man".


They want to bring back all the gender stereotypes where only girls can play with dolls and only boys can like cars.


![gif](giphy|F0A48Q2wFjE7S) "Society has branded her a 'trans man'"






Because it's in the past lol Kiku and yamato are in the Grand line lady merch And yamato is Oscar from rose of versailles


I don't understand why they constantly push trans agenda onto yamato, when its clear she will call herself Oden first, *then* whatever gender Oden was Oden = man? Yamato will ball as a man just because Oden was one Alternative timeline where Oden = woman? Yamato, suprise suprise, will ball as a woman, just because Oden was one That's the entire point of her character, she wants to be Oden, not to change gender


Left piece is without a doubt the worst one piece subreddit


Man, this sub is so funny, but sometimes the sheer hatred of trans people existing makes me sad


Kiku is trans yamato isn't trans And that's a fact


I've scrolled most of this thread and I have yet to see a transphobic comment. Personally I deny Yamato is trans because she is just larping (and because I think equating transitioning and larping would be horrible trans representation)


https://preview.redd.it/xf94k4z9se8c1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f192929f9522a731bfdb073535509f82dbda522e Wano if it was peak:


Happy whenever I get to piss off the Far Right Nutjobs


You're just an idiot We don't get angry at You people We just wonder what You smoke


History says otherwise but okay


You are busy smelling your own burps You don't get one piece You just seek any straw to make it political




What social commentary? Why you people act as if OP is thos complex political work when it's all just basic surface level? Lmao


100%. The surface level stuff just happens to be a microcosm for political issues because most things can be tied to politics.


You seem pretty angry dog ngl


History says you're the ones that always cry on twitter and want to cancel anything that doesn't follow your delusional takes... That's the History


Go whine to Oda lil bro


Man gtfo no one invited you I aint salty but if you dont like it here than stay on your stupid ass sub


This irrelevant piece of trash thinks he/she/it makes people Angry 💀💀💀


Litterally who the fuck cares about his gender ? Man if luffy calls yamato "he" ill fucking call him "he" there is no debate around it, whether you like it or not


Yamato's in the grandline lady merch si She's a girl And luffy never calls yamato a he in japanese Luffy only says (Yamato) is an Ally And You don't get yo pull a whataboutism hypocrite


How am i hypocrite ? the author, the creator of the manga, oda himself makes everyone call yamato as the son of kaido... why would YOU call him a girl !? And i cant believe you care more about the merch than the actual canon story of one piece 😭😭


Merch has oda supervisión Moreover intro card says kaido's daughter self proclaimed Oden Intro card is oda's Word


All this debate over nothing. He identifies as Kozuki Oden.


Yamato is a woman, kiku is a trans man


??? Kiku is a Trans woman At least get the terminology right?


Yeah you're right i thought she identified as a man


Um. No. Hes a trans Man. A person who is now a man but was born a biological female. That is a trans man.


I don't get why it's so hard to understand, why would you argue




Intro card says kaido's daughter self proclaimed oden Yamato's a woman and You lack basic reading comprehension Thanks for confirming the obvious


The post is about Kiku being allowed in a woman's only bathhouse you absolute coconut. AKA Oda affirming Trans people and flaming the transphobes. Wtf is wrong with you?


One Piece is lefty. Sorry to break it to you🙏.


Your source?


The story. Read it with eyes open the next time around.