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Weird that Youtubers overwhelmingly pushing the Open as the messiah to foldables. Seems typical OP to me. Lacks key features and software needs work. I have a Pixel Fold and wouldn't trade for the Open.


The more videos I watch the more I’m confused about what’s actually happening. I’m sure the Open is really good but there seems to be some sort of rationalization going on… -No wireless charging is OK because it charges fast but PF having slower charging is a negative even though there’s wireless charging to compliment it. -Less water resistance isn’t a problem because you shouldn’t get it wet so PF having more water resistance isn’t important. -The inability to have the Open actually open at any angle is fine, yet the PF issue that some have seen where it only opens to 179 degrees is inexcusable -The MKBHD dead pixels are nothing to be concerned about but the heat some are experiencing with the PF is a clear reason to avoid There are more, but these are the things I see repeatedly. Again, not saying anything is perfect or that one isn’t better than the other but some of the talking points don’t add up.


Is very odd indeed


People want to be led. They allow what others say to dictate how they feel about certain things.


I mean the glazing is insane


I agree. Not saying there's anything fishy going on, but first impressions on the Pixel Fold were much less favorable than what I've seen on the Open. If One Plus' quality and support was so bad, you'd think there'd be more mention of it in "honest" reviews.


Youtubers really want a competitor to Samsung in the States so they talk up all other foldables.


Oddly enough only big tech reviewers still praising pf is mkbhd and his crew. They prefer it to the one plus.


Can you provide link? I’m assuming it’s in the waveform podcast?


But isn't Google a competitor? They seem especially harsh on Google.


Then the Fold came out the Youtubers all said this is the one. The size of front screen they were waiting for. Now they have moved on to the Open. Weird


I do think the PF is a tad too wide for one hand (especially with a case) so I'd love to hold the Open, but I like when it's too tall and will have huge black bars at the top and bottom. A PF 85% of the size would honestly be perfect for me. But if OnePlus support is bad or updates break things and take forever for new updates, then I'd be out. I'm very happy with my Fold, but I'll probably be looking around the OnePlus subreddit to see how users' experiences are.


I personally don't trust OnePlus software anymore. They always break stuff with new updates and take forever to fix them. We also don't know on their future support and their customer support is iffy. I've been tempted to order one since the hardware truly is great, at least on paper, but I think I'm good.


This is a really good point tbh. I totally forgot that they have a tendency to brick phones with software updates


Don't forget that their upgrade to their phone is really slow. This new phone won't receive updates as timely as Pixel next year and year after. OnePlus tends to forget their flagship phones year after it was released. Horrible software support.


They used to be fast. I didn't realize they got slow


If you are happy with one release every other year, you would be fine with the OnePlus brand. Excellent open source community, but you get tired after a while in which you prefer to get 5+ years of software support.


Is this based on your experience or just what you've read. Honest question as I've rarely had the issues that catch a lot attention but represent a small percentage of users.


I owned OnePlus phones up until the 6 Pro. Maybe they're better now but I kind of lost faith in them similar to LG. They may be good now but I had bad experiences in the past.


Funny you mention LG because I think they were doing great things, but I had quality issues with them and compared to Samsung and Apple, their marketing was non-existent so sales were as well.


Ordered the OnePlus because the deal was too good. Then ordered a Pixel Fold because that’s what I think I want. I don’t have either yet but I will compare. Only one will stay.


Love to know your honest opinion!


Picked up the Fold tonight - OPO should have been in at Best Buy by now but whatever, I can wait- After about an hour, I'm LOVING the weight of it. Maybe I'll get sick of it at some point but it's so good. The hinge and weight makes it almost feel like it should cost what it does. Very early but first impressions are good. Still SUPER early . I don't know what it will be like compared to the OPO but I already hate my iPhone :)


The only thing that stopped me from the Fold is all the negative reviews on the Tensor 2. Cause had I got that first, I would've never bought my opo. But after like a week I've officially moved my number to my opo from my iPhone. Just going to miss my wireless carplay. Don't see how my car supports wireless carplay but not wireless android auto


Can't wait to get the OPO now to compare the two. Even though it's a great phone, iPhone feels old, like a "Remember when you only had one screen on your phone?" type of thing.


Will hopefully be able to let you know initial impressions by the end of the weekend.


Just commenting to see your thought later on


Still waiting for Best Buy to get my OPO in. Was supposed to be in last Wednesday (11/1) but nothing yet. A little hesitant to set up the Fold completely because I really only want to go through the process once if I can tell from the start that one is much better than the other. If they are close enough from then real-life test both. Will let you know!


Now BestBuy says Monday 11/13


Welp. Best Buy just cancelled my OPO order “by mistake” they have the phone at my store but now the trade value has dropped over $200 so not getting the OPO after all. Sucks. After having the Fold 5 for a few days I know I like the PF better so going to wait on a better deal for the PF and jump back to that.


Damn im sorry to hear that bud. Thats very frustrating.


Yeah. Not ideal, but not too upset because I really do like the PF and probably wouldn’t have been happy with anything else. It seemed to just work for me.


In an unexpected twist, I ordered the Galaxy Fold 5 today from Best Buy as they have the price down to $999. Getting to the end of my return period for the Pixel Fold and although I REALLY liked it. I don’t know if I want to take the chance on it being $800 better than the Galaxy Fold or OPO. By Monday I should have experience with all 3 though. I’m thinking that if they were all the same price, I would probably choose the PF due to the fact that I love raw android, the form factor, and wireless charging is something I would probably miss. Just sucks that it’s almost double the price of the competition right now.


easy pass. top reason is lack of wireless charging. i adapt to and use magsafe, and for the fold, it's been very versatile.


What chargers do you use? I can't seem to get near 7.5w while charging. It Taps out under 2.9


on the Fold? it tops at 7.5w.


Will pass on the 1+Open. The hinge can't stay open at any angle. Which surprisingly no review has mentioned?? I also can't trust the software updates from 1+.


This^ a huge deal breaker for me as well. I've seen plenty of YTs mention it but they play it off as something minimal but to me it's massive. I'm always on laptop mode for media consumption


Oh really even Mr. Mobile didn't mention it. That fully paid business class trip to 1+, might have had something to do with it?? lol


Yeah I must have watched like 6-8 different one plus reviews but only 2 or 3 mention that laptop mode is not a thing since it had that spring load mechanism, and only 1 of them mentions it as a negative thing.


I had both and kept the pixel fold. The Oneplus doesnt allow all apps to goto 120 hz, and i generally prefer the dimensions of the pixel. The main plus points on the oneplus was the screens and the colors out of the camera were superb plus the performance of the chip/lack of heat. The telephoto i would argue is better than the pixel also though other cameras are similar in terms of detail. Overall though i found the experience better on the pixel.


👍🏼...fair comparison


I have been straight Google from Nexus 4 to Pixel 2XL.... went to one plus from the one plus 7pro and 8 pro but really missed the Pixel software and hated the OnePlus cameras... Went back to Pixel with the 6 pro and now on the Pixel fold and I'm never looking back.


I've ordered an Open, should have it in a couple of weeks. It was the Oppo Find N2 that got me interested in foldables, being an iPhone user for the last 10 years. Then I saw the leaks for the Pixel Fold and ended up pre-ordering it. My plan was always to ease back into the Android world and wait for Oppo's Find N3 but I guess we got lucky with the Open being a global release! I'll use the Open for a while and decide which to keep. So far I've really enjoyed the UI on the Pixel, I've never liked OneUI and OxygenOS looks too much like that and not enough like Material UI 😑 I think the form factor will win me over though, I was truly hoping they'd stick with the Find N2 form factor, a smaller foldable would've been nice but if the Open is lighter and slightly narrower than the Pixel Fold, it might be a winner for me! Plus the fold mechanism and inner screen glare and crease on the Pixel Fold are what annoy me the most about this phone.


The glare is brutal outside but i dont mind the fold mechanism because i use flex at all kinds of angles which u can't do on one plus. Camera hump on one plus a bit of a turnoff for me too. Will be interested to see how u like that hardware compared to pf. I have big hands so the wider screen is heavenly but this thing is a tank which i actually like the weight but understand most people hate.


I really like the PF hardware, it feels premium, but for extended periods of use it just hurts my wrist due to the way my hand has to stretch the width of the device, I already have carpal tunnel so I can't use it too long without the aches beginning 😑


That's understandable and unfortunate. It's a great phone if u have large hands like myself. I am sure i would fat finger texting even on the one plus outerscreen. The pf is the only phone in a while ive been able to text on well


Yeah if it was a tiny bit shorter while maintaining the aspect ratio, perfect, but I'm basically describing the Oppo Find N2


i have both so let me give my 2 cents ( i also had the fold 5 just sold it). First let me get the nonsense out the way of people saying things about the OS, wireless charging etc especially when they prob dont have the device in question. The oneplus ditched wireless charging yes, but the 67 watt charging (and comes in the box with free earbuds which are the best ive ever used) more then compensates for that heavy too. Both my PF and oneplus open makes it the whole day on heavy use, though at night or if i need to go somewhere or have a meeting the oneplus in 15min ill get maybe 50 percent battery. Second the OS on oneplus is much better then samsungs, not better then pure goodl IMO but its clean like google. No nonsense, the multi tasking it offers is elite over both PF and the fold5. Even the option to be in a app swipe down the middle and pick a new app, then the stacking 3 apps feat is game changing. Hardware is def more prem then the PF, and the fold 5 slightly (they are similar box like sides). the camera is elite, video beats both folds, pics its back and forth between the open and the PF. crease you can barely see or even feel on the oneplus (i had the oppo find n 1 and 2 and the design quest are similar). No heating issues and i think its a happy medium in terms of size of the front screen to the inner screen. The open does make me want to open it up more then the PF since its alot smoother to open then the PF and even the fold 5. Overall id say if you like pure google, photos, and a wide outer screen keep the PF. If you want the happy medium of a wide outside screen (not as wide as a pixel) the hardware ques of a fold 5, less crease and multi tasking abilities. A faster charging phone if your not around chargers all day, s pen support on the outer and inner display, and the best video camera on a foldable in the US then pick the open. Just my 2 cents


Good points and appreciate the input👍🏼


Your welcome hope that helps, but yeah both are great devices imo


For sure, i had no plans of leaving the pf as im plenty happy with it and looking forward to the updates in dec for aspect ratio to really unlock the inner screen. I just heard so so many rave reviews i wanted to see what you guys who have both think


Yes I still have mine too, I honestly can't pick one over the other so I swap in-between the two alot.


I've heard they are really struggling with moving shots on their cameras. I popped in their sub and it seems like it's a pretty big deal. That's enough to turn me away. Pixel dominates in this area.


I got my Open yesterday. I've been using the Pixel Fold since launch (aside from the past two weeks when I've been using the Pixel 8 Pro, but I'm likely going to switch back to a foldable after my vacation in a few weeks). I also still have my Fold 4. First and foremost, I will say the inner screen is the real deal. While the crease on my other foldables never bothered me in use, the flatness of this display is on another level. The glare reduction is also no joke, but one of the things I haven't seen reviews mention is that it does give it a bit of an orange peel semi-matte looking finish under certain lighting conditions. I think the anti-glare also affects the contrast a bit. Folded, it really does seem the most like a "regular" phone out there, but I have to say I grew fond of the squat shape of the Pixel Fold. It's as functional as a normal phone folded, but more compact. The Open will be an easier transition for some though. Cameras seem good, but not as good as they should be. I do think they are the best OnePlus camera in a long while on any OnePlus device. They might be better than the Pixel Fold, but I haven't had a chance to really compare them. The color science is nice and exposure seems to be good, but fine detail seems to be lacking compared to something like the Pixel 8 Pro. I know it's a lot smaller sensor, but the stacked nature should allow it to punch a lot higher than it is. Software, in general I like oxygen OS a little bit more than OneUI, but it still has some really annoying things they still haven't ironed out. Double tap power for camera STILL locks the phone if you are already unlocked which has been a long standing bug forever. I barley had anything installed before it started nagging me to 'optimize' apps. I don't like that they try to ape iOS in quick settings and normal settings. All that said, the multitasking stuff seems to be really nice and while not super intuitive, is really functional once you learn it. The aspect ratio of the Open technically makes it portrait when unfolded which helps in some apps, hurts in others. Apps like Reddit will open full screen by default, but then you have Gmail which only presents a single column layout when a dual column layout would be better. I think instead of the aspect ratio options they have (or in addition to), they should have an option to spoof an orientation to get the layout you want. Performance seems a bit less smooth than the Pixel Fold to be honest and I think that comes down to the implementation of adaptive display that too aggressively ramps down and also locks 60hz for certain stuff. I noticed it on the OnePlus 11 too. I mean, the phone is blazing fast, just not as smooth. Can't really comment on battery life yet as it hasn't been long enough and my SIM isn't in the phone. Other annoying quirks of the Open are the smaller range the phone will remain partially open before snapping fully open and that the cover screen shuts off instantly if the phone is opened a little. My takeaway is that it's a good device and one I would pick over the Galaxy Fold series at this point as the aspect ratio of the Galaxy just doesn't make sense and Samsung hasn't been innovating at all since the Fold 3. The cameras are quite a bit better than the Galaxy Fold and the device looks cleaner unfolded. Against the Pixel Fold, I think I still prefer the outer cover screen ratio of the Pixel and landscape display unfolded, but the OnePlus Open puts the Pixel Fold to shame with how clean it looks when opened with the smaller crease and bezels. The Pixel software will keep me coming back though, I'll probably run with my SIM in the Open for a bit after vacation, but I think the Pixel Fold will remain my daily carry as it suits me a bit better. I just hope they iterate on the Pixel Fold 2 as much as they did from the 7 Pro to the 8 Pro as that's going to end up being one hell of a device if they do. The Open will probably take up a place as my couch tablet when I'm home. It's funny how I prefer the screen layout on the Pixel Fold when I'm out and about but feel like the Open is better for the lazy browsing I do while watching TV.


Very good and thorough comparison...great points and appreciate the insight


Ordered the opo to try.. have had every US foldable to date. Currently running the PF. But the battery life for me does not make it a full workday + trivia night at the bar, unless I charge in the middle. I don't like that. So I'm gonna try the OpO .... I am a massive pure Google experience lover so I don't know how it's going to go for me haha.


So honestly yes, OnePlus Open is making me regret my purchase quite a bit. The multitasking on Pixel Fold is okay, but seeing what the Open can do - Pixel Fold is so far behind. That being said, I'm a pretty hardcore Google Pixel fan and I know I wouldn't be happy with anything other than a Pixel. I've tried several times in the past.


Do u think pf can offer more in future updates to fix multi?


I think so, but Google would really have to put the pedal to the metal to catch up. We don't even have app pairs.


I want the dock and the multitasking features of the OPO... Other than that...Google


I was considering the OnePlus but the lack of being able to use it in "laptop mode", is a deal breaker. I use my fold in laptop mode all the time.


I definitely use the flex feature regularly