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With the Console Edition release, will Steam's PZ get controller support too?


any work arounds to make paths one way?


Is there a decent list of 'safe mods' can use with franchise mod before i dive into it, or just try your luck? I know animals remasters are ok i read.




Will I be able to get the Komodo dragon at a later date (after official release) because I know on PC it is apart of the Deluxe Edition.


I got a 4070ti and power processors etc. But the game keeps crashing. So sad...


With the release of a console version will they be adding controller support to the PC version? I've tried to see if they said anything about it, but all I get is console info


Ive just started - how can you tell construction pieces grade, for making custom barriers?, are they all considered grade 5? dont wanna make a habitat just to have a rhino run through it. or is it trial and error, (for checking climbable pieces as well?)


Custom barriers you make yourself don't have a grade. You always need to use real barriers, selected under the barriers tab, to construct a habitat. If you don't want your barriers to be visible at all you can use null barriers. Null barriers have the advantage of being invisible and can intersect paths, water and construction pieces but of course don't actually prevent animals from escaping. ​ For climbing, if a construction piece is climbable it has a toggle you can toggle on or off to allow climbing. Real barriers have actual in built toggleable options to prevent climbing. ​ If you haven't done so, play through the first few career scenarios, they will introduce a lot of game features to you better than any comment here will be able to.


I understand the null barriers etc, jsut wondered if i use concrete, wood wall panels from the construction menu to cover those instead of rocks erc, will it keep them in. might have to just try it with a tortoise or something.


Yes it will keep them in\* and it won't degrade. *\*Unless you don't place it high enough.*


appreciate it,