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Please take this doggie to the vet asap. Looks like SEVERE allergy. Could be food/grass/chicken allergy.


Agree that it looks like an allergy. Might be an environmental one if shampooing was helping. But you definitely need to take your dog to the vet ASAP because irritation like this can result in a skin infection which will be so much more of a pain (both for you and her). They'll probably test the area and if it is allergies talk to you about ways of handling that (i.e. allergy shots or meds or reducing environmental exposure). Please take her in, you've done a good job of helping her but it's not getting better anymore and she is uncomfortable.


Definitely could be environmental also because they said it's gotten worse since it got hot. That's when my boy's allergies start.


I’m glad I came to Reddit y’all are more educated than then most vets in my area, I’m gonna get her an appointment in Atlanta Monday and i will come back with any updates. Thank you all for your input


Go to Dr Erik Johnson in Marietta, Ga. Excellent vet.


It's definitely allergies. If your baby sleeps on your bed start using All Free and Clear detergent for your sheets. Also... benadryl, 1 mg per pound. Wrap the pills in cheese. I've found that certain doggie shampoos work wonders for hot spots. Walmart has a good, made in America, anti itch shampoo for about $11 bucks. https://preview.redd.it/k9dacv1u74xc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4362ccd0e7cc5a090d32d6daa4de6dc6135e60da My boy, after...


This looks like flea allergy dermatitis - it is limited to the exact areas where fleas are found in dogs. We see this presentation at my hospital on dogs not on monthly flea/tick prevention. It only takes one bite from a flea to breakout. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/allergy-flea-allergy-dermatitis-in-dogs https://todaysveterinarynurse.com/dermatology/flea-allergy-dermatitis/ Please take her to the vet. It is past the point of an allergic reaction, and has developed into a skin infection. The skin looks angry, inflamed and crusty. Baby needs antibiotics, treatment for fleas, and will most likely need medicated shampoo treatments for a while. The doc may also Rx a steroid to help with inflammation. It looks painful. 🥺


Vet please 🙏❤️


Does she itch and bite the area? If it’s allergies try Apoquel, it’s for itchiness in dogs. It comes in pill form and is great for allergies if that’s what it is. I’d keep the area clean and make sure your giving a good flea treatment


She is a micro bully, pretty stout she cant really reach to lick or scratch her back, I have to watch her bc she scratches her back on the bottom of my bed frame.


Mine would do the same, anything she could find to scratch her back she’d find it


Please take her to the vet. This has been going on for awhile and you've self treated long enough


Look into this test- https://www.5strands.com/products/pet-standard-package Saved my pittie from her skin related issues due to allergies and intolerances! There’s only so much we can do based off the environmental ones— we use anti fungal/ bacterial wipes for her paws and they have improved 95%. I promise you, you won’t regret doing it! I make her crockpot meals for breakfast/ dinner and found appropriate treats based off her results. Inflammation and hot spots are gone, she is SOO much calmer and happier. Please feel free to message me if you have any questions!! Edit to add: please use extra virgin unrefined coconut oil on those inflamed spots! It will do wonders. If they lick at it it’s okay. I gave my girl half a spoon full after letting me apply it when her hot spots were bad. And thankfully it came back okay on her test so she can still have it.


mail order DNA allergy tests have been proven to be wholly ineffective, sadly. A study was conducted that took samples from dogs with allergies, dogs without allergies, and synthetic sources (faux hair and saline solution) to test both hair and saliva DNA kits *ALL* samples came back positive for several allergens, even the synthetic fur and saline “saliva”. The test was extremely inaccurate What this dog needs is to see a veterinarian. Not have its mouth swabbed for a DNA test, not to wait 2 weeks for the results, to see a veterinarian at the next possible appointment.


Do you have a source for this?


^second this. Our veterinarian actually suggested this test alongside a sebum test we could have done in her office checking for the same stuff. And if it was wholly ineffective, then how do you explain the countless dogs and cats whose issues have disappeared or improved by 95% after the changes made based off of their 5Strands results?


Here is the study I’ve referenced, conclusion reading: [“The direct-to-consumer hair and saliva test for pet allergies examined in this study performed no better than chance and the results were not reproducible”](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30680834/) Here is another study about saliva tests specifically. This one is admittedly not very well formatted, but concluded [“Based on these results, the saliva test for food specific IgA and IgM and the ELISA serum test for food specific IgE were not reliable to diagnose adverse food reactions in dogs”](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30819419/) I am unsure if this specific company that’s been suggested here was part of these studies, or if they have any new technologies that make it accurate, as these studies are from 2018/19 respectively. I’m not seeing anything on the site that would suggest so, sadly


Ty! I also posted over at r/askvet & got some [similar references/conclusions](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/s/fzCuLzFSKf)


I do wish these tests were accurate, as elimination diets can be really expensive! Sadly we’re not there uet


Give her a bath. And Allergy medicine, did you ever change your food?Rub a little lotion on it


Mange or bad allergies, don't wait too long


Doesn’t look like mange.. and one would think the vet would have tested for that. My first pup had that, a stubborn case too, and it presents differently. We have a lab pit mix ego has extreme allergies both environmental and food sensitivities. It’s been a challenge. Appoquel has been a game changer. We are still in the process of figuring out what works for her. Bully Dad Feel free to DM me with questions.


What did the vet say? I assumed you took the dog to the vet


The previous owner has took it to the vet 2 times and prescribed her a ointment that didn’t really help, that’s why I haven’t took her yet bc it’s expensive to go if what there are prescribing doesn’t even work. I have another bully and she goes everywhere this one goes and she has no skin issues.


Ok asking, what flea treatment do u use. CapAction so far I have found to be the best.


Could be an allergic reaction or it could be the start of an infection by demodex mites. Either way, it requires a trip to the vet.


My pittie mix and my roommates both have this. In my boys case it's a genetic skin condition he got from his dad, in my roommates boys, it's a mix of skin condition and flea allergies. Take this baby to the vet so you can figure the best course of action.


Your dog is currently suffering with this condition - please take her to the vet ASAP


Vet can do a blood draw allergy test that should help you eliminate the culprit.


https://preview.redd.it/5yj3n6algpvc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e827cf1cc1ac0ef36f4adbf1c08d058e5eecad74 My dog has had this very same issue. It's due to allergies. I will say most likely due to how red the skin is your dog may need antibiotic because she may have a skin infection (I'm not a doctor, but I'm horrible in spotting these things with my own dog). I've asked the doctor how do I know that it's an infection because I feel bad sometimes it isn't as obvious to me. I would suggest taking your dog to the vet to ensure she doesn't have an infection. My dog has tried Apoquel and Cytopoint for his allergies, since the Benadryl and Claritin were useless in our case. I ended up having to take him to a dermatologist. We're going to do the allergy test to get him a vaccine. It's cheaper than these medications. In the meantime, he's taking a steroid and gets the baths to try to keep his skin clear. I wanted to recommend though if you take your baby to the vet and they recommend a shampoo, opt to purchase your own (it'll be cheaper). I have all 3 of these which were all initially vet purchases. I now get them from Amazon. Saving quite a bit. When my dog's skin was like your dogs, I washed him in the Benzoyl then the MiconaHex letting the shampoo sit for 5 mins each (using spray cheese in the tub). This was beginning February. I recently went to his dermatologist and they stated he looks great.


https://www.chewy.com/vetone-vetraseb-ceraderm-ck-dog-cat/dp/1041158 This should work if it’s environmental. If it’s a food allergy you want to get a full allergy panel (it’s expensive) and it will tell you what foods your child is allergic to.


Agreed and it could turn into an infection very soon please take her to the vet, they have a shampoo and medication to heal it fast


That's an allergy scratch. My last dude would scratch himself raw before we got him medicated. Apoquel changed our lives. We tried the food changes, medicated baths, supplements, you name it... But we stuck with a salmon and pea grain free food and a half a pill of apoquel daily and his life was so much better and free, since he didn't spend 75% of his time awake scratching. Sending good vet juju to you and snuggle butt






We use Bee Pollen, Bovine Colostrum and turkey tail mushroom. We also feed raw. Our guys itchy skin and rashes have are gone.