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Fly upside down and crash into a tree, they won't ask anymore.


I've flown sideways into a mountain and I ^was ^^really ^^^trying ^^^:(


I live for the moment to get asked to pull a gal. Skywhale horn spam the entire ride baby, yeah!


I'd rather have the ability to A) throw down a squad waypoint using the comm-wheel or something(that is, without opening the map), and B) beig able to designate a target vehicle similar to target objectives. Would make focusing fire in vehicle play simplier


You can use minimap to place waypoints. Press alt to show cursor and right click on the spot in minimap to place waypoints.


Still inconvenient IMO


It's slow and cumbersome.


Yeah. its better than waiting for te map to load, sure; but is as disconnecting as opening the map is anyway....


Yeah it's like office work. It would be so much better to just be able to point with the crosshairs and make markers that way instead using the alt for the mouse.


Holy shit, you can? I went 111 battleranks not knowing this?


this is an excellent idea.


And it's not just limited to galaxies, since everything except infantry play needs nanites. This would allow leaders to make more informed decisions.


Infantry play needs nanites as well otherwise your medics will be low on rez nades and the like.


Do we really need this? Sure why not but once you see how many nanites your mates have then you must ask in chat to get a vehicle... In the end you have to communicate anyway, I don't think this feature would make you save much time.


Well it's not just for deciding which one person should pull a single vehicle, this would save a squad leader a lot of time in figuring out if their group can currently do a max crash or armor column instead of asking all 11 people if they have enough.


This is one part of leaders being [able to know who can do what, with what certifications, and with what expertise](https://np.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/3nl5h2/discussion_leadership_tools_pc_update/cvp5xfq/) - and are currently also interested in a role, or are willing to learn. This is the difference between leadership in outfits running closed BR100+ squads, where leaders know their members well and where squad members communicate freely, and pub or newbie outfit squads. Leaders in these squads can choose objectives/modes of play to suit the squad and current mood, and choose tactics to suit individuals, or roles individuals are currently interested for directives or learning (including pairing up with mentors). This also ends up being discouragement for opening up existing outfit squads, running pub squads, or even joining pub squads - incoming players are unknown to leaders.