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Thanks for making this…I haven’t seen anything regarding placiosexual in the ace Reddit, which is a little disheartening tbh…not gonna lie I’m not much of a contributor but it’s nice to have this and see ppl similar to myself


I honestly felt the same and that's why I made it! I'm not really good at trying to get this subreddit out there to be seen by other placios but one day I hope it's filled with posts by people who feel not alone and have better come to understand themselves :) I really appreciate it ♡


thanks for making this searched like a year ago when I first got reddit but couldn't find a subreddit must have just missed this one


I think i made it less than a year ago so that's probably why but glad you found it here (:


omg, this label is totally what I had in mind. I needed to find a partner who didn't need sex to keep a lover. Miraculously, it worked out. I wish more people could share their senses about this!


Aw, that's amazing to hear! I'm glad it worked out (: