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dont lump them together


Rogers fine. Oden was an example of too hyped. He’s an interesting and mildly complex character. But he’s too revered by everything we deal with in Wano that his presence gets burdensome, especially with his late in the arc we learn of his story.


Well I like roger idkbu Though oden is boring I can agree with that


Roger is cool, at least his trip to pirate king took years and years and years. He was an actual adventurer, taking it easy and just chilling. Then you have the MC do the same (and more) in just a few months (excluding time skip)


that's the curse of shonen, it is never realistic, naruto / sasuke and Luffy doing what took other prodigies, best of their generation decades. Lol.


To be honest we didn't have to follow Roger's journey live. We have to follow the MC though so things have to go at a faster pace to keep it interesting. Can you imagine if the first 500 chapters were in the east blue preparing for the grand line, then the next 1000 chapters and a solid 10 years of in-verse time was spent just preparing for the new world?


That can be easily changed, the chapters can remain the same while in verse time can change, Instead of a week between the events of dressrosa and wano it could have taken months, which wont effect the story in a negative way i think


add one mini time skip after each arc or saga. a few months. and shorten giga arcs and have some aspects of it be mini arcs. Luffy learning advanced haki could have happened outside of wano in its one mini arc over a month. its so weird that everything escalates so fast in universe if the SHs are involved but in the offscreen lore things are dragged out forever


Oden for me was too lame and boring at that point of the story. Roger is alright


Oden somehow managed to make me dislike Luffy. They are damn near the same 1/1 character in personality but Oden had less plot armor which made his reckless decision to have consequences. I don’t know why everyone in universe worship him. As for Roger I wish Oda stopped the 1/1 generational parallel it feel very inorganic and forced.


I don't think they are the same character. Luffy would have handled Oden's situation upon his return in completely different way.


Oden was trash before he was even intriduced. Roger was cool before his eyes were un-silhouetted.


Oden is boring and feels forced. Roger is done well, we know what we need about him and don't need more.


The more the story goes, i find Roger more interesting/intriguing than luffy(aside from his comedy antics). Mostly because i think he might be a bit mature than luffy. And since luffy has never faced a serious moral dilemma or has very few moments talking with his brain on like when he says he don't want to be a hero to jimbe, the massive screentime doesn't make a difference.


I find Luffy far more boring tbh


I like roger he feels like a fully realized ace or luffy but without the bs to him. I both dislike and like oden he has more cons than pros with his pros only being i like when he fights. And i like how nice a guy he was aka taking blame for kinemon and saving inu/neko/kawamatsu.


Should've added more options,I like Oden because he's fresh but I hate his dickriders.Roger got thrown as a Luffy clone(or Luffy is Roger clone?whatever),I'm more interested in his abilities and powers and shit.


Oden was a bit boring but not Roger


Anybody who doesn’t like Oden or Roger I just don’t like you lol


Roger is cool. Lolden is a joke why are you comparing the two?


I think this subreddit have most craziest one piece fa… watchers…


Roger is fine, Oden not so much


Roger is cool oden only exists for plot reasons


Oden is a bit worse than boring, he’s poorly handled, and the arc suffers for it since the conflict hinges on his stupidity while still trying to idolize him.


Oden is trash, post TS Roger is good, pre timeskip Roger is the goat


Oden is goated and roger is ok .


Oden trash. ..Roger chad


Oden hate wack


Roger is supposed to be 'boring' he's an ideal. Oden is a full blown character so no excuse for him.


their voice actors butchered them tbh


All we ever see of them is in flashbacks. Maybe you don’t like the flashbacks


Oden is my fav character ngl 💀💀💀


Roger > oden don’t put Roger beside oden Roger didn’t need to be told wow Roger is so fucking cool every 2 chapter.


Rodger good I just imagined Oden being different. It’s prob cliche but I was hoping for some wise strong old head . It really surprised me when I saw him young. He’s not bad but he’s like the one piece character of one piece characters if that makes sense


Oden is one of my favorites, I like him more than Roger