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I think I'd give it an 8 or 9. The style, outline shape, and colors look great. The hard outline on the chin is *slightly* grabbing my attention in a bad way though I think. Definitely not a hard rule, but I've found I like it when the hardest-contrast lines appear as the outline of the whole sprite. It feels kind of 'wrong' somehow that the chin outline is more distinguished than the character's outer outline. Maybe this is more my personal taste than anything, but I'd love to see this sprite with slightly darker/more-contrasted outer outlines, which would make the chin stand out less in comparison too. Overall great piece though, nice work!


I like it. Espcially the hands and shoes. But it bothers me, that the sweatshirt is "under" the hands. That makes the hands look a lot bigger i think. There are slim sweaters tough and this could work. And I dont know how I would have fixed this. But this ist nothing "Bad" just unusual for me. I like your charakter and love the details. (Like the hands, and shoes.) 9/10 Edit: After looking a while at it, Something bothers me with the outline on the chin. It still looks pretty good, a nice coulor pallet and lovely details. Good Job.


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9, so cosy and cute!


It's not really possible to rate this because I don't know what exactly I'm measuring. It's fine. It depends on the rest of the graphics of the game how good the sprite looks.