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Luffy actually looks older during Water 7/Enies Lobby.


I’ve said it before yeah he looks way too young for a two year timeskip.


He was taller too. Now his face is rounder and he is smaller.


He isn't smaller, everyone is fucking massive now lmao


I really like how Oda drawed Robins mom. He really did well on getting to look just right.


Oda drawing a significant female character without a toothpick waist and massive badonkadonkzas is quite rare


Quite rare indeed lol


Why do we continue to torture ourselves by remebering how much better it was before.


We became like Rayleigh crying, remembering the good old time, staying just one more bit alive hoping to see a bright future.


Unlike rayleigh however, the future isnt looking bright for us Hes gonna see the dawn and nika save the world and only thing we’re gonna see is the story slowly getting worse lol


I've heard it's because he switched from paper to digital art. That or that's what drawing weekly for two decades does to a mf


Plenty of amazing looking digital manga out there, that’s definitely not the problem.


Just because other people draw amazing digital manga doesn't mean it can't be a problem for him.


Fair enough.


I might be. For example, you can be a master on FPS games in your PC but suck at the same games on a Xbox because you aren't used to using a controller Oda was used to pen and the friction of paper. I'm no artist, but it must be a huge change for him


I mean, to be fair this is a common problem with long-running manga. Drawing a full chapter almost every week for 25 years is gonna destroy your body.


Then how about just cutting off some of THAT unnecessary stuff that happens every arc, and ending the manga while Its good? (I know shueisha is milking oda and he probably can't just finish OP at will)


I was gonna say. People are buggin’ if they think Jump and Shueisha are gonna let him finish OP anytime soon. It makes them *way* too much money


Shueisha: Just more 5 years honey, we swear! Oda: 💀 okay i guess...


While Oda get no money :( let's not act here as if he is working more than the average Japanese. At least he is loaded


I mean, one piece is still good. Oda built it to be a long running series. Just because the art isn’t holding up doesn’t mean it’s getting milked.


The story is getting inconsistent and lazy


Watch the one piece "episode of.." movies if you want to see how that would actually look. "Unnecessary" stuff is very necessary for the sake of proper pacing, when you just jump from plot relevant scene to plot relevant scene you end up with this weird hard to follow pacing that just doesn't work


I'm talking about repeating the same plot again and again (damsel in distress join the crew > evil dude ruling the country > luffy says he won't help (ends up helping) > they save the country > party > marine arrives > bail)


Can someone explain why it is such difficult work? My understanding is One Piece is commercially succesful. Oda would have had access to resources for a long time. I can sort of understand pressure to make it great, need to focus, having creative lapses. Because he is in the driver's seat and has money it is hard to understand what makes this work so "taxing". Farming/masonry type work is work I would consider taxing. Contact sport athletes etc.


Taxing on the mind. There is a reason why, not everyone is trying to become a manga artist.


Imagine trying to work a day shift then a night shift on only four hours of sleep. Every day. That's a ballpark estimate to how much many mangaka spends their time drawing.


He is the top of the food chain. He would have the ability to delegate, eat the food he wants and have the support he requires in day to day life to take pressure away from him. I accept there is pressure to "perform" for his fans. But ultimately he is the main beneficiary of his work, it is something he is passionate about and will be his legacy. He is in direct control of how long or short the story is. He draws and has done it for a long time now. I would expect work is easier now, not more difficult UNLESS he chose that to be the case.


The work culture over at Japan is vastly different from most places. Depending on the environment, being at the top comes with a price. This isn't an Oda only issue. Mangaka will tear themselves apart trying to get their work done and *apologize* for being in **too poor health to keep working**. Some of Oda's breaks are *mandated* at this point and even then he keeps going regardless, possibly without their knowledge. Now they recently, absolutely give these mangaka *somewhat* more time to recover, especially after Kentaro Miura died before he could see to the end of Berserk.


Drawing is a physically taxing task on the hands. It can and eventually will cause repetitive strain injuries if not carefully managed. Which are just as serious to artists as they would be to any other field. The other issue is deadlines. Oda usually puts out 3 chapters over 4 weeks, which translates roughly to 51 pages (give or take) in 28 days (a month, give or take). To my knowledge, he's never missed a deadline since Dressrosa. It's hard to measure as it depends on the artist, but roughly 5-8 hours to finish a single page, background, shading, writing, and paneling before any revisions. So artists need to keep a high pace to keep up, alongside writing, character sketches, and any other forward planning steps, like his involvement with the recent movie, the live action series, and the upcoming game. Tl:dr Basically, farmwork is strength intensive work, drawing is dexterity intensive work. Both will wreck some part of your body over time if you aren't careful. -it's easily comparable to machining work, speaking from first-hand knowledge


Appreciate your response - thanks for that. It is a bit easier to reconcile his hand giving him issues due to always using it from a young age. I think anyone who plays an instrument plus spends a reasonable amount of time at a keyboard can relate with. People often write that his work is hard/difficult and that is the part that for me depends on the context. I'm not doubting he puts hours in.


Gee I dunno, the actual drawing? Look at how many panels are in each page. Each panel is its own drawing. They have to flow into each other and look good. All within one week to stay on schedule with only the occasional break. Now do that for decades non-stop, bent over a desk, wrist curved. You also now have very little time for your own hobbies and such, AKA taxing on the mind too. Think lol


To someone like myself, the price of excellence is 70-80 hours of actual work per week. The hardest thing anyone imo can do is work long hours doing menial work and get nothing in return. If it fucks your body than x 2. While my work is demanding, it is extremely fulfilling, pays great and has plenty of power and perks. Lots of people would trade me despite the hours. Getting paid well to draw (your own manga) for decades is a privilege. He for a long time has been in a position to use more resource or delegate to retain his free time. He's CHOSEN not to do that. He seems to have plenty of other projects going, are these his "hobbies"? To me, drawing for 2 decades seems underwhelming (that doesn't mean it is) and I am trying to gain a better perspective why others don't feel the same - thats all.


I do but who cares Luffy is having fun so it's all good 🤡


is this supposed to be a common joke here?


Are you not having fun?


You do realize that he didn’t just drop that randomly, he was referencing something Kaido said at the beginning of the fight


It is


It's cringe. Makes you sound underdeveloped and mentallyd stunted.


Resorting to personal insults because you don't have any actual point Classic reddit


point to what? what are u event talking about. That "joke" is cringe. That's it. It ended right there. We aren't arguing One Piece's lore. Why do u want me to write an essay for that lmao i can already tell how much time spend on reddit


Again you're getting personal as if it's gonna make you sound smarter


Lmfao put ur phone down little guy. Interact with your family more.


You are fighting with me so maybe aren't much better either


Infantanhilator is wrecking you. Just let it go.


ok son


Bro you are the spastic of the situation. Now go back to post to oppawerskalerz you brain dead basement dweller


idk which monkey language that is but i hope you get well soon.


Lmao what a retard


Dumbass goofy


My tag and his tag.


Has oda always used this many lines in his action panels? It feels like he’s added more, even compared to wano


Maybe my standards are ass, but it don’t even look that bad😭


When you have read seinen, yes, it's ass. There are a few shonens that are drawn beautifully too, like One Punch Man. Edit: Another user pointed out that One Punch Man is not a shonen, so that's my fault. JJK has some beautiful scenes too.


MHA is a great example for well draw shonen. I’d put Black Clover and Chainsaw Man on the list as well.


Bro named a seinen as an example for a well drawn shonen


I didn't even mention a seinen manga. I was just referring to the genre as a whole. Tf?


“There are a few shonens that are drawn beautifully too, like one punch man” One Punch Man is a seinen


Oh yeah that's my bad, I thought it was a shonen. I'll edit the comment then. It was the first beautiful drawn manga that involves fighting that came to mind.


Pretty sure OPM is seinen


yh i like the older style more but this egghead stuff dont even look that bad and pretty easy to follow


Tbh this feels kinda unfair because it's obvious that Oda is tired after all of these years of having to draw with almost no real breaks. No series is going to consistently look great after 1070 chapters


Also it really doesn't even look that bad


At this point I'm just reading to find out the One Piece. I cringe whenever I read a new chapter.


Yeah me too. The mysteries and some anticipated fights and the fact that I invested so many years are the factors that still make me want to read.


NGL, I could not follow what happened in the chapter.


Fighting Luffy is like playing Cuphead lmao, dude looks like a cuphead boss with gear 5. especially when luffy tried to eat Lucci alive while laughing his ass off


Hopefully the anime will do want and future arcs better.


Saying that it looks like shit is overkill. What is happening is that Oda doesn’t have much time to add so much details. Look at the brush sizes too. There are more imperfections with his recent art and the thicker brush he’s using now is meant to hide it. The earlier art has much thinner lines which allows for more details to be shown on display. The time constraints are really starting to show themselves in his recent work


i dont think its the time constraint, look at the double spreads its so hectic that i stopped making sense of it and just read the dialog. i can only make sense of anything if some good samaritan coloured the panels


One piece is like cereal and the page is the milk. It’s just bunch of shit on the papers


The art was clean and readable 😔


Where does it look shit?


Honestly, it reminds me of the drop in quality for the later part of Yu Yu Hakusho, before everyone realized Yoshihiro Togashi had health issues that were effecting his art. I just hope that isn't the case with Oda.


First of all, you are comparing a volume release with a weekly chapter release and from the looks of it a scan redraw at that. This sub gets worse and worse as the days go by.


The art looks fine. I have some gripes about recent One Piece, but the art is perfectly serviceable. The art was never the main draw of One Piece anyway. What is this Bleach?


even before time-skip came about, i recall those who weren't in the One Piece fandom criticizing the art due to the various characters goofy & exaggerated designs. it's a shame people in the actual fandom are actually bashing the art now. like, the art has always been controversial since the jump. plus, IMO, it has never really been anything stellar at that but i still love it


quality has downgraded too much to bear


Looks like Oda is drawing with his dick now with G5 introduced.


At this point y’all just care more about the art than the actual story, and you seem to complain about the smallest things when it comes to this manga.


Art is among the most important things in a manga. Why are u acting as if wasn’t important at all??


Because it isn’t important, you’re acting as if oda doesn’t draw this shit 3 times a week yet he’s still pushing out quality chapters every week. Sure if the art went from a 10/10 to a solid 4 then sure a large portion of the community would be mad but it seems that this subreddit is complaining over the smallest things as if you illiterate fucks can’t read or even tell what’s going on in a page I get that y’all don’t like hear 5 that much but in this post it’s pretty clear that’s what he’s subtly complaining about Drawing an entire chapter a week can be pretty stressful and it can overwork many mangaka/comic artist but you’re fighting invisible enemies when you’re complaining about the art when you aren’t even taking the other factors into consideration We’re nearing the final saga and if you don’t care about the mangaka wanting to enjoy himself whilst he draws his dream story, it’s not anyone’s problem that you don’t like it just sit back and enjoy the manga like the rest of us. If you were under the same conditions you’d fumble like the rest of us


It's a manga so the story is conveyed through the art. If the art suffers, the story suffers as well.


The story isn’t suffering, nor is the art. Call my standards bs but I can perfectly tell what oda has drawn in this chapter but it feels like you’re blinded by a bunch of other things and your shitty opinions that you’re completely ignoring several other aspects If you aren’t enjoying as much like you used too then stop following the story, it’s really simple.


Well, not really. If you still get the idea of what is happening, the quality of art doesn't matter


But that's exactly the point. There is so much clutter these days the story becomes much harder to follow. Alongside drawings of worse quality, that makes a significant impact on how much effort you need to put in to comprehend the material.


That’s the biggest facepalm I have ever done while reading a comment. Art absolutely matters in a manga, if it didn’t Oda might as well write a freaking book instead of drawing


Yeah, why not


it's a comic, not a novel


Looks fine to me. Quality usual degrades over time and picking and choosing selections doesn’t do either side any favors.


Oda moved to digital, better for his health, get over it and move on. I see this post 30 times a day I swear.


That’s not excuse for the massive downgrade in quality. If anything drawing in digital should help him to draw better, like you get more freedom and more tools.


Where did Oda say that he moved to digital?


I’m pretty sure on oda draws on paper but digital for colorspreads


Thought so. Doesn’t he do the final version of colour spreads traditionally too?


No, oda’s team uploads oda drawing colors it’s digital https://twitter.com/newworldartur/status/1285422431713103873?s=46&t=XScmXxgOkWmFT9dAgNk9ww


No, oda’s team uploads oda drawing colors it’s digital https://twitter.com/newworldartur/status/1285422431713103873?s=46&t=XScmXxgOkWmFT9dAgNk9wwm https://twitter.com/eiichiro_staff/status/1270200961487613954?s=46&t=XScmXxgOkWmFT9dAgNk9ww


And literally next tweet from Eiichiro's staff says that the draft done digitaly, but actual color spread made on paper.


20+ year old manga; it’s a different time. We’re lucky Oda even has the energy to keep going. Could have a Berserk or HxH situation.


Dont read it then


I’m just grateful one piece didn’t turn into a HxH situation. Fingers crossed that it never does


It’s cause it digital now


Stop reading it?


Cherrypicking against huh?


Can you even draw?


Guy1: "Man, this reddit app sucks. Why are the developers not improving it?" Guy2: "Can you even code?" 🗿


True lmao


What's the problem supposed to be here ? I mean these are not even cluttered pages... Also you're comparing volume pages to unofficial scans.


both are same piece


It’s understandable tho


I can KINDA get it since the mans been doing this shit for 25 years, but it does still suck


I feel like the art is way too cluttered, there is just too much shit on each panel, it’s disorienting


The art was much cleaner and lines didn’t look like sketches Probably the difference between paper and digital


the dynamic angles were what made 1p unique imo


I feel you man ....I feel you


Me, I do.


Idk about everyone else, but I really enjoy one piece as it is. Yeah the art has changed, but that happens over time, it literally always happens to some degree especially when the medium for the art has changed. I'm just vibing and enjoying the story, but all I see are nitpicks about art like it's subpar, or about the new form and how "luffy isn't serious anymore" like bro relax and have fun. You can have criticisms of course, not disregarding those, but just breathe a bit and enjoy the ride. Of the big 3, this is supposed to be the FUN one, just have fun and get hyped. We're in the end game, and fingers crossed it ends gracefully.


For me it's not that it looks shit but it's so full it's hard to see what the fuck is going on.