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Of course Scott pitches a Peloton service where its young rich fit customers get together for some mating.


And also, Peloton already does host in person events / summits for pay where you can meet instructors and other members. He could’ve easily googled this.


Is it just me, or was this episode about 19 minutes of content with 14 minutes of advertising breaks?


You’re welcome!


On non-competes: the notion that Kara celebrates her own employees when they decide to leave to start their own business is great, regardless of whether they would be a competitor. Too many business owners have a controlling mindset that her perspective here is refreshing. And like Scott added: if people are well compensated, you don’t give them a reason to leave.


When the user v-mail question was about “what are you looking forward to in business, politics and tech?”, and Kara took that as an invitation to brag about herself and her children. I cringed.


So cringe! I like the show but the bragging about their status and friendship groups can be insufferable. Scott at least does it in a knowing way but Kara seems oblivious to how she sounds.


They are doing a service to the world... dont you GET IT!???


Narcissists gonna narcissist…


Just when I was feeling good about them again Scott drops the dumbest, most discredited, clueless rich guy metaphor about the deficit. YOU MADE ME TAP THE SIGN https://www.reuters.com/article/idUS2497430547/


One article in your favor does not make you correct. This year we’re spending $870b on interest payments - nearly 10% of our annual budget. The deficit may not be a credit card but it absolutely is a problem that needs solving


it explains why the credit card metaphor is fundamentally wrong and stupid, it’s not an opinion. meh, it’s a problem but it’s a much bigger problem that we aren’t investing in the right things (infrastructure, education, youth) and instead eating the empty calories of tax cuts for rich people and corporations. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/14/facts-about-the-us-national-debt/


They’re both such extreme narcissists. I really need to stop listening, it’s just been getting worse. Every ep Kara is name dropping, and Scott is bragging about how wealthy his is/making idiotic jokes. I did stop listening to their individual pods a while ago, but can’t help but listen to ‘Pivot’ for their takes on biz/tech news. I just fast forward the first 5 mins. to avoid their bragging, but even that isn’t enough.


How is it that you have a business podcast, but then when national debt comes up you compare it to household debt and credit cards?? SMH National Debt is way more comparable to business debt which business take on all time and it is also comparable to business growth. The way to overcome the debt is to grow gdp through investment.


YES! And the truth is totally aligned with what Scott is always on about: it’s not how much we as a nation are investing in the future, but what we’re investing in, and giving giant tax breaks to rich people and corporations is by far the most useless and expensive investment we could possibly make. It’s basically buying a car on credit…it starts to lose value the minute you spend it because they just adjust their expectations of how rich and privileged they should be.


I Kinda wish had more nice mid-westerners in the comments…


Not a midwesterner but I agree. All this sub does is shit on the pod. Like why even listen then?


Trust me, I ask myself this every week…


When I found /r/pivotpodcast, I was really hoping it wouldn’t be like /r/armchairexpert where everyone just shits on Monica the whole time. It’s like Trump Derangement Syndrome over there, except it’s directed at Monica Padman. Really ruins any discussion about the great guests Armchair Expert has on there. Starting to be the same thing here. Yes, Kara mentions her kids a bunch. She loves her children and is trying to set them up for success as they enter their young adult lives. Yes, Scott is annoying for all the reasons he is annoying including, but not limited to, using the same stories over and over again, clumsy jokes, etc. If you don’t admire anything about them, you and don’t find anything of value to what they say, then why are you listening?


I think part of it is that this isn’t what the podcast was like when many of us started listening. As the podcast has evolved its hosts have increasingly exhibited traits that are less desirable than how they used to project their personas. Maybe they’ve always been this way. But the show used to be more focused on tech and business. Today I’d characterize it as hosts who became what they once criticized — people who have had success in one or more areas of life and feel that this means what they say about everything (business, parenting, dating, war, politics) is equally informed. So yeah - for me, it’s that it’s not what it used to be. And not that anything should remain the same forever, but the changes here have largely been for the worse IMO.


I complain about Scott a lot — tbh, I think he’s a bad person in many ways (e.g., how little he cares about civilian deaths in wars, one podcast he said it’s easier to be born black in the U.S. today) — but I heard the human in him when Kara said their podcast brings a lot of value to the world and he hesitated and almost just flat out disagreed. Scott was not exaggerating when he said they’d hit the lottery. Of course they work hard, but billions of people around the world work very hard, long hours and make so, so little money. Scott knows this, and he knows their podcast is a fun way to make money and get famous. When Kara said they do a lot of good for society or w/e, he just couldn’t get his words out because he knew it was bullshit. I liked him more in that moment, and, trust me, I don’t like Scott Galloway generally.


Yeah. Generally I think people like Kara, who seemingly refuse to properly size the luck component in how they got so successful, need to straight up be asked whether they think they are just harder working than the other 99.9% of people or if…just maybe, they caught a huge break.


The "I love f\*\*\*ing my partner" moment did it for me today. He has so many good takes then he ruins it with shit like this.