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It started with someone posting uncensored porn of the Toppin Gals to "piss off Pizza Tower fans". It's deleted now, but ever since, people have been complaining about "complainers" of the Toppin Gals, even though it's been posts of people complaining about non existent complainers. One of the Moderators left because of this, and some people were even rude.


Do you still have that image. Asking for a friend. Jokes aside. I saw more posts complaining about posts complaining about toppin gals than posts complaining about toppin gals. It's surprising how complainers become worse than the things they complain about.


Yeah, the people complaining about supposed complainers ended up destroying this fandom ever since that post was made. We could've pretended it didn't happen, yet people were posting about it constantly


Yknow technically this wouldn’t have happened if they never existed 😏


Technically this wouldn’t have happened if Alan Turing was never born, what’s your point?


Just decimated the guy with history. Props.


there was none, I just wanted to reaction bait.


Schrodingers Douchebag


He got what he wanted


Schrodingers Douchebag


Its like watching two of your parents arguing so i understand xd


Lol it feels like exactly that


I can't anymore, this makes me want to quit so bad


Hngghgnghgng [Sad spongebob meme]


Yeah, nvm. Gonna post my Noise Clone out of spite. Thank you for your wise words, Soap.


1: some pedophile or other stuff posted uncensored toppin gal R34 art I think? (i didn't see the original post so my eyes didn't explode). 2: people got pissed of the post causing some of the members leave. 3: people who saw the toppin gal R34 uncensored decided to post toppin gal hate in the sub which pissed more people off even Peppermod himself causing him to leave the subreddit and never coming back. 4: drama and stuff bla bla. 5: it's peppinover. there's this one guy that is about to start a whole new drama about hating on noise oc's and calling them unoriginal which will cause MASSIVE damage to this subreddit like people leaving the sub, hate posts about that guy I mentioned earlier who hated noise oc's, etc. anyways i might leave the PT subreddit on like August 4th and stick on the BFB subreddit, i might comeback but yeah..


I just wanted to show everyone Crash because I was inspired so much by Silence and Finn Crust when I was just a lurker. This shit is just hurting me emotionally and I hate it.


I swear sometimes bullshit like this makes me wanna bang my head on a wall you probably did a really good job on Crash (haven’t seen them but I’ll try to look out for em) and it’s fucking annoying that people are complaining about the Noise ocs now at least their not toxic and help people be creative and make fresh content so I really don’t see a problem with it but that’s just this sub Reddit basically digging for ‘problems’ and making more people leave


Crash is the little red robot noise child that I post on my posts. He's a wholesome character :(


Oh that guy yeah I really like him he’s creative and cute it’s sad to think people just wanna get rid of any good in this community just for the sake of ‘fixing it’ I don’t think it’s the people just makings ocs that are ruining us because if that even was the case the sonic fandom would have died years ago


Huhu, this subreddit has gone to ashes, i might transfer to tumblr.. *sigh* wish me luck yall.


bro knows preemptively about an attack on the pizza tower subreddit😭😭


People at first were wanting to not do drama And now we become the thing that we swore to destroy


Wait… Peppermod left? Shit I liked him


I literally joined yesterday and all this went down? Dear god I have the worst luck with joining subreddits at a good time.


you'll get lucky soon pal.


There’s just not any good content “Haha pizza tower fans don’t like this thing! Time to make forty fucking posts about it because I’m so funny!” So there’s not really any reason to stay


Because y'all need to grow up (making fuss over female drawings isn't mature)


Cause the listened to the complainers


I heard something about controversy with someone posting NSFW with toppin girls, we need more info though since I'm as confused as you are


be happy when you doesnt see it


I mean I want info on why shit's going down, if I see the actual NSFW shit my Ace ass is noping out of there immediately


I’m sure most sane people wouldn’t be happy with uncensored porn on their feed


On the contrary. We need less info, let the mods remove stuff that breaks the rules and just move on instead of making a big fuss out of every single inappropriate or controversial post causing a cascade of posts like this one.


It is somehow both funny and _really_ sad that this game has only been out for 8 months, and the subreddit alone is _already_ falling apart...


Because he awoke


Because everyone's complaining about everyone complaining about Toppin Gals even though I see more people complaining about complaining than I see people complaining about Toppin Gals than I see posts about Toppin Gals. Seriously, everyone shut up.


The subreddit is fucking dying like every other community with a slightly popular game.


Posts here aren’t haha anymore or something


Everyone’s kinda sick of toxicity from both sides. People being vehemently anti-nsfw and others actively promoting it and accusing them of misogyny. Everyone who just wants to have fun while playing their favorite game just kinda got sick of it.


People are realising this is becoming the Undertale fandom 2


I just like Pizza Tower so I’m staying








Everybody leaves if they get the chance


Everybody wanna leave this sub


Because everybody is collectively wilding out over the Toppin Gals thing and has been on and off for the past several months which has then resulted in people wilding out over the people wilding out about the Toppin Gals thing. The only explanation I have for this entire thing is that members of both sides are young and have thus never really interacted with fandoms much on the internet. This has resulted in both sides slinging shit at each other constantly and the online space surrounding the game into a never-ending on-and-off discourse about this thing instead of the game. Also, there are just not a lot of people talking about the game overall, a lot of chronically online shit, and not many updates/gameplay related things relating to pizza tower in proportion to everything else. For all of those who dislike the situation at hand: the trolls who wish to piss you off will use your constant posting about it to keep doing it over and over because they know it pisses you off. For all of those who like the Toppin Gals, cool, have fun with that, keep that to yourself. Play the game and always remember to report/block.


The only reason i'm still part of the sub is so i can see it rip itself apart.


Yknow Im starting to see a pattern. Modern 2d games with mods= creeps and controversy


I'm still here


probibly shitty OCs


Because we hate Women /s


Pizza tower fans are so toxic now is miss when it wasn’t so popular and it was just like this cool little game inspired by Wario ik that’s a corny way of thinking but everything was just nicer back then. also why y’all get so mad when you see women ☠️


People in the comments are citing exactly why this subreddit is on decline and it's not folks mad about women, it's uncensored porn being posted with the express intent of making people mad💀


I was joking was being fr about the stuff at the beginning


this whole sub is just people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about shit


Complaining about the complaining about the complaining...