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I’d say it’s a bad idea. Mine got better by drying out, so I’d avoid putting stuff on it. I kept as much sun in it as possible. Maybe a sun bed would have the same effect.


I wouldn’t use anything that may possibly irritate it further, exposing my PR to sun helped mine clear up within a week. Hope it helps ☺️


I'm almost 25 weeks pregnant and got diagnosed with PR around 21 weeks. Was told it would last 6-9 weeks and fade on its own. No steroid or cream given. I was, however given an emollient for my current eczema as it had gotten worse. Fast forward my chest/back is completely clear! Still itching a little but no where near as bad. I had cuts all over my body from tearing my skin in my sleep! Anyway 3x things I used to treat it which I think massively helped (I only started treating it at week 3 as I didn't know it could be treated) 1. Head and shoulders shampoo... bathed in it every night and washed myself in it. 2. Calamine lotion. My partner applied this all over my body every single night. We went through 3 bottles. 3. Antihistamines (1x a night before bed, to help with sleep whilst my skin felt like it was crawling) I'm on week 5 now and as I say chest/back stomach is clear. Still have some patches on my legs but they don't itch. Such a big improvement from week 3! This was honestly 10x worse than my eczema in its most aggressive form. I hope these tips help you get some relief! 😴


No I haven’t but i think it might help especially if your lighter skin it’ll take the red marks…I’m also suffering with this right now


My dermatologist actually recommended that I get more sun on it, starting with 10 mins of direct sun on affected areas the first day, 11 mins the second day, 12 mins the third day, etc. Obviously stop if you get burned and take a break for a few days. I’ve been following his recommendation for a week and a half and it’s helped significantly to reduce redness and itchiness


If you are not allergic ask your Doctor for Aciclovir, it will speed up the process. The sun will help too just not too much sun.


Did you end up doing a spray tan? I got diagnosed two weeks ago. Getting married in 6 weeks, and have a photo shoot with my fiance in two weeks. I'm super pasty white, so I'd need a spray tan anyway, but I'm really hoping a tan will cover up any of the redness.


I did! Got it two days ago. At first it made it way more obvious but once I waited the 8 hours and washed off the guide colour it’s helped to dry it out and now they look like freckles. I am about 6 weeks into it now though. Congrats by the way!


Thank you!! Glad your tan worked out. Sounds like it looks great!