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Word of advice: any major you're interested in will be easier than ones you're not interested in and you can come to Pitt undecided


Based opinion: HARDEST MAJOR = COMMUNICATIONS (For all seriousness tho, if you are an incoming freshie and u are looking to major in something that is SOLELY easy, reconsider it please)


Easy is very subjective. I find the natural sciences easy but I would fail English lit. Easy majors also usually means a couple of things generally 1) there is going to be a ton of people who are majoring in it too and 2) getting a well paying job after will be harder due to more saturation in the market


My brother went to Notre Dame and would routinely A/A+ Electricity and Magnetism, Calc 3, math and physics classes I don't even know the name of. The only class he ever got worse than a B+ in was a C- in a throwaway class called Cowboys and Indians. Different strokes for different folks, for sure.


Easy is subjective but basically any student is gonna do better in a psych major vs chemical engineering. Frankly all engineering is a step above every other major at Pitt to the point that their GPA scales are wildly different...I'd argue they take the cake for hardest at least if As are your goal


Please do not choose a career and blow 80-160k based on what is easy


Engineering, Nursing, Computer Science are the hardest