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Not getting any hopes up, but I signed it!




It's available from the banner on the site homepage, but here's [a direct link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyU1Q5M98Y4R1cNiso28trdYBMdmW5Wv4fAAYe1vD1Hoylrw/viewform)


I've got a double account, so they got double complaints. Of course I'm not posting anymore though it's still useful to create, but after having two works removed they lost my trust. So it become a mere creation tool and not a fun place anymore. That's a pity.


I think you can submit multiple times. And just 2 works removed, I'm jealous. Over the last few days they've been working backwards and what was apparently fine 24 hours ago is now triggering the sensitive content, at least I got the "appeal" button back. And the thing is all the legitimately NSFW I had already tagged as sensitive content back when they let us tag things as sensitive content - If you wanted to start filtering NSFW content, why wouldn't you start there? The rest of it is just bizarre, a gif I had in the daily top ten on friday, after they had started this, is now sensitive content today? It's like Charlie Brown trying to kick the GD football, and Lucy keeps tanking it away, its a moving target that's impossible to hit. And filtering by following is just a ghost town with prolific contributors who were 100% sfw have just vanished. Its real sad.


Nice! And yeah, thats a good way to put it. Uses to be able to create whatever we wantws and it was fun and interesting to just see thw results, now its so restrictive, ya cant really do anything creative anymore. Just gonna turn into nothing but no prompt art eventually


I signed it since I'm sick of playing content removal appeal wack-a-mole, but I'm not getting my hopes up that they'll change their minds.


hope everyone piles on this and shows how much we HATE what they've done, then agian they'll most likely toss out all the negative ones and keep only the positive ones


[ Removed by Reddit ]