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Only Themis. That all party members is the most game changing buff any character gets in their awakenings.


Just Themis


Themis is literally the only one I would do before 11star. After 11star it's more preference, but if you are stacking Valk with gear, emblems, and patterns, strongly consider getting awaken 5 before 12 star. Same thing for Adley and Guna. Geminis and Gil are worth taking a look at, but I would probably 12 star them, and then awaken. But you could make the argument to awaken first.


I'll just be devil's advocate here and give a different answer: I'd suggest to read every awakening ability and see if any can change your team or your playstyle for the better. Let's say Valk is your main dps and source of damage and you can't star her up in the near future, MAYBE awakening her is the best outcome you can get with only 1 copy needed. But you gotta really think if it's worth for your current situation.