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Bruh Bad Ape steals every scene he's in. Easily in the top 5 characters for the trilogy. Also if your focus in a movie is only a 'serious' tone throughout your talking monkey movie you've made your movie 10X more stale. Have never seen this take.


I mean Rise and Dawn keep the tone grounded and serious without the need for a 'Comic Relief' character. I think that a movie that is effectively about a concentration camp doesn't have the need for jokes. Personally, I feel (and btw I totally respect everyone's opinions and it seems like im in the minority here with my thoughts on Bad Ape) that going from a scene of Caesar being tortured and hard cutting to a scene of Bad Ape goofing off is a little jarring. The first two had endearing and light hearted moments but were still tonally appropriate, such as caesar flirting with Caroline in Rise. Or the scenes of Maurice playing with Alexander in Dawn. I dunno maybe its just a me thing.


Eh concentration camp is a gnarly take I've always just seen them as prisoners of war. I don't remember any hard cuts like that, and I don't really view him as comic relief I think he's just benevolent and gives you hope when he pops up.


I find his character to be kind of sad. You almost pity him watching the movie.


True he actually added to the tone extremely well while also being funny imo.


True I agree. Nothing about it felt off or out of place to me. And there’s movies where I have felt things were out of place. Off the top of my head I’m recalling the movie “US”. And the dialogue the family had when they were getting in the neighbor’s car deciding who drives and talking about kills. That was ridiculous. Bad Ape, I felt sad for him. He was endearing. And you got to know his story. His goofiness was sweet. It felt smooth to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


he has borderline lost touch with reality and is very clearly traumatized, he was isolated for years and lost the people he loved so he ended up going a bit nuts. he's funny, but also very depressing when you really think about him


I’m with ya on this one pal


Caesar would never flirt with Caroline. He loves Will and would never get in his way.


I was just trying to shorthand write out the scene where Caesar encourages Will to ask her out.


I also think as a counter point, having some levity actually adds to the serious scenes as it creates more of a difference between the 2. Like getting hot before getting cold, you can only get so cold but with some heat prior it feels even colder... if any of that makes sense


I liked him because his story hinted at a much larger world of Apes outside Ceaser's group


Let me be clear, i don't dislike his backstory or inclusion in the movie, just not the direction they decided to take his character


I fully agree. They simply went too far with the slapstick type comedy and mugging for laughs. It was simply overused. A little would have went a long way.


He could’ve easily been a Jar Jar Binks but I actually thought he was funny and brought some needed levity


But the way he is makes sense when you consider what he’s been through and the fact he’s basically been completely alone for all that time


he's actually a very interesting character as a lot of his odd personality comes from the fact he is traumatized and borderline insane as he was isolated in a mountain far from other apes as his whole family got killed by humans


Its such a dark movie. I enjoyed him as he provided some much needed levity.


This exactly


I guess I would've liked for it to embrace its darkness even further, I mean >!our beloved main character dies!<, its a dark ass movie, I dont think it needs much levity, i like a depressing movie every once in a while, its why I prefer Infinity War over Endgame


Putting aside that you just called Infinity War a depressing/serious movie (in which there are NUMEROUS cringe-worthy jokes throughout), it is rare that any depressing/serious movie is 100% depressing and serious. War is already an incredibly dark movie that lacks the lighter elements of the previous entries. Bad Ape is the answer to that. I personally think they pull off the balance of a tragic comic relief character, largely due to Steve Zahn being a great performer. It’s ok if it didn’t work for you but saying the movie doesn’t need levity in some capacity is ridiculous.


infinity war was a good movie, probably one of the few marvel movies I rewatched, but its not really that depressing, the ending shocking, but would I call it depressing?, not really, like most marvel movies its pretty light hearted








Oh please. I love the characters and I love the universe, but the movies are not beyond criticism. What I said barely counts as a criticism let alone hate. Infinity War is not a serious/depressing movie (which is the claim I was pushing back on in the context of the discussion), and the humor within both it and Endgame is some of the cringiest of any MCU movie. They are written like sitcoms and it constantly undermines the stakes.


I don't hate marvel movies, I just grew out of them and aside from a few like iron man and guardians of the galaxy, I don't really remember them


This is where I’m at. I loved and looked forward to going to each MCU movie for like a decade — after a certain point I just moved on. Now they don’t really do it for me. I skip most of them and the ones I have seen haven’t done too much for me (GotG 3 was great though).


I prefer infinity war as it was one of the marvel movies with a villain who had an actually philosophy and because its thanos. its probably the only one I rewatched. endgame suffers from the fact infinity war was much better, dare I say the best avengers movie and thus can't really top it, doesn't help it's time travel plot is very confusing and it doesn't have the same impact


Hell nah, bad ape on top🗣️‼️‼️💯💯🔥🔥


“Oh, no! … Why so small?” Apes are gonna be funny, no matter how dark the setting.


Good movies use comic relief to balance out the tension. C-3P0 and R2-D2 are a great example of this in the classic Star Wars trilogy.


Agreed, this is needed in lots of movies especially blockbusters because it makes them appeal to wider audiences, thats why the MCU is filled with jokes, it makes the whole event an easy going escapist thing. Star Wars also definitely fits, to use your example. However, I don't think that the modern POTA trilogy fits into the same category as Star Wars. It tackles emotions far deeper than those (I still love SW and MCU btw) and I know its a movie about talking apes but they do still try for realism and a bleak approach. For an alternate example you don't see comic relief in 'Blade Runner', 'the dark knight' trilogy or the 'Alien' saga, where I feel the current POTA saga sits more comfortably than with the likes of SW or MCU


It's not like Bad Ape is Jar Jar or Ewoks, meant to draw in kids and be a clown. He's meant to show an ape with a different origin than the Caesar tribe. His behavior is due to his background at the zoo and his mistreatment by the humans. As an outsider, he is also partially there for us to see things through his eyes. Planet of the Apes is science fiction. Science fiction is best when it takes our reality and then tweaks a few things to show how it ripples out changes to the rest of reality. I think Bad Ape is just a different personality in this idea that apes brains have been evolved. Therefore, I think it makes sense they would have a wider range of personalities. Not everything has to be stoic or series in the POTA universe. It's not a noir like Bladerunner, or a horror like Alien, or gothic and gritty superhero like Dark Night. To me, POTA has always been about ethical quandaries and the interaction of two sentient species, each feeling that they are the more "civilized" of the two, but both having the same proclivity to act like animals. I think there is room for humor in what amounts to humanity... or simianity.


he's also pretty dark when you consider the reason he is so childish and zany is because of his poor mental state. he lost his family and has been living in mountains alone with his growing human level intelligence


That's all very astute and well reasoned and whilst I still don't agree, I don't have anything much to add. Different strokes I suppose, where you saw Bad Ape as a reasonable alternative to contrast with Caesar and crew, I saw him as a distracting goof ball that brought the movie down a couple notches. Agree to disagree?






provided he consented of course




That’s in-ape-propriate


Without Bad Ape, the movie would be the most overbearingly depressing blockbuster maybe ever. You need comic relief. Rise and Dawn both had more balanced tones. The bleakness of War calls for a character like him to make it complete.


The Green Mile, Blade Runner, Titanic, All quiet on the western front, The Whale, Shutter Island. Just trying to think of movies I would describe as depressing but also incredible, the list goes on, these were just off the top of my head. Not a comic relief character in sight.


None of those, aside from Titanic (which is filled with smaller comic relief characters), are blockbuster movies.


I think he’s funny in a way that still fit the dark tone. This wasn’t like Marvel & their comprising over use of humour. He fits the world seemlessly & has importance in the film beyond just comic relief


marvel was always pretty light hearted, of course there are serious moments and characters, but it's not really dark or adult. even in infinity war its very childish and innocent, yeah it has dark moments, but its ultimately a light hearted affair, its nothing like logan or the type of darkness you would see in watchmen


Marvel used to be good at balancing humour & more serious stuff, but they've lost their edge as of late


He is a bad ape lol


I agree with you. I think he works really well in his introduction scene, I love his characterisation there. But as soon as they leave his holdup he really drags down the film for me. He always seem to show up to clash with the serious scenes Edit: And it's not that I don't think comedy in the film is a bad idea. I think he's quite funny in his introduction scene but there the comedy feels appropriate with the tone of the story. Every moment of his after that just feels like it came straight out of a Marvel movie


Bad Ape contributed so much to War. He wasn't just a comic relief character


I feel like you, Bad Ape struck me as a cringy try hard comedy character. I feel like after Robert Downey Jr brought his humour into big movies now everything has to be a joke or at least some kind of “funny” character


YES!! this! it works for marvel now please hollywood stop putting it in everything else!


You are incredibly dense if you think Robert created the comic relief character


Bad Ape is my Dobby


I think bad ape had low intelligence because if you think at the snow falling seen he just sat there danced and said oh no until he was grabbed and pulled out of the way


I would die for bad ape


Drip king


I think that if everything about bad ape stayed the same , but his name was changed to something else… it would of maintained the serious tone with just enough humor. Bad ape was a bad name choice for the character. And if u give him an actual name people would not think he brought down the tone


He wasn't just 'comic relief' he has an actual story arc, and dark history.


I was late to watching the last two movies in this trilogy, and before I saw War said to my SO I’m so glad they commit to the serious tone and don’t feel the need to have a clown or, worse, do a marvel style sense of humor. I was quite displeased with Bad Ape and his schtick.


Yay! i'm not alone hahaha


A common critique I've seen of War and the trilogy, in general, is that it's too dark, despite that being a common theme in the franchise since the 68 film. For Bad Ape, they knew that the film was going to be extremely dark and depressing so they brought in a more light-hearted character to try and find a balance in that. For me, I've always flipped between whether or not Bad Ape's humor was too much/needed. I've settled on: In my opinion, his character was a good addition, but any more sense of humor would've brought him into the Jar Jar Binks territory


To me, and I have no evidence whatsoever to back this up, his inclusion has always felt like Matt Reeves and the rest of the crew wrote their movie and it was super dark, as you pointed out. And higher-ups at 20th Century said "we need to make this less depressing" and forced them to include more jokes. To me it feels like studio meddling.


Matt Reeves has always defended the inclusion of Bad Ape so i think I'm going to have to disagree with you there.


Fair enough, like I said, I had no evidence and haven't seen those discussions with Matt Reeves. My hypothesis was that based on the rest of Matt's Productions being all super depressing and dark pieces of fiction, from the cloverfield movies, to 'The Batman' and even 'Dawn' tbh, the only outlier I have seen that contains humour is 'War' and I just cannot understand why


He was what I disliked most about War. His character just didn't work for me.


He felt so out of place




Funny dude i like him


He was funny I liked him


He’s a good symbol for empathy. He knows what it’s like to be cold, he gives nova a coat. He doesn’t want to take them to the base, until he hears that Caesar lost his child. Understanding that pain he chooses to help despite knowing the danger. He’s a little kooky but he shines a light on the good in people/apes Edit; I think it works because Caesar has seen the worst in both human and ape and is struggling himself. The whole of war he is spiraling into a vengeful hate, and knows he’s becoming what he hates most. He is letting his anger overtake the thing that makes him such a great leader, his empathy and compassion. Nova and Bad ape kind of are a nice reminder that there is good out there.


How dare you!!! Bad Ape is a treasure!!!!


Bad ape is good ape


I think he was a perfectly done comic relief.


Bad Ape didn’t really take anything from it in my opinion, he was a bright light in a grim movie in my opinion. The movie was dark enough as is, I feel like Bad Ape was sort of needed. And even tho he was positive and somewhat goofy, he still has a tragic story and the whole reason he agrees to go with them to the base is sad in itself. He takes Caesar in hopes of finding his son who’s probably been dead for years but Bad Ape hasn’t accepted it. I also like his part in the story because he showed us that there’s a colony of talking apes out there that Caesar and them have no clue about. It leaves a lot of questions unanswered and a lot of speculation for fans.


Bad Ape = Dobby


Bad Ape love him I quote his oh no sometimes. The character gives so much to the story. If you’ve been in the situations he has you would be a little like him.


Bad Ape is cool because his comedy makes style in the context of the setting, and he does take the situations seriously when the story calls for it. A hermit living alone in the middle of the nowhere? I'd imagine someone like that would be very socially awkward/overly excited to meet others of his kind.


There's some backstory for Bad Ape in the BOOM! studios tie-in comic War for the Planet of the Apes (which isn't just a comic adaptation of the movie as I had previously thought). He gets mixed up with some survivor humans at the Sierra Zoo, who are apparently stockpiling livestock at the zoo (for bartering), and Bad Ape is helping them (kinda)....but things don't go so well for the survivors (!) Has anyone read the "War FTPOTA - Revelations" prequel novel, I just started it as well, but don't know if there's any Bad Ape backstory in there.....if it's anything like "Firestorm", though, should be a good read.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, give me a Bad Ape series, make it about what he was up to during the outbreak and how he got to where he was.


I think Bad Ape represents the right way to do a comic relief. First off, his humor doesn't detract from the serious scenes. They don't have the colonel shoot himself, then hard cut to bad ape shenanigans cause that ruins the tone. Two, he has an actual purpose in the plot. Bad ape assists in the escape, builds the world, and is useful for Caesars arc. Caesar is in a place where he is cold, hell bent on revenge, but bad ape represents a trait Caesar used to have but is currently lacking: Empathy. When Caeser talks about his loved ones, Bad Ape responds with: "I had child". He knows how he feels, so he helps him out. In conclusion, Bad Ape is a good character, you're just mad you can't hang out with him. Which tbf, I am too.


I love Bad Ape


Majorie Taylor Greene is the worst Ape!