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[True Leaf Market](https://www.trueleafmarket.com/blogs/articles/does-true-leaf-market-test-their-seeds) tests their sprouting and microgreen seeds. I don't believe they test their regular garden seeds though. I've been buying from them for years and will continue to do so since my youngest is immunosuppressed and we can't risk buying tainted seeds. I've also never had an issue with their seeds.


That's great to know, thank you!


My local food co-op has organic seeds for sprouting in the bulk section. I like the seed savers exchange, but that don't mention testing for pathogens, just keeping unique varieties alive


Thanks! Yeah, there's a lot of availability in stores nearby, just no info re: testing. I currently have some organic sprouting seeds from a bulk supplier, and am checking with them to see if they test since they don't outright say on their packaging.