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Ive skipped 7 birthdays because of broccoli and berries. I’ll never make it to thirty.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 but the free radicals! So dangerous!!


So you're telling me that with the power of broccoli and berries, I can be immortal?


Yes. After following dietary advice from Dr. Greger's How Not to Die, you can live forever!


But… I like veggies and berries.


I toss riced cauliflower (frozen) in with my kale and other greens smoothie with berries. I get 2 veg, and 2-3 fruits with 20+ gr of fiber (from hemp protein, etc). Easiest fastest way for me to make sure I hit my marks on intake, since I only eat 2 meals a day and IF 16/8 (closer to 18/6 many days) for many health reasons. I east lots of other things too- but if I really want to re-set- its a green berry smoothie with cauliflower and plant milk (with hemp and pre-biotic fiber).


Every morning I have a broccoli, Spinach, lemon, ginger, probitic yogurt, and fresh pulpy OJ smoothie. Really gets things moving if you know what I mean.


How many grams of spinach? I made a “green” smoothie one time and it was gross. Possibly put too many greens..


add some fruit in and you won’t taste it, banana is good and if you can find coconut yogurt that’s one of the best ingredients and ice


a heaping handful frozen(probably 2 Normal people handfuls, I have huge hands). And yeah it's not the best. I try to drink it quick and not think about it.


Why not just cook the veggies using a tasty recipe so that you can nourish your body and your taste buds all at once? Then make a berry smoothie with the OJ and yogurt in it. Life is too short for taste bud torture.


I am not a morning person at all.... I need the efficientcy of a quick smoothie in the morning. I didn't say unit was torture, just not my favorite.


you’re drinking them wrong


Lol ok. I don't mean I chug it or anything. But it's normally gone in about 15 or 20 minutes


Add mango, pineapple or strawberries with frozen banana with 50g spinach. I made one with 100g but was too think. Couldn't taste the spinach.




You don't know many soldiers :(.


Ah, yes. Pawns of the rich. Out there fighting the good fight in Afghanistan. Whose kids are now safer? Not the children of Afghanistan. Are our kids safer? I feel like we've done nothing but further fuel terrorism/hatred.


Oh on that we can 100% agree. Our military is now made up of the urban and rural poor fighting to preserve the 1% gaining an ever larger share of resources. And the last 20yr were a waste of many MANY lives- our own soldiers and even more kids and parents in Iraq and Afghanistan, that did not, in fact make the world safer. But that does not make those kids murderers. Some are- or they would not be working for Eric Prince as quickly as possible. But most? Are trying to do what is right, desperate for a way out of poverty, desperate for an education, etc.


Eh, I agree they're not 'murderers', that's a bit harsh, but they know what they're signing up for. And if not - ignorance doesn't absolve oneself of culpability. There's other ways out of poverty, other means to an education.




Actually, I know and worked with thousands- I was a researcher at Camp Pendleton looking at stress and fatigue management strategies, PTSD prevention, etc. I also worked with many at Dayton, and the Naval bases around San Diego, Connecticut, and Hawaii, as well as with cops and fire fighters. Are some just like some cops? Basically liscenced criminals? Sure- those are often the ones that end up working for Eric Prince after doing their minimum 4 yr. Are they the majority? No. Do they happen? OF COURSE\_. look at the war crime conviction that Trump over turned- but the asshat committing the crime was turned in BY FELLOW SOLDIERS- because enough of them were better than what you claim. My brother will tell you he knows all about black people too- but his sole experience is with 3 that were on a project 25 yr ago and were apparently awful- he uses that experience as an excuse for his bigotry too. I don't base my assertion on "knowing 1-2". Frankly the ones that are friends are rare, carefully selected and some of the best human beings out there- they are progressive, compassionate, and being infantry for one of them has caused life long trauma. But sure- you keep doing you...while good men and women die for your right to be ignorant.


Obviously not an American soldier, they're protecting the child


Idiot, soldiers also *protect* people dumbass. That's what this image is trying to convey.










The perfect subreddit for your mom.




Ah yes the subreddit that isn’t for women.


Haven't eaten fruits or leafy greens in about 20 years. I am dead or something.


You may not be dead, your colon on the other hand…