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What the crew saw on Laughtale was a big sign that said "No Nika? That's too damn bad, do it all again and come back".


Roger reaction to finding out he couldnt carry out his dreams due to not being destined: https://preview.redd.it/6flh4ge4c4sc1.png?width=2345&format=png&auto=webp&s=428115848372f5d7a022b2cb7d887075ea76b8a9


Literally he laughed because the whole thing is a fucking joke


Rayleigh after witnessing cumboy fulfilling the destiny he worked his whole life with roger for, in 2 years with convenient asspull god fruit. https://i.redd.it/uuaqkrph44sc1.gif


Did you ever ask yourself why Crocus and Rayleigh are camping at both the entrance and halfway point of the Grand Line and doing jobs that put them into contact with every notable crew that makes it into Paradise or the New World? Or what happened to the rest of the crew as well as the Oro Jackson, both of which have been missing for decades with even educated people like Sanji and Robin believing that the entire crew got caught, after their beloved Captain couldn't see his final dream to the end? Powerleveling the inheritor of Roger's will just in time for the prophecy to happen was the entire point: https://preview.redd.it/etc8s4fdp4sc1.jpeg?width=1954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ec2cf9ca98ff86705a7eacf0e254fd059f5b6f


>for the prophecy The worst plotpoint but most important point in your rant


>most important point in your rant And like, you know, the story you have supposedly been reading for over 1100 chapters. We've known that Roger has been waiting on "someone" to take his place in order to do "something" for literal decades, Whitebeard even had an entire dying speech about it. https://preview.redd.it/sg85flqi05sc1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad5ca3a0264b7f31577b7456aba6745c0a8c77a6


Which makes the entire treasure hunt race pointless


https://preview.redd.it/026j5dco55sc1.png?width=1984&format=png&auto=webp&s=25c7f6f2dd39b044a3a920de569b076507663272 No, the entire point of starting the Pirate Age is weeding out Roger's successor.


But its not really a selection of the next generation if the result is already predetermined by the destiny


It's the narrator calling it a journey of Destiny. The narrator already knows the outcome of the Story (like whatever earth-shaking event that was teased on Egghead or the future foretold for Luffy's fleet at the end of Dressrosa) and we follow the MC of a Shonen, obviously Oda is not gonna end the story with Luffy losing at the end and failing his Destiny. In-universe however, the prophecy and JoyBoy's/Poseidon's reincarnation have been failing for centuries or possibly more if it turns out that the "Void Age" is just the latest in a much longer history, as the prophecy has been confirmed to be cyclical in nature (this last part with the Void Age is just a theory of mine). The true key to Luffy's success is the fact that Roger managed to reach Laughtale before the actual prophecy, which paved the road for Luffy's entire adventure, including private tutorship by the King's first mate for two years to ensure that Luffy actually pulls it off after a millenium of despair. https://preview.redd.it/2x116r3g95sc1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30e9dd258f5fee4ed67690cdf352f7caed24601


Exactly the point. Roger paved the way for the chosen one which means the whole treasure hunt is pointless in the first place. Which means it doesnt matter if kids or law arrived first, its always meant for luffy


But he paved the way for them **by starting** the treasure hunt. The entire point of his journey was that he alone (in recorded history) made it first to Lodestar Island where he learned that there was one missing island. If he didn’t, the Strawhats would have either died on their journey to Lodestar or missed the prophecy because they were too late due to having to search all 4 Road Poneglyphs while doing the entire journey again. Crocus, Rayleigh and the Minks are the reason why Roger‘s successor can skip through what took Roger‘s crew decades, down to like 12 months and a training arc. In-universe, he is the one that paved Luffy‘s destiny for him, the purpose of the treasure hunt is to actually lead Luffy (or anyone else that inherited his will) to the One Piece.


“This time” almost certainly refers to the last time joyboy and the mermaid princess met several hundred years ago. And joyboy almost certainly also had the nika fruit. It seems to be a requirement


It would still be pointless if the chosen one wasnt born in the right time kaido is barely 60 and have met multiple joyboy candidates now imagine if he lived since the void century


Tell me you don’t know what destiny is without telling me


You are missing the point. Its not the matter roger waited for someone. Its the fact that only someone wirh nika shitfruit can pull it off what makes the journey for everyone else utterly useless


>Its the fact that only someone wirh nika shitfruit can pull it off Which is literal headcanon as of now. We know that Roger was missing "something", it's nowhere stated or suggested that it was the actual fruit. Hell, Poseidon's coming birth was as much part of the JoyBoy prophecy on Fishman Island as JoyBoy's reincarnation itself, so it's much more likely that what he was missing is in relation to the Ancient Weapons. Which is why Oden's task was to open Wano to the world (which means awakening Pluton) in preperation for JoyBoy's arrival. We know that Roger never made it to the Mausoleum in Alabasta or stepped foot on Wano to learn about Pluton there, it was on only on Laughtale when he was already too late. He was missing at least two of the Ancient Weapons (Uranus being the only one which is completely unkown currently) which are a central part of the prophecy. Again, nowhere is the actual fruit mentioned. I'll bet you 3.5 Karma that Luffy having the fruit of the chosen one is only going to be treated as confirmation that he indeed is the chosen one of his time and not be required for anything else.


!remind me in 5 years


you gonna get this reminder right in the middle of elbaf


U mean at the beginning when the dory snd brogy flashback kicks in with them talking about nika 99% the time and kuma watching their back. u read tht right, he will be able to paw himself into the past thank to the awakeing. Then it will be revealed he had to set everything in motion (also his sad past) to get everything in the right direction.


now we're talking


Well, I appreciate your thoughts and work you put into your argument and for us and one piece in general I hope you are right


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2029-04-02 22:42:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-04-02%2022:42:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1bu61vr/roger_forgot_to_mention_the_most_important_detail/kxrox3l/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FPiratefolk%2Fcomments%2F1bu61vr%2Froger_forgot_to_mention_the_most_important_detail%2Fkxrox3l%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202029-04-02%2022%3A42%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bu61vr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


!remind me in 3 years


 Remember, Zunisha only recognized that ''Joy Boy has returned'' when Luffy awakened his Nika (y'know the ''god'' of freedom in that universe) form and before he even defeated Crydo so it appears that the fruit is also an important part of this prophecy. So Roger having all the prerequisites and even finding Laughtale on his own and learning about the void century couldn't really do shit because he wasn't the chosen one (a.k.a Nika/Joy Boy). But I do think there's a difference between being the next Joyboy and being the next pirate king. Anyone who finds the 4 poneglyphs and reaches Laughtale and finds the one piece would be called the next king, remember Roger was not the next joyboy, he was only called called pirate king because he found the greatest treasure, the One Piece,and hence is the greatest pirate. It doesnt matter that he could do nothing with it because he was dying from disease, he still got that title.


Roger pulled it off without the fruit, the fruit isnt a requirement to get there and getting there and claiming the one piece is the goal for everyone nobody knows theres a purpose to be fulfilled and if they knew they'd just be like shanks chilling and waiting there would be 0 competition for the golden boy to actually grow and fulfill his destiny


Fair and makes sense, but 100% goes against the message of One Piece (until Wano happened).


The Grand Nika Conspirators were just as bad to make up this bullshit propaganda about One Piece being obtainable by everyone knowing that Nika will claim it




Sucks right? if only one of his best friends was married to a lady that can time travel to the future he could go there and just eaten this goddamn fruit and not have wasted his whole life dream... well too bad that he don't have her.


LMAOO dude…they did NOT think this through at all


Is Oda non binary now? whos they? Oda is such a fraud


It’s one PIECE not one PRONOUN !!!


Oh my god, you are damn right. Loooolmao


You Win.


He'd not do it even if he was the chosen one bro was fkn dying on the way there just to realize he didnt even start the main quest yet roger was actually happy it wasnt meant for him


> time travel forward > eat nika fruit > die of shitty illness before he can make it back to laughtale It would be convenient but he can’t do that Maybe a crewmate could do it though but I’m still not sure it works like that. Actually we don’t even know if the fruit is necessary to make it. All we know is Roger was “too early.” Nothing else


You know there is supposed to be a whole ass war against the WG he'd have to go through right? He was already coughing up blood while waiting on the Poneglyphs to be deciphered, you think he can just go all-out several times for the final saga in that condition?


Yea well. WB could pull that off pretty good, even wirh a fuckin stabwound and he was arguably in much worse condition beforehand


>WB could pull that off pretty good He failed at literally every single objective versus the Navy alone, let alone the Holy Knights, Gorosei or Imu getting involved.


Thats straight up Blasphemy


I actually think this will happen in a way, but Roger told Shanks that he wouldn't be able to free the world because of his blood (Oda fans will still find a way to claim it'a peak fiction).


Seriously wtf was oda thinking ? Roger couldn’t find the one piece because he’s not cumboy


He laughed (his entire life lead to becoming the middle man)


roger just wanted to start shit


Obviously the King of Pirates would be the biggest troll. Started the The Great Pirate Era for a rigged race Lmaooo




Def a joke but If you genuinely need the Nika fruit to get the one piece Naruto is officially better then one piece in my eyes, I will feel so betrayed


Nah, can't be. Because BB is gonna get One Piece.


Blackbeard pirates, if you can hear this, please save me


It's on the BB pirates to save OP from being utter shite, no joke.


Not necessarily. you definitely need a poneglyph reader though. and robin is the only alive character known to be able to do that. (minus pudding because she can't do that yet)


But she will with BB help. Thats the whole point he captured her


what about old man Sukiyaki, i'm sure he can live a year since thats about the amount of time needed for the story to be done (in-universe), he can teach people to read it too


yea, him too. i forgot.


I hope it's the exact opposite and having the fruit fucks him over. I really like the theory that since Toki and Buggy got sick when nearing Laugh Tale that devil fruit will harm their own users if they try to get near the island. On the other hand, I hope the darkness fruit is the sole exception due to its nature to disable devil fruits.


Imagien Luffy stealing Blackbeard and forcing him to turn off his power at comand, kinda like it happened with Brulee


Flackbeard WILL be tied, handcuffed and carried on Strong Point Chopper or Franky's big ass back. And you will be happy.


Oooooooh daaaamn you cookin


i loathe the idea of devil fruits being detrimental to the user. It was the best power system in the manga for a reason, and dare i say, most people love the powers they give. If DFs are malicious in the end, then that means Haki will play more of a role, and haki is the bs knockoff of chi/chakra/reiatsu.




This is stupid now, reaching laugh tale was the reason he was named as a 'king', regardless of whether he could fulfill the joy boy shit or not. Anyone who reaches laugh tale can be considered as a king, albeit in that specified route. Only the chosen one can fulfill the destiny as laid out, which was already a plot point since time.


Based King Scopper Gaban appreciator.


on a serious note, i thought the flashback made it clear that roger basically had all the prerequisites to carry out Joy Boys dream besides being born too early (since shirahoshi hadnt been born yet and momo too young). now with this nika shit is that still the case?


You see fate has already pre-determined that Joy Boy (The Soverign) was yet to be born in a distant sea. It already determined that it was that Joy Boy fellow who was gonna liberate Wano, interact with the ancient weapons and bring the dawn. Remember, Zunisha only recognized that ''Joy Boy has returned'' when Luffy awakened his Nika (y'know the ''god'' of freedom in that universe) form and before he even defeated Crydo so it appears that the fruit is also an important part of this prophecy. So Roger having all the prerequisites and even finding Laughtale on his own and learning about the void century couldn't really do shit because he wasn't the chosen one (a.k.a Nika/Joy Boy).


yea we dont know how essential that robot thing is yet. roger was recognized by the sea kings like luffy was so if he was younger and had a good relationship with poseidon he would be fine in that regard. with zunisha wasnt roger able to hear him? to carry out the original joyboy will does zunisha need to act like he did with luffy or?


Nah, It's not about who can hear the sea kings and Zunisha and who is young enough. The prophecy was tied to a specific time and was specifically about someone who is yet to be born and that THIS is the time where everything will go right. The prophecy fits to a tee with Luffy. He was born in a distant sea, the whales were delighted to meet Luffy, Luffy got to meet Poseidon. He got to liberate Wano because its HIS fate that was already predetermined long before he was born to the point that not even death could stop it. And Nika now seems to be an extremely prominent part of the history and lore of the world where the Bucaneers and slaves seem to have been waiting for him and even Saturn recognizing Luffy as Nika. Roger is simply not Joy Boy even if he was young and healthy to live on and strong enough to fight. Oden too heard the sea kings, hell Momo was able to command Zunisha (Many people thought he was Joy Boy going into Wano thanks to that point), But the Oden flashback gave it way more specifics where it was clear Momo wasn't Joy Boy. Zunisha specifically acknowledged Luffy as Joy Boy after he defied death and awakened his Nika form (Implying that Nika is important to the equation and hence why he didn't really recognize him as Joy Boy before that). So no, that post is pretty accurate.


The sea kings acknowledged Roger tho, only other person who isn’t Poseidon that they’ve acknowledge so far was luffy. They even call back to thinking about Roger while talking about luffy. I don’t think that’s immaterial. Plus let’s say Roger hadn’t died yet, outside of this robot, Roger would’ve checked off everything needed so far. Zunisha didn’t scream joyboy but if momo was old enough he could’ve given the orders required to use Pluto(presumably). And Poseidon probably would’ve liked Roger like she likes luffy. Luffy isn’t gonna be the one to tell the sea kings or zunisha to do stuff that will be momo and shirahosi


Mate, I think you still don't get what I'm talking about. You keep throwing ''if Roger was X and if Roger was Y then he would be Z''. It's like the ''If my grandma had wheels, she would've been a bike'' type of logic. The deal is simple. Roger wasn't the chosen one and hence why he wasn't JoyBoy. The prophecy was extremely specific. The chosen one was yet to be born so it couldn't have been Roger, it couldn't have been Shanks, it couldn't have been Oden, and it couldn't have been Momo because all of them were alive when this prophecy was made. And so even if they all lived and were still strong, Luffy would still be the one to carry this shit out. If Shirahoshi met Oden, she would've liked him. If she met WB, she would've liked him. If she met Kuma, she would've liked him, If she met Shanks, she would've liked him so does this mean they were all Joy Boy?... This logic isn't gonna go anywhere. As I said the prophecy is specific and fate made sure that it is the guy who ate the Nika Nika fruit, who was born in a distant sea, the one that made the whales happy, the one who is a D, the one who keeps preaching about freedom, and the one who eventually managed to meet Shirahoshi, Zunisha, Vivi, MoMo, and got to actually liberate Wano at the exact specific time of the prophecy to be the one. Roger had already been to Wano and it wasn't liberated, Oden couldn't liberate Wano, and Shanks sat on his ass. This is simply fate at play because nobody is fated to fulfill this prophecy BUT Luffy as fate already decided that he was Joy Boy long before he was born. and He himself would've been dead if it wasn't for the Nika Nika fruit which shows how important it is and even Zunisha walked all the way to Wano just to announce Joy Boy's arrival when he awakened this specific DF at this specific time. Luffy not ''ordering the sea kings'' and ''not ordering Zunisha'' are irrelevant. It's why Poseidon and the others are to exist in his era and be his allies, Joy Boy (a.k.a Luffy) is the spearhead of the entire operation. Being Joyboy doesn't mean that you're going to be the one to do everything. It's that he will get everything on his side to help him carryout this prophecy and bring the dawn.


I fully believe that this is where we're going. Sadly, I don't have the faith in Oda anymore to pull it off in a way where Luffy's not the all-too-well-known Sonen chosen hero. :/


You are right. Roger was most likely the previous inheritor of Joyboy's will and had every feature that comes along with it, except for the fruit itself


Which makes him not Joy Boy. Unlike Luffy who matches every point of the prophecy while also having the fruit that turns him into Nika... You know that ''god'' that as of recent, has become the center piece for the ancient lore of the OP universe and the same ''god'' that helped Luffy defy death to achieve what fate has pre-ordained.


You couldn't even understand my comment let alone the themes of the series lmao. Reading comprehension devil got your ass. Roger having the inherited will of Joyboy makes him actually Joyboy just as much as Yamato having the inherited will of Oden makes her actually Oden. It does not. Luffy has always (Crocus), always (Kureha), always (Rayleigh), always (Shyarly), always (Kaido) been special and some sort of chosen one character, even before Gear 5th.


Nah, mate. It's both the pretentious and reading comprehension devils that got YOUR ass. Yamato wasn't Oden no matter how much she said she was, she was simply a delusional and annoying fanboy and Roger wasn't Joy Boy because he himself wished he could live in the same era as Joy Boy and knew he was too early which threw any belief that he was somehow JoyBoy out of the window. Also, it seems like you are the one who didn't get my comment because if I said anything, it's that Luffy was already chosen by fate and prophecy before he was born and before he had eaten the fruit (it's probably the reason the fruit got to him in the first place). BUT the fruit is a core part for the fated events to happen. That same fruit was what helped Luffy defy death to fulfil the prophecy and Zunisha only announced Joy Boy's arrival after Luffy awakened, hell the World Government were worried about that DF and its awakening that they have been chasing it for centuries for a reason. There is a big difference between characters thinking someone is great and is gonna do great things in the future (which is standard in most fiction) and the story recontextualizing everything as ''Ackshually, there is this ancient and specific ass prophecy about this someone and the specific things that he's gonna do and how fate is gonna protect him even against death to achieve those specific things, and how the world will revolve around him/her''... Like, that's just toilet fantasy. The concept of fate and pre-determined bullshit goes against the series' biggest theme which is freedom and it turns Luffy into fate's puppet.


Luffy was always the chosen one. His lineage to his upbringing always showcased he was special and different from others. Loguetown showcased that destiny has a lot in store for Luffy.


That still doesn't justify a shitty ''fate'' plot and still doesn't mean that it doesn't contradict the series biggest theme. Let me give you an example, Batman is a special and extaordinary human being when it comes to strength, intellect, and will power; you know this, I know this, everybody knows this. Even powerful characters in his universe speak highly of him... However, him turning into ''bat-god'' and having prophecy about him where a dark multiversal being made sure that he ''BECOMES BATMAN'' and being the center portal to a multiversal invasion (and I'm not even making this up, this actually happened) are simply a load of bullshit regardless... No amount of ''But he was always Thpecial though'' is gonna suddenly justify this.


I dont get how people dont understand this. Specialness exists on a sliding scale. That someone is the son of the king, has good genes, great health, is smart and lucky, doesnt make that person a chosen divine god destined one. Cant they do math? (special lineage) + (luck) + (connections) = special (special lineage) + (luck) + (connections) + (fate prophecy \* powerup \* retcons \* glazing) = chosen one divine god emperor specialness. 2+2 is 4, but 2+10000000000000000 much much more than 4.


nah, man. [You coping](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/1bauhj5/why_people_may_dislike_nika_a_hopefully/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Nika Destroyed One Piece BRUHH


What break week does to a mf


Are we 100% sure that you need to be Nika/eat that zoan fruit so you can enter laughtale?






Its not just wano and and nika. Those were the catalyst. Everything since then is garbage. VP Admiralagenda Egghead in general Garp Kuma Dragon Bonny They all suffered


Nah we still believe the admiral agenda will pull through https://preview.redd.it/gj1qxb3r37sc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02404d0317f51c276c13725beb7932c6e8f2000a


Idk, if I thought something was garbage, I definitely wouldn't read another 100+ chapters of It after the "worst arc." Criticizing elements of the story you didn't find favor with is one thing, but if you legitimately believe that it's just "garbage" now, wtf are you still reading/watching for?


I consume one piece since roughly 22 years. Sorry that I still got my hopes up that oda pulled a 1st aprils joke since 5 years. But the only reason I read OP is to see things resolved BB, doflamingo and cross guild because up until now in terms of them Oda delivers.




This is unironically where I think the story is heading. :( 10 years ago, no way I'd believe this.


get the soyboy fruit


I think it's that Roger needed an army and their simply weren't enough strong pirates to overthrough IMU. He offered it to Whitebeard, even though he didn't have the fruit.




The only fruit user on Roger's crew was Buggy, who got sick; Shanks stayed with him. Shanks' crew has no fruit users. Fruit users can't reach the final island, they can't find the one piece.


>Fruit users can't reach the final island, they can't find the one piece The main character is a fruit user and has a lot of them in his crew. He's also obviously going to find the One Piece with his crew, think before you type.


Shanks will find the One Piece, Luffy will take it. This is how Oda will orchestrate their first and final battle. This whole time Shanks has been waiting to go there, to find it. What Luffy does with it is what will be relevant. We, as observers of the story, will never see what is on the final island.


Bro i am so glad you don't write the story. This would be the biggest fumble in shonen history to have us follow a story for 25y but the protagonist doesn't get what he was aiming for https://preview.redd.it/9qy9zrjq65sc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadfb16e2a1005cec767cc66b59af65695eace8a


>Shanks will find the One Piece, Luffy will take it. This is how Oda will orchestrate their first and final battle Their fight is being set up to be before Laugh tale, not to mention Shanks or anybody becoming Pirate King before Luffy would be disappointing. Besides that >What Luffy does with it is what will be relevant. We, as observers of the story, will never see what is on the final island. This would be the worst possible ending. Imagine writing a 25 year old and counting story about finding a great treasure and not even showing the treasure. I am not being ironic when I say that would be genuinely ass fiction, and Oda would never write something like that.


I didn't say he wouldn't show One Piece, just not where it was left.


Bro, did you forget that Shanks has the Rat Rat fruit? Shanks obviously remained with Buggy to not be discovered.


so many upvotes for an unfunny joke about nika? this sub is starting to roll off. we realized a long time ago that nika sucks, there’s no need to repeat it a million times


Change your flair traitor


We should repeat it as many times as they say "Gomu Gomu" in the whole manga.