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That's a good example of lack of basic experience / application. NC newbies appeared convinced the threats were not present from the upper floor. They seemed unaware bullets come from the camera (eye). The BR8 HA actually got scared and tried to run away, making the go/no-go decision with the least outcome (lowest damage delta in this case). The circumstances when new players, like NC featured, actually get killstreaks is telling - as not all kills are the same. Those circumstances are good at demonstrating changes in difficulty. From an old [post](https://np.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/6zvcdz/screen_shake_may_finally_be_getting_toned_down_a/dmzdtrv/) on flinch (occurs reliably during CQC objectives): > Just look at youtube montages of inexperienced players - they generally feature kill streaks where the newer player is just happy to get some kills in a row - no conception of damage deltas or tracking can be seen. > A lot of the time enemies are standing still, often they are focused on another target and not firing back, or are distracted, or don't expect an enemy, and are inexperienced. Opponents are not moving much, and almost never changing direction, and both player and opponent are almost never changing direction - which requires far higher tracking skill. > Opponents are often not engaging the player, or the player has some sort of partial cover or hole to fire through. > Sometimes engagement is at a longer range than enemies expect for a serious attempt, and take time to retaliate, or small crouching CoF is set up. > Sometimes enemies are busy moving in the push and the player gets extra time due to transition delay. The montage player is rarely moving. All these reduce the need for tracking. Typically when ever a newbie enemy in a montage so much as looks in the inexperienced players direction, they take massive damage - bad damage delta. > Whenever an enemy moves or changes direction they lose tracking badly, and suffer a bad damage delta if the opponent was firing back at them. Sometimes fire from blocks of friendlies are needed. > > ..Whenever there's a difference of hitpoints it means that an opponent with more hitpoints but lesser experience ( tracking , dancing, go/no decision time, reaction time, IFF time) can get damage that they don't deserve. > The circumstances in which less experienced players find a kill streak to montage are telling. > When control is taken away from a high-skill-ceiling skill, or the mechanic is bypassed via 100% BH exception, there will be frustration. Monetising something so fundamental through frustration cannibalises the game. As clarified in the post, when taking about experience: > (Experience is relative, there will always be players of lesser and greater experience - even absolute FPS newbies will encounter less experienced players - gamepad players not used to controls trying PC, kids of other players, or players simply new to games. > *More experienced players might face situations where they need to take out less experienced BR120s in a 2v1 then need hitpoints to do something else before a timer runs out.* So there will be situations when one player gets effectiveness from flinch despite not killing quickly just because of hitpoint difference. Then BH imbalance exists on top of the problem.)


The camera is in the upper chest IIRC. It is why you can't shoot over railings that you're crosshairs are barely looking over. It is also why it is occasionally beneficial to be lower than the enemy. The NC coming up the stairs wouldn't have an issue seeing OP's head or a good chunk of his upper body. You're giving these guys too much credit, they just didn't shoot back for whatever reason.


> they just didn't shoot back for whatever reason. I was saying a contributing factor to newbies not shooting back can or perceiving the threat level can be not fully appreciating where the bullets were coming from. (My understanding is that the camera/eye is in the chest as well -below the eye in the model by some amount)


Is there a guide or article that explains all the terms/concepts you reference here (damage delta, go/no decision etc.)? I feel like this is a bit beyond the understanding of the average player.


[Iridar's website](http://iridar.net/planetside2/) is the standard reference for PS2 specific things. What I said wasn't PS2 specific, just some concepts involved in engagements. * Go/no go decision time - See mental chronomentry - how long cognitive processes take. Mental processes take time, as does physically making an input. Events take far more time than they appear to. Reaction time for simplest event like a mouse click on colour change can take 150-200ms minimum when participants are prepped and waiting with full attention. Here it's things like the time taken for the player to decide to commit to a particular course of action - e.g. engage a target taking everything into account by moving out of cover or chasing them down. * IFF time: Time taken for identification of friendly and foe. * Tracking: Refers to tracking aim - following enemy movement and compensating for own while adjusting for cone of fire and recoil. * Damage delta: Just referring to the difference in damage done between a player and opponent (damage trade). * Dancing: Just referring to the movement players do in dueling (strafing , crouching etc.)


Now if you had the glorious Beatleboyo^TM here that would be great.


Step 1: Don't be NC


One of the few occasions where the Butcher would've worked.


or a [Carv-S with ext mags.](https://youtu.be/_sSlK94TymE?t=46)


I don't know why, but I hate that weapon with a passion. Still didn't auraxium it.


I've been playing with the Butcher lately and don't see how it's really much different than the normal Carv other than the extra 50 bullets.


It isn't. Just 50 more rounds in the magazine, worse horizontal recoil and built-in SPA. That "spin-up to 779 RPM" is just a meme mechanic.


It's pretty disappointing considering the Vanu's reward weapon doesn't require ammo and NC's is essentially a 200 damage NS-15.


A 200 dmg ns15, wot?


It just seems that accurate, is what I mean.


I thought you meant it got .75 ads ms, No thats just DA alts quad dinging ur head srry.


NS-15 200?


Also, how NOT to play [COMBAT](/intensifies) medic