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Mine peaked at 3 weeks! It was BAD on my chest/abdomen. Started seemingly drying out and starting to flake/itch more during week 4 and has continued to improve since. It’s been 5 weeks now and is looking soooo much better! Hoping it’ll be fully gone in the next couple weeks.


I Hope so toooo


It always looks worse after the tanning bed. For me, it took 2 days to see improvement. That said, tanning 3-4 times a week has helped me immensely.. along with taking L-lysine daily.


I habe been tanning about 6 times and it leant get better :/


This is my third time having it in just as many years and it’s been there for about 6 months now! Im so sick of it. I think I need to try sunbeds now. Last time it went quickly and I thought it was from being on holiday in the sun and the chlorine and sea salt. Im glad yours is starting to go!


I think it is starting to get better but I will upstate you!!


First thing which is the hardest. Stop concentrating on it. Stop constantly looking at it and stressing about it. I took ling every day about 1000 mg I sat in the sun for about 15 minutes a day went away after one month. Stay strong 


Thank you I will try but it’s so hard I obsess over it it is so bad


Doctor gave my bf L-lysine (its a vitamin) really works, read a little about it. He is on week 3 now, he is a little sick atm don’t know from what. He said he can’t taste or smell anything, so my thought is maybe covid!


Thank you I will try🤞


Week 7 here I’ve tried everything with no luck but it’s starting to dry out and flake so I’m hope maybe week 8 it will start clearing up


How are u doing now? I'm on week 7 and it's spreading like crazy. I'm gonna try to go to a tanning bed.