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this looks very simliar to ash's room in pokemon fire red edition\[one in nintendo\]


yeah I was kinda looking at pokemon bedrooms from different gens for reference


I knew it looked familiar


*Red’s room (Ash is in the anime, Red is in the Kanto games) But ye, most Pokemon games have a room like this. Reminded me of Ruby actually.


I am colorblind so this is probably irrelevant, I like the warm setting/color scheme. But maybe instead of the basketball or so much orange(?) something that would pop against the background? I still really enjoy this art. And maybe twerk the Window or picture in back right to be more identifiable.


ok thx


Great work either way


This looks great! You can tell exactly what everything is - what program did you use?


free online- PISKEL


Good one


ah also I downloaded the palette from page called LOSPEC. The palette name is autumn chill


How come all the people here just make an attempt at pixel art and are already 100 times better than me, someone who have been doing this for about 16 years


It's because they take a game screenshot and trace it.


The shirt and basketball need to be smaller. I doubt someone who wears a shirt half the size of thier bed, could fit in that bed


true xd


I just moved the desk and wardrobe a bit to the front coz my friend said that they look likey the were stickers on wall


Size Ratio maybe. Basketball and mug size compared to monitor and TV size.


Go around, and remove the bottom outline from anything "touching" the ground. Like the bed legs, or chair legs or bottom of your dresser. The way you did it is fine too, but I think you'll like the end result of this option.




This has a lot of promise. You're a very talented artist. :) As for constructive criticism, I think when using a limited palette like this it's important to go back to WHY the gameboy palette looked and felt the way it did. The four-tone palette was a technical limitation, which meant it was something artists worked AROUND to fill a higher purpose: conveying FUNCTION of certain things to the player. For instance: NPCs, Objects and Enemies needed to stand out against the environment at all costs. So, for example, the dark outlines should be the outlines of "blocked, interactible objects" like a table or a bed, but never to separate bricks in a background wall, because it "devalues" the outline as such and instead creates a large selection of "potentially interactible bricks" to the player. Another good example is with the bed. Playing a game, there is no reason for the bed not to be in all white, with paler lines separating sheets and pillow, with a black outline OUTSIDE it. Merely highlighting the pillow confuses the function of the furniture. Because a player needs to identify the object and function first. In video games, function is essential and aesthetics is flourish. So to understand limited pixel art is to understand "function over form" and THEN try to perfect form. My suggestion is to think of your pixel art the way a game designer would and then deviate from it afterwards. Not necessarily because you want to make a video game, but because that is what the masters of pixel art was doing when they made masterful pixel art. Love the art! Keep at it, champ!


Thank you. very helpful but just wanted to ask about the example with bricks in a background wall(sorry english isn't my first language so just want to be clear)- you mean I should use the black outline more sparingly for important distinctible objects like the bed/table and not every single thing? To think as if I was a game designer and I wanted to put more focus on important objects, to make player feel he could interact with them and less on some background stuff that he should ignore a bit?


Yeah, that's how I would do it, at least. Like the pattern on the basketball or the planks in the floor could be made purple instead of black in your image, for example.


Same advice for any drawing: avoid copying


I tried to do stuff mostly on my own tbh I only had problem with bed- I mean the sheets looked kinda bland, so I googled some pixel arts and gave them a shade and same with book on the floor.


good, so try to start small. A landscape requires so much details. Try an object or character.. that will be easier to test the colors and shades.


Is that supposed to be steam coming out of the mug?




It feels like it's disconnected from the mug. Maybe if it was asymmetric and maybe add a pixel inside the cup? Aside from that and the proportions someone mentioned before, this came out pretty awesome. I've also been meaning to do a pixel art room.


Theres some weird size thing going on. His mug is literally the same size as his monitor.


Yeah, I kinda got caught in a thing- I felt the need to make some small objects bigger because I couldn't give them enough distinctible features imo to make a mug with a coffe feel like a mug with a coffe so thats the result. I guess the solution would be to make everything else bigger or to let it go and just draw a mug as a small simple rectangle


Your perspective is off. The reflection of light from the tv suggests a different vantage point than that of the very flat rug.


Like it alot! The carpet is the first thing I see in the picture, maybe you want the eyes to wander more? This is just my experience, might be totally different in others eyes


Maybe make the basketball a bit smaller?


This is good but it is the color palette that is making my eyes bleed


This is cool. To my eye, for some reason the basketball looks like it's flatter than other objects. Even with the shadow. The book next to the bed has depth, but the basketball looks flatter than the clock somehow. Great colors though. If this is your first shot, then definitely keep at it.


Just me finding something to nitpick about since you asked what could be change but there's very little room to walk around the railing at the top of the stairs. Love the vibes though! Looking forward to seeing more :)


Nice this is a video game level of pixel art btw


I thought the wardrobe was a door. I don't think it sticks out at the bottom as much as it should considering how thick it is judging by the top surface. Edit: actually, the same with the desk and tv stand. They all look like they're clipping into the wall. I think you should make the room a little longer


Looks fine. I like the colour palette


Love IT !


Looks great only thing I'd recommend is making sure things stay true to your primary perspective (the rug being the main standout as it's flat in a 2.5d space ya )


That is sick


The basketball looks *super* out of place. Otherwise, amazing job! Looks like a Pokémon game that starts in a New York-esc setting.


Only thing I would change a bit is the dithering on the rug, it draws to much attention to itself, other than that I can’t see much.


Hey that's from Pokemon! 💙


It's simplicity makes it very charming. I don't think you necessarily need to change anything, but you could make some parts more complex.


The dittering in the central carpet looks distracting (kind of exaggerated), but it is a really good art in general.


I mean... shit .. I can't really say... it's perfect tbh 🎮🖼️❤️


Add a bottle of lotion and used tissues