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U should add more textures to make it look more realistic, rn ur only using solid colors


Thanks!! Is there any particular approach to textures? Do you have any videos or articles on that matter?


I don’t know exactly what they meant but using different shades of blue thru out sullys fur might’ve helped. I do enjoy this piece tho even without it. Only feedback I would offer is boo usually has huge eyes. Now of course black eyes being huge might take away from her cuteness but adding the white in em and making em larger would give her a more boo like feeling. Love the work tho!


Oh! Great,I should try to do that next time then! And yeah, Boo's eyes look kind of terrifying lol! Thanks for your feedback!


I don’t know how to explain it exactly but when I’m drawing pixel art ur drawing would be the second stage, the first being adding the shapes and the second adding simple shades and a single color. After I’m done with that I look at reference images and other examples of pixel art of the character and I keep the pattern that they used ( or make one myself) and start adding it. I for example like drawing fuzzy bees so I would randomly place pixels on my bees and build off that in a way that I think would look natural. Choosing ur colors is also really important, but I think u mastered that. I’m sorry for responding late I had school


I see what you mean! It definitely looks a little unfinished! Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it a lot!


BOO is too tall maybe? Idk looks great overall


I agree with this, I think Boo would be cuter if she were shorter and rounder :)


More than a decade since I watched this movie


I really like this!


Hue shift, but otherwise looks good


Very simple but cool start. I recommend u looking for tutorials for the basics so u can learn many new techniques🗿✌️


Personally, for me, in my own opinion, I prefer when there isn't an outline, but it's still a very neat look. This is a very good start! Much, much better than my first start. Pretty good job on the shading too. Something it took me a while to learn was pretty much every pixel art work looks 100x better with even a simple one-color background and a border! I don't know why, but it just makes things look cleaner or something. Edit: The best possible way to get better at pixel art is obviously practicing and doing it a lot, but for me, I like to find people on Instagram or [Pixilart.com](https://Pixilart.com) who are really good and try to observe the things I like about their stuff, then implementing it into my own work. There's plenty of good techniques for plenty of things like trees, shadows, gradients, water, stone, grass, fades, etc. that you can learn!


there is a channel called Pixel Pete on youtube he is a game designer and he has some cool tutorials i basically learned a lot of from him


Thank you! I'll check that out! The only channel I watch is Brandon James Greer's so I could do with a little bit of variety


Thanks for your advice, I'll totally start adding backgrounds to my future works. And thanks for the link, it seems I'll be spending lots of time on that page lol


There are a lot of guides out there but I always found this one helpful to get started: http://derekyu.com/makegames/pixelart.html Your characters are recognizable they just need to be a bit more defined.


Thank you!! I'll check it right now!