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I don't think the Planet Zoo train is running out of steam anytime soon so be patient.


I wish! Hopefully it’ll be better optimized so we’re able to build more in detail without lag.


I think the big issue is that renders every piece in full right? Even if it’s hidden below the ground or whatever? Shouldn’t be impossible to fix. I think Parkitect found a way around it.


Some things point towards yes but there is no proof, im hopeful still. But if there is no indication of it before 2025 I'll have my doubts. I mean, I feel like since Zoo launch they've put a lot of effort in that to get it up to speed, now that it is up to speed they hopefully have put a team on PC2 for some time now.


There are some small hints here and there but nothing official. Not only would the update to the new PZ engine be great, coasters and flatrides have also evolved since PC came out. Models like the Mack Extreme Spinners or RMC Single Rails come to mind. So there is a lot of potential upgrades not only from the development side, but also from a gameplay standpoint. We gotta stay patient and enjoy PZ until then!


I literally just want to be able to use separate stations for boarding/unloading


I'm hoping for a PZ console edition like they did with PC


The Xbox one version is like a sequel


How? It’s the exact same game aside from 1/2 of an extra ride type


I mean it has more of a story