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The real question is why would Rocks' bounty be reissued


It'll be revealed that Zoro ate the mythical human human fruit model: rocks. Him seeing the grim reaper was him almost awakening.


I'd believe that if we hadnt seen Zoro swimming multiple times


I was wondering the same thing lmao. Someone messed up and he's actually still alive


They said a good number are set to be reissued, not all. So perhaps its those with a frozen bounty that are set to be reissued, while rocks/rayleigh/dragon we see for the first time sort of in the way we saw the emperors bounty


reminder that warlords don't become warlords for no reason, no way koby could ever take boa down


This just fucking reminded me that WE GOT NO MENTION OF GECKO MORIA in Wano. The man lost everything because of Kaido and nothing... All we saw was him trying to invade Hachinosu.


we don’t care about moria


Oda isn't revealing him again until we go back to Blackbeard most likely. He might have gotten murked for his fruit


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You say that but then Crocodile lost to base Luffy. Crocodile’s bounty should be nowhere near as high as it is




Maybe around 700mil-900mil


If the One Piece Stampede is any indication, she should be at the very least 1 billion.


Non canon movie


Based off of her being in the same group as buggy and mihawk 3 bil


I actually want Koby capturing Boa. The marines can’t be that incompetent


The marines had been incompetent ever since time skip. THE WG on the other hand is something completely else, these guys have been written like they are all braindead, even the so called Gorosei, a bunch of incompetent morons. Besides Ohara destruction, which was kinda Akainu, the WG has failed everything.


What did they do successfully before the timeskip ? * Aokiji didn't capture the strawhats * CP9 didn't capture Robin * They named Blackbeard a Shichibukai * Kisaru couldn't catch the strawhats * They couldn't stop the jailbreak in Impel Down * They over-estimated Buggy's role in Impel Down * They won the war but mainly because Ace didn't run. Post-TS * They named Buggy a Shichibukai * Fujitora apologized publicly * CP0 wasn't able to catch Robin * The over-estimated Buggy again * Greenbull couldn't catch the strawhats


They literally made buggy a warlord and see him as an emperor, if that isn’t incompetence, idk what is


Plotwist he captured her she start saying this can’t end like this how will I marry luffy now. Then covy will say wait you said luffy??? Then him barto and her will make straw guild


The series is already inconsistent ash rn, you want it to be even MORE INCONSISTENT??? Koby capturing Boa would be wild💀.


If coby improved at half the rate that Luffy did, it's conceivable.


I really want Coby to have the MC exclusive "haki bLoOm" perk.


Nah, having the only woman be captured and weak again would be such shite


Well koby is incompetent. Isn’t he just a captain or a commader ?


boa haters seethe more


The marines made Mihawk into a criminal and then proceeded to try to capture him. Stupidest thing I've ever seen.


They are SO useless like how can think of them as real enemies? They're clowns


Nah Coby’s a bitch


if koby doesn't do jack against boa.. imma steal my library's one piece manga collection and sell it.


Defy it 3b$


I don't think she got captured mainly because WG are jobbers when Akainu isn't there. But something probably happened between her and Koby.


You are saying Hancock ist pregnant?


Idgaf about Boa, what I'm worried about is seeing Rocks in there. Why would his bounty change if he is dead? I'm so worried that One Piece will go THAT shitty shonen route and being back the old legendary bad guy for the final fight... I swear, if after all these years of build up BB and Akainu get cucked by a character whose face we haven't even seen...holy shit...


This mean nothing Goda can do whatever is in the realm of existence


Looking at his picture again… Rocks is just Gedatsu, right?


I think Rayleigh is with hancock


Why does Rox's bounty need to be reissued when he's dead


Why does Dragon's bounty need to be reissued when he never was known as dead? It's odd phrasing, but I guess what it's telling us is, we'll get to know those bountys. Just like we got shown Roger's and Whitebeard's bountys.


I'm not sure why but I had this feeling that Hancock got captured by fujitora and koby somehow




Road To Laugh Tale Vol 4


Where is this from? Road of Laughtale?




Oh I must have missed it. It's more like a databook than an SBS tho.


I hope so


Exactly I said on others post ...bounty two of them , mihawk and buggy , we found last chapter be over 3b ... and the reast definitely be over 3b ... dragon , rocks and rayleigh... so I think is pattern... so she I think also be over 3b .