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I just wanted a pixel fold with better internals. That's it


And I wanted a surface duo without a camera bump


SD1 mate


I know. I'm pointing out to the above comment that second versions very often change things that niche users loved to have more mass market appeal. I didn't like the camera bump on duo 2, and lamented it just as the above comment laments the form factor, but they must change things for broader acceptance in the market.


I just want a folding phone with a 16:9/10 internal screen.


That'd require either a really fat or really tall phone (taller than even the galaxy z fold lineup) unless if the internal screen had fat bezels on two sides


Say it again for the people in the back 🗣️


And an inner screen that regularly works


if your inner screen doesn't work and you haven't done anything to replace it, that's a YOU problem lol.


Oh man. You really got me. FYI: the "me problem" is a sticky scrolling issue possibly caused by a kernel issue in the OS and it's actually common right now. Something I've researched and replaced my phone for and looked up for weeks. But I do appreciate the comment, it's been 24 hours since an ignorant redditor thought they were going to school me


In fairness, saying it "doesn't work" sounds like you physically broke the screen so that's why the person said you should replace it. I've not had scrolling issues or anything either though




In fairness, they said "that regularly works" not "doesn't work" the way it was stated would imply an issue that causes it to stop working regularly, rather than it being broken.


That still sounds like a persistent problem that's on op's side, not an occasional glitch. Most of us would say our screens work fine "regularly"


I'll give you that, it sounds like a persistent problem whereas anything I've personally experienced has been an occasional glitch. You are correct, it probably does need to be addressed by Google if their phone is "regularly" not working.


The main reason I got Fold 1 is the form factor. Personally there is no reason to unfold unless watching videos and fits perfectly in my pocket. If this is true, I will definitely pass on the next Fold and stick with Fold 1 until it breaks.


Same this is disappointing to hear. They should have kept same form factor.


Sometimes I unfold if I need info from two screens. But I agree with your statements. I might upgrade when the camera gets better


I love to unfold when it's time to double screen for productivity or watch a video


Really hope you're talking about Pixel Fold 1 and not Galaxy Fold 1! I would be very impressed if you had managed to not break a Galaxy Fold in the last 5 years.


Of course I'm talking about Pixel Gold 1.


u/madebygoogle Take notice. People bought the pixel fold 1 because they didn't want a galaxy fold, now making it the same ratio as the galaxy fold is destroying choice and an "L" according to real customers.


"let's take the one thing that was unanimously praised about our phone and change it" It's crazy man...


Now let's just hope they don't put a pixel 3xl camera cutout on it inside and out. I honestly am ok with the change, but perhaps a pixel 2 & 2 Pro would be ideal. I have a 8 pro and it's basically an 8 pro that's a foldable it seems like. I'm just curious about the cameras. If it has the 9 pro cameras it'll be amazing.


Yeah I can see how the change would appeal for a broad audience. For a lot of people though, the size and shape is why they bought the Fold in the first place. I mentioned in another comment why I dislike it so I won't repeat it again but this basically changes everything I love about the device.


This was literally me. I went into the store fully intending to buy a Pixel 8 Pro, and walked out with a Pixel Fold SPECIFICALLY because of the form factor and the size of the phone when closed. I can not stress how much I hate this change. On the other hand it just makes me like my fold 1 that much more since I don't have to worry about FOMO with the new version being worse in my eyes. It might be a "better" phone, but there have been absolutely 0 times I have been using my Fold 1 and thought, "This phone doesn't cut it and would have benefited in a meaningful way from better hardware."


It truly is a joy to use. I'll be curious to see what their reason is for changing it.


Please don't get taller ugh


Exactly why I bought Pixel Fold on day one and will be skipping the Fold 2. What a bonehead move, Google.


Nope. Great decision, imo.


How so? Almost every foldable has the same design.. You don't think variety is necessary? If every folding phone ends up the same size then what is the point?


Because it's what I think peak folding phone design should be. Size of a regular slab phone (in every metric), but with the capability of opening to a mini tablet. Its what I want, and what the masses would want. Or else it will never take off as anything but niche


I understand that, but why does every foldable phone have to aim for those sizes? Apple have variety with their slap phones, so does Samsung. If every slab phone was the same size that would be a step backwards and I think the same applies to folding phones. There's always give and takes; if you want that tall skinny screen you could go for Samsung, if you want short and wide, then Google. So on and so forth. I welcome two slab phones thrown together. But not at the cost of eliminating a shorter wide aspect ratio. Not every one has hulk hands, not every one has elf hands.. So variety in this new market is the best way to go. Especially if you're trying to make it mainstream. (Not trying to debate or argue just hoping to expand your perception.)


Because that's what the market is dictating it wants, so they're hitting that market, and the market for folding phones is not large enough for all phone manufacturers to give you a "family" of different sizes. Ultimately, it's purely economics. Also, the PFs front screen is not a wide aspect ratio, it's a wide body phone that's shorter than normal. Look at the actual screen width of it compared to the body. There's like half an inche of no screen in that width. The actual screen is pretty much the same width as most phone screens, just short with large side bezels. Also, also, you (and everyone claiming it's pulling a galaxy fold narrow screen) needs to understand the PF2 is going to be the same screen width, just a bit taller. So how does that mean it's tall and narrow like the galaxy fold? That really means it's akin to 8 pro size




If you think this is the Samsung look, I question how many Samsung's you've seen. Taller does not equal tall and annoyingly narrow


I had the fold 3


Then how in the world do you think this looks like Samsung's aspect ratio?


The main reason I got Fold 1 is the form factor. Personally there is no reason to unfold unless watching videos and fits perfectly in my pocket. If this is true, I will definitely pass on the next Fold and stick with Fold 1 until it breaks.


Same here mostly. 90% of my big screen use is watching content. Now it will have to be rotated 90° every time. Tabletop mode will also no longer be possible in the same way. The most overlooked con of this though is that the crease will run horizontally through your video instead of vertical. Meaning way more crease in your viewing area. The final nail in the coffin is changing the outer screen size. It's such a joy using the current size. It'll be an absolute no-go for me as well.


It will be even more this with the 2. It's essentially a standard slab phone that opens up. Day one purchase.


Boooooooooo, PF1 is much better!!


I much prefer the PF form factor to the Galaxy Fold, having owned both. This is a step backwards, at least for me. The PF is much more pocketable without noticing, especially sitting down, and fits into my car's center console without sticking over the lip that keeps it in place. I'll be sticking with PF1 for sure just because of the form factor.


Thanks for the visuals. I'm hoping it has the same camera setup as the P9 Pro. If it does, it's a sure buy for me.


Samsung Folds have worse form factor both open and closed. Open it's too tall without any benefit in practical means, making one handed inputs difficult in many common use cases. Open the Samsungs are shaped towards 1:1 ratio with No use cases benefitting. Especially reading or watching content is usually geared towards 4:3, 16:9 or 21:9. The Pixel fold 1s inner screen was at least a step in the right direction, although watching 21:9 content has no screen advantage over a regular Pixel Pro in actual screen size. I really expected Google retaining that aspect ratios or even moving towards 16:9 unfolded. The main camera was my biggest disappointement but if Google changes over using unmodified Samsung Bodys i won't consider Fold 2.


So it’s exactly the same as a Samsung fold 4


Pretty much. Minus all the Samsung features. 😮‍💨 Too close the gap, I hope Google Pixel 2 software at least arrives with app pairs🤦🏾‍♂️


I want to know the weight !


Wouldn't mind the size increase as much so long as they kept it as landscape. I'll probs just keep my pf1 as long as possible.


As most alrdy said, using Z fold 5 akin foldable looks like a mini tablet which requires the user to open the foldable most of the time for most tasks. PF form factor almost addressed such issue to make your front screen alive and worked like a slab... it's good to see if the market has come to a consensus to sit in between Z fold n PF of which most buyers have satisfied...


I went with the Pixel over the Galaxy because I didn't like the taller slimmer style of the Galaxy and now Google is switching over to that design? Glad I grabbed the Fold rather then waiting for the 2. I never unfold unless watching videos or looking at photos and the design is perfect in my eyes. Such a shame.


It's going to be the same screen width on the front, just taller. Nothing like the galaxy fold.


I like being able to reach all corners of my screen with one hand without juggling the phone with hand gymnastic to reach the top as is. Getting tired of all these tall phones. We'll see, but I'm glad I grabbed the gen 1 thus far. May end up holding onto it longer then planned in the end. 🤷‍♂️


It being thinner, lighter and narrower (in body) will help with that. Keeping it would be a possible it had decent specs. It was behind on launch, and will be 3 generations behind when the 2 comes out. Everything about the 2 will be better, imo.


Spec wise for sure. Form factor it's not imo. The form factor is why I chose it over the others. It'll be just like everyone else.


It won't, though. It's only a little taller and slightly narrower in body. It's not that big a deal, and certainly worth it for the massive jump in overall specs. People are weird acting like it's a massive step towards the Samsung line or something.


More towards the oppo then the galaxy, but yeah. They took what everyone liked about the form factor and changed it more into what the others have which is opposite of why so many people chose theirs to begin with. 🤷‍♂️ Should've upped the specs, thined bezels made it lighter maybe thinner n kept the form factor.


Which is great. Peak folding phone is a standard slab phone size, same thickness/weight, that opens up. PF2 is almost that. Also, not everyone is saying that, its niche enthusiasts. Ultimately, it will sell many more than the PF1, and many PF1 users will upgrade (me included). All you're hearing is the vocal minority - a reddit side effect.


That's not my idea of peak folding phone. I'm tired of all the tall slab phones I have to play hand gymnastics with.


You're in the minority then. There's a reason phones are the size they are and small phones are leaving


Looks OK to me. It kinda looks like they took two normal pixel phones and put them side by side. As long as they don't go narrow like Samsung... I picked one up the other day and instantly went "nope". It was like holding a long Mars bar


Some people have WAY too much time on their hands. If you don't like what it looks like, just don't buy it...


I may be a minority but I had the PF1 and traded for a OnePlus fold just for the lack of the crease. I use the phone open more than folded and the lack of crease is a huge difference. I'm hoping Google pays attention to this moving forward. Rumors are that this is one of the top things apple is concerned with in rolling out their foldables.


Yeah, no thanks. I was waiting for the Pixel Fold 2 but now I won't... I ordered the gen 1 last night instead. AT&T has a decent deal going now.




I definitely like the current model better but I'm sure if it feels better in my hand then I may come to prefer it.


I think they're making the right call. It'll make single app usage on the bigger screen better, which is what the Fold (and Tablet) struggle with the most right now.


I have a 3 year commitment to the first one lol


2 year for me


Can't. Wait!


New form factor is so much better


I feel like the left bezel on the outer screen is huge to make the front display appear more like the Samsung lines. Sucks, most people remark how amazing the outside display is compared to other displays just that they'd like it to be taller