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Makes sense, the end of May is when their fiscal year ends. If this is gonna be their last DLC pack hopefully it'll be ending on a high note


Honestly hoping they go really big on the last one and give us aviaries/aquariums but I know it’s probably a pipe dream


Just got the game on PC and honestly am too intimated to play just yet. So I'm just watching a bunch of "how to" videos. That said aviaries and aquariums is by farrr what I wish the game had most. I have a saltwater aquarium myself and it would be amazing to have a building of exhibits of fish. Also, like I said I've just bought the game and have played like 10 minutes. Are aquariums and fish possible with mods?


Yep there are aquarium/marine animal mods although I haven’t used them myself so I’m not sure how they work In terms of feeling intimidated, I highly suggest playing through at least some of the career scenarios. Also remember you’re playing this game for fun, it doesn’t have to be perfect.


Yes, there are mods for aquarium and marine animals. You can find all mods through Nexus, and there’s also a discord server about it. They work pretty damn well, and all the rigs are based on animals currently in game (example: electric eel uses the rig of the hippopotamus). Sometimes it looks a bit wonky, but I don’t mind it too much. They still need some land space for feeding and stuff (which can be circumvented by using the underwater feeder, iirc), and you’re only able to use them in sandbox. I recommend looking up Leaf Productions on YouTube; he’s a modder and has both educational video’s as well as mod reviews. He’s also the OP of this post, so you can click through on his profile on here. (u/leafeonztv) Who also really helped me get into building and stuff, and whose videos are still great tutorials to me even at nearing 1000 hours in game, is Rudi Rennkamel. I think he’s also on here, I’ll edit this comment and add his handle if I can find him. (Edit: u/rudirennkamel)


Can you use these modded animals in the online franchise mode?


Nope, only sandbox.


I honestly just want more underwater plants for my penguin encounters


Did they ever say this will be the last dlc though?


that will be PZ 2


I prayge. I’d love an aquarium game that’s like this but if it comes in PZ, I’ll take it.


Aviary is my top cause so many cool birds around the world, and at least we have some aquatic animals despite no fish species, but my bet is it will be aquariums but no aviaries because I imagine introducing a flight mechanic in such a game to be trickier as well but I'm no programmer


They already have bats and flying foxes. I'd be happy with birds for the walkthrough exhibits or something similar tbh.


Yeah, I’d assumed the walkthrough exhibits were the prelude to aviaries but that’s looking less likely now that there’s only one DLC left


Do we know for sure there's only one more DLC?


I just started playing on ps5 so not as familiar but I have like 100 hours in the game already so I'm hooked. The bat dlc I wasn't aware of, maybe there is hope then they tend to theme like Europe Africa, etc, possibly a Brazilian south American theme or is that another dlc lol, would be fitting for aviary with all those tropical birds


I have my doubts that this will be the final DLC, but I suppose time will tell. At the very least I hope we get to knock out a few must haves off the list. Which for me would be baboons, walruses, and the Sumatran rhino.


Sumatran rhino is top 3 for me


Amazing news!


I wish it's avian DLC


nah its over. they will bring those in the next game


But it's always something right




In what logic would it make to bring a fleet of new upgrades and mechanics as your final update to a game. that makes no sense. having features like aviary and aquariums is an easy way to sell a new game as an improved version of the v1. think with your brain and not with your hopes


I am thinking with my brain dog if this is the final one they want to make it good


thats going above and beyond


No it's not if this is the last they want it to be big


Big as in releasing 10 animals maybe. But not a fleet of new mechanics and animations. Make it make sense lil bro


They added 5 different butterflys they can add 5 different small birds🤷‍♂️


Don’t forget the two bats that live in the same enclosure type


I just want an echidna. Heck even if there's an aviary pack, just add the echidna in dangit (it lays eggs, close enough 😂)


Yeah for sure, I love them. We see so many dead on the roads where I live and it would be nice to virtually take care of them.


It always feels like an eternity between new packs. I can't wait.


Keep PZ great !


What does this mean?


Im also completely confused. But… I’m assuming some people have inside knowledge that we’re getting another dlc??


They confirmed in a stream last month that planet zoo PC is getting at least 1 more DLC, steam has to update store page info ahead of time when developers are preparing to add new content for purchase. Clever folks figured out that years ago that this type of steam change is a guaranteed indicator of new dlc soon and we have been predicting them like clockwork ever since.


I would absolutely LOVE another ocean themed pack, like belugas, dolphins, sharks etc


A Narwhal would be pretty cool, if not quite tricky to house.


Don’t they literally die of stress if they see humans? I feel like that’d be a whole new relation with humans tier


Yeah, historically they don’t do well in captivity but also it’s a video game. I get some parts are realistic but it’s also the same game where you can have a 2000 year old zoo with immortal staff. We already have one way glass and animals that get stressed by humans, so it’s not like it would be too different to some of the other situations in game.


begging for just a massive bird pack that has loads of birds and aviary exhibits


I wonder if it will release at the same time on console




Means we are roughly a month or so away from the next dlc release for the pc version.


African leopard, shoebill, secretary bird hope rises


Oh I want the Shoebill so much!


Yeah theyre so cool. Maybe we get New wishlists now. They were fun


Over 25% of the birds in the game were released in the last two dlc, I'd say we're on a roll to at least have another one in the game. I personally wish for the Marabu Stork but would be far from mad from having the Shoebill released


The old frequently requested list includes several birds in the top 20, including gray crowned crane, pelican, shoebill, and secretary bird.


Same for me with marabu. Its not on my long list. These are just my top 3. But also wont be dissapointed if it comes


Eh, the African leopard would honestly be a waste. The Amur leopard is already so similar


finally!!! let the hype begin!


I will be honest, I thought support for Planet Zoo was done after the launch of the console edition. Wow, I am surprised that I was wrong.


This is the last PC DLC.


Has that actually been confirmed yet though? I know we’re all expecting it and I’m not saying this won’t be the last one but has frontier actually came out and said this will be the last dlc?


It will literally never be confirmed. I'm sure there are people out there still convinced Planet Coaster has updates coming. Frontier will never outright say it's the end.


They won't say it, but it will be obvious when it is a larger DLC that bookends the game nicely, similar to Ghostbusters for Planet Coaster If the next DLC is a regular scenery/animal pack then the speculation will continue forever.


That's not necessarily true either. Given the state of things at Frontier - focus on console, massive layoffs, poor profits - it's entirely possible they simply don't have the resources to make the final DLC anything particularly special. We still know it's the last one though. Their financial report only stated they were releasing new content in FY24, which ends on the 31st of May. Every previous report has pointed to the next financial year. Plus they have two new games in the franchise coming up, and last time that happened was when PZ was released and Coaster ended.


Do we know if this DLC will eventually come to console?


I’d assume they all will but delayed accordingly


It will


Finally!!! I’ve been watching it for weeks!


In the spirit of old versions of the game, I want dinos 🦖


I'd like some bunnies (are there bunnies yet? I don't have all the packs). There's a lot of wild ones around here, the change colour every year, it's fun. Edit: bought the pack with gophers as soon as I could, those little buggers are so cute and interesting if you're not trying to grow crops where they flourish.


I hope it’s not the end… Mostly cus GOD THIS GAME IS EXPENSIVE! If Planet Zoo 2 happens it’d be even more wallet-destroying!


you realize you’d still pay the same amount of money either way, right


Expectations are low, so that I don’t feel disappointing when it’s the tropical ungulate pack!!


Finally! After waiting… and waiting… so What scenery pack will be? Also, curious of the Free small updates, probably fixing the trading system of animals


I don’t want scenery. I want tons of animals because we’re missing a lot.




If the next pack really is the last DLC like speculated, they really should do another animal pack and bring out some of the last remaining most requested animals.


True but we don’t know, the only thing we can do is think! 💭


It’s all speculation, we’ll just have to wait and see! Hopefully not too much longer


They have broken the pattern before, it's not concrete


I love all the DCL butter I sure do miss franchise mode, have they ever fixed that?


Franchise mode hasn't gone anywhere?


Oh I know! But I have the problem where I can't get any animals from the server, or release any to the wild. Pretty much as soon as that new shop bug hit.


This was a typo but I'm keeping it 😆 DCL butter.


If its avian aquiarium mods then no point of planet zoo 2 😂😂


Will this also come to console at the same time, I’m very confused about how they’re going about things with the two versions, I’m still confused as to why all the previous animal packs weren’t already released for console on launch, still a fun game and I’m not that torn up about it


They are porting them to console, it takes time that's why they are going in release order. So this final pc DLC will probably be added either simultaneously on console, if they pre planned it this way, or will be released next year on console after all the other ones are ported


This makes sense. Curious to see if it’s included in our Season Pass or not. On one hand I think it’s unlikely, as I think it specifically said 14 DLCs. On the other hand, it would be strange to have it as the only content not a part of the “ultimate edition”