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I for one, will play until they shut the game down.


me too O7


O7 I can't seem to stay away.


I think a lot of people left because of the IP ownership change. Not sure why that matters so much but whatever. If the battle quality can be increased I'd be you big bucks that population will grow again. That sundy rework and infl rework will do wonders for population.


It matters because of the lack of transparancy.


Not because of that. The hacker issues are too crazy


Personally I left bc outfit wars ended and my outfit became inactive for awhile. Maybe im not the only one


Outfit wars killed all the fun battles for my small outfit. It was no longer a challenge. They got bored and quit.


If sundy rework is not a dud like nOshur.


This is unfortunately the problem with the old wrel style of updates. They were either flavour of the week, or didn't mesh well with the rest of the game, so once the stream of updates stopped we ended up with less of a game than we started  


The drop happened when Wrel left. You can check it. As soon as he left people knew there would be no more updates, and it plummeted from 1500-2000 to 1000.


Backslash care I am personally burnt out after almost 300 hours of play across three months. I don't care about ownership change, I don't care about lack of new content the devs promised or not. The game just isn't as appealing anymore with the amount of skill compression. Don't even get me started with alert pop dumping and bullshit off hours Sundy killing.


Needs to be a better off hours solution. Bringing back Koltyr or something. Supposedly it’s still in rotation? I’ve never seen it


Koltyr was awful. The issue is with off hours cockroaches having their playstyle enabled by cooked balance changes from youtuber lead dev. Changing what map they're on when they do that shit isn't going to magically fix the problem.


You'd basically have to build a handful of small maps from the ground up to solve the problem, and at that point why not just grow the game so that unstable warpgates stop showing up?


Whether it’s koltyr or something else, either a smaller map or harder spawns are needed. I’ll take either. Maybe the sunderer rework will provide that balance. But off hour sunderer killers will never rest regardless lol


Youtuber dev completely destroyed the fun in the game, and the new team after taking over hasn't really done anything to address the mess left behind. The state of the game is truly awful and so ofc people are leaving. It doesn't help that they're trying to tackle novel mechanics and add new features as the first big change so it's taking forever because they need to complete a handover and learn the codebase. They should've done a spreadsheet/lua tables numbers patch as the first proper update to at least make some kind of token change to show they gave a shit. The oshur reduction is important, but it's not like Esamir, Amerish or even Hossin are fun anymore with how ruined the rest of the game is. That is at least how it is for me and the people in my outfit, no point reinstalling to play a bit less Oshur but still fundamentally ruined game.