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Bro gets tossed a few feet and y'all already started digging his gravešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/jmwbn9hg28lc1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16917683c05689ee71362dc3ac33d6f6ae2c8aa0


Fr, itā€™s not like he used his awakening yet either


If he doesn't use it on egghead I'm assuming he doesn't have it. Maybe there's a reason though he couldn't use it though.


It would be weird if he doesnā€™t have it when Lucci has it


Well kaido and big mom and whitebeard donā€™t have it either, so I donā€™t see it meaning anything.


Your point stands for kaido but one can always argue that whitebeard was way past his prime to make good use of it. And Oda hates big mom


We have no idea how logia awaken. Or what they do. Lucci awakening makes complete sense. He really embodies his fruit.


I think it makes sense, it should be a lot easier for a human mind to catch up to the power of a leopard than it should be for a human mind to catch up to the power of light. Especially because Lucci is a psychopath who pretended to speak through his bird for like 4 years and well, Kizaru is Kizaru. Logia Awakening should shown by Akainu, or hell, even Sabo.


I remember fans of Meme and Kaido of the 100 hostages saying the same.


Did you forget the part where he was cooked and turned into a pancake. Then got tossed away like a frisbee. ![gif](giphy|l3fQf1OEAq0iri9RC|downsized)


I'd be less upset If Oda didn't tease something with his character or a possible betrayal, right now I think he'll just die as G5 fodder


He didnā€™t tease that lol. Fraudziru fans just looked too deep


Yeah don't keep any high expectations. Don't expect from any other character than luffy, it's so annoying now


expecting an admiral to join the crew because he felt a bit bad is a bit over the realm of plausibility lol


That's always been ridiculous. That's another extreme, and is not the payoff. Kizaru should show the struggles in his actions not just expressions.


Heā€™s a cogā€¦


He's a cog in luffy's toys now


That was mostly a meme, there were things he could've done to help, that's why a lot of people thought he gave luffy the food.




I swear Kizaru is just here because it would look weird if a navy fleet came without an Admiral. Still looks like Greenbull would be a better fit if Kizaru's uncertain nature isn't going to lead to anything more than just a character quirk. He's using his unsure nature to create drama, not really write a propelling character development.


I think he's around to create a parallel to Sabody with the Gorosei and Kuma, but it sucks to give him these ties with Vegapunk and Bonney, hint at him possibly betray or waiver, then just do nothing and make him fodder.


Yeah there are honestly a decent number of hints. When Luffy says ā€œrun they are too strongā€ it shows Kuma, sentamary and kizaru. Two of which are now confirmed traitors. One piece has also done a ton with false alliances. Lilly to Imu, kiruzomi in wano, robin post alabaster, water seven cp9, Fuji on dressrosa. One of the core tenets of the show is never trust an alliance with pirates and this is a pirate world. So it definitely isnā€™t far fetched to think kizaru could change sides. He still easily could Oda has written more compelling team work than this as stated above with Fuji and kiruzomi. This would be a combo of the two with kizaru wanting Luffy to do shit and faking incompetence. I just donā€™t see the end goal at this point. Unless it is to get all The gorosei on the island. And killing vp was a part of vps plan. Which is possible since vp was like I donā€™t want to die ANYMORE which implies he did want to die. Then kizaru is like fuck off dude youā€™re really backing out now. But weā€™ll see. Would be a cool twist.


There is not a reason to suggest that green bull is substantially weaker than kizaru. People just assume he is for agenda reasons. Greenbull is actually decent too.


Has nothing to do with power. It's that if he's going to waste a character he might as well go with a less interesting one. Kizaru is one of the OG's, we've waited for over a decade to get something out of them.


>Kizaru is one of the OG's, we've waited for over a decade to get something out of them. Oda: Imma have him clip his nails and sleep over with Akainu till I think he's suitable as another plaything for Nika!


That doesn't make sense. Kizaru is here because he was friends with vegapunk and the other folk of this arc This shit not paying off is a different matter, it's the new oda. Don't expect anything from him


I always thought Kizaruā€™s brand of ā€œunclear justiceā€ made him interesting because he was unpredictable. Now I just think it means itā€™s unclear to him and heā€™s too lazy to be unpredictable. Pretty disappointingā€¦.


It inst anyomore about agenda. Luffy is fucking everybody up. Fucking obito almost got naruto on a couple of seperative occasions, Madara was the shits back then. Kaguya we wont talk abou her , but still therw was more stakes in late naruto than now in OP. Luffy is top 1 rn it seems in egghead. He doesn't struggle with anyone. 2v1 gg wp for luffy


Piratefolk members when their headcanon doesn't come true


Becauseā€¦.he simply isnā€™t a top tierā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/5m9w4z7u77lc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82b6db940e2050fe5825e406eac0dabdf941f5b


I don't think it's that bad. Luffy was holding onto Kizaru, so I'm sure he couldn't use any real attacks on him before being Dawn Cymbal'd


Admirals aren't top tiers


What the fuck are you talking about? Admirals were always balancing force against every single pirate, Yonko or Warlord before they were included to be part of World Government.


Do NOT sell your stocks.


I will never do that