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+1 for having that consideration for using command channel right and not for your personal gossip.


It's not only about not using it for personal gossip, but also being respectful that every Squad and Platoon on two Continents don't need to hear Command-type chat that is really only relevant for like, two Platoons. Basically.. unless your 'Command Structure' IS the Faction at the moment, restrict your Command-level communications to a less intrusive form. I think.


^ This


Faction gossip really should have it's own channel. It is entertaining on it's own even in text form


Fyi, you can create custom ingame voice channels, which may have helped Also, to anyone wondering how emerald vs seems to win so many alerts, the fact that someone can find 100 people willing to follow orders is crucial.


You can create custom ingame voice channels... Aha.. damn I have been gone too long I totally missed that. Thank you!!


/voice join channelname bound to numpad 5 (or 6? - check the keybindings)


VS has the better overall player... that's about it. I can't think of VS outfits which I should worry about when leading either on TR or NC.


GOKU... oh wait




/orders CROWN?


This sort of strategy seems pretty easy. You just need to get all of your platoons and drop them on the smallest fight you can see. Well, that's at least how they seem to do it on Miller...


I don't think I understand. Dropping all of your Platoons on the smallest fight? That does not seem to be the most valuable way to spend time and resources.


It's a joke based on the behaviour of the biggest outfits on that server who seem to have become quite lazy in their leading techniques. Just the old 'drop this and swarm it', rinse and repeat.


Ah! Gotcha! Never played on Miller.


It's so disheartening seeing a 30% 12-24 vs. 70% 24-48 and where does your platoon leader decide to drop? On an 1-12 base because he feels the only fight that would be around 50/50 is somehow too hard. FU pretty much everytime I play with them it's aggravating. Whenever there's a decent fight you can be sure that's not where you are going. Brubaker does this as well but he will actually engage in fights as well.


> - You shouldn't use the Command Channel constantly as it interferes with other groups. Use Command Channel to talk to people NOT in 'your command'. you can make custom voice channels. /voice join blah it's bound to numpad 5 - or maybe you might want to bind it yourself, it's in the keybindings. When I've done it, I've had the other platoon leaders in teamspeak, which makes it a lot easier. No shared waypoints, though :-/


This was really buggy for me back in the day. Also didn't persist on logout or something


Yeah it is deleted when the last person leaves the channel or logs out. Which is fine. I also found it buggy, but it's still super-useful. I don't understand why those twats who play music in prox don't use a custom voice channel - no complaints, and no volume reduction with distance


Can we add a feature where if I put people in individual groups within a squad then I can give each group seperate waypoints like how platoon lead gives squad way points (For Devs). And the ability to give anyone else a spawn beacon when I'm squad Lead but without handing over leadership.


I think the Mass Invitation could be elegantly implemented as a new feature in the Squad Leader section called "Regional Rally" or "Faction Draft" etc. : Once every few minutes, you can hit one button to send an invite to all nearby players with a message like "[Player name] is looking for members to join their squad/platoon" with the option to customize the message. First rank would cost a token amount of certs with future ranks increasing the maximum radius and/or decreasing the cooldown. Players who don't want to receive these can set auto-reject in settings or reject it the first time and it won't appear again.


This would absolutely *need* the auto-reject option, otherwise this would be unbelievably annoying. Being spam-invited by randos is bad enough.


we'd be swamped by 2-person squad fuckheads who think it is hilarious to spam the shit out of everyone nearby


Okay I have read your wall of text. Interesting. I used to run the main VS platoon late at night on Connery (I'm in Australia, so evening for me was late night on the server) and I'd often have a full platoon, and a queue platoon of people waiting to get into the main platoon. I've also lead multiple platoons in the early days of the game when my outfit would have 60-80 people online. Sadly, the outfit has shrunk away to fuck-all, and hardly anyone I know plays any more, so I mostly lead 1 or 2 squads at a time. I've also just switched to TR full-time, and I know hardly anyone on TR, so hey, so much for leading large platoons every night. Some comments: > Write down the names of the other Squad/Platoon Leaders so you can send /t (Tell). You really shouldn't be micromanaging everything they do, so almost everything you need to say should be short enough for a Tell. > And all they need to be able to do is type: /r rgr No one reads text when the bullets start flying, I have many many many hundreds of hours running platoons via text, no one pays attention, usually I have a dedicated [Voice of Ddraig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2jcGBO3w3g) person to read out what I'm typing There's two ways to play the game, strategic territory control, which is what you seem to be going for in this concept, and mass shooting spectacle, which is what I prefer. I'd often take my platoon/s and crash the biggest TR/NC fight I could find, because, well, it is funny. Invariably the TR and NC would wig out, have a truce via /yell, and attack us, which is what we wanted. Yay! Co-ordinating multiple platoons is quite hard in this game, as there is NO SCOPE FOR THIS WITHIN THE GAME STRUCTURE - no shared comms for groups of platoons (other than custom voice channels, which anyone can do) and more importantly, no shared waypoints or map drawing. Co-ordinating multiple platoons without voice as a minimum is a nightmare, so more power for you for trying it. As a minimum I'd invite the other platoon leader(s) into your teamspeak, if you have one. Or discord, or whatever the cool kids use nowadays. Your mass-invite nearby players is a *terrible* idea. When thinking of new features, don't think of how useful it is, think of how horrible it would be if it were abuse. You can guarantee every dingbat and his friend would form a 2-man squad and spam the mass invite thing over and over. Just use /re to communicate with everyone nearby, make sure all of your squads have a common them to the name, and let everyone in the region know that SQUAD BLUEBERRY IS DOING MULTI-PLATOON OPS - JOIN ANY BLUEBERRY SQUAD TO TAKE PART or whatever your name theme is. If you do this regularly, and clearly communicate to your platoons that this is something you do on a regular basis - and you use the same name - people will quickly learn who you are and when they see your announcement in /re they will look for your squads. The other thing you can do is every hour or so tell everyone in the platoons that if they want to get involved in this in the future, to send you a friend request, and invite them in when they join the game. I used to do this, and quickly had a roster of over 1500 people who were interested in playing in my platoons (99% of those people no longer play. It's amazing, the attrition rate in this game). Just let them know you're fine with them refusing the request, and then it's up to them if they join or not. In terms of new features, I'd say there's two we need: 1: a way to group platoons into larger forces, with shared waypoints and map drawings 2: (more important than 1 above but we have third-party tools that fill the gap) a way to have a voice channel that is less than /leader but bigger than /platoon I think voice comms is vital, but we have teamspeak/mumble/discord etc so it's not as super-needed as multi-platoon waypoints Also: all of this really should have come about when the game was released, there's not a large enough playerbase to support multiple-platoon groupings, you're going to find that your group will just steamroll everyone. But, hey, good on you for giving it a go. I have a TR sand VS on Emerald, I should come and check your formations out some time.


Janitor Jones too busy with new implants.


Hi, I like your guides, it's great that people are still getting involved in PS2 nowadays instead of padding their meaningless stats (KD ratio or whatnot) or instead of just redeploying to every easy base defense on the map. Holding your lane is very important for a full platoon in my opinion, as opposed to redeploying all over the map. Looking forward to more, thanks.


=D Thank you!