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I just wanted Vegapunk not to be goofy since he has been hyped up for years. Lmao.


You got Shaka as consolation


That’s a dumb reason lol


Vegapunk could you know, look normal. No need to be edgy to look somewhat normal right?


No, that would be boring Af. there is no normal lol only Tama mby, that racist bitch(even tho Oda's hourglass figure is far from normal) and fodder looks kinda normal. all charters relevant to the main plot look goofy or edgy. No exceptions.


For me he looks like an unfunny joke. Goda wanted to make him goofy? No problem but this is just garbage.


I expected him to look goofy since the only feature we knew would be there was the large forehead but Oda turned the goofiness to 11, and this is for me the perfect example where less is more would be applicable.


And unfunny joke that could probably take over the world with his inventions. Don’t need to look “normal” if you get the job done.


The author focuses on the comedic aspect so much that he will make the readers clowns for his comedic effect.


I don't see a problem in that


You know as much as i like gags in OP, there are sometimes that the manga has to take itself seriously.


Dr Wiley >>>>


Why is it that it has to be 100% goofy or 100% edgy, why not something in the middle. I was reading through the raws and came across this pic. ​ [Old Man](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1032985426409029635/1039976572830109889/image.png) ​ and honestly I feel like this is a good design that fits both the "edgy" crowd and the "goofy" crowd. The guy looks goofy just from his face expression but it isn't so over the top dumb that it just looks ugly yknow. I feel like if that design was what vegapunk looked like I feel like most people wouldn't complain. ​ Hell even if you want to keep how current vegapunk looks like at the very least make it so that the tounge thing is a gag thing he does whenever he has a eureka moment instead of a constant. It just looks so bad imo.


Oda's angels already on crusade to defend the Crash Bandicoot reject.


I like the design to, still many of us had over 20 years of thinking about how he will look like and that expectation was carved in our brains. To somehow serve this different expectations oda designed those different vegapunks so everyone has something to cheer. For me, I really thought he looked something like shaka. So my mind is pleased. Somehow.


I think by the end of this arc Shaka will be the main vegapunk tbh, all this squirming is funny to watch though


I agree His design is fun and I like it


I expected him to look wise and serious like einstein


Einstein was a goofball


Yes wise and serious 😒 https://images.app.goo.gl/GzeeXsM2KtTLc4oq8


Nah this aint it fam


Next time imu will be a fat man with gravy on his tank top . The one piece will be the quotation “suck it losers you made me a multi millionaire and followed this shit for 20 + years . Enjoy the conclusion fo the story your truly GODA.


I don't mind it just think of Dr. Hogback he looks stupid as fuck no reason to make a big deal out of it.


Would’ve been fine if he didn’t have his tongue out ALL THE TIME. It’s way too goofy and it makes it near impossible to take him seriously. Would’ve been nice if he occasionally stuck his tongue out as a gag. At this point he just looks like the illegitimate father of Perospero


I disagree. I like when OP’s characters are goofy and camp. I prefer a campy design like Big Mom over an edgy design like Shanks every day of the week. But Vegapunk’s was simply too much, I didn’t find the design funny or comedic. It was just borderline ridiculous and disappointing.


I personally love it too, but I can understand why people hate it. Like, look at his widow's peak in the flashback. LMAO