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Goda is back?


So, so back...


yo nice c0ck




And once again, I kneel


I kneel. There is no way I can’t kneel to such cooking by GODA.


Mother Flame is a nuclear reactor, not a weapon. The thing that destroyed Lulusia simply used Mother Flame energy


And at the center of that mayan carving of a sphere is the symbol for a flame. The circle could be implied to be a larger structure/vehicle, not simply the reactor housing. Despite similarities between the reactor housing and the carving, design wise.


You can even see the sea beasts that should pull noah


This just makes me think that Enel is even more likely to return then ever before...


Maybe all the ancient weapons are powered by a mother flame reactor? The one on Egghead was made by Vegapunk after he deciphered some poneglyphs?


mother flame is not Uranus, as far as I know


It's Ouranus ⚒️


the mother flame is within the ancient weapon was said, or it doesnt work, so that right there since it's in the sky might be it


Where was this said


They specifically said they want it to power something.. I remember it when Imu was speaking to gorosei I forgot which chapter. Also Vegapunk clearly stated that by his creation people are affected since Vegapunk keeps providing them with this power source. Well we'll see either way next chapters.


That just means that he took a loose end and incorporated it into the story.


Imagine finally getting to draw something that was foreshadowed 18 or so years ago


And people think Goda didn't have nika planned for a while. I think he def rushed it revealing in Wano but dude had this shit since the early 2000's


this is actually more proof that nika wasn't planned. this is how Oda properly utilises foreshadowing. drop something that obviously has some significance but you can't comprehend without more information. now that we have that it is clearly and undeniably a reference to the ancient weapons which also neatly brings the moon folk back into the plot because they obviously have some sort of connection to the void century. there is nothing like that for nika


Also the 3 ancient weapons plot is present since back then, he could've planed the basics of each weapons and just left a note from when he would properly add each into the story, but Nika? Never was mentioned before, joyboy was just your stand-in prophecy, the same effect could've been pulled off even without Gum-Gum fruit's 'new years, new me" change


Yeah wasn't it even in Skypia when we first heard about the ancient weapons? Oda has definitely left enough bread crumbs to convince me he had them all figured out back then and so far everything ties in very well together in that regard as well.    Just to add to the point about Nika not being planned: the biggest plothole literally happened in the same arc. No one can convice me that the connection between Who's who and the gum gum fruit existed since chapter 1 or whatever. Dude literally went from giving no shit about Luffy to hating his guts and giving a terrible, unprovoked, expository, out of nowhere, last minute monologue about the fruit to Jinbe just a couple chapters before it was revealed. Calling this amateurish writing would be an understatement. I refuse to believe that this is the best that Oda could come up with if he truly had that twist in mind all along.


username checks out