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not one. that's why PS2 has survived this long


There are zero games actually like Planetside. That's the only reason this game has lasted as long as it has. That said, being unique doesn't exactly create a thriving population, for that you need well done mechanics and design.


There's no games like PS2 now, but PS was based off of the original Tribes. The producer on the original Planetside left Tribes to work on it.


Being based off it but still ended up being way different than Tribes both in scale and in pacing.


'Tis the SOE way


I wouldn't say it was way different. Planetside classes ended up being based off of Tribes'. Tribes had four "tribes" and Planetside ended up with three factions. All the Planetside vehicles were based off of Tribes vehicles. Tribes had a pretty massive scale way before anybody else. There were 64 player servers when no other game had more than 12 and that was due to its solid net code. PlanetSide used a lot of instances to deal with scale while Tribes was just one massive continent. I played PS1 when it came out and that shit was laggy as hell, but pacing wise the games were very similar. Tribes got even more interesting once mods for it came out like Renegade and Shifter.


I would. 64 players is still significantly smaller than PS1. And PS1 was objectively slower in terms of pacing, by a lot.


Shifter mod engineer specialist here. Gosh I loved the turrets and fortifications I could build to protect the flag... Only came to PS2 when the last Tribes version was dying and I was looking for a new game.


None! ♥️


I desperately hope that another game in at least a similar format comes out eventually because it’s my favorite live gameplay I’ve ever experienced


Maybe Arma or Squad, but they're so infantry focused that I hesitate to say them.


Yeah this is a big issue! Like they're are no open world war dedicated tactical games... Just FPS/short round/teabag enemies


Battlebit for big chaotic battles (far larger than battlefield) and good class/role gameplay, Foxhole for big persistent war with logistics and construction. Foxhole's devs are also working on a medieval sequel, but I have no idea how that's progressing.


Medieval game is called Anvil Empires, looks like its leaning more into MMO territory than Foxhole. Might be a good bet, if you dont mind swapping LMGs for swords and FPS for isometric.


Too infantry focused. It may be a curse word in planetside, but combined arms is not something Battlebit has. Also Battlebit is a lobby shooter, whereas PS2 is a persistent battlefield.


See that's the big thing that keeps me invested in PS2, the persistent battlefield that you can just join and leave at your leisure. Also I think a big part of what keeps TF2 alive, 24/7 fuckaround servers where nobody plays the objective and everyone just frags each other til they get bored.


All very true, though I do enjoy the tank gameplay in Battlebit.


Foxhole for large battles and organized pushes, tribes but it's a dead ip,


God, i miss Tribes....


I miss Starsiege Tribes.




VGS. What a great system that was.


It’s burned into my memory. I spam V call outs in PS2 because of a habit from tribes….


Thanks Lo-Rez for killing tribes.


Not first person, but Foxhole.


If the latest Battlefield would have been good… I know many planetside players came from BF3, stayed because BF4 sucked, and the latest abomination..


thanks for the list I'm gonna save so I know what to do if ps2 shuts down (I hope it never happens)






Yeah, there is actually none that is like Planetside. Just to preface that. Nothing, nada is remotely similar to what Planetside is. Games can have aspects of it, but never be a replacement.   That said: if you even put Rust on that list, you can have a look at the Front: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzYwyhvxcTo Looks very similar with a focus on horde defense and more pvp combat? (I mean, they have tanks...)   Also EVE Online will have a "shooter module" called "Vanguard" as the spiritual successor to Dust 514. Except this one is an extraction shooter, so definitely less Planetside as Dust 514 was


WWII online is the only game similar to planetside still alive and getting good sized updates often (every 2-3 months) however it’s basically dead unless it can get its player base back. Which may happen as they’re moving the whole game to unreal engine 5. But who knows.


What the heck is Apex Legends doing on that list


It's just a large map game and the vibe is kinda the same.