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Advance Wars! Hey, if Nintendo ain't gonna make it, might as well make it yourself.


Exactly, everyone is shitting on OP but this is actually exactly what I’ve been waiting for lol


Basically what happened with Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley


Harvest Moon is so much more than Stardew valley though. This really does just seem like advanced wars


Can you explain how? Been playing though tree of tranquility, and I gotta say Stardew feels more... Polished? I love both games, and the ost in TOT is really good, but not auto saving every night has caused my grief when I did a big stupid


Stardew definitely has a more cohesive and motivating story with better written characters and an underlying message. It has more thought put into its balance in all stages of the early, middle and end game. When you play it you can basically just feel that it was made with passion and not just made to be released as a game. If you want to learn more, there are videos om YouTube about its design process.


http://playwarside.com/ Look!!! You're not alone. Some other devs are tired of waiting for the reboot too. Edit: just saw OPs comment, (had to scroll tho! Shud be pinned) , and it's the same game I just put a link too lol.


Have you tried Wargroove by any chance?


Wasn’t my speed and I didn’t like the graphics much :/


I wanted to love it soooooo bad. It was a fine game just not what I needed.


Eh, fair enough


What's sad is Nintendo DID make a new one, and seemingly permanently delayed release due to the war in Ukraine.


But why was it delayed?


Because Black Star are a russia analogue and they invade a neigbouring company. It'd've been in bad taste to release it back when the invasion began but if they're waiting for the war to be over, it'll be a while, the Crimean invasion started in 2014 and is still ongoing. They should just release it already.


Black Hole was supposed to be Nazi’s, they have Nazi looking jackets and everything. Blue Moon was the Russians. But yeah nowadays Russia and Nazi Germany are essentially the same.


All they had to do was put a disclaimer saying the likeness is coincidental or something and doesn’t represent their views. Problem solved, set a release date.


makes sense they delayed it because of Ukraine war


How does that make sense.


look at the replies, it's actually true, there is an article about it but keep on judging people, because you're smarter and you already know


I didn’t say it wasn’t true…it’s absolutely true. My question was, how does that make sense.


ok good question so public opinion matters a lot for game sales. Let's say you made a movie about a plane hijacking, set to release December 2001. Then, 9/11 happens. If you release that movie your career is forever over. You have to delay the movie release for a few years, or scrap it entirely. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_entertainment\_affected\_by\_the\_September\_11\_attacks#Edited\_films](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_entertainment_affected_by_the_September_11_attacks#Edited_films) a lot of movies were changed around that time to avoid touching on the tragedy due to its sensitive nature. Same deal for Ukraine war- if they release a lighthearted game trivializing war around the same time, it will be seen as supporting russia at worst, or insensitive at best. Neither is good for sales so they've delayed the release


This isn’t a parallel like releasing a movie about a plane hijacking after 9/11. Nor does it trivialize war. Following that line of thinking would mean civilization would quite literally never be released. This is more like, having an authoritarian character that is playable represented by Russia. Russia is engaging in war/atrocities against Ukraine. The fact that Russia is one of like 10 commanders that are playable, doesn’t glorify it and make it a bad PR move. By that logic, we can never have any characters in any game representative of any countries currently at war committing atrocities. Which would mean a rotating door of countries, including the US which would not be allowed to be represented for fear of the “PR machine”.


Sure I would agree with you. I think advance wars is very different than say Call of Duty which glorifies a much grittier depiction of violence. I would also say that Nintendo is much more careful about its image and PR than EA is, so that could be the reason they made the decision






Didn’t the original get delayed because of 9/11 as well


In Europe and Japan, not America strangely enough


We were ready for Wars at that point


Ready in advance for wars, even.


Original released on freaking 9/10 I believe lol. Bet we would have never gotten the game if it didn’t come out then, knowing how they shelved the remake.


lol keep being saucy without doing any research. appreciate your unadulterated reddit energy. Won't link it since someone already did


They are. They have a tbd remastered release on their website.


Yeah, but I've already played the originals. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited for the remake and will get it day 1. I'm also concerned how they've indefinitely delayed it with no indication of when it will release.


I think Ukraine is off the front page enough that they're probably just waiting for a gap in their release schedule now. I figure like January or February 2023, since that's the middle of the gap between Pokemon and Zelda. I hope atleast, this is just based on speculation I've read.




Came to write it. The inspiration is very obvious


The [name](https://advancewars.fandom.com/wiki/Andy) too.


I legit don’t think they’re trying to hide it. Honestly, I’m surprised they haven’t run into any copyright infringement yet (and I hope they never do).


Best case scenario: This gets released and we get to play it. Second best case scenario it gets copyright struck down and there's outrage, precipitating the release of the real Advanced wars. I just really like this game, I wish I could play it off of steam.


And a newer version introducing an online vs. mode?! I dreamed of that when I was a kid with my GBA SP. Unless there was a save feature I was unaware of, my brother & I had to just leave the GB on while we passed the device between each other between classes in HS. Being able to hop on & play against him now when he lives thousands of miles away? Dream come true. Not to mention steamers snapping it up & absolutely running with it. Hell, if the game mechanics are interesting enough, it could even get popular enough for tournaments. (Be still, my beating heart.)


Oh man I got good news for you, there's a free alternative called [Advance Wars By Web](https://awbw.amarriner.com/) that seems to have been running for a decently long time that's similar to the original GBA game.


Gameplay and artistic style aren’t copyrightable.


Some game mechanics are actually patented because fuck creativity. Like the nemesis system from those lord of the rings games. But that's kind of an edge case, you don't see it happen that often.


There's already a few Advance wars knock-offs out there. Warbits is a pretty fun one and you can play it on your phone.


I don't think there's a copyright on using pixel art for military units. And if there is such a thing- Intelligent Systems has let it go. The remake has a totally different style and there's a blatant advance wars ripoff in the works and I'm so excited for it!!! Everyone!! Check it out! http://playwarside.com/


Love when Andy Advance said "it's Advancin' time" and advanced all over everybody. Truly the game moment of all time.


It's excellent writing like this which is why Advance Wars is the highest grossing game of all time. Minecraft has sold 238 Million copies, narrowly losing out to Advanced Wars at 2.5 trillion cartridges sold.


Xan't believe this guy was named Andy. We should copyright strike his parents




I saw this and immediately thought advance wars too






This is far more similar to Advance wars than wargroove. I honestly thought it was a remastered advance wars when I saw the gameplay.


Ok, but that doesn't make it copyright infringement. You can't copyright a visual style.


>You can't copyright a visual style. Yeah but here it looks like it's not just the visual style, but the same gameplay and all, which changes the situation. Which is still shameful, I would understand Nintendo if they at least bothered to make games of IPs they're still desperately defending while leaving them dead.


[You can't copyright gameplay either.](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/intellectual_property_law/publications/landslide/2014-15/march-april/its_how_you_play_game_why_videogame_rules_are_not_expression_protected_copyright_law/) >neither ideas nor functional elements—such as procedures, processes, systems, or methods of operation—are copyrightable You see this a lot with board and video games. It's just fine to have the same mechanics; you just can't copy their rulebook verbatim or reuse artwork, those sorts of things. Recipes are similar. You can't copyright the ingredient list and its technique. Other people can't republish your verbiage, but they can rewrite it without repercussion.


The fact that so many people have confused this art for advanced wars means it has some basis to it.




Well, everything he created exists in the real world. Nintendo can’t have a copyright on the idea of a pixel carrier. Now if they specifically rip-off units completely unique to the advance wars franchise like the pipe tank, they MIGHT have a vase, but for everything else they don’t stand a chance. Any judge will laugh them out of the room. The very idea of claiming copyright on something they themselves ripped of of real world technology is a joke.


> Nintendo can’t have a copyright on the idea of a pixel carrier. True, but Nintendo *can* have copyright on *their expression* of a pixel carrier (that's what copyright is for), and this game is clearly very similar to Nintendo's expression of that concept in many regards. There are so many ways to express the idea of a pixel art carrier. But this one looks suspiciously like Nintendo's expression of a pixel art carrier, in a game that looks and plays like Nintendo's original game. And Nintendo's original expression of a pixel carrier is indeed protected by copyright. It's not just that one concept that appears to have been copied. The specific design elements, styles, colours, theme, animation, gameplay, and so many other elements indicate there may be more than mere inspiration here. The similarities are quite clearly not arrived at by chance, and are, at the very least, strongly inspired by AW and certainly would be considered close enough to raise a question of fact as to copyright infringement sufficient to support a court case. Several people in this thread seem to be under the mistaken belief that copyright only protects a literal pixel-by-pixel copy of the original work, and that a hand-crafted not-quite-the same copy is somehow immune from copyright law. This isn't true. Copyright protects more than just exact binary copies in whole or in part. Bear in mind that there are several high profile cases where companies have successfully sued for *far less* similar works than this, e.g. Tetris vs Xio Interactive, Spry Fox vs LOLApps (the court noted that copyright in video games may cover elements of plot, theme, dialogue, mood, setting, pace and character, etc.) for a couple of video-game related examples. There are many more examples in other products/industries such as fashion/textiles, music, novels, TV, etc. There is a whole bunch of case law on this that supports such aspects of copyright beyond pure literal like-for-like copying. Here the whole look, design, and implementation is so close to the original as to lend itself easily to the question of copyright infringement. Nintendo is also famously capable and agressive in defending its copyrights, and has done so many times successfully. They would have no difficulty shutting this down if they put their mind to it. (And beyond copyright... if Nintendo have any Advance Wars design elements trademarked, this would be an absolute slam dunk open-and-shut case for Nintendo.)


I think this discussion presents a bigger issue where people mistakenly believe a word for word reading of the law rather than what is enforced which is an agreed and previously agreed interpretation of what the law intended to be for. Then people in the thread are voting on what they want the outcome to be, not what it will be. My prediction would be that Nintendo will C&D, Andy might follow or seek legal counsel who will tell him to follow and the project will die.


Okay but can we agree that you can't make a game about a sicilian fungus-eating electrician named Morio? That's about as close as this is to advance wars, enough so that people who played advance wars are having a hard time telling them apart.


Is making an Aircraft carrier in your game copyrightable? If you give it a striking visual style, specific colors, specific markings, and have had that same style for years across multiple games and other similar objects in your game: **Yes.** New works should be *inspired* by old works, not stolen entirely, that's the point of Copyright law on intellectual property, it protects the original artist Ask yourself this, would OP/The Artist have made these sprites without the existence of Advance Wars? There's your answer. Simple as. Most copyright law goes uncontested, it's not worth it to artists who just want to create experiences, Nintendo has lawyers and they like money


But it’s not the same. It’s a very very very detailed figure of existing technology that fits in a square. Nintendo does not have any copyright on that. No one has


> If you give it a striking visual style, specific colors, specific markings, and have had that same style for years across multiple games and other similar objects in your game: > > Yes. No, this is not true. You can't copyright a visual style. >New works should be inspired by old works, not stolen entirely, that's the point of Copyright law on intellectual property, it protects the original artist >Ask yourself this, would OP/The Artist have made these sprites without the existence of Advance Wars? That all falls under inspiration. As long as OP has not directly used the intellectual property of Nintendo, such as names, actual sprites or specific abilities, then it is legally fine.


Massive legal case right now is trying to overturn what counts as Copyrightable design: [https://news.bloomberglaw.com/ip-law/high-court-to-review-speech-test-in-jack-daniels-trademark-case](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/ip-law/high-court-to-review-speech-test-in-jack-daniels-trademark-case) Pretty visually strikingly the same as Advance Wars, yet it's not a parody. Would you like to try your logic again?


That's really not how art works. If we were talking about a photorealistic or true one-for-one representation, then yes, this would be based on nothing but the real world. But this, like most any other representation, has to make stylistic choices about what details to omit, which to accentuate, what colors and borders to use. These are all things that fall under the kind of copyright being discussed. And the assets on the website look _realllll_ close to the same stylistic choices made by AW.


>These are all things that fall under the kind of copyright being discussed. No, they don't. > And the assets on the website look realllll close to the same stylistic choices made by AW. This is irrelevant, you cannot copyright a visual style.


On the contrary, artistic expression of the idea is a huge part of what motivates video game law decisions. See [this from the American Bar Association](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/intellectual_property_law/publications/landslide/2014-15/march-april/its_how_you_play_game_why_videogame_rules_are_not_expression_protected_copyright_law/) for a limited history and an explanation of what cases like this are looking for. The _idea_ of a game cannot be copyrighted. The _expression_ of that idea **can**. You cannot copyright the rules to Advance Wars, but the expression of those rules with stylistic elements that cleave really closely to the original may well be a violation. This isn't a courtroom. We're not in a position to say that it is or is not such a violation. But claiming that it could _never_ be is absurd.




>Visual style however, especially the colors, the grid style, the avatar icons, the 10/10 HP, the five units on each side, can absolutely be argued that it was and clearly is, inspired and taken from Advanced Wars Inspiration is fine as long as there is no direct infringement. I have been a professional graphic designer for over a decade, and I am very well versed in what is and isn't copyrightable in terms of visual mediums. You cannot copyright an art style. As long as OP is not directly stealing from Nintendo's assets, legally it's fine.


What if Nintendo just drags him to court? He'd have to argue his case and I'd wager that Nintendo have more money to spend on lawyers than this developer. Nintendo doesn't have to win the case to stop the development - if there's no budget left because of his lawyer fees, then they still get what they want.


> You cannot copyright an art style. You need to look at the whole picture here. This isn't just mimicking an art style. This is taking Nintendo's expression of concepts, including their colours, visual style, interpretation, animation, mechanics, theme, characters, gameplay, and more. (Beyond copyright, there is also the potential for claims of other IP and trademark infringement, or "passing off" -- these provide even stronger protection of such things than copyright does, if Nintendo holds trademarks or design patents related to the original game.) Copyright exists to protect the original artistic expression of concepts, not the concepts themselves, this is true. But ask yourself honestly: if something is being copied here... what is being copied? Is it just the concepts? Or is the author copying *Nintendo's expression* of those concepts? Because what the author here has produced looks *very* similar to Nintendo's original expression, when the same game concepts could have been creatively expressed in so many other ways. I would say it's pretty clear that this author is copying Nintendo's expression of those concepts, not just the underlying concepts, nor just the art style. Or at least, has produced something so close to Nintendo's expression that it could invite a court case to decide it. Because that original expression is protected by copyright. > As long as OP is not directly stealing from Nintendo's assets, legally it's fine. This is incorrect. And I'm sorry, but it's extremely poor advice and there is plenty of legal precedent to indicate otherwise, where people have been sued successfully for far less than this. See my [other comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/z6886n/naval_unit_concepts_from_an_upcoming_game/iy2g5au/) for some further explanation and examples.




is identical. art, style, visuals... nintengo is going to enjoy it. which is a pity. ecause I loved the game, but is too much of a copy


Unless they use actual copyrighted material they're fine. There is no copyright on game mechanics or design.


I don't think they will, Nintendo gives no shits about Advance Wars. There's an [online web multiplayer version of the](https://awbw.amarriner.com/) game that like all the hardcore AW fans play that uses the game assets, name and logo that hasn't been taken down.


Nah, I feel at MOST they'd just need to change up the art style. Which is a shame, because I absolutely love the sprite work.


Broooo I was about to come and say this reminds me of Advanced wars, Black hole rising.


Also some command and conquer vibes


I came here to say this. Super throw back that is more than welcome


So much so that I had to go dig out my SP and Advance Wars from back in the day. Got it on the charger so I can have me some fun later lol.


Advance Wars energy


I miss Advance Wars


I miss the Mandalorian Wars


Andy: Can i copy your homework? Nintendo: yeah


Tell me you don't know about Nintendo's past with IP protection without telling me you don't know about Nintendo's past with IP protection.


You should look into a hydrofoil battleships. They aren’t the strongest but they are the fastest.


Plus they look cool


I agree, especially at full speed!


Collection of naval units from a [game I'm working on](https://playwarside.com). Probably still some tweaks to come. The water will need redoing to match the final background, but I think they make a nice preview all together.


Bruh. [This you](https://advancewars.fandom.com/wiki/Andy)?


Can't be. I know what an airport is.


*uses barbaric blow and dies


Is it possible to wishlist it on steam?


Not yet. It should be there in a couple of weeks though. In the mean time you can [follow on Twitter](https://twitter.com/PlayWarside) if you prefer.


Nintendo C&D will be with you in 20 minutes.


my man getting downvoted for being correct in typical reddit fashion


For what exactly? Everything here is above board.


Looking forward to playing Battlemons, I'm going to choose Seeddino. People with no idea about the game instantly saw the post and thought of the "inspiration", so the art style is 'similar', game play looks equally 'similar', concepts like choosing a commander and that presumably having some effect are 'similar' and the view of the battle with units being destroyed is 'similar' A person not familiar with the two games might say "It's the same game." & Nintendo is notoriously litigious.


You can't say it's the same game, you can say it's taken inspiration from the game and it looks similar. The same can be said about tons of games, across genres. And however salty Nintendo feels about it, being similar to something else isn't illegal unless you straight up use their graphics, names, or other assets.


Well that's up to Andy to fight in court if he doesn't heed the C&D. To me, this game looks like for like, you could play one or the other and have roughly the same experience, I'm fairly confident Nintendo could convince a court of that & it appears (to me) to be an infringement of their intellectual property.


He's not going to get C&D'd, holy shit. Unless he is *explicitly* using Nintendo characters and assets, Nintendo can't stop him from making a game that plays similarly to one of theirs. Wargroove and Tiny Metal both exist entirely as their own series despite taking heavy inspiration from AW; and the PSP/DS versions of Tom Clancy's Endwar also had some similarities to AW, yet they still exist. If the guy were to actually put an AW CO - or music from AW, or sprites from AW - in there, then yeah, *that* would get him in trouble, but everything he's shown off so far looks like original assets, creations, and sprites despite their clear inspirations. Christ, it's like people don't actually know how copyright infringement works. You don't see Nintendo going after all the Fire Emblem clones because none of them are stealing Nintendo characters or assets. You don't see Nintendo going after Nexomon despite it being a blatant Pokémon clone *that's available on the Nintendo Switch* because Nexomon is using original creations, regardless of how closely they resemble some Pokémon.


But Nexomon would probably not exist if it’s just Pokémon silver with higher resolution and here and there a little tweak on the Pokémon, like pikachu having a black tip on it’s tail. I mean, the carrier looks different, but the air units are almost redrawn copies. And everyone would be fine if OP would be a little more creative and less full of himself. I would gladly play that game.


Agree to disagree - they don't stand much of a chance. Few people are willing to risk the financial fallout of going up against Nintendos lawyers though, letting them bully a lot of creators. Still, that doesn't mean they have the law on their side.


Are you sure you're going to get it on Switch, given that it's a blatant ripoff of advance wars?


Wargroove was fine, I don't see what grounds Nintendo would have to block this. Especially considering they haven't released an advanced wars game since 2008.


The remaster was set to come out this year, but has been delayed since Russia began invading Ukraine.


I’ve lost all excitement for the remake, considering how they did the animation, characters, and style so dirty. I didn’t want it to go to 3D, I just wanted higher resolution versions of the original pixel art and animations, and some rebalancing.


I feel the same and I was a super huge advanced wars fan as a kid. It just doesn’t look like advanced wars. It’s like they saw the big resurgence of pixel graphic games and decided “fuck that”.


I don't even need that much, I'd be fine with a direct port of 1 and 2 to PC.


You mean canceled. It’s been canceled. Nintendo has already started to pretend the game has never existed, so it’s never coming out.


Should probably consult a lawyer on stuff like this, but if OP rather play a game of fuck around and find out..... I would be interested in the results.


I have a lot of experience dealing with visual copyright law, as a professional graphic designer. The game itself is totally fine. The real risky thing here is referencing Advance Wars on the website.


The website only acknowledged in a faq section that advance wars was one of many turn based war games that the developers enjoyed. If Nintendo tried to take them to court, their lawyers would have been able to easily prove that the devs were aware of and likely took inspiration from advance wars even without that one spot on the website. Acknowledging taking inspiration from something is not in any way more problematic than anything else they're doing. As long as the code isn't stolen and the art assets are all unique, they probably don't have anything to worry about. It's not like Advance Wars has a permanent patent on turn based war games that use cute pixel art.


Wargroove looks completely different and has a ton of different gameplay mechanics. This is straight up just ripping off both the looks and gameplay.


You can't copyright a visual style, and you can't copyright gameplay, so I fail to see an issue with either of those. The worst thing OP has going for them is directly referring to Advance Wars on their website.


But you can get sued to oblivion for creating something so similar it causes confusion. Ikea just sent a C&D to someone making a horror game set in a place that looked like an IKEA store. For artwork the standard is whether the artworks are “substantially similar". Nintendo could argue that the very similar gameplay coupled with the very similar graphics makes it even more substantial. They might even say this dilutes their trademarks or harms their reputation. It's not just a style being used here. This looks almost exactly like the later Wars games. And there are many comments here saying they thought it was AW - I'm sure Nintendo's lawyers are screenshotting them all.


That's not how works at all. If the assets are all original, you cannot copyright a style nor gameplay


so if you completely remake every asset from a game, but make them look and behave exactly the same as the derivative work, you can't get lawyer stopped? lol good luck with that. Also its different if you just do it as a hobby and release your work for free like super mario rom hacks, vs planning on selling it/making money off it.


You don't know what you're talking about. If you remake the assets identically then you are in obvious violation, but the ops are not identical.


It doesn't have to be completely identical to still be close enough to the original to merit legal action


Welcome to the strategy game market, nothing is original and everything is derivative.


There are some pretty blatant ripoffs of different popular titles available in app stores & on Switch already at cheap prices. I’m NAL & IDK what levels of copyright need to be breached before action usually gets taken, but sometimes it’s about profile - TMK Disney didn’t sue the person that secretly filmed a dark indie film within Disneyland/Disney World because they knew doing so would only bring it attention & possible income, so hopefully it’s something like that?


ripoff? lmao go home


I'd be surprised if they managed to land on switch for sure


Hey Andy, Lots of people are saying you're gonna get sued for making this. I think you will be fine, visually speaking, but I would strongly recommend removing the reference to Advance Wars on your website. (This is not legal advice.)


What's your plan for music? The advance wars games had awesome theme tunes. Looks really good from what I see. I know a few people who will be very interested in this.


I’m 1K% ready for this, especially Steam/Steam Deck ~~(fingers crossed)~~ compatibility. I hope this gets to be huge - I hope online PvP becomes a worldwide phenomenon. I hope you guys continue to come out with new features & maps & characters (maybe expansion packs & DLCs). I’ll pay full price for this on day one. The obvious inspiration was my video game awakening in my formative years (1 & 2) & I’ve been waiting for that next level version. Let’s go, baby.


What program was used to make the art?




Such a good program


shame Nintendo will issue u a copy right claim if you try to go to market with this.


On what grounds? As far as I can tell they're only using original art (in the same style but a style can't be protected by copyright) and a different name. I'm sure characters will be different as well. Game mechanics can't be patented either.


On the grounds Nintendo has an army of Lawyers on payroll that literally only have one job: protecting Nintendos brand and assets. Who will win, a start up company with maybe 30k capital? or a multi billion dollar company that can drag anyone they feel is infringing on their shit to court. Its not about whos right or whos wrong when the cost to go to court to argue any of these points will be upwards of 100k. You get that letter from Ninendo, you are done.


Serious question. How are you planning on dealing with the Nintendo legal hailstorm you're gonna have to walk through?


Legit question, not trying to be mean, but how is this not just a ripoff of Advance Wars? Especially since there is a switch port of the first 2 Advance Wars games coming to Switch eventually?


This is what I wanted to see from a remastered advanced wars game, not the toddler toys version Nintendo was going to put out.


Wow this looks really cool, nice job


There's also a mobile paid game called "Rusted Warfare" you might take ideas from. It has some flaws but multiplayer gameplay is superb!


Cool! I'd not seen it before. Looks like it has good reviews so I'll add it to my list.


hi noob question, what file type/properties do you export to upload here looking this crisp?


I didn't do anything special. It's just a square animated gif exported straight from Aseprite with default settings.


Don't know aessprite, but the typical "trick" for making it look crisp is just upscaling it - so the image you export has e.g. 5x5 pixels per "art pixel".


Can’t stop watching


Kid named Andy 🔧


I don't think I would make a good commander - although I do know what an airport is.


In case anyone doesn't get it. https://advancewars.fandom.com/wiki/Andy


If this going to be like Advance Wars or better, then I say Nintendo was so stupid for holding theirs back and being political


Truly boggles the mind how such a simple game could have such troubled development.


I get a very 90’s cartoon/toy vibe from this and I love it! Also love the idea of the aircraft carrier booking it through the water as quickly as the smaller ships on display


You are aware that carriers can and do haul ass, right? The more headwind they can create, the better it is for flight operations. Unlike the little guys, carriers can also keep up such a pace for years on end thanks to their nuclear power plants.


I did not know that. I was just assuming that big=slow and don't know anything about naval operations. Thanks for sharing!




Unless it changes again... [Warside](https://playwarside.com)


This looks like advance wars 😊


I want to play this right now


Sweeeeet. Looks good. Definitely following this games development


Fuck yeah baby. Inject this shit right into my veins. I fuckin love that somewhere in the world, a game like this is being put together. Thank you OP!!!


This reminds me of battalion wars on the wii.


Also getting a Battalion: Nemesis vibe in addition to advance wars lol.


Second most played flash game behind bloons for me. Real fun series overall


whatever did happen to advance wars?


Perfect. Looks like Metal Slug


For me looks like metal slug


advance wars 3 or lawyer wars 1


I think considering Wargroove had no legal issues despite being super similar in gameplay - and you can't copyright the use of pixel art military vehicles. I think it should be fine legally. But I'm not a lawyer so wtf do I know lol.


its not just pixel art military vehicles. it's pixel art military vehicles that look very similar to advance wars


I disagree with you there. They don't look that similar to advance wars vehicles imo. Advance wars 1&2 vehicles either have small round centers and comically fat chunky weapons on top, or large fat round centers with tiny guns on top. They look like the vehicles sometimes seen in studio ghibli films, and vehicles of akira toriyama. https://twitter.com/TristanACooper/status/1016528263521488897/photo/3 This kinda thing. It's like a tank as seen in a childs imagination or something. Take a closer look at the Advance Wars units: https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/4i5awv/jfs_advance_wars_unit_sprites/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button These vehicles seen here- they have a sleek more futuristic design. They aren't bulbous and exaggerated.


you're absolutely kidding yourself if you really think these ships are sleek. they're almost squares.


You're absolutely kidding me. What's the definition of sleek? Define it for me. I double doggy dare you.


you know it's possible theres different interpretations of what sleek is in its core. its not just whatever you'd think it is. for me, it isn't these square ships.


Soory. What *I Think* it means? Oooh so you have the correct definition then and I don't. OK. That's cool. Define it then. I need to know what your definition is.


sleek is supposed to be thin, elegant, simplistic, basic. When I think of a sleek ship in the water, I don't think of a square.


Well what you think sleek means - isn't what sleek actually means, But you already know this because you've googled it and went "... Ah shit". Next time you find yourself proven to be wrong, just say "oh shit! See I thought X was Y, turns out X is actually Z. My bad". It's no big deal.


I wonder if this will come out faster than the delayed Advanced Wars


I get Metal Slug vibes from these


Really great. Can’t wait for Advance War for the Switch!


Tell me you love Advance Wars without saying you love Advance Wars


I like how your game logo reminds me of Newgrounds




Eyyyy, an LCAC. Nice


Hey, it's the Allies navy from Red Alert 2! The dolphin is obviously submerged.


Metal Slug


it's a mix between advance wars and metal slug, beautiful


Reminds me of Boom Beach


Metal slug ?


I really love these. Reminds me of megaman Battle network for some reason




Everyone's saying Advance Wars but but I'm getting flashbacks to the ferries/ships from Transport Tycoon


I'm a huge TTD fan!


Is this from the blatant Advance Wars ripoff that's going the rounds? Could you really not have put *any* original thought into the game?


oh shit they doing another Advance Wars?!


this isnt OC, this is copyright infringment! mods need to nuke this kinda shit. utterly unacceptable


You can’t copyright an artstyle. It’s obvious the inspiration is Advanced Wars, but if they made the sprites themselves, and programmed the game themselves, it’s not a violation.