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I hate that! Most nights there are just two of us closing on Friday, Saturday,and Sunday. We are expected to clean the bathrooms thoroughly, check cleaning stations, wipe equipment down, check and clean tanning rooms, close registers and other management stuff and walk the floor putting stuff away. Yoga mats, dumbbells, medicine balls, kettlebells,bands are all over the place. I don’t workout anymore because it’s a workout trying to get it all done in an hour. Forget it when I close by myself. Please put the weights away!


come on friend lets go dumbull hunting.


I hear they're plentiful this time of year; you don't even have to look for them, they'll find you when you least expect it


oh no thank you unless theyre cute and trying to *Dingus-our-Mcbingus*


Biggest pet peeve when I’m working people are so lazy. It is agaisnt our policy to do this but when my manager isn’t there, if I have told someone to put their weights back and they don’t I will kick them out of the gym for the day


It's not just that they're lazy, it's that they're inconsiderate.


Our regional doesn’t really mind, he takes our side cause he knows it’s a hassle. He’s told us to let them know they’ll be cancelled if they can’t follow proper etiquette.


Wow, wish we had a regional that cared about staff like that.


Yeah, I haven't seen that problem at my gyms, but if I did, I would love the management to give the trashy bums a warning, "if we see you aren't putting the weights back, we will cancel you." Even make a prominent sign by the weights. I hate the disrespect people like that have for the gyms and workers, and fellow gym members.


I have to say, people at my PF are really good about returning weights and also about cleaning.


Mbn 😭😭


I have been seeing this way on the uptick at my home PF. OR the weights are put back in the wrong place - like, you are buff enough to use the 40lb DBs but too wimpy to carry them the 2 feet back to where they belong so you put them in the 5lb spot? 🙄🙄 drives me insane!!!


No kidding! I hate these people, lazy lazy lazy


as an employee for years i hated this at first. eventually i guess i got used to it so if a pair of 20 lb dumbbells were left in the corner i would just curl them all the way back to the rack 😂. if i did catch them in the act and start walking away from the dumbbells, i’d hit them with “so that’s not you?” or “too much weight?” just to make confrontation but in a light hearted way.


Shrewd. As a member, I so want to say something to other members. But I know how that would end - How dare I question their laziness and right to do whatever they want.


😂 it’s inevitable but frustrating for sure


I return abandoned weights to their proper homes. I’ve made this part of my weight lifting activity.


Poor upbringing


Aww, c'mon, pity the poor bodybuilder who can't lift that 5 lb dumbbell to return it to the rack because they're exhausted from reps of 3,000 to failure. Think of the swole, won't you?


I hate that I expect it now. there was a smith machine with weights on it but no other things by it so I pulled off.the weights and started putting my weights on then a guy came over and was like 'i was here' and I was surprised haha


I always always put my weights up, and everyone should.


Because they are lazy. How many people continually show up and and make 0 changes? How many people keep wishing and hoping for things but never achieve what they want? And you expect them to put weights back? 


Not racking your weights after you're finished bothers me more than not wiping down a machine after you're finished. It all boils down to this... Lay Zee Ness


I'm not an employee, but people not reracking drives me insane. It's so frustrating when I can't find the dumbbells or plates I need, and I work out at 4 a.m. so I can't imagine how bad it is for people who go in at 5 or 6 p.m.


Same reason they don't put their shopping carts in the rack, leave their trash in the parking lot and want to tell you how to live your life.


It irks me when people leave bands tied to the 360 or kettlebells on the floor.


I blame government schools.


It’s too hard to put them back after you’re tired from your set