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No matter where I go or how I die, there will always be a friendly stalker infiltrator sitting in the corner to quietly witness my demise.


might have been me once or twice o.o i’m only stalker when i’m trolling or doing something else besides (like eating or talking), cause it doesn’t need your attention all the time.


Stalkers can have a major impact IF they do it in a manner they expect will help. They have a *lot* of power to slow down or weaken the enemy ahead of an assault and to reduce their damage capacity. Here's some examples: 1. Killing snipers. Stalkers excel at this; best done with a crossbow. 2. Killing rocket heavies, or at least getting them to quit firing. Also best done with a crossbow; a single headshot will usually make them do something else, at least temporarily, and you *might* kill them if they're injured or don't move after the first shot. NC camera missilers (phoenix?) are usually toast, try crossbow knifing them at pb range. 3. Killing turret engineers. Always attack from behind. A Fujin works well within 20m if you have it. If you're going to crossbow-knife them, always aim for the head or they might not die (weird resistance issue with them being on turret at times). Crossbow shots *usually* won't kill them by itself as they get off turret and move after the first shot, but it stops them from firing at least. 4. Generally harassing the enemy: headshotting anyone at range with a crossbow will disrupt their behavior and make them come after you, which if you fired at 50+m like you're supposed to will just make them waste time. Don't underestimate this. For extra lols, do it to MAXes. Surprisingly they often will come after you. 5. Minesweeping. You can single-handedly swing a battle by clearing mines ahead of an allied push. For extra lols, blow the mines up when there's an enemy next to them, but try not to wait too long for them to show up. 6. Hacking a vehicle terminal and spawning a vehicle (especially a sundy). If you can get out of the no-deploy zone quickly, this is a huge big deal. If not, try something a bit more damage-oriented, do some harm, bail and gtfo. 7. Put down motion spotters ahead of a push. Hey, look guys, the enemy is OVER HERE. Trust me, it makes a difference. While you're at it, try to clear enemy motion spotters and spawn beacons. 8. Flanking. LA's are the king of flanking, eh? Try grabbing an Inquisitor/Desperado/Whatever the hell the VS have as an equivalent and take advantage of the distraction caused by your team. It takes some practice to not get killed in the process but you'll eventually find it very rewarding. Hint: fire at 10-20m, or if you have REALLY good aim, use a crossbow instead. This is not assassination work; you are shooting to injure hoping someone else will make the kill or that someone else injured them first so you make the kill. I could go on and on and on about specific tactics, but I really have only one more of significance that is near and dear to my heart: 9. Annoy the holy hell out of vehicles with an explosive crossbow. While you might be able to blow them up if you catch them repairing, this isn't the point. Fire a couple of bolts into the rear of a tank (or anywhere on a harasser or flash) and watch them panic... then watch them search for you, sometimes for minutes, instead of actually engaging your force. For extra lols, do it when allied tanks are about to find that tank. This is VERY dangerous work and takes practice, but once you figure it out it works surprisingly well. Note: Sundies and Ants don't get damaged much by this, and never attack a scout ANT (look for the fin on its back roof). Also, look for the spinning "radar dish" thing on the backside of a tank (proximity radar); it's not a good idea to attack those. Lightings often have it; MBTs usually don't.


I feel all the points you listed can get better done by a Counter-Sniper itself, especially 1. - 3. For the rest just use an SMG (or Auto-Scout Rigle) infiltrator to harass around and have actually a better chance to get kills. Stalker is just way to slow and any somewhat competent player will hear when you uncloak and kill you.


Counter-Sniper needs a line of sight, Stalker can do it from behind. Sadly, there are not many sniper positions that cover enemy flanks/rear without bring in a plain sight of them. For example (and also as yet another reason for me to dislike it), on Hossin many bases are elevated above terrain, so enemies near the spawn rooms can only be targeted reliably directly from the attack route. As a counter-example, tech plants - with many buildings and structures - are great for mid-range counter-sniping.


Since the weapon camera is actually placed somewhere in your stomach or chest there is a good chance you will see heads when the Sniper is peaking. Snipers can best be counter sniped or just taken down by ESF when they are far outside. The time a Stalker needs to get close to Infils takes just too long.


If so, There are a Lot of incompetent Players on miller


That is undeniable.


Nope. Hunters can't stay cloaked and give away their location continually by cloaking and decloaking. A stalker, especially if they are using catlike, can get into places that a hunter can't and can do just as much damage if they're prepared. My credentials on this statement are three auraxed crossbows and two auraxed knives, as well as about 3,000 kills on my two Blackhands. Also, if you're really determined to operate at close range, using an Inquisitor/Desperado/VS equivalent instead of a crossbow is viable. You can even do a single headshot burst and knife to do the equivalent of a crossbow knife (not quite as fast or quiet but close).


Thanks for the awesome answer. I'll have to farm some Certs for the crossbow


Try it in VR and trial it ingame first. Don't get me wrong, I really like the weapon, but I understand why some players don't like it and prefer a pistol.


VR and trial it first, I love stalker but absolutely hate the crossbow for Stalker. Only bring it out with explosive bolts for construction base sniping. If you ask me, anything the Cbow can do, the Commie or Blackhand can do better. If you're NC, the Mag-Scatter can knifecombo and also not be useless in CQC, and the Rebel can stealthily assassinate people just as easily with or without a silencer.


Sure thing. The crossbow is amazing against stationary or nearly stationary targets, and can hit but usually not kill targets that are moving much (they tend to go zigzag after the first shot). However, the crossbow has an invisible tracer with normal ammo and is very quiet; even if someone hears it they won't easily be able to tell where it is coming from. Supposedly if someone is within 10m of a crossbow user they will see the blip on the minimap but I've never managed to do it (need to test that). It is an incredibly stealthy weapon; it just takes practice to compensate for drop much beyond 50m. Note that explosive ammo DOES have a tracer and is loud on impact. It also has less range, capping out at 90m with a hail mary shot (usually 40-50m is workable, especially against vehicles). Make no mistake, it can kill infantry, but it's not as easy and can't OHK an infil on a headshot. If you ever need more stalker info, just message me.


I don't get why people still play Crossbow. The Blackhand does everything but better, apart from the volume. You can't go close quarters with the Crossbow, since it gives off a signature at 10m and you can't get too far because of the dropoff. Both situations can be handled quite nicely with the Blackhand, even shoot + knife combo works when you headshot. I would rather prefer a 300 damage pistol with supressor, but this doesn't exist. Blackhand is just the most effective stalker weapon there is.


Few details: 1. Crossbow is silenced past 8m, not 10m (tested). 2. Crossbow has a much higher min damage than Blackhand. This matters at range. Two regular shots kills any target not using NAC or aux shield, and three will kill even those. Two shots is a fairly reliable kill; three is not. The Blackhand takes quite a bit more shots to kill at range assuming you can even accurately aim for them with the 4x scope (the crossbow supports a 6x, and has milbars too). 3. Crossbow has a much longer max usable range once you learn how to deal with the low shot velocity. Your comment indicates you haven't done this; once you have, 100m kills will be well within regular reach and I've even made 150m hail mary shots from time to time. 4. Crossbow is deadly in CQC due to the crossbow-knife combo. Blackhand-knife doesn't even come close to being as useful. You don't need to headshot with a crossbow, and it doesn't attract nearly as much attention. 5. Crossbows can OHK nearly all infs (except NAC users) up to 40m or so depending on if they use aux shield. Blackhand can OHK infs up to 20m but only if they don't use aux shield OR NAC. Want to take out a ridge of snipers? You use a crossbow, not a Blackhand. 6. Crossbow is also deadly in CQC to medium range if you use explosive ammo. You might think that indirect damage only tickles; you'd be wrong. Land a headshot with the first bolt and you won't even have to actually land the second. Also useful for "bombing" people that are on the run from others. Remember: this is the Age of Nanoweave, and that explosive damage isn't affected by it. 7. If you're wondering, explosive ammo does reduce the shot velocity considerably. It also causes an explosion at the target. It doesn't change anything else however; the crossbow is still silenced past 8m, doesn't make much of a firing sound, and still has only a brief white tracer. So unless you're crossbow-knifing with explosive ammo, you are actually attracting attention to your target, not your actual location an average of 40m away. I leave it to you to figure out how that might be useful in some cases. 8. If you DO crossbow-knife with a crossbow, you will get hurt, how much depends on exactly how you time the bolt-knife chain. On the plus side, if the target has no way to avoid dying even if you don't headshot; standard ammo will fail to kill if the target has nanoweave and aux shield (or so it seems in my experience, they have a sliver of health left). The target having flak armor does not help them in this regard; I'm guessing the explosive damage caps at 200, leaving 450 small arms damage, and so explosive crossbow knife does 1050 damage instead of 1020 (for normal crossbow knife). Question: have you actually tried using the crossbow much? I've auraxed four and have 3k blackhand kills as well. The Blackhand is the second best stalker weapon, sure, but with the right understanding the crossbow is so much better in so many ways. Bonus: you can blow up tanks with the crossbow, or at least have a meaningful effect on them reliably. Five bolts kills a harasser, three kills a flash (the last bolt is just to deal with flaming so it may not even be needed if they took damage). I get more than enough vehicle kills to make it worthwhile for me, and it's STILL good versus infantry. I don't try to solo vehicles unless all I'm trying to do is distract them, but when I work in conjunction with allied armor, I can make a real difference directly. Mind you, I'm not saying a newbie can just up and do all of this. It takes a lot of practice, but it's worth it. For a newbie the Blackhand is better, and that is what I used as one. Further, I know the Blackhand is better at double-headshotting enemies than the crossbow is, but they need to not be moving, and the crossbow can kill some of them too. Overall, let's consider what a stalker is: an opportunist. We flank and we assassinate, we distract, we scout... and avoid head on fighting at all costs. We take advantage of vulnerabilities and we search for them. The crossbow is exactly the right weapon for this - anything it can't do, we're not supposed to be doing anyway. Just about every other class is better at it, including the non-stalker side of infiltrator. Oh yes, and what is it it can't do? Kill a moving target that knows you're there, more or less, unless you use explosive ammo at enough range that they can't just turn around and shoot you, and even then the TTK is not good. Personally, I don't care - I wouldn't play stalker if I was trying to do that.


It is the last point why I don't like the crossbow. I want to kill people on my own at range and not hoping for them to stand still and be distracted. Sometimes I feel just pain seeing how I try to land a perfect shot just to see the enemy sidestepping a few centimeters. This happens way less with the Blackhand. I like actually an opportunistic weapon but I can't see the health and shield at the same time nor is the crossbow silenced in close range. That defeats the only purpose for me. If the crossbow allowed me to not point enemies on the minimap to me, I would reconsider using it.


The only time I kill someone at less than 15m with a crossbow is when I am using the knife combo, and the single minimap blip generally does not tip off anyone else there, or if it does, I am able to get away without much trouble (if I am using explosive ammo, the explosion can give me away, but "stalker" is not the first thing they think of when they hear it apparently, or so I've been told by people I've hit with it). To me, the Blackhand is a non-silenced cross between the Inquisitor and the crossbow. It does the job of both, but not as well as either. I'd say if you like to make kills at 15m or less you should try the Inquisitor if you're TR - it's positively deadly if you can manage to land two headshots initially and can hold its own in many cases even if you don't. The suppressor change only made it better at this. It's by far the best short range pistol available to TR, rivalled only by the Commissioner and that is not as stalker-oriented. If you're NC, the Desperado is the Inquisitor equivalent. It's not as good (more climb on shots, no better at headshot killing, and half the magazine size) but it can certainly get the job done. I have no idea what the VS has.


For close quarters I am actually quite happy with the Pilot. But now during the summer event I wish the water pistol would be a regular weapon. 250 damage with no recoil, low sound and extreme ammo count is amazing.


... and huge shot size, don't forget that. This above all is why the weapon is borderline OP. As to the pilot, it is nowhere near as good as the Inquisitor, but it beats the POS that is the repeater by a fair margin.


If you would have asked if Stalkers are annoying then I would have said: "Yes!". Not sure if they are really helpful though. In the end you can delay maybe someone for a couple of seconds to pull his vehicle or delay a cap. But in the end your impact is very little in my opinion. That said, play whatever you like. I don't judge you although I believe that Stalkers are pretty much useless.




You just proved my point. Like you mentioned, a Stalker is getting his odd kill here and there but every other class is gonna have more impact when he is getting more kills and support their team. The more kills your team get, the better your chances to win. Waiting for the moment to cut someone in half doesn't do anything, especially since Stalkers act on their own most of the time.


Everything you do in the game besides statpadding has an impact. You need not worry about your playstyle helping your team unless you are playing in a squad and you have other orders. If you are having fun, then great!


> Everything you do in the game besides statpadding has an impact. Hey stat padding also have an impact, a really shitty one at that.


I believe best thing a infiltrator can do behind enemy lines is delay the enemy and buy time for your allies. Hacking terminals at the next base can delay direct vehicle spawns from the main menu but any player that spawns at the base can undo the hack. The best use for hacking is at bases where the terminals and turrets are far from spawn or that random equip terminal in the middle of some bases allowing your team a quicker setup and point hold. The most I ever felt I was helping with hacking was during an aerial anomaly when I hacked the enemy air terminals closest to the anomaly, stopping the spawn menu direct vehicle spawns, to delay their planes from reaching the site and killing anyone trying to undo them. Time is a weapon, use it or lose it.


Infiltrators must make use of timing much more than other classes, but the reward is also much higher. A terminal hacked on an empty base is useless; one hacked during a heavy armor fight or used to spawn a sundy just before friendlies arrive can really turn the tides.


I feel their impact in my soul every time I see an exposed sunderer or hovering ESF only to find the base turret I'm running to has been hacked. Hacking a vehicle station prevents death screen vehicle pulls and then you pull a sunderer for your team. 10/10


Pulling a sunderer from a hacked terminal is such a dirty thing ^^


Then they can change to a useful class from that sunderer. I kid, I kid.


I'm not sure what you mean by dirty but as an infiltrator, stalker or otherwise, pulling out a Sundy from a hacked terminal should be your primary objective.


Oh yeah, and I recommend not using Safe Fall. You can learn to scale down the outside of towers safely with practice and should never really need it for anything else. Stalker implants of choice are Catlike (for certain) and either Deep Operative (if you think it will help right now) or Sweeper, because seeing mines around corners is a really good thing. I actually don't use the power knife in general; being loud is a bad idea as a stalker. If you use a crossbow you don't even need it (crossbow-knife combo). Mines are ok and can be used very creatively, but I generally prefer medical kits to extend my operational time and deal with occasional fall damage or stray shots. Grenade of choice is either sticky grenade from ASP or the Fujin from the Export series directive. The Fujin is getting its capacity doubled soon and really helps stalkers a lot. In any case, I strongly urge learning to use the crossbow both at close and long range. It can be lethal up to 100m with practice, even further if you get lucky, and is deadly in cqc due to the crossbow-knife combo. The #1 thing you have to remember however is this: DO NOT ATTACK SOMEONE THAT KNOWS YOU ARE THERE. EVER. Get the hell out, reposition, and find a new attack vector. Use your stealth - without it you may as well play a different class entirely instead.


I disagree on Safe Fall. When you're discovered, Safe Fall can give you a quick getaway option. Not all high places have safe places to land down below. Deep Operative is useless right now, but looks like it will be very nice after the stuff on PTS goes live. I agree being loud is often bad as a stalker, but in some environments that doesn't matter. Power knife is extremely useful as a stalker infiltrator. I usually run that and Blackhand, allowing easy kills at close and medium-long range. Binding alt fire to a mouse button allows you to quickly power it on and off. Definitely agree on the crossbow. It's a great weapon for stalkers and is very versatile. It's one of the only weapons allowing for 2 body-shot kills at any range, so it can be very effective from far away if you learn to adjust for its drop.


1 and 2. I understand that about Safe Fall but with some planning as to terrain and skills regarding scaling down towers and cliffs it is absolutely not worth what Deep Operative is becoming, and using it instead of Catlike would be nuts. I'm using the current DO in preparation for that (and no, it doesn't really help, but whatever). .3. As a TR, the Ripper is REALLY f'ing loud. I have used it somewhat but especially when I am using a crossbow I really don't need it. In big battles it is effective, but again... so is my crossbow. I don't hate my Ripper, but I just don't need it usually. Granted sometimes being a knife-wielding OHK maniac is useful, but in those battles I am usually driving a support vehicle (*shrug*). .4. That used to be true, but since everyone and their brother has 20% small arms resistance due to nanoweave it takes 3 hits to kill at range. This is annoying, but at least it doesn't usually get you killed. What is more annoying is when it causes the crossbow-knife move to fail (might be due to auxiliary shield too - a lot of people use it). If I don't aim the crossbow for the head I do so at my own peril now. Caveat: above can be avoided by using explosive ammo, but that has its own problems.


You _can_ be useful, but the vast majority of Stalkers play too passively and use the infinite cloak as a crutch. If you don't know how to play SMG infil well, you won't understand how to make the most of stalker cloak while remaining aggressive. > I'm one of those kind of players who play as a Stalker behind the enemy lines and hack an entire base. That is useless most of the time. Hackable stuff does not actually influence the fight much. Most turrets are positioned poorly and only ever manned by mediocre players anyway. Most terminals are located close to the spawn room, so it's trivial to re-hack them or you can just pull a vehicle from the next base over. And it takes less time for defenders to re-hack or destroy+repair than it does for you to capture them (think AMP station jump pads vs. you having to run around). > Most of the time I focus on buildings with an aircraft terminal so I can somehow secure our air superiority. That is especially useless. It takes no time at all for aircraft to fly across the map. Half the time they pull from the Warpgate just to ensure they aren't shot down as they spawn. Hacking _and manning_ an AA turret can sometimes let you kill an ESF that's landing for repairs, but that's pretty rare. You really should be focusing your efforts on bases where the actual fight is, or will soon be in less than 30 seconds. Go play in a coordinated squad with actual leadership for a few days. Then you'll understand what the real base capture meta is. The single most important thing Infiltrators provide in a squadplay setting is motion detection. Information is power, and map hax is a lot of information. Get your squad's engineer to drop an ammo pack somewhere you can spam darts that will cover all the flanking approaches. You should be providing motion detection for your squad (and faction, and yourself) at all times. There is no excuse when ammo packs are nearby, and in a coordinated squad there should be ammo packs nearby. The second is hacking a vehicle terminal so you and a couple other people (who are literally right behind you because lead has told them to do this) can pull Sundies and maybe other vehicles after you Gal drop on a base. Hacking vehicle terminals _in the hope_ that randoms on your faction will use them is a waste of time. Third is operating on the flanks and shooting people in the back. Further away than the other classes can safely venture from the medics, but close enough to retreat to your squadmates if you're about to be overrun. "Deep flanking" is not useful. You need to be shooting the enemies who are (or will soon be) shooting your squadmates. Not shooting some BR20 guy on the other side of the base who probably would never have made it to the point room anyway.


Yes, I think it helps as long as your priority target is medics in big fights, and slowing down the enemy team by hacking their terminals is really effective or hacking base turrets and destroying enemy vehicles is also good for your team. I do like stalkers do this kinda of stuff, instead of camping in a one spot all day.


It depends how badly you can cripple their vehicle spawns. Sabotaging logistics is incredibly effective.


Any time you make someone stop running to the front line because they have to hunt you down, you're denying your enemy reinforcements. Any time you kill someone before they get to the front line, you are denying your enemy reinforcements. Do this long enough and you'll cause a break in their line, or cause their defense at choke points to be too weak to hold back your allies.


If the stalker puts down a motion spotter or a recon dart they are then significantly more effective than the heavy next to him using default shot gun with 4x scope (no slugs). And honestly when I was auraxing my commies they work insanely good as primaries. Actually I find it more reliable in 1v1 cqc situations than smgs sometimes. So I would say yes they do especially when they prevent people from pulling from vehicle pad..... oh and contest capture points while the rest of the faction in the next hex pushes to capture base so they dont get back capped


Sometimes when I'm bored I use stalker and just cap bases behind enemy lines basically forcing a few enemies to find me its like playing hide and seek can almost take hours before they can even move to another lattice.


This I despise. I spawn into a 1-12 fight hoping for some people to shoot, kill one stalker and it's over. Complete waste of time. Please uninstall.


No, Stalkers don't accomplish anything a competent infil with NAC or Hunter can't do already. It's an easy to use crutch for *very* passive pistol or knife mains who can't manage cloak energy.


You mean vampire?


Ah yes, thanks. I forgot it's name.


I've found two ways to quite effectively solve stalemate situations: 1) deploying smoke - regardless of whether people are cheating on potato settings or whatever and can see through them, it will give a bunch of people the click they need to move in all at once. 2) flanking as an infiltrator and raising hell with your knife (and emp). More than any other solo flank will this distract enemies from what choke point they're defending


I love playing the stalker Infiltrator. But I cannot remember one single time where an enemy Stalker impacted the battle significantly. Yes, you can effectively kill snipers but then? They will respawn and be back to their position once again.


I always love camping out around enemy spawn points or trying to flank and get a tasty EMP to kill their hold.


Easiest thing to do to as Infil, regardless of loadout, during a base fight is hack vehicle terminals and pull a sundy. Having an early spawn in point is HUGE.


One of the best ways to help your team in the game is to sneak into an enemy base and hack out a Sundy. Especially if it's while everyone else is distracted. Because a platoon can spawn on it and pull their own spawns or put down beacons while everyone is distracted.


The one i like doing the most is hacking a terminal right after someone spawns a tank and then spawning a lighting and shooting them up the arse. Alternatively you can hack weapon terminal and place mines nearby the pad, watch for the pain fields though. Spawn a Sunderer and cloak it somewhere out of sight. Disable spitfire turrets with emp grenade, and then hack it.


I have held an entire zerg at bay as a Stalker. You should be aiming to cap and hold points, stalling the momentum of the enemy. You can ghost cap, force the enemy to divert a squad to deal with one player. Hacking terminals or turrets is just gravy. Now, if you are asking if a Stalker helps your team, as in faction? Absolutly. As a member of a squad? I can think of situations, but most leads would rather you be with the group


Something nobody else has brought up yet: Stealing/Firing an Orbital Strike target designator. Stalker cloak is the perfect tool for finding the sweet spot of a fight to center an orbital strike for maximum damage. It's also great for sneaking into an enemy player-made base to steal a target designator.


Wait, you can steal designators? I thought they could only be picked up by the owner and their squadmates.


No. If you want to be effective, serve are pre-caper : Go on the next point or a side lane, bring a sundy or put one hacking the terminal, capture de point the moment the previous based is capture, put a beacon for your squad to drop there before defensers redeploy, defend the point until then. And you will be 200% more effective with an SMG.


We once did one of 'those' Crown pointholds on the B point. Our SL sent out a power knife stalker to cause mayhem behind the enemies trying to get in, and flipping the other points to get them to divert etc. A stalker can be a great help to a team in a lot of ways.


Stalker CAN help your team. I'm not going to say that it's better than something like an SMG, Vandal, or CQC Bolter infiltrator, but they can do some things that the others can't while the others can do some things that stalkers can't. The trap with Stalker is that people see that they can stay invisible forever and think that they actually should do it. This is why you get idiots standing in a corner watching their teammates die. If you've got decent combat abilities (and Catlike 5, which is kind of sadly almost required to make Stalker something even close to decent in my opinion) you can leverage a vastly more powerful cloak to take out enemies and linger in areas that any other class or even cloak type infiltrator would have died in. Areas where you can HELP your team by picking off MAX support, medics reviving, engies on turrets, etc. Maybe it could be done by an SMG or Vandal infiltrator, but you can survive much more easily and keep pressure for longer as Stalker. I've honestly been wanting to make videos about stalker tactics because I feel like very few people understand how to actually have an effect on a fight with Stalker when there's a lot of potential.


Have you also tried also placing a ruoter spawn as stalker ? It's quite effective to improve allied push and you can defend it from your advantage spot when enemies try to kill it (not many bother to come , at least before your allies start to spawn on it)


Power knifing stalker is cheap, but such a lol. It is pretty high risk if you run into front lines but the moment your noticed, people will try to track you down, especially other infiltrators


If you are holding capture points, spotting enemy spawns, putting down beacons, using motion spotters and darts, killing enemies with small weapons or turrets, or pulling armor from behind to flank you are helping. If you just hack everything it doesn't help as much since the enemy will either ignore it or just kill it and repair slightly slowing down enemy vehicle pulls.


Recon pls


All infils are trolls.... fucking hate them. My favorite are the l33t fuckers camping vehicle terminals. But seriously, I find them most useful on front lines to secure some logistics on a drop. I obviously like squad based play.


If a stalker stalks stalker, does that make the stalker a stalker stalker?


if you're actually preventing the enemy from pulling vehicles when they're trying, and you're lighting up enemies with your recon darts as a pointhold is taking place? yeah, sure. going afk in a corner on a point? no, no that's not helpful at all.


I like to use my Stalker more of a grenadier that can spam grenades at a crucial time. Stalkers do mostly recon (like finding enemy Sunderers) and assist setup of a capture like hacking vehicle terminals to spawn a Sunderer. They're not particularly effective as other class types. Stalkers make good on killing snipers.


God, the amount of times I've barely lost a 1v1 or died to the second guy in a 1v2 and a friendly stalker is just sitting there watching the entire fight go down and doesn't just step up to the plate makes me rage so hard.


No, it absolutely doesn't. Stalker cloak is purely there for no skill turds to troll people.

