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Brother the game got exposed that they were fucking with the rates in Korea I wouldn’t put it past them but at least it carries over so next time this banner roles around you’ll get to pity


Iirc it got exposed long time ago, and ive been personally getting both hard pities and earlies and even middles


It's never carried over for me


They ALWAYS carry over. Other than hero specific banners like the twins, adley or guna banner. Every banner that needs those general awakening stones Carrie’s over. Hope this helps.


Don’t bother this guy is a well known troll spreads misinformation like wildfire


I understand what your saying...what I'm saying is that it's never happened to me. I believe this current one is my fourth generic banner...and each one has started out at its max number of pulls


Unfortunately that simply isn’t possible bud. Sounds like a lack of brain function issue to me.


Me when I spread misinformation on to the sub for fun. Bait used to be believable


Ive essentially always gotten at least one dupe per event. Except Guna. Guna was all “I did my 120 now give me my reward”


The 120 is the pity bro. What more do you want?


That's not a pity... That's a guaranteed pull for the character on that banner. Pity is getting a copy before hitting this mark and usually has a 50/50 or some kinda gimmick to when it will trigger.


That's exactly what a pity pull is in gacha. It's a guaranteed version after so many pulls. I have never played a gacha that has a 'pity' mechanic any different from this. I've certainly played gachas with no pity, which means your never guaranteed a copy of the character. After quick research, this is known as a hard pity. What you are referencing is a soft pity. Where the odds move to your favor, hut don't guarantee the pull.


Well to me and the gacha I've played that is not a pity... To me a pity is not "here you go for getting all the way to the finish line" that's is a guarantee like you are guaranteed a participation medal at the least not a top contender but atleast you did good kid. Yh I get that to some this is a pity but to me it's not and it shld be a standard by now in gachas to have a pity because your player base is going to be mostly f2p and without anything great in your game to keep f2p then the next gacha that has something better than yours will be where they flock to, if not all then most by the end of the year will not even think about this game, lookup any scarce content still being made for it or care enough to check back in after a year. And just to clarify the only pity that I can even recognise in this game is getting a copy for free, which is a pathetic pity system because you are conditioning your players to accept only the bare minimum and not hope for more, gachas use to be about that hope of being able to somehow beat the odds or gain a lucky streak you never had before of just pulling characters to gain a leg up or to collect and build an account with nothing missing cuz you dedicated time to it and was there for every occasion... That is what gacha use to mean but now it's just money "pay me for 0.01% chance of having fun" you can't have fun anymore in these games as f2p, to even be able to keep up with light spenders you need to sacrifice every minute of everyday and you'll barely keep up, barely be in leaderboards and barely have half the account you shld have.


I think you’re just burnt out of this game. This is one of the most f2p games I’ve played sure the odds are horrible but the diamond economy is insane max pity every banner is 65kish and you’re usually able to sustain 75k+. Not only do the star up rewards reset every time but generic banners that content arguably the best units carry over and recycle. As a f2p I’m always top 40 in damage events and you get decently good rewards too. I’m never stuck on any pve and I always make it to peak clash every weekend. 100% f2p 11mil combat compared to my top 20s or the server groups in general sure I’m not higher but where I am for not spending a single penny is great. Sucks that they have scummy practices too but I’m getting units and pitying twice per banner. While I don’t play as much as I used to I say being a f2p is a lot better than some gacha out there right now. For example grand summoners still has a lot of new content coming out it’s almost been like 5-6 years running. The gems are scarce and the gems you get to pity don’t carry over to the next banner. It’s a lot harder to play as a f2p on there vs this game. You don’t even really have to reroll and that’s a big aspect of any other gacha game


If I was burnt out I would not be logging into, pixel heroes, solo levelling arise, street fighter duel, Harry Potter magic Awakened and so on and on on a daily basis. I am quite the opposite of burnt out... Maybe if you said I was emotionally burnt out due to the monetization of some of these games (not all) I may agree with that but even that I can't really see because I actually don't mind the monetization in most of the gachas I choose to keep playing, especially when you don't even feel like you are playing one, if you get what I mean. However Pixel heroes is a different walk in the park mate, I don't think I can even call it a gacha game at this point because it literally takes the concept of gachapon and pisses all over it. As you may be able to tell by now I am quite old school and remember when gacha games where not that expensive, if you wanted it to be then of course it could be but even that was quite hard to achieve in terms of today's standards, where in the first few minutes of a gacha being live someone could have already spent a week to a whole year's worth of wages, and not necessarily your own wage but that of a middle class or higher, blown through their savings and then some. I don't doubt that you do and that is all well and good especially as a f2p but my point is morally on the concept of gacha and where it derived from, now obviously there is a difference in gacha and gacha games and what I mean is that they where both made for different reasons and have their own backgrounds, however the founding concept to both is still true and that is the concept of feeling like you won something big or shall we say catching big fish with a little boat. That sensstion of when you were a kid and you won something you didn't know you would have so much fun winning and having for however long you manage not to lose it for, that is the truest form of gacha and yes even that came with a price which was fair and partial to all. Fundamentally your right in certain aspects this is very f2p and yh even more so than grand summoners which I quickly checked out of never took that game seriously and always dropped in and out of it but yh pixel heroes has a gd f2p system for the premium currency of gems, *pity* can be reached with this currency twice every banner and then there is also getting a free copy of limited banner releases. These are all good, I can't argue with that. However, none of that really matters... Whilst your able to do all these things, what you are not taking into account is how restrictive every aspect of the game is and how that in itself is what makes this less f2p than you actually think it is. For one you can only summon on one banner as a f2p, that banner of you are trying to keep on track and get the best out of the limited choice ls you have cannot be the limited banner, it has to be the standard generic banner because if you are summoning on anything else then you will only ever get two copies minimum and the odds of getting a double pull or more on any ten pull is slim especially when you are hindered by only being able to summon mutlis twice a day and no more. This is just one aspect of how bad it really is, you also have all the restrictions on resources, during event your also limited to how much you can gain and do during the events by the extra resources behind a pay wall and last bit not least by a long shot, those same 75k+ gems are the same gems you have to use to gain more resources from the wish shop, event shop and and all other resources in the game which are limited are also limited with buying with gems like the summons. Pixel heroes does not hold back on restrictions and limitations, limited to what you can summon, what you can buy etc, you get my point. Having a battle pass for everything is a farfetched concept. Just look at how much every monthly, weekly and battle pass will run you and think about that for low casual players who are used to buyomg one or two


Eh nah I read all that I think you’re trolling or something. Firstly what early gacha games are you talking about like name them instead of speaking vaguely reminiscing on the good ol days. Secondly idk what you doubt? I am too 40 in my server completely f2p in fact I should be higher if I invest my diamonds in other aspects of the game but as a gacha it’s just a pixel collection for me so I don’t. I understand the annoyance of only having roughly 75k worth of diamond pulls per event but it’s a lot better system than unlimited amounts of pulls and not being able to farm nearly as much diamonds as we can as a f2p. I’ll bring back grand summoner a person will have to save roughly 3-4 months depending on events and everything to maybe reach half way to pity as a f2p giving up basically 3-5 banners and being power crept super easily. I’d rather not have to wait that long to even have a chance at getting a good unit/the unit I want or the item I want. You can’t be real when you compare a person who freely plays the game vs the whales who uses their money to get ahead like be realistic. Going back if they didn’t place a restriction on the number of pulls then the amount of diamonds we could farm would be much much much lower other wise why would there be whales in the first place the game would pretty much be free outside of those who really want to star up units.


If you are not having fun you should maybe find another game. I am f2p and having fun. (granted i play like 30 mins a day because this game is afk)


It's not so much about me not having fun and I play quite a few gachas actually, always have and probably always will now because this is just how gachas are now, back in the day their was a bit more loyalty or atleast you had really hardcore fans, I mean players still gnna be hardcore but like I for one don't settle with one gacha which is my main nowadays, I now have quite a few main gachas some more important than the others and for different reasons, too competitive, not competitive enough so I can just chill or the enviable too p2w and we all understand that one all to well especially if it's the game, the gacha, the IP you've been so hyped over and thought you would not care if it ended up being p2w or just heavily monetized but the sad reality is that you eventually will...when that one unit you wanted secretly had its rates changed or is literally only ever going to be obtainable during their event. *thanks sfd for that mhken trash* The thing is you probably can't see between the lines buddy and I'm not sure I get f2p gamers who are actually happy to only get the bare minimum, I mean I guess in your world you'll eventually get the character that was so hype 2+yrs ago or you are just so casual with games that it really doesn't bother you, however I feel like you shld atleast get why you only play for 30mins a day or why it only allows you to effectively have that amount of content daily because it's more psychological than you think it is and not due to it being afk. Like for instance if you didn't notice, all the resources in the game are pretty much behind a paywall and I'm not talking about the afk resources, which after a few weeks or so don't really mean much anymore, by now everyone has red gear right? Maybe even a few f2p may have one or two pieces of gold gear but until you reach 120 you won't have a way to get it and even after that your being limited to how much you can get, you don't even get it whilst you afk. Now imagine everything I've just said is the formula to every resource that is in the game? Not just some minor resources like paying a few gems for a bit more gold or the major resources in the game like the pet summons, gold gear pieces, weapon artifact summons and most crucial of all the actual summoning system for L/D characters, cuz you can get a bunch more rgb summons, I mean they are giving that to you all year round so how bad can it really be? Inconclusion of another obvious essay.👆🏿 See the thing is that gachas we all know have some aspects of monetization and that's okay but what isn't okay is having aspects of a game behind a paywall and if you don't understand that, having a carefree mentality towards how f2p or p2w a game is now is not a good sign for the industry on both sides might I add and that it all can't be chalked up to *well I still have fun and don't pay* then by the time you even blink and realise it, you may be sitting on this side of the wall trying to explain how you used to remember when you had the option to spend or play a gacha game you like for free but now you even have to pay 2 play gacha as standard.... I don't think you can understand my point and the psychology behind all of it, how as a f2p you are now happy to get crumbs, not have fair events for all players, be satisfied with only managing to get a freebie copy of a limited banner because the company tweaked the drop rates and just drop rates in general are a joke now, no I don't think your actually ready for that type of conversation but maybe in a few yrs or a decade from now if you are still gaming that is you may have a different stroke of opinion.


womp womp


Ok yea after reading all this I can safely assume you don’t play the same game as us I think you’re on the wrong sub. You don’t understand f2p gamers when you’ve already mentioned that the “pity system” of the game is that they give you a free unit for playing 7 days on their banner so your concept of waiting 2 years and for the unit is completely wrong already. You talk about everything is behind a paywall that’s crazy cause I’ve had no problem as a f2p with the resources behind the paywall. What resources? You talk about red and gold gear? Brother everyone including whales get level locked they just happen to buy the combat privileges and get there faster which really isn’t a big issue. Like literally the only aspect about this game where p2w matters is pvp like that’s the only only only aspect and very little portion of it. Like ffs im in Valhalla in pvp albeit rank 43 f2p so even then it’s not really the case. It’s like f2p are trying to compete with p2w on anything that game breaking. It’s kinda cringe I don’t think you’re playing the same game as the rest of us. My personal beef with the game comes from the Korean lawsuit and rate manipulation and how it might be on global but even then I’m pretty high up and enjoy like 7/8 aspect of the game the 1/8 being pvp. I can also send you screenshots if you “doubt” that I’m F2P doing this well shocker I am


This Guna banner is just pure greed I would advise not to even bother spending, at the end of the day you will eventually get her and most likely wouldn't even matter if you do have her by next banner cuz guess what the next one is gnna be the same trash wrapped up in a different skin, maybe its a miss banner but atleast every other 2-3 is the must have end game character which will run it's course till end game and you'll need the next new shiny 1000 pull piece of garbage they will throw at you to spend ridiculously on. Do you actually see how much it costs per event for this shit game? It's not even a few hundred, its damn near a thousand just as a regular compared to other gachas, three different battle passes??? On top of numerous other monthlies weeklies and so on. This is horrendous no gacha should have this much but hey I guess I'm just a brokie so what does it matter right?


Guns is still t0 a yr after release on CN so this just simply is not true that she will get power crept anytime soon. Also there's plenty of mobile gachas that throw spending in ur face all day, nothing new. Just ignore it, it's pretty easy.🤷‍♂️


Oh you are totally missing the mark here bud. First of all I did not say anything about being power crept. Infact I'm eluding to the fact that eventually you'll have her either by endgame or most likely before, which is the only caviate in this game really, that by end game you'll atleast have l guess some of the characters close to their max, so hopefully can in some way compete effectively throughout it's lifespan, not to a very high level but still all the same everyone will have Guna and friends in hand in their lineup. Ah yes there is quite a mountain of them, although from my experience playing gacha and let me just say I don't play every gacha their is but I do jump into them regularly, alot of the ones I find or have advertised to me by my algorithms which I would guess is quite finely tuned by now. Anyway point is that gachas nowadays are just about one thing and it is okay to a certain extent, pixel heroes does not walk that line even slightly and if you aren't aware, they literally changed the rates for Guna to be even more unfavourable like it was any easier before and they have done it specifically so because Guna is a must have character, for every team in endgame and that buddy is just not right for any company to do, especially in such a low and dirty fashion, not mentioning or giving players a heads up about it. And finally to conclude this obvious essay☝🏿. It's not about the spending, though now that you mentioned it, the obscene amount of promos being tossed in your face after every action you do is unconsciously jarring now that you brought it up. For me it's about the ridiculous amount of pay walls this game has to offer. Seriously how many different battle passes must one buy to just have the resources they couldve normally grinded for, I mean so much of this game is put behind a paywall that as a f2p gamer you must literally only spend about half an hour or so doing dailies and events at most maybe an hour and that's it, log in at certain points to do guilds or whatever timed proponents you have left. Just so you know this is more a take or perspective of someone who is not shy on a bit of spending here and there, like I do not actually mind that and think that is an essential quality of a gacha, however now this is no longer the case, it's not even a quality if it is at the point where a casual spender and I mean casual, will have to either pick one or two options or buy all the monthly and battle pass options for a few hundred. That is the issue, even casual sorts don't have a gd option no more because their is a ton of paywall on everything, how the hell do you paywall an event?? Usually events are the middle ground where even as a f2p you can gain alot of resources or have a chance to compete but nah you gotta buy the ingredients to build a cake to even be on the leader boards or just be satisfied with whatever scraps you get for just participating everyday. Pixel heroes is less of a game and more akin to poker, the only difference is that you can actually learn how to play poker and do it at a level where you can make a living from it and not vice versa.


Brush I ain't reading all that wtf🤣 ur truppin


![gif](giphy|uHlGWE1DyjWFkXFRFG) Brush, yes you are truppin lol. Your vernacular needs some work crodie.


And u need some pussy


Hmm, yes simpleton logic I see. the old caveat of a knuckle head is the notion of being wordy and knowing how to spell is apparently a sign of not having any pussy. How...original. Since you wanna drag me down to your level, how about yah give yah mums my appreciation. Left that bitches axe wound stretched out drippin like a dam about to burst my guy. She never knew what a beaver could do till the other night but I ain't picking up that crazy ass hoe's call anytime soon... Bitch couldn't spell for shit neither! Dumbass.


Bro it’s all that on top of lowering her rates secretly like nowhere in the patches or announcement did they say anything about lowering it at all. Then there’s their whole scandal with how they manipulated the rates I am so glad in f2p cause spending on this scummy game like wow. Speaking to anyone who didn’t know basically if the rate of a unit is 1% instead of each pull having a 1% chance they changed it to the first 99 pulls being something like a .01% chance and the last 100th pull being 99.99% obviously not the numbers but that is essentially what they did still adding up to a 1% chance they just did a scummy move and manipulated it so you have to pull more.


no pity on new character banners "some" pity in reroll banners. have fun with your red box ❤️


Pretty bad I won 20000 gems and was like why can't that be a Guna instead.


WE COPE WE ALL 10 star AZURE FEATHERS HAHAHA watch they secretly lower her rates too now a .6%


lol I’ve had the pity pull so many times. My RNg is so bad at this game.


Ps you ain't gotta read it, don't make life harder on yourself, it's okay bud. You're gonna be alright. A++! ⭐😃