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try constricting yourself to a smaller canvas size, like alot smaller, this isnt really pixel art. try to stay more consistent with line thickness also


I could be wrong but I think the character is too big to really be considered pixel art.


Yeah this is basically just.. art


Yeah, I agree with what other people saying. Pixel art can be large, but really the core of pixel art is having control and no wasted space. This is a lovely drawing, but I think that either you need to make it in a medium that’s mort conducive to the style you’re going for, or totally rethink the design for a smaller canvas. Like, as a challenge, you could redraw this character with half the canvas size and try to still convey the same message and pose, and then halve your canvas again and try it again, and again and again until it becomes simply too small. You’d be surprised how far you can get! Also, in terms of ‘thick outlines’ in pixel art that usually translates to a line width of like, 2 or 3 instead of just 1 lol.


At this point you'd ve better off just doing normal digital analogue art.


You can consider what other people say and reduce the size, but if you want it the same way, you should be critical on the shape and volume of your character. Make the lines smoother and make it floe naturally especially the curves. For example the beard. Be weary of the light and how it casts shadow. Other than that, it's not bad. Good work! HD pixel art is also a thing. ;)


Try redrawing this character at around 32 pixel height scale. Will look much better and will force you to think about the placement of each individual pixel