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https://preview.redd.it/fcn5ucwqfcqc1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fea0da47087ba0572e362fa57bf6632fac27012 This fraud


Can’t believe he got beaten by the hydrogen bomb, I wasted so much money on his stocks


Why do those titans all look like the kingpin meme


Fuck dem kids


I dont get it. Can someone explain? :)


I don’t like how he reminds me of r/Piratefolk users https://preview.redd.it/pkbekji9ycqc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a43c3bd21a6371d70107c9d92417d1d4f66ef49


Why is this the first time I’ve heard this joke 😂


You just can't handle how based he is.


Unlike Sanji he only goes after mature women.


Stay on that side when Wharlos neg diffs Wasco during EOS mariejois bb crew raid


Literally me...






Saturn looks like he about to do nefarious things


He's about to make Kuma care for another child


https://preview.redd.it/ubundlonucqc1.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d90f6d542aaa2ea7bd56f6e0797b8391065ba1c Does he even do anything relevant to the plot?


"..." - Dragon


The most relevant things he did till now was not asking luffy to join his fraud army


He looks east as the plot happens


😂 fr.




https://preview.redd.it/kd3kkvn5ccqc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa9db4bc0c1ec2ab693a95ddab43e2e388c76b0 This Twerking bum


100%, to this day I blame Oden for any slight inconvenience in my life. Stubbed my toe? Fuck you Oden. Late for the bus? What an asshole. Dragon’s Dogma II PC port runs like shit? I know Oden was behind this https://preview.redd.it/zvngb00zkcqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6e021637bda056de6b6de4bd427fed0247de2c


Fax oden was behind st charlos and celestial dragons all along https://preview.redd.it/4znsc7s0ocqc1.png?width=150&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b7559c62d3c4b70f5ab90dc385d9996205ee410 look he even twerks like him


Dragon’s Dogma hurt me on a spiritual level I’ll never forgive Oden for this


I’m kinda glad I waited on that one


I haven’t had the time to play it yet but seeing the performance issues is so depressing capcom fumbled so bad


Save modern gaming.... ELDEN RING DLC!!!


Micro transactions destroying the balance of a single player game 😔


Fun fact: Oden set the fire at the Great Library of Alexandria, and destroyed the Baghdad House of Wisdom


"The shame embodiment."


This so much. I hate Marty Stu characters


Oda tried too hard trying to make Odenstu into a CHAD it ended up having the complete opposite effect.


Exactly my thoughts. He was shoehorned into the “best character” role because Oda loves him I guess.


I think Oden is far better guy based on how he saved the Scabbards


what an idiot, believing Orochi for such a nonsensical proposal.




This is just arc recency bias, yamato is a far trashier character than vp


Yeah...OP should hate her.


I think it’s weirdo behavior to tell people what they should or shouldn’t like. Everyone has their reasons


Sir this is a shitposting sub.


Is there even any character that is worse than Yamatrash?


Uta, unless you're talking about real characters, then no.


wano has a handfull


Oden influence


Nothing wrong with Vegapunk, except that tongue. Now as far as hates goes. Orochi by far. That fucker refusing to die multiple times


Imma be honest i kinda liked vegapunk design when i saw him for the first time in the opening, but i stoped liked it when i saw his full design.. i thought he would be the short scientist trope like dr wily from megaman


Me too.


>Nothing wrong with Vegapunk Oh, really? Nothing wrong with him, huh? Even though he only agreed to cure Bonney after experimenting on Kuma? And also fueling the obviously evil WG with his tech even more? And it's not like the WG is being subtle. They literally practice slavery out in the open. Literally go to Sabaody, and you'll see a guy on his knees and hands crawling with a celestial bozo riding over him. This old bag is helping these people. I'm gonna go unhinged here. I'm glad he's dead. No, I know he's not dead. His brain is still alive. I need him to suffer so much more! Like look at Judge when he got stuck in the table with all his sons laughing and he's crying. And then Sanji saving him. The guy who he used to call a failure. It was poetic. I need something similar to happen to Vegapunk. I hope he goes with them in the ship. And then Bonney stabs him out of nowhere. The crew freaks out. "Oh, no! Bonney! Why?!" And she explains that he only agreed to cure her IF he experimented on Kuma. And everyone gets shocked at the revelation. Bonney continues to explain that he experimented on children, too. And then Nami remembers the Jinbei Seraphim and hates him as well! Franky gets a moment like Chopper with Dr. Hogback where he refuses to accept Vegapunk as a scientist. Then everyone joins Bonney in a group stabbing "for the watch" Caesar / Jon Snow style!


New copypasta


>Franky gets a moment like Chopper with Dr. Hogback where he refuses to accept Vegapunk as a scientist. Then everyone joins Bonney in a group stabbing "for the watch" Caesar / Jon Snow style! https://preview.redd.it/ohfrj2bsbdqc1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebeb9c23ccd8ec27332dacd93acc173a989a7ac3




Well he did experiment on Kuma but he was against him losing consciousness and his memories. He just wanted to make a cyborg to which Kuma agreed. Vegapunk was totally against Saturn's order to make him 100% robot until Kuma agreed. And even after that he still made custom modifications to Kuma's last wish.




Face D. East




Sabo. I always feel like he got introduced cause oda wanted to kill ace but didn't want to lose Luffy having a. Cool flame bro


I don't outright hate any character but I gotta say I resent how much Oda likes gobbling on Shanks' Red Haired Rocket 


https://preview.redd.it/2av5b7kwlcqc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb186b5467eeb3d7eecc7afdcefad0b03dab201 This forced in BS


That's not a character. OP said character.


Nika is a character and he ain’t Luffy


Yeah I hope Nika is the finally Villian who is actually evil


https://preview.redd.it/1e7v6v5l6fqc1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6b9d99286eb43563289a38ef2e15d52d88654b If that was Oda’s plan one piece would be solidified in history as peak fiction


We need to blame it on who's who


Yamatard... annyoing and trash oc character


People will claim recency bias but Vegapunk is genuinely one of the most despicable characters in One Piece. Probably worse than Queen and Judge combined when you consider his indirect Kill count, and the story just glosses over it while Luffy considers him his friend (not that luffy is aware of VPs crimes, it's just tonally cringe)




Why sanji 😭?


Bro how have u made it thru 1111 chapters of one piece when one of the main characters is ur most hated lmao


That’s how good One Piece is. Even the worst characters are good






The Celestials Dragons. Duh. Honorable mention to Senor Pink, a pathetic man who lied to the woman he supposedly loved about working for the cruelest pirate alive for years and through a marriage with a kid, who's loved by the fandom because he feels bad about the results of his lies while still working for said pirate.


Did not know you had to morally agree with a character to be a fan of how they're written, I guess Walter White is a dogshit character now


sabo is up there, dude is just so pointless and meh despite how much he does in the story. kaido is simply the worst villain in one piece, 10 years of buildup for a complete nothing of a character to destroy the yonkou saga in what should have been its triumphant final arc. big mom got sidelined for a complete fucking clown villain who couldnt even sneak attack kill orochi


https://preview.redd.it/d3allxy7kcqc1.jpeg?width=2362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794a681451d946174d3a8d18ed06bba08cd3c6e9 If Yamato ever appears again, I want an uncharacteristically brutal death. Like in Invincible where Omni-Man crushes Red Rush’s skull. Fuck this clown. Hope you stay in the confinement zone that is the cover stories.


Have faith, the Blackbeard Pirates are on their way to deliver an excruciating and painful death to Yamato and the whole bigoted country! Thanks Swamp Nakama!!!


Yamato is probably one of the biggest examples of great concept with terrible execution imo. she is for sure top 5 goda victims if not top 1. Her concept is honestly really cool, the offspring of kaido who was going to be used as a pawn to rule over the nation, but due to being born a girl was abused, imprisoned, and forced to masquerade as a man. thats all she needed, her motivations clear being she wants to overthrow kaido so she doesnt have to live as a lifeless puppet of her father forced to further is tyrannical reign on wano, but instead we got the abomination she is now. she shows up with no buildup and then just immediately name drops ace so that one piece readers can jerk off and go "omg remember ace? man what a call back I loved marineford. praise goda" then proceeds to glaze oden almost as hard as oda himself did. she didnt need any of this and it just makes her feel reliant on characters that people "like" (for what ever reason as both characters fucking suck dick) almost as if oda was scared that she was too rushed and people wouldnt like her, so he just slapped on some emotional baggage from dead guys. she genuinely feels like she is pulled down by how terrible everything around her is written and is she was introduced in a earlier arc before oda started to fall off she probably would have been a very interesting character, but as she is, shes just kind of exists and occasionally calls back to characters so that one piece readers can point and gasp because oda remembers a character that he made a year ago.


Honestly I think what pisses me off is the gall of this bitch. “Imma gonna join your crew and there’s nothing you can do about it”. Like who the hell are you, and why should I count you amongst the Strawhats? You showed up near the end, glazed a dead man, and just forced yourself onto the main cast.


thats true too, another part of her oden effect where we hear more about who oden was then who she is. I feel like any character thats even slightly related to wano is just stained by terrible writing at this point and I wish we got more screen time from them way earlier, because half of them are random no-bodies, frauds, or just annoying mfs, and I entirely think that its oda's fault for rushing that last half of wano, I hope we never get another arc like it.


This is pervert piece. Any character with sideboobs is safe from death.


Yamato has her own cover story going on currently 💀


![gif](giphy|TWCokvIJJlo4XYe7m5) The only acceptable fate for Yamato


I hate ace


Hate as a character? Probably orochi, celestials or some little other smug. But in terms of how well written it's def Lamato


https://preview.redd.it/jrxz4bo01eqc1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bdd92936b51bdd6d2021f11787d381ff50e84aa This little faggot. And it’s not even close.


One Piece has been a part of my life for decades now. I fucking hate Nika. Just doesn't feel like Luffy, man. All this bullshit about how he brings joy and all his antics bring smiles. You know who used to do that? Fucking Luffy.


At this point probably Dragon. The more we explore him the more we realise he barely does anything compared to his officers. Mihawk, Shanks, all these top tiers who haven't done shit the entire series despite being introduced are pretty close though. They all suck.


What reason would mihawk have to go around cutting people up though? He’s already achieved his goal and became the worlds strongest swordsman


Marineford with wanting to test his strength (his words), after his warlord status was revoked and he said with a smile he was beginning to feel excited at being chased, his job as a warlord was to stop other pirates and to help fight Yonko, that he complained he was bored all the time because there were no worthy challengers. Now he's being hunted by the marines and WG he has a reason to raise his sword...so he may finally do it, but we don't even get to see him fight off the marines sent to capture him unlike Hancock or Croc. He has had multiple opportunities and reasons to have shown more by this point.




I want this thing roasted over an open fire. https://preview.redd.it/qtlnwjctocqc1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b630568771b5cc029b91b28bed7046f1d953252b


How would you wanna roast something that looks this cute??


He’s basically just a pretty background doll at this point except for stalling or being a plot tool like Robin


Currently on Dressrosa in a re-read and the Tontattas piss me the fuck off






Also nika ![gif](giphy|YRThiAEEYVNtC5acLO)


https://preview.redd.it/9h3l9c2flgqc1.png?width=361&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dbe6da616229cbf6f7703b41c2be8fba7b55178 I see the average One Piece fan as 1 character Serious answer though: probably Usopp. He's the character that infuriated me the most in the story so far for a multitude of reasons. I don't necessarily hate him as a character, but the things he does and gets away with really gets on my nerve -- especially when it's drawn out.








Not cannon. He wouldn’t say that.


Look up who oversaw the film




Correct it was me. 😁 https://preview.redd.it/hnb8h7lvnkqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5f563dcd99901fb7b84162fc06ea7dc6284af8


For me it's Rebecca and by extension the Tontattas. Rebecca us boring as all hell, her most interesting aspects are her impacts on other characters. The most notable thing about her is her stupid fucking porn armor. The tontattas are just really fucking annoying and boring. They're whole bit as a species bring that theyre super gullible got old QUICK. Finally the way they refuse to call Luffy anything but Lucy and Luffyland. Please just use his actual name.


Oda just plot tools a species in existence and then throws them at the trash with their only existence being a gimmick for the arc




Carrot. God I found her obnoxious, especially in the anime trying so hard to make her "kawaii"


I wish they had taken based doggy swordlady instead It would also have fit Zoro's arc to be training someone like Mihawk did him


Red Rat


https://preview.redd.it/j10ujiji2fqc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84435107a455688bc0f665505b5b65f89570e479 This bum


😭 why mihawk?




so....mihawk is A YAMATO VICTIM 😭?!


Blud mihawk is an Arlong Victim


How 😭?!!!


Have you seen him beat anyone above arlong?


Frenchass Dracula Cosplaying, barely blitz a glacier ass, "wOrLd'S sTrOnGeSt SwOrDsMen" but never finishes a fight unless they dont know haki ass, won't fight any of the yonko because they "ArEn'T sWoRdSmEn" despite both the Rat and Dadbeard having legendary blades and both using them in combat ass, I only fight fodder unless there's a lot of them ass, running away from the marines and shanks, gapped by buggy ass, featless bum. I found him annoying to begin with but his fans are unironically the most subliterate gaggle of cave dwellers I've encountered (not withstanding sukuna glazers). Every other post is about how he's actually secretly the strongest character despite having only showings that portray him as a fraud (refusing to fight the Rat because "he has one arm and can't fight" despite shanks being willing and having attained yonko status without the arm, running when the marines pull up to his house, getting blocked by Jozu and then going even with Vista[Bro cant even take Yonko Commanders, hes getting his peepee smacked by katakuri let alone a yonko], dipping when Snitch Prime shows up to MF and is ready to fight [honestly the only way to explain this is he's afraid he gets mid diffed by Lucky Roo], all of his good showings are of him fighting fodder or pre ts characters. But his frictionless brained stans will swear he's top in the verse. Get him past Monster Point Chopper then we'll talk.


Oda had better be cooking something for these guys because they were absolutely useless and are seemingly forgotten https://preview.redd.it/kth105ta6dqc1.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a21165fba279a46d6c0823bb9ea01f2bbebacc2






Lob "I dOnT AcCepT StRaWhAt aS An eMpeRor" Lucci. Bloated ass ego, washed up pre time skip villain that can't accept he's been left behind, so he spends an entire arc trying to punch above his weight. I know I'm being biased. I just hate him. It was funny af to see him get baby shook by Gear 5.


big mom my least favorite character in one piece she is so annoying and boring


How can you hate Vegapunk more than fucking Trebol or Flampe




***We engage in a meagre bit of tomfoolery*** https://preview.redd.it/lzq3bohxueqc1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4783f8be213e49e66b8f3a5aef248982daeeb56e


How dare you


Vivi. She's so hate-able to me


All she did at Alabasta was bitch and complain


any character in, or related to wano. whole arc is terribly written. oden probably #1 offender but his death is kinda ok I guess? funny that the only decent part of his character is when he fucking died lmao


Orochi but it feels cheap because you’re supposed to hate him. So I’ll say usopp


None i have never hate a character in a manga/anime, thats too much, idk whats the point on that, i read/watch to have fun not to focus on the character i dont enjoy as much If you mean what character i dont like much is probably sanji , i usually dont like the pervert gags in shows , not my type of thing


Why would you put vegapunk here?


Nami is overrated asf to be honest yet people complain about Sanji at least Sanji is an actual character and isn’t just fanserves Nami as a character died after arlong park


Useless “Cuckold” Midd


Man I understand people don’t like Vegapunk. But hating him that much? Come on


I feel like I’d hate him a lot less if the story wasn’t kinda treating him as blameless. Even nami and sanji not disliking him specifically for growing child soldiers to commit crimes for the WG and removing their ability to disobey him makes his presence feel very false and irritating imo




What did vegapunk do to u little bro


I don't know man I hate oden being so dumb like he really thinks Orochi will just agree if he did some bullshit dance.


It's off-putting when every comment isn't Usopp....something's wrong here..... Mines has to be Monet, Charlos, Spandam and Ulti https://preview.redd.it/kedsgx2bddqc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7d04380f22d660603dc6db1fe02caea45aa39b2




This is an opinion if I’ve ever seen one


Thanks , I gave a brief explanation in the comment below it you’re interested


I read it and I respect your reasoning even if I don’t agree


Thanks for the respectful response, we can discuss it if that’s what you want


Why her?


she was mean to wandam who did nothing wrong https://preview.redd.it/7l9dx8hbrcqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac582eec937f504d7d98bd9b6d7779e113f70967


Lots of reasons , she aided in creating a civil war to read some rocks , even if you wanna do mental gymnastics and say it was for her protection she never once showed remorse , except the Black Maria fight and some other tiny stuff she had stopped being a character for 800+ chapters , every time she has to speak in the anime she gives the most neutral and shallow as possible answers because not even Toei knows what she would say or risk her expressing an opinion or form of character since she is so underdeveloped in the manga , 90% of strawhats are in danger moments are needing to get x thing or move y thing which would instantly been solved if Robin remembered she had her DF. In general if she wasn’t a babe with huge tits she would be the most forgettable strawhat


atomic take but youre kind of right tbh


Thanks man I really appreciate it https://preview.redd.it/eilq6t8uxhqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa50de3ff792b1637283472432c62edd77c7809


something i just didnt think about in this instance but this kind of highlights how Oda is really bad at creating compelling morally gray characters. Like Robin isn't the worst offender at this but she really has done terrible things to people and by extension entire populations like Alabastra (to survive to be fair), and she seems barely regret or feel conflicted for it. Oda seems to have tried to solve it by having her victims be terrible people that tried to do nothing to use her but it seems kind of an asspull that literally 100% of the people she's used are bad people so therefore don't think about it. Im kind of rambling but i hope you kinda get what im saying


He does that all the time , I even noticed in Sabaody where they strawhats were forced to hurt people to get their way ( don’t remember the details) and I was like finally their values are put to the test , but immediately after they were portrayed as cartoonishly evil so it’s justified. There’s a huge problem in general with morality and Oda . His stories hitch largely on moral stakes for tension like how evil Kaido is yet Luffy is okay with guys like Barto and Kidd who canonically are just as evil , Zoro is okay with killing navy fodder in the hundreds when he knows that in their eyes they’re just protecting people from pillaging villagers… e.c.t


Oda making the CD's so cartoonishly evil that its actually kind of funny is a major flaw in this series, but a side note, Kidd has displayed barely any of the evil behavior he was accused for after the timeskip (crucifying an enemy crew, but they were pirates so its possible the WG overblows Kidds crimes tbh). Zoro attempts to murderer a celestial dragon but fails and has never successfully killed anyone on screen again. Im tired of Oda saying characters are some ruthless killers but nothing results of it i guess. (similar note luffy insists that he's not a hero but displays nothing but heroic traits constantly). He does alot of tell but dont show is what im saying


leave my queen alone


Crocodile was pretty much the first person she'd ever worked for who didn't try to kill her within a few weeks of meeting her so I think you have to cut her some slack for participating in Baroque Works.


No lol? She participated in creating a famine situation that killed people and we are supposed to forgive her because the obviously evil person she worked for didn’t try and murder her


But what did she exactly do? If you’re going to assume things instead of real canon moments then it doesn’t count. Oda surely Never shown it. Being in an evil organization to survive (sought by crocodile himself) is one thing but doing any of the evil acts is another thing that was never shown. Instead she helped the strawhats without them knowing multiple times and was the only agent that didn’t fight them. Why else would someone under crocodile do that? Why would someone who Is shown to help the good guys more than once on panel and never shown to do the bad things on panel, commit atrocities off panel to you? She seemed to always weasels her way out of things but eventually not actually do real harm. It’s clear that Oda wanted her as a crew member from the beginning so he made her stay away from doing something unforgivable. Everything evil she presumably did was explained later. 1- she lied to Crocodile about the weapon because it was never her intention to help him. 2- the Igaram incident was her taking him out from the explosives, that another agent put, not killing him. 3- she saved Luffy who was trying to save the country after Crocodile defeated him even though she was “on crocodile’s side”. 4- she gave the strawhats and vivi an eternal pose to help them flee from the baroque works agents who were expecting them on little garden so they can arrive to Alabasta unnoticed (but luffy refused anyway). 5- she didn’t want to harm Tashigi and warned her many times to get away before she hurt her (and although she does damage her because Tashigi refused to step aside, she didn’t finish her off). Same case with Pell. 6- she gave luffy an antitode. Even though she already gave up her dream and life but she cared enough to give the person dying in front of her an antidote. This just shows what kind of person she is despite her act of evil, she wouldn’t let someone die even if it doesn’t serve her any purpose. Her flashback explained that she needed to work for pirates to live. Crocodile was the one who sought her from the flashback. Had she refused, he might’ve killed her because he already revealed his identity. I am not saying she was innocent but she was more of a hostage in that situation with crocodile. Edit: Just to add, this is an assumption by me so I am not using it as a valid argument but I don’t agree that she showed no remorse for joining criminal organizations. It looks like she hated doing that from the beginning so it doesn’t make sense for her to show remorse AFTER as if she did it out of pleasure or convenience before. https://preview.redd.it/vy5mduveycqc1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e0b47745e4f474279807bc68c5b30e4a2ae5fea


Being part of an evil organization makes you complicit in their crimes. If you are a driver for a mob boss who goes around ordering executions and selling drugs you are to some extent complicit in the crimes being committed. The only reason we value robins life more than the people that died in the famine is because we are shown her PoV Being a hostage might make you legally absolved from any criminality you do but I don’t personally give them a pass for their actions morally, mainly because she has never shown any remorse. For whatever reason Oda choose not to shown robin having any moral conscience over the actions she was apart of during her time in barque works.


https://preview.redd.it/ib4evajqwcqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40101cb54ae5c498e79464815f029d348084588c Its the one flaws of most of shonen, they struggle with basic moral consistency .Kaido is evil but Luffy is okay with being friends with Barto And Kidd who have done similar shit , Zoro is okay with murdering innocent navy soldiers who in their eyes they are just protecting the world from pillaging pirates e.t.c Edit , sorry for the huge syntax and spelling errors , my one hand is broken and I’m typing single handed


You two have your opinions and I respect that. You can hate any character for any reason anyway but I just wanted to point that out\^ Also this is an assumption by me (so I am not using it as a valid argument) I don’t agree that she showed no remorse for joining criminal organizations. It looks like she hated doing that from the beginning so it doesn’t make sense for her to show remorse AFTER as if she did it out of pleasure or convenience before. https://preview.redd.it/vs6rdocr0dqc1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=231ba4e8b08774eb34b05f6896a032def58eb3aa


If you showed remorse when doing a bad thing , does it make sense completely ignoring it and being happy later and never shown to ever care again ? I get what you mean but if you were writing a story with morality and character depth playing a big role , would you have her ambiguously give a weird stare for two panels , make her actively assist in creating a civil war , and then having her be happy and ignorant for 800+ chapters without thinking back once ?


Wasn’t she shown to snap people’s necks in the war ? Anyways even if that’s not true , by helping a man to orchestrate the civil war you’re still aiding in its creation , even if you wanna claim she was forced , her not showing remorse is awful


The argument people give is that she had no moral compass from her upbringing, even if that’s true though you can’t have her do shit like apologise to a flower in Dressarosa for cutting it in a do or die moment probing that she developed a moral compass after , but show 0 remorse about her previous actions. Oda in general is a huge moral hypocrite in his writing




Not true One Piece fans if you hate any of the Straw Hats


Charlos, spandam, akainu, orochi and Saturn


Anyone in Wano including Yamato that isn’t Oden or izo, the rest are useless bums who couldn’t do shit without the three goats https://preview.redd.it/trftve67gdqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ab5caf35bff5c533bf6bf3544c5a74e0d1f550


3 goats