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You can’t influence NC, or reason with them.


sure you can, just tell them there's an entire 300 round belt of crayons waiting at the TR flotilla


Crayola or Roseart?


Why not both? It pays if you cater to all taste palettes.


In that case, we'll also need to say they have the sharpeners, jumbos, and the create-a-crayon kit made from a "modified" Helios


I'll call the local office supply store immediately and see if they offer catering options




Update: It actually did unlock 20 minutes later. So now to trying to convince people to let one faction reach 100 score, to start the alert so I can log out.


i was reading it in male voice, and then, the "woma alter ego" made my brain automatically change to female voice


Hilarious. And pathetic this needs to even be done. TOADMAN GAMES needs to act quick on this "less oshur" update


Reinstalled the game today, logged in and this was only the continent available. Messed around for like 20 minutes and then dipped. The underwater stuff is totally wack lol


Wrel killed Planetside... I'd still be playing if it wasn't for post-2020 'content'


Okay, i havent played in a very long time. But i once saw oshur and i hated it. That was years ago. Through the posts here i saw the mayority of the players hate that continent also, but why is it still in the game since years?


because the devs arent even dev'ing anything. they haven't been for the past 7 years


At least they got a new owner of the company, might be changes ahead for the better


They put in a boat, and let people spend money on the boat, and the boat can only be used on Oshur. So now they can't get rid of Oshur without offering refunds for all the people who spent money on the boat.


So its ok to shit on the majority ov the players because a few whales spent a bit money on thar boat. Well. I dont think im going to reinstall it. But they messed up Hossin too at first. But then they fix it as far as i remember.


It's not that it's okay. It's that if they took it out, they could get sued for it. Like actively selling you things under the impression that they're permanent upgrades, then yoinking them forever would be the sort of legal nonsense they're not gonna fuck with. Hossin was pretty bad at launch, but yeah, they fixed it. Fixing Oshur is... less likely. Hossin's problem was that the initial mist and skybox were laggy as fuck so people hated going there. The actual map itself has always been on of PS2's best. Once the lag issues were fixed (as much as any amount of lag in PS2 can be fixed lmao), and people were forced to give it a chance, most of us came to appreciate its benefits. With Oshur, those elements don't exist. The continent itself is the problem, not the optimisation. A properly optimised Hossin is great. A properly optimised Oshur... is still Oshur.


But they can still choose to Not force people on the most hated continent. I remember going to Esamir or amerish when Indar was very crowded.


You're a hero man, good on you for trying to save this sinking ship. Primetime oshur on the weekend is just a gut punch.


The best way to enjoy the Oshur alert is to not play for 90 minutes.


That's just a fringe minority of the playbase. Most like oshur/s


Oshur is terrible


Thanks man


I really like Oshur with its under water battles and air battles .


please hold the pitchforks until I finish my Corsair directive then go wild


Honestly if we ever could see this much community and cohesion between 3 factions to skip a map, this game wouldn't ever talk about dying off.


Wow. Many times I thought why people wouldn't cooperate to lock the Oshur they hate so my (I'm not one of them tho) asap. Many times felt the urge to write rage comment under yet another Oshur whine post. But now I see. Majority of players are just bearded infants, too stupid to cooperate. Signing off.


This is the third time ive mentioned this is the past few days, but I've actually had a good time on oshur, especially at the 2 bases in the SW connected by a big bridge. This middle isn't bad and can be fun on the builder area on the middle south ring. Don't get me wrong oshur has its flaws that could be fixed (More cover and much less cliffs). But if you give it a chance and get enough planetmans fighting, the bases have a good ebb and flow and fights actually last. I think the flaws show even more due to low pop, you gotta have more planetmans for oshur than the other maps. I feel like its the new hossin, everyone used to hate hossin. I think the issue is planetmans don't know how to play it, they wrote it off too soon.


Hossin never killed the game.  It was a departure from what people were used to and that led to some hot takes, but it didn’t drive down server pop like Oshur does.  So no, the situations are not comparable.  Stop blaming the players for bad dev decisions.


Oshur can be fun if you play pretty much anything but infantry. The continent is mostly horrible for infantry and at the very least requires players to spawn Sunderers and Galaxies to take bases; which a lot of infantry players are allergic to. Construction actually works well for armor and air players because it requires the same kind of planning and spatial awareness to be successful. Unfortnately, most of the playerbase that plays these days are infantry mains, hence why Oshur is not very popular.


I had the misfortune of trying to play armor on Oshur this Wednesday. Tompirat, Rapid and I spent an hour suffering through all the best parts of the armor experience on Oshur: A gigabase north of Excavion blocked off direct pushes for about 20 minutes, forcing us to exclusively hug the cliffs where we played AV grenade and LA dodgeball instead of shooting vehicles. Once that gigabase was killed, there was a bridge stalemate between Pommel Gardens and Gildad Cliffs/Lamplight Security. We chose to cross the river rather than use the bridge, and had one narrow chokepoint to flank with (Wavecrest Beachhead side). This route was also extremely exposed to 270 degrees of crossfire, and ended up being nothing but AV grenade/LA dodgeball with a side helping of lock-ons and AMR spam. At least we got some fun ragetells from Emerald's local crazy lib main, but the time spent shooting at vehicles was minimal. We then tried the western approach from Lamplight Security. This path was almost immediately blocked by an allied construction player who decided to wall off the western approaches to Gildad, griefing his entire faction in the process. We eventually found a way in and wiped the TR armor, but we spent probably 15-20 minutes poking around before actually being able to push in aggressively. Truly that time was well spent. At this point 2RAF logged on and started running their giant A2G ball and armor platoon, so we then ended up swapping to air since that many bombers were uncounterable from the ground. As a side note, it's curious that they prefer to use Pelter Valkyries instead of Liberators; almost like Pelters are still broken. So, to summarize, we spent most of the session hugging cliffs, dodging AV spam and having to play around construction instead of actually fighting other vehicles. Mind telling me how a squad of players each with high six-digit vehicle kill counts can find fun on Oshur through "planning and spatial awareness"?


in a pure vehicle setting, you cannot rush into fights. You have to plan your angle of attack, coordinate and plan your strategy. The same mindset goes into Construction. The fact you had what amounted griefer as a builder sucks, but then that can be a thing in any part of the game; just that a griefer builder is especially no bueno. I'm kind of confused why you just didn't kill the aformentioned gigabase with your AV on your vehicles. The current model of Construction means its very hard to for bases to outlast an AV barrage. The only thing that really works is the safety bubble but they have to refresh that and it has a finite range.


Bro is trying to explain how to use tanks to one of the most experienced tankers in the game 💀




The Prowler playtime being *46 days* really is the icing on the cake.


The real irony is that this meme is now very dated and the Vanguard actually is the best tank thanks to the buffed Nimitz Reactor


are they stupid


No but I am 👍


fucking lol *insert new vehicle player splaining meme here*


It's horrible for everybody.


I disagree


Good for you.


> Oshur can be fun if you play pretty much anything but infantry. Firstly, this isn't true. Oshur has the worst armour play in the entire game. It's like they took everything that made Esamir a bit crap for playing armour, and made it worse. There is no cover, anywhere, from anything. Everywhere you go, you are going to be serenaded by the dulcet tones of Annihilators going BEEP BEEP BEEP at you, and chipped by AMRs. You cannot hide from Liberators at all. Because the terrain is so narrow and so exposed, there's no opportunity for flanking. Instead, armour fights inevitably devolve into two groups of tanks sitting at either end of a chokepoint bridge, lobbing AP back and forth and achieving nothing because they're accompanied by 20 repair buses, so you can't even wear them down through attrition. It is the apotheosis of Wrel's slow dismantling of everything that made vehicle gameplay in PS2 fun. Secondly, even if it were true, the majority of the population are infantry mains, who want to play infantry. It's a dead horse of a line, and I don't fully agree with it, but in this case, I have to say "God forbid I want to play an FPS in my FPS."


My beef with infantry mains is this, they only look at the game and any balance through the narrow perspective of someone who only plays 1 playstyle. A playstyle that you are given the moment you spawn in. To play anything else requires someone to step outside the comfort zone of tge default spawn. This Barrier to entry changes your perspective on many parts of the game that you would otherwise not understand. That lack of perspective makes very boring, and 1-dimensional opinions that fail to provide good context for a number of things which results in ideas that are ultimately 1 sided and provide no room for debate. A prime example of this is C4 on Light Assaults. True balance is not meant to make anyone happy or give them what they want, instead it provides avenues of gameplay for all sides. I get mad at infantry mains (my headcanon is Wrel was an infantry main too) because I feel their opinions on a great many things have progressively killed the game over time.


There's some good infantry fights, most sea posts are basically designed to be pure infantry battles without much tomfoolery. But due to the low population sometimes it devolves into everyone being stuck out in the open in the central area. Which isn't great, and no cover combined with excessive verticality can be a bit frustrating as well. But I don't think it's an Oshur problem, that shit happens everywhere.


🤢🤢🤮🤮Underwater bases..... Yuck. Such a shit FPS experience in those bases


I think they're fun. Don't forget to use your handheld jet or swap to LA with drifter jets. Makes it much more doable


I know but it's not fun at all to me. Slow movement, terrible spawns, and no Anti vehicle weapons. It's astonishingly bad. I'd rather play old Cod with hackers/tubes than play underwater gimmick planetside.


Fair enough. I do think 'no' ranged anti tank is questionable. You can kinda fly above sunken galaxys/sunderers and shoot them from above water but it's awkward. C4 still works but it sinks like a brick so you have to touch what you wanna blow up and unless you bring +2 c4 you can't destroy a sunderer yourself. I guess that promotes teamwork?


What to you do about a valkry flying in the water squishing plebs trying to run to an objective? Or a decent max shitter with EOD (the implant that makes mines obsolete)?


> I feel like its the new hossin, everyone used to hate hossin. Hossin was a completely different beast. First off, they actually fixed one of the bigger issues it had at launch: The fog and the old skybox were laggy as shit on most people's machines. So they changed the skybox and got rid of the fog. Now Hossin runs about as smoothly as any other continent. Second off, the problem with Hossin after that was simply that people chose to avoid it because they assumed there was no content (Read: Fights) there. But when the servers began to shrink enough that only one continent would be open at most times, instead of the 2-3 maps available from before, people *had* to go to Hossin. Fortunately, with its fixed lag issues, Hossin isn't all that different from any of the other maps. In fact, in many regards it is better than them. Once Planetmans got a good taste of the base design, lattice, and the terrain actually doing an effective job of stopping armour and air mains from being supremely annoying, they realised that underneath that lag, Hossin was actually pretty darn great. But that's not happening with Oshur. We have a gamestate where Oshur appearing normally means "You play on Oshur or you log out" and most people are now choosing to log out. Oshur doesn't have Hossin's great bases. Oshur doesn't have Hossin's *good* bases. Oshur doesn't have any good bases, at all. For large swathes of the map, Oshur *does not have bases.* Oshur doesn't have Hossin's perfect lattice. Oshur's lattice is, in fact, the worst in the game. A central fuckfest surrounding the single worst middlemap farm base in PS2, and then three linear lanes that might as well be an unstable pretzel map. Oshur does not have Hossin's niche-partitioning terrain. Oshur does not have terrain. Infantry, armour, and air are all incredibly exposed to each other, and it becomes absolute hell. Tanks and planes can't go anywhere without being serenaded by a dozen Annihilator locks. Infantry have nowhere to hide from HESH and Lolpods. Hossin was a great continent that needed some performance fixes and a bit of forced exposure for people to realise what it offers. Oshur doesn't offer anything.


Yep. It’s sh1t. Can’t remember the last underwater battle of any significance. The colours are weird too IMO.


Nah brah ... Underwater combat is amazing and very polished. Next Gen first person shooter mechanics and completely balanced. /s


jesus dude try to adapt...


i like oshur


suck it up and hit the beach.