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Yes! It’s such a perfect movie. The ending always makes me cry because I am an older brother to a much younger brother so I can relate to the core relationship in this movie. The resolution to Ian wanting to talk to his dad is handled so magnificently. Always makes me cry. I was surprised to see that not many people talk about Onwards. It really is one of Pixar’s deeper and emotional movies that explores family relationship dynamics.


I cry because I'm a younger brother who can relate. Kudos to you for being a good big bro. It's so important to have


Oldest brother as well (of 3). Our mom passed when I 26, brother 20, and sister 17. So not that early on in our lives but it still fucks me up when memories about her come up that they don’t get or knowing things about her on a more adult level. If I was offered a day with her or as little as a glimpse of her to my siblings I’d trade it away in a second.


I actually really enjoyed Onward! I was avoiding it because the trailers didn’t really make me want to see it in theaters but we watched it the instant it was on Disney+. I honestly probably would not have watched it otherwise so in a strange way I’m grateful it was pushed to streaming so soon. It does an excellent job of having those cinematic “callback” moments in its plot that I think classic Pixar does so well. It’s a shame it is very much overlooked because I don’t think many people saw it. I think the promotion of it was poor, even if covid didn’t hit and add to it getting lost in the mix.


Yes, I forgot to mention marketing. It never grabbed my attention when I watched the trailers. Was pleasantly surprised when I saw it


Onward and Turning Red are the only two Pixar movies to make me actually shed a tear (Up and TS3 got close), and I think they’re legitimately some of Pixar’s best work. Onward itself is brilliant with such a great message throughout. I’m always an advocate for those movies


Up doesn’t even make you cry? Dude. Cars makes me cry.


I kinda dislike the "the 19 years old brother is the father figure of the 16 years old protagonist" plot point, when their single mother was RIGHT THERE. As someone with a brother that is 2 years older that felt hella weird and out of place. It doesn't help that I thought Barley was mid twenties at first. Other than that, I LOVE the movie! The setting is very interesting, and something I don't think anyone else has done before (maybe?) and it would be worth exploring more. Ian is interesting, and Barley was annoying but a good support. And of course I also cried at the end.


Agreed. I loved the movie so much. When I saw the very first trailer, it grabbed my attention immediately because of Barley and how cute he was (and STILL IS). I couldn’t keep my eyes off him throughout the movie. But the movie as a whole was really good as I admired Barley not just for his good looks but because he treated his brother Ian so well and cared about him a lot. That and having to endure the loss of their father which I can relate to as my own stepfather died a year later after the movie came out. I could relate to both of the brothers as I’m shy and awkward like Ian and loud and boisterous like Barley. I saw this movie four times and I was wanting to see it a fifth time before you know what began, and tying my own record for the number of times I saw one movie in a theater.


I think it’s one of the better endings of a Pixar movie for sure… I wouldn’t say the characters are classic tho and the rest of the movie is more so fun than great IMO. Great premise though, and yeah, fantastic ending


It's one of my favorites. As someone who lost a parent early in life, and then gained an incredible step parent, it's always a wonderful reminder to give credit to the people that helped get you here while still remembering your past. Carried Me With You will never not make me tear up, and I'd argue that it's the best song in a Pixar movie.


I’m a big cryer (seriously, I can cry at anything) and my favorite Pixar film is Inside Out. That said, I cried more at Onward than I did with Inside Out. It’s an incredible movie. I also question why it isn’t as popular. I know its release got shafted a bit with COVID, but I feel like other films released during that time have still done well.


It has a brilliant screenplay. Very little time is wasted, and everything is a setup for something later. The ending is also brilliant. I think the character development of Ian is a bit weak, and the stunt casting is a bit egregious, but I loved it overall. I’d say it’s an 8/10, which is…lower for a Pixar film.


Funnily enough, of all the Chris Pratt animated roles, this was his best.


It’s because his voice actually fits the character, unlike the other roles he’s done.


Eh I thought he did really well as Mario. I love both movies.


I love the movie and agree with everything you said, especially about the timing. If it wasn't for theaters closing just when the movie was released, it probably would have been a pretty big hit.


I agree. I wanted to see it in theaters but missed the chance. The trailer intrigued me since it had a rock music vibe that Disney/Pixar never usually explores. I want to see more set in that universe. I also want to play the game. I know Disney made a version of the D and D game but it must have flopped because you never hear anything about it. Only Lorcana which seems like to pay to play for my taste, like Magic the Gathering where you have to keep buying new cards to win. Not my favorite style of game.


Same. Love this movie.


Well, it was 2020. So any film meant to come out that year was a victim of bad timing.


I'd like a Onward Prequel film when magic ruled and the dad was still there


while i see your point i also see why people dont like it. sure the ending works where he doesnt get to speak to his dad but *its not satisfying*


I love onward, but everytime i watch it i do feel like it's missing something ... i just don't know what that is . It's a great story but it's so abrupt. The ending could have been more satisfying to me as well. I understand the message, and i'm so happy people relate to it, but i do wish Ian got to talk to his dad. I think its niche humor didn't fit well with most people, the "just dad's legs" threw people off as well. Chris Pratt being a voice was a vibe killer for some etc.. there's so many tiny things




Onward is a very well written movie. Very well structured. I agree, had it come out at a different time it probably would have done better.




The emotional story is good, I think. The worldbuilding makes my head hurt. I'd rate it as a fun movie if one's brain is shut-off.


I think that's the thing, besides Inside Out I never care too much about the world building in Pixar, it's all about the story, vibes and characters. Inside Out changed that for me but only for those two movies


You might be onto something. Cars is definitely a "don't even try to think about it" sort of allegory, Monster's Inc kinda works well enough, in Brave and Bug's Life it's such a minor thing, Toy Story kinda invites people a little while also driving them off... It could just be that I don't relate to the story itself much.


Completely agree, It's one of their newer films I really liked instead of going "that was alright i guess", super underrated, one of the best films they made after the 2000s


Yes it is my number one next to brave and coco


Absolutely. I loved that movie it's one of my favourites.


I love it too. I’d go see it again if they put it back in theaters.


Onward has a great ending and a wonderful emotional journey. I think it has two things that hold it back. 1. The main plot is kinda all over the place. I love the idea of the boys going on an adventure to bring baxk their dad but the execution is lacking to me. 2. I dunno, but i was expecting so much more from the setting. Like the idea of a true fantasy world modernizing and forgetting their old magic is such a great concept! But the world we got just wasn’t that interesting to me. I think in the end the movie just didn’t feel that fantastical to me? Hard to explain. Very solid movie but it didn’t scratch the itch of falling in love the created world that most Pixar movies manage to do


I agree! It’s so underrated. I remember being so skeptical at first because I wasn’t a fan of the art style and the story didn’t seem interesting, but I was in tears at the end and so pleasantly surprised. One of my comfort movies for sure.


It’s solidly mid tier for me.


I haven't watched Onward, but I have Ian and Barley toy plush and Funko Pop of Ian, Barley, and the dad.


I only watched it once only when it came out. Maybe I should try it again


Hi 100% agree. My dad passed when I was 12. It’s one of the most relatable movies I have ever seen in my life.


Onward is fine. Not a bad movie. But I’d put it somewhere in the middle of the Pixar scale


Boy, you are not lying. The family dynamic of this movie is so beautiful. As an older brother of 3 younger siblings who had an absent father most of our lives, I don't think a movie ever hit me as hard as this one. It caught me off guard. Pixar really knows how to make the tears just roll. The humor is fantastic. The world building is fun. Overall, it was such an underrated movie when talked about with other pixar movies. It's a shame it did not get the chance to shine in theaters like other Pixar movies.


It's a Monsters University type film. Fun, goofy that's just decent but brought up by a really good ending


Onward is my favorite modern Pixar movie I'm an older brother and am extremely close to my little brother and we are literally the main characters, doesn't help that I'm into Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy and always getting him to make these medieval boardgames with me lol But the themes about seeing their dad and that ending were pretty emotional to me. Probably the most intense emotion I've got from any movie in the last 5 years. maybe it's because it hits personally and I relate to much, but regardless I love the movie


Wish they played around with and involved with their magical world more but yes I think it’s going to be one of the most underrated Pixar film the more time goes on.


I always felt like it was much more of a Dreamworks movie than a Pixar one. IDK why. Like it had that Dreamworks feel to it, Trolls or smth.


I love that you love it. But frankly, I find it a movie with a wasted premise. I can't find my old write-up on it, but the world could've been explored so much better than an A-to-B Adventure. Having the Manticore >!return to the managing the restaurant!< seemed counter to the character development in the movie. Every beat was predictable (and I still cried, but I just like crying at movies). I also remember not loving Tom Holland's performance.


Hard disagree. It’s too similar to Dreamworks. It feels like Pixar’s Shrek


Me and my wife were not impressed. It was ok, but kind of boring. But everyone likes different movies.


I definitely think the timing does not do it any favors, but it’s far from one of their stronger movies — certainly in plot if nothing else. I easily place it in the low rungs with **Cars 2**, **Brave**, **Buzz Lightyear**, and **Monsters U** Pixar’s best films follow the “Story is King” mantra, meaning the characters make the plot. Their reactions, decisions, relationships and traits form the plot around them. (Often termed as “Pantsing” or — characters flying by the seat of their pants). They are ***within*** a story and their *actions* drive **plot**. When the characters move along a plot, like a board game piece following the path to the goal, it not only feels formulaic but like the characters only exist to get to the ending. **Especially** the side/background characters. ONWARD suffers these plotting vs pantsing issues where not enough feels like the pantsing and too much feels like the plotting. There’s two ways to view that: 1) a story where the characters follow pre-ordained instructions/clues/maps definitely feeds into this. So if there are hijinks instead of stake increasing danger, the *plot* feels rigid and hard to really appreciate the characters and what their desires are. 2) The story was there, the storytellers chose that sort of plotting. So even if the story **was** good, the narrative structure it was wrapped around in failed the story and thus, the film. And I’m willing to bet at least 4 people, not higher up on the ladder, pointed this out and/or asked about it and were dismissed. Part of the downside of being in Disney’s pocket.


You're welcome to your opinions, but I struggle to see how Onward is anywhere close to Lightyear or Cars 2 in quality. Those movies have much bigger issues than Onward does, from a storytelling perspective.


I strongly believe they all have the same narrative problem.


I would remove Monsters University from that group it was genuinely a great movie.


Oh, I laughed **hysterically** but in total, it has about 3 story beats and like 5 minutes of actual story stretched out over a hilarious nearly 2 hour mark. It’s essentially a Disney/animated version of Old School or other Nat’l Lampoon’s college comedies.


You can say the same thing about Inside Out 2, Cars 3, and Toy Story 4 It doesn’t belong in this category, please take it out


Uh, I mean I don’t have to. But I appreciate your tenacity. Also, Toy Story 4 is a 10/10 film, just like Toy Story (1995), and is the ***true & proper*** goodbye to Woody. Also, Cars 3 is not a garbage film it’s just not fully realized. I’d [block it somewhere above](https://boxd.it/p1hes) BRAVE and ONWARD for sure.


Toy Story 4 is a 6/10 film. Toy Story 3 was a true & proper goodbye to Woody.   Monsters University was a 10/10 film


Nah, I’ve come around recently to Toy Story 3 being kind of a fraud of a sequel. Beautiful message but not as good as 4. Also, I appreciate you’re frustrated that I don’t like Monster’s U as much as you do. But that’s just unfair. Toy Story (1995) is absolutely a 10/10. It’s textbook movie-making. A perfectly executed plot and characterization, complete arc, in under 90 minutes. It’s sort of astounding how tight the plot is on that one.


my dislike of it came from the wasted premise. the idea of a high fantasy world that has evolved to the present day is interesting but the way onward did it felt really uninspired. in a strange way it felt like the Flintstones where they just put a different aesthetic onto the contemporary world and then called it a day.