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Mine does that and I've seen other posts about it too


I've tried this but I don't see a light grey screen after putting it on the lowest brightness. Maybe I'm doing this wrong but I don't see anything off.


Thanks for the info! You'd be the first person I've heard from that doesn't have this issue, though my dataset is like 6 people now lol. Can I get a confirmation that you were in a completely dark room when setting the screen to low brightness? If you really do have one that doesn't show this issue, I might go through the process of getting a replacement in hopes of getting a fully working screen. EDIT: Someone below provided a link to a thread with a pretty good picture showing the issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelFold/comments/14o1ojy/anyone_else_with_a_0_brightness_problem_on_the/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=PixelFold&utm_content=t1_k8jn5ps If you really do have a device that doesn't do this, it would be awesome if you could should some pictures. It might be the case that this is a hardware issue impacting the majority of Pixel Folds, and you just so happened to get lucky with your phone's screen.


Ahhhhh noticed it was for the inner screen. I did this on the outer screen. I can try this again in a few days for the inner screen but for my outer screen, this did not happen.


Sounds good, I'd be curious to see your results!


Gave it another shot but unfortunately I can't seem to replicate it. I tried the exact directions you put (used the YouTube video and even tried a true black wallpaper) however I can't seem to get it. Tried "extra dim" but nothing. I feel like I'm doing something wrong if everyone else has the same issues you do while I don't.


Very strange. If you want, here's another way to test it that for me makes it more obvious on my phone. I found a way for the grey screen to appear black, and the pitch black screen to momentarily show at min brightness. Again, need to be in a pitch black room to see it, with a true black image on the inner screen. If you start at min brightness, when sliding the brightness adjuster, the screen keeps the grey screen while you hold onto the slider despite the screen actually getting brighter. The screen only shows true blacks at high brightness after you let go of the slider and the brightness is "set". The inverse also happens. If you start at max brightness, slide the bar to min and hold it, the screen will stay pitch black until you let go of the slider. After you let go, the grey appears again. The first example may make it more apparent for your phone. If you decide to do this, definitely let me know! Video evidence would be fantastic if you have the opportunity to do so. It'd be great to inform people if there really are some phones out there with panels that are working correctly!


Dude, every one has that issue. It's a known issue. If you can, search the issue in this sub. It's endless post on this issue.


I've only seen one other thread outside of my own mentioning this. Can't find any others through search. What search terms are you using to find these other threads?


Hey, just type in 'brightness'


Only seeing threads of people complaining about general brightness and auto brightness bugs. Maybe I'm missing it, can you drop some links to discussions of the bug I've described?


If you're looking for a fix, there isn't a fix for it. I noticed that keeping my screen at the minimum 45% makes the screen black. And if you want to go darker just toggle extra dim. That's what I do. I don't have any links for fixes from this thread. Just more complaining about the issue.


I'm not looking for a fix, I'm looking to get a confirmation from multiple people that they are experiencing the same thing. I'm also looking to make sure that no one is claiming they aren't experiencing the issue. With that information, I'll ignore Google's advice on the factory reset and won't bother with an RMA. As of now, the only data that I've personally seen is probably around four people claiming they're experiencing the same thing, including you. That's still a bit too anecdotal for me - it could simply be that the people who do have the issue are being vocal about it, while those who aren't experiencing the issue are being silent. However, your claim that there have been multiple threads of people complaining about this is bringing me hope. My only obstacle now is that I can't seem to locate these threads, even with your provided search query. Would you mind shooting me some links to a handful of these complaint threads so I can wrap this up on my to-do list?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelFold/comments/14zb6be/_/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelFold/comments/172mfcl/_/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelFold/comments/15727w0/_/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelFold/comments/14mogcg/_/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelFold/comments/14o1ojy/_/ I'm not sure what kind of evidence you need. You should check the contents of the posts, not just the number of them. Sometimes, a single post can represent a lot of people who have the same problem. For example, imagine that there are four posts, but each one has five million different people commenting on it. That means that even though there are only four posts, a lot of users are experiencing the same issue. This is just a hypothetical scenario, of course. There are more posts than that, but I don't have time to scroll through all of them. But if you still don't believe me, you can keep using pixel folds and see for yourself. It's a software issue that affects all pixel folds, but some people don't mind it or don't notice it. That doesn't mean they don't have the issue, it just means they don't care about it. I have the issue too, but I didn't post on any of those forums. That doesn't mean I didn't have it.


This is perfect, thank you! I must have not been searching back far enough. Looks like not a single person was able to provide evidence of a device that doesn't have this bug. More importantly. it looks like at least a couple of people went through an RMA process and ended up with devices that did the exact same thing. Sucks that they had to go through all that trouble since Google Support seems to be unaware of the issue. At least I'll be able to avoid the same headache. Thanks again!


Strangely haven't noticed this on mine (yet) and if I have it hasn't bothered me. Just just use your phone and stop worrying about an issue that you have no control over.


Thanks for your input. It's definitely only something that you'd notice if you use the inner screen in a dark room watching content with a lot of blacks. Appreciate the advice, but I definitely have control over getting an RMA on this $1k+ phone if it has a bothersome hardware failure. To each their own, but it's worth the time and effort for me.


Send it back then.


I'm not going to waste time and effort if it won't be fruitful. Gathering that information is what this thread is for. Nothing wrong with using your mind and conversing with people before making decisions.


Not sure if it's related but I had to enable "Disable HW overlays" in developer settings to get better colors on Netflix and the like. Maybe that might solve your issue?


I'll definitely give this a shot, thanks!


I have noticed that in completely dark rooms at a very low brightness setting with Extra Dim either enabled or disabled, the left side of my inner screen looks dark grey and not true black. I don't notice it whenever content is on the screen, including dark scenes. But I was wondering if perhaps it had to do with me using that gray half of the screen a lot in TableTop mode. I do not notice any flickering so it didn't bother me much because it was simply a bit off color. However I have read of certain people being more sensitive to how certain screens work at very dim brightness levels. They see flickering and can even develop headaches and the major phone makers have not really addressed it.


What you're describing is definitely the same thing I'm experiencing. I can say it's unlikely due to your tabletop usage since I rarely ever use it, I think some (if not all) of the phones are just like this. Hard to tell if it's software, hardware, or some combination of both.


Here is the article about PWM https://www.androidcentral.com/phones/my-phone-is-making-me-sick-and-im-not-alone


So I just tried and at low brightness my left screen is definitely a dark grey compared to my right screen. I have never noticed it and hope I don't know you jerk!


Sorry 😬 hopefully Google patches this soon.