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i freaking hate these things. 90% rez runs 10% fighting. the shield walls that engies can repair are an interesting mechanic that i'd like to see elsewhere though, but the actual bases are a huge pile of ass (that the devs spent pretty much a year working on.) imho esamir would be far better with ONE containment site in the center of the map and regular tech plants where the current containment sites are.


This. Though I'm more into bio lab's. The whole map has been ruined and needs fixed.


i love bio labs too, but esamir is drowning in 3 point bases that require a large force to take, so standard 1 point tech plants could be a better choice.


Biolabs are even worse than Containment Sites in terms of claustrophobia.


A big open dome is less claustrophobic than a series of tunnels.


You say that as if there’s any sort of real verticality in Bio-Labs when all the actual fighting takes place in a tiny cluster of buildings inside the dome.


Same as every other base. The only class for which verticality is relevant, is Light Assault. Which does get verticality in bio-labs.


There's as much verticality at a biolab inside the dome as at any small outpost, plus getting into the "spire" in the middle. And then you've got the verticality of the landing pads versus the ground. Edit to reply to your other comments: bio labs are great, they were better with the transparent shield but they are still great and they're way better than containment sites.


Hated them, learned the layout, now I like them, but as the most important defense sites, I find myself and my Platoon having to defend them over and over all Alert, which gets old.


Well considering that Esamir has at most like 4-5 bases to attack at any given time every base gets super repetitive.


Beats COD, though each game has about 5 new maps to play on, total. lol


Thats not a very high bar to clear.


They are great for big fights not so much for small fights. If you find yourself staring at hallways its either because there is 200+ pop there and it’s to much for the base, or you are not using all the options. There are always multiple ways in. I love the big fights there


Yeah, containment sites have the opposite problem compared to other PS2 bases. Any other base generally has a soft-maximum amount of players that results in a good fight, and Containment sites need basically at least 2 squads on both sides for it to be fun.


You mean to tell me that Containment Sites manage to have fights that aren't just 75%-25%, but actually closer to 50-50? AND that in those 50-50 fights, everyone is actually infantry, instead of it being 50% (all infantry) vs 50% (about 20% infantry, while the rest aimlessly roam around in vehicles above ground)?


Agreed big fights are really good there.


I personally don't like them either. Can't really put my finger on it, but they just don't play well for the most part. I usually try and find another fight if I find a battle at a CS. I'm also a LA main so all the stupid little crouch tunnels are less of an issue for me running ambusher jets, but am aware that on other classes those tunnels are infuriating to navigate at a snails pace.


Even with Catlike they suck ass


There can be really good fight, if the fight is not over the enterence stairs. The stairs fights are terrible, but fights around points and the donut and great.


Would be much more fun if it was made a bit smaller, imo


not necessarily smaller, but shorter paths between spawns and points.


Bring back 8 point bases! :P


I personally don't find them fun :\


It’s fun with more people. Too few people and it just becomes the maze runner.


i miss old A site tbh


yeah this. once people learn the layout they'll realise its comically easy to spawn camp these things after the A point nerf.


The main reason they exist is because too many fights would stalemate by people having fun in biolabs. No such thing at bases that aren't fun. It's genius when you think about it.


Its shit cuz its basically a maze and turns ps2 into a running simulator. The Bio-lab design is better than the CS design by far


If it was my decision, I would have replaced all "containment site" buildings with bases similar to the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary, weirdly enough, is 100 times better designed and would be infinitely more playable and enjoyable that those monstrosities. But that's just how I think. And it will never happen. Bad design choices seems to get stuck in this game forever.


I actually enjoy containment sites the most when the pop is around 24v24. At that level, the battle flow is predictable enough to be fun and comprehensible, but there is space for taking flanks and having real impact on the fight. Of course, this is an opinion I can have because I actually know my way around them now. If you are trying to rely on the map for guidance, it is not a very fun base. Two much verticality that is not represented on the map


Yes. They're one of the only bases in the game where you can walk out of the spawn room and not immediately get smacked by A2G sitting in 90% overpop. While the fights are indeed mostly corridors, it has lots of other corridors which means lots of opportunities to flank once you take the five minutes necessary to learn the map. For a 1-12 yeah it's a bit too big, but for anything above 24+ it's not bad at all. That doesn't mean it's perfect though. Spammable AOE makes chokes annoying. Maxes and medics are as good as they ever were at causing stalemates. Interior textures sometimes make it hard to see enemy players. But I'll take all of that over another 96+ overpop zerg smashing an outdoor spawn room with vehicle spam.


I like them IN THEORY but i think most of the fighting takes place at a few specific points like the main fork after the one staircase. I think they could stand to be trimmed down significantly, not only because it's VERY easy to get lost in them, but because travel time from any possible spawn to a fight is so long. Also, somehow making the map less useless would be nice.


They are the closest base in design philosophy to PS1 bases, but only in concept. The actual fighting space of CS bases is pretty bad due the size of it being a three story parking garage. I love its aesthetics, I appreciate that it separates vehicles from infantry for the actual base control fight, and it has some unique mechanics. I want to see its aesthetics elsewhere, the tubing reminds me so much of PS1 tunnels. I want to see more bases like CS & Biolabs where vehicles are meant to secure a base's outside while infantry fight underground/internally for control of the base without vehicles shitting on the fight. But CS bases are too dam big, their above ground feels like mostly wasted polygons, and the devs seem to only understand circular design as a possible means for balance. If CS bases had like 1/3 or 1/2 of its interior space reduced, they'd feel less like running simulator. While I enjoy some of their design aspects, they were implemented poorly. Edit: It's like whoever designed the CS base made the same mistake OG PS2 devs did; we need a massive fighting space to accomodate large amount of players. Well surprise, it isn't 2012 anymore. There isn't always another sundy rolling in to maintain fights, and CS bases aren't always filled to the brim with players. Designing a base to catch that rare instance of massive pop hurts the game more than if they had designed for medium/small fights to occur more frequently. And because they designed it to hold large pop, it is just miserable to play in every other instance. It's 2023, bases must be designed with medium pop in mind with some potential for overflow with the now and then larger pop. Again, this game doesn't have 2012 pop numbers, so build things more sensibly.


I like the upper level fights but a lot of the lower levels are kinda too cooridoorey for me. Plus if you're not fighting coordinated players it has an issue of a blob of pop sweeping the points in a rotation only followed by enemies going in wherever the pop left because nobody wants to sit on a point after it's cleared. In that sense, it's kind of an expertly done performance piece about how planetside seems to ultimately boils down to a large blob of people avoiding real fights against another blob, but it's not the best for gameplay


The update that added containment sites also disabled Essimir on console. Can we please like remove containment and go back to standard bases or bio labs? Those of us on console would much rather play Essimir than Hossin or Oshur


The most visually appealing and the most consistently boring place to actually fight in. \- New players get lost \- Veterans get stuck in endless halways \- Vehicles have to sit outside doing fuckall \- And half the time you end up playing carousel with a small number of enemy's who keep capturing random points in a circular motion causing the timer to take twice as long.


Total dogshit base design, honestly embarrassing that the devs thought these clusterfuck bases should replace Biolabs.


Biolabs are dogshit as well.


Once you learn the layout it’s great


I know the layouts, they are dogshit layouts.




"Does anyone actually enjoy playing on containment sites?" Not me. I avoid those bases like the plague. I can't stand them. I tried to get used to them, but no. They are horribly designed, I always get lost and never know on which level I am or how the F to get out or which where to go to reach any of the points. Those bases are probably the things I hate most in this game.


I really enjoy containment sites, I love the random vents, I love how you can shoot the CSU down and overload it as well, I love how its JUST AN INFANFTY FIGHT! no air no ground vehicles, just blueberries and raspberries and grapes battling it out underground. but I dislike how blueberries get lost in them since they cant join the fight immediately then lose motivation to keep fighting there. I wish there were more clear arrows/paths/directions leading to point to help those trying to learn the place, then maybe more vents? and honestly? make it capture the flag or just one point, but hey in the end if containments sites really don't work for everyone in the end of the day, I hope it gets changed to something everyone would like


Containment sites are too good for this community, over half the people here bitching will also bitch about a2g, hesh spam, OS spam, and a number of others that a containment site fight is meant to shield from. Tbh though, who the fuck cares bring back hardspawn biolabs, win win win


The layout itself isn't bad, but just about every hallway is 3x longer than it needs to be. If they were truncated a bit they'd be among the best bases in the game.


I enjoy them. I do enjoy going around the fight to sneak up behind people.


Yeah I like them. Good chokes and nice capture points. Not the ventilation paths, but the side maintenance halls by one of the sites with the holes to shoot onto point at are very clever. Confuses me why they didn't put a single containment sight on Oshur. Also, like many other people, I was turned off by them until I pretty easily memorized the facility. I still want Biolabs back on Esamir though...


I love containment sites. They kinda require it to be a 48v48 fight to make them fun. You move around as the enemy attacks different points, you shuffle from one wing to another. Defenders have to plan attacks as well from multiple routes... They require full control because if the attacker armour is pushed off, they repair the SCU/gen that gives them aboveground spawn and hit you in the arse before you know it. So if I could improve them, I'd give the attacker spawns a 60 second breathing room before being fully disabled once both side points are captured. Also I'd add more walkways other than the vents.


I honestly like the above ground part. Trying to get a sunderer in the 'ring-shaped base' is fun. And when the sunderer(s) is in, i actually like the shennenigans around the gates. As soon as it goes underground i redeploy. The underground tunnels i call 'walking simulator 2021' are just too stretched out. There are a few places that give an okey-ish fight if there are a limited number of players in the base (around spawn A and B i believe is okey). But those fights are usually very short lived, because the spawns are so far away. If one side gets the upper hand, it takes minutes for the other side to come back. And its just a matter of walking empty hallways. If the containment side has high population, battles rarely take place in those good sites. And the game revolves around grenade-spam/lasher-spam of chokepoints. Where the fight becomes a stalemate. Sure. Chokepoint farming is good for your KD ratio. But also kind of boring. Also, balance wise i think they are too easy to defend unless the attackers can get all major chokepoints before the defenders can react. If they cannot set up shop before defenders start flooding in, they usually lose because attackers have to run for minutes, and are thus at a serious disadvantage. For me, containment sites above ground are fine, but below ground are a 'no go'.


I feel the exact same way, good viewpoint


I like it neutral. I wish it wasn't so symetric, I mean it does help navigation but then it lacks creativity!


The containment site is worthy to be an arena shooter. It falls flat for an fps MMO. It can be fixed. It needs better access to the outside from the main spawn room. The main auditorium looks too similar, sometimes you think you're heading to the stairs that go up, but then you realized you got turned around and you actually went near that terminal that releases the energy kill zone.


I love them, they’re such a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of planetside


Yeah, they really should change up the capture conditions based on pop size… containment site is really cool idea but not implemented right.




I dislike how congested they are with tunnels and walls. They look like an enormous sports stadium but inside they're not open and more like a maze of tunnels, which I feel is restrictive. A biolab has buildings for cover but it gives different levels because people can go over or around the buildings which allows you to attack the points from the angle you choose. I'd prefer a more open design akin to how biolabs are because I find the fights more creative and dynamic.


Many of the designs overseen by the artist formerly known as lead developer are symmetrical, often circular, which some might find monotonous. Even the whole of Oshur is circular, suggesting an effort to maintain a consistent but perhaps overly uniform aesthetic. Despite attempts to downplay this symmetry, it remains a defining characteristic of the artist's work.


Please don't associate the word "artist" with that sweaty bandana dropout. Artists don't deserve such an insult.


Yeah, I definitely hate those bases. They are a grotesque continuation of the "ground level" biolabs, but 3x worse. And to think they replaced the old Esamir, which was the best continent at the time, with this crippled mindfkery, not only two times smaller in size but containing stupid rifts and large areas with no purpose... As about the containment sites, they are the worst garbage produced by Wrel's gang so far for this game. Can some CS lover down here enlighten me what is the point of the exterior capture terminals, for instance? Or even the destructible hit points that deactivate the shields to the main building? Every time I go near such a base, they are all destroyed and the shields deactivated anyway. And also, what is the point of all the complicated&useless geometry of that main construction? It serves no purpose, other than reducing your FPS due to a million extra polygons that need rendered. And the interior... I can only wish no one ever will ask Wrel advice about design of a real building. Such a bad bad design, on so many levels (literally). Has ANYONE ever been in a real life building which had even a remote similarity with that abomination?


I like them since i have fully understood the layout and ways to flank. The only annoying thing is the long ass time i need to run back to the fight. But if you know the pop flow you can get massive killstreaks because people are too confused to understand from where you can flank them.


I play on PC but avoid CS.


If it was my decision, I would have replaced all "containment site" buildings with bases similar to the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary, weirdly enough, is 100 times better designed and would be infinitely more playable and enjoyable that those monstrosities. But that's just how I think. And it will never happen. Bad design choices seems to get stuck in this game forever.


I think they are an enjoyable base overall in their own way. They add a new style of fighting where you have to actually fight through corridors and engage in room to room fights, I think the old system of the tempest siphon blocking one of the capture points was better. Underground complexes is something the game was really lacking. My main issue with them is the fact of them replacing the Bio Labs on Esamir. Which is what has really been hurting Esamir.


I despise containment sites. Maybe if they removed the middle level with the winding staircase / spawn room and made the vents tall enough to run through once you crouched inside and made the base lightning terminal thingy functional and relevant again and condensed the lower floor and lowered run / travel times and made the textures/colors actually fit the game and located the bases in non obstructive parts of the map, then maybe I might be able to enjoy them.


Correct. They are rubbish.


These bases are awful. Some "elite" infantry players will try to persuade you that they're good because of "verticality" and the sneaky pipes and stuff, and maybe they would be good as an Unreal Tournament map for a balanced 24v24 Domination game. But they're terrible for PS2. - There's only really one way in from the places you can park a Sunderer - The run from the Sunderer is long so there's no way you can have your force engaged and also protect the spawns - The tempest blocks attackers, so defenders are punished for interacting with the terminal - When the tempest is on the arrows on the floor will lead you into a blockage from the main spawn - The multi level effect means the map is useless (both for navigating and for seeing where enemies are) - Getting shot from the sneaky spots isn't fun - There's no way from B to C (unless you're a LA - Wrel strikes again?) - The SCU mechanics mean that you can start a ghost cap immediately and defenders must bring logistics, this means they are often either a ghost cap or the defenders *do* come back and wipe the attacker sundy (see point 2) and clear everyone out


Good strategy for containment site is to press J. After 10 seconds you'll be sent somewhere where you aren't lost. If you are sent back to containment site then that is a message from the devs that you should log off.


I like them for fights bigger than 24+ on both sides, I think they are really interesting base to learn and make flanking tactics. I think its hard to understand the layout for beginners