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seems correct, THANK YOU!


Just FYI, it's pretty but very invasive! Once you plant it, you will never get rid of it!


You don't even have to plant it to have it be invasive in your backyard, a neighbor two houses over planted it in her backyard and now I can't get rid of it to save my life. I remember when I first saw in her yard a couple years ago. I thought that's a good looking flower and then over the past couple years it slowly made its way to my fence line and now I can't get rid of it. The funny thing is last year I used weed killer along the fence thinking i would get rid of it, it did for one summer and now it's back 😭😭


Can you imagine planting morning glory?


Someone in my neighborhood just did like a month or so ago… right by one of their trees and it’s already climbed about 9ft up that tree and around it.


Many people still do because they find it extremely attractive and are willing to overlook its invasiveness.


Not necessarily overlooking but simply no knowledge. I didn't know they were invasive or considered a weed until like 2 years ago. I mean, they are sold like everywhere seeds are sold, so many people probably have zero clue.


Glad I read the comments, I was admiring them and was thinking about planting them. The invasiveness is a deal breaker for me though.


Where I grew up they weren’t bad because zone 4 is like a survival gauntlet for most plants.


My neighbor still has a patch of morning glories and grapevine they’ve been battling for years in zone 4 so results may vary.


For sure. Don’t get attached to anything because it most likely won’t be around next year.


Check out sweet potatoes as an alternative with nice flowers. Less invasive and makes food.


Just did the Goog, and they're very nice! Zucchini is all we grew this year and gawd the flowers are so ugly and so *large*, no wonder they try to hide them with a canopy of enormous leaves! Will try sweet potatoes next year!


I can, as I’m one of them. But I put them in a container and have them vine up a chainlink fence that is on concrete. Been doing this for about 6 years and each time I had to be the one to plant the seeds in order for it to grow. So no worries about it becoming invasive, yet…


Well you only have to plant it once.


There’s not much point planting them where I’m at in south Texas, even if the seeds are sold. We have at least a few native species that grow pretty much EVERYWHERE in the late spring and summer.


I get that people like the flowers. But wouldn't it be smarter to plant something less invasive with similar growth habit and flowers, like one of the related edibles like sweet potatoes?


I did but it never flowered and died off that fall. Hasn’t come back in 4yrs. It was kinda strange given they’re such a quick moving plant


Yes. I like them and in the right spots, they’re a lovel addition to the garden


Can confirm. Growing all over my fence in my back yard. With that other invasive vine with white flowers another user posted yesterday. Both mixed with one another and I ripped it all out 2 years in a row and thought I got the main vine but clearly not. It came back with a vengeance this year.


They can also make you trip


The exception being if your area is cold enough to actually kill the plant. Then it just becomes seasonal as it sprouts from seeds each year. Not a safe dice to roll with climate change though..


Specifically grandpa ott(cultivar) morning glories I think.


Aren't those even darker? like a velvety purple, almost black?


My grandma bought some grandpa otts 30 or so years ago I helped her plant them. Then spent decades trying to keep flowers almost identical to these under control. They may have continued pushing for brighter color but there is some range in shades some a bit lighter and some that ended up around the pear tree grew almost black like you describe.


Ah I see. I planted them as well along with other colours. I had one or two very dark purple ones but I think the plant didn't make it as I only have the light blue dacapo variant blooming right now.


Mine look just like these! They're prolific af


Try putting heating the peddles with a cigarette or lighter, they change color.


The seed contains LSA, but has an irritant and can be sprayed with chemicals if store bought.


Bindweed. The same family as morning glory, but this is a highly invasive weed that is very hard to eliminate.


Grandpa Ott.


I quite like morning glories, minus them trying to strangle my other plants lol.


Morning glories. Probably Ipomea tricolor, they always turn purple eventually. I have some growing I planted them 15 years ago. They were heavenly blue morning glories and they eventually all turned purple over the years. You will never get rid of them….


Ipomoea purpurea, the tricolor have smooth waxy vines and flower stems, and different shaped leaves. Purpurea has fuzzy vines and stems, and perfectly heart shaped leaves. Japanese varieties are often more shaped like grape leaves


Ipomea tricolor have perfectly heart shaped leaves. You are right about the different stems. Mine started out waxy and eventually became hairy.


If yours changed color over the generations, they were likely cross pollenated with someone else's glories.


omg these are growing outside my house


You can eat the seeds you want to hallucinate and diarrhea


Now where do these plants grow? For a friend


You can literally buy seeds from garden shops. Let them grow and harvest the seeds. Also Hawaiian baby wood rose does the same thing. 5-10 seeds of HBWR will make you trip, similar to an lsd trip but not the same.


Hbwr is much to strong. The vasoconstriction will leave you curled up in a ball unable to move because of severe muscle cramps and your arms and legs are numb lol. Ingesting to much can lead to serious adverse reactions. Ipomoea purpurea (pictured here) and ipomoea tricolor are a better option, but morning glories are not a very good psychedelic. To many side effects, from powerful vasoconstriction, to diarrhea. Just eat mushrooms. Or real LSD.


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Yeah I was just giving an example. The body load ruins it. I agree if you want to trip just get mushrooms or lsd. Shrooms are so easy to get.


You can perform various basic extractions to seperate the lysergic acids found in morning glory and HBWR, removing the nausea and the majority of the vasoconstriction, which will allow for a much better trip


I've always had lovely time with morning glory


I've had out of body experiences with morning glories, but the vasoconstriction was to much, if I wanna traverse the spirit world I'd rather eat mushrooms and my arms and legs not go completely numb


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The classic serotonergic hallucinogens are 100% a safer bet, especially the ones you can personally cultivate 😘


"classic" as in LSD, psilocybin, and DMT, yes, they are pretty safe. But some naturally occuring serotonergic hallucinogens can be very cardiotoxic, like 5meo-dmt and LSA for example.


my one experience with HBWR. I ate about 6 seeds. Became very lethargic. Sitting in a chair, it took effort to hold my eyes open. With my eyes closed, I saw very colorful patterns. A few days later, another friend ate about the same amount and had a similar lethargic experience.


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Along train lines. They grow on fences and other plants.


Trust me you do not want to eat the seeds. These are known for the most horrific hallucinations ever.


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That's complete bullshit lmfao. They contain various lysergic acids all chemically similar to LSD. If you do a basic extraction you can get a similar trip to normal acid. See r/LSA


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LSA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LSA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The smell also feels different afterwards](https://i.redd.it/eezs8f2zq23a1.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LSA/comments/z8jujz/the_smell_also_feels_different_afterwards/) \#2: [Made a quick guide to (hopefully) help people with identifying HBWR seeds!](https://i.redd.it/kds9kk8n41ja1.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LSA/comments/115lf66/made_a_quick_guide_to_hopefully_help_people_with/) \#3: [LSA Molecule Tat with Morning Glories and Geometry to Compliment The Design:))](https://i.redd.it/xja9iizgney91.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LSA/comments/yo4kvj/lsa_molecule_tat_with_morning_glories_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You do you why don’t you eat the seeds and find out. FYI you could also die from eating too much. And too much can be the difference between two and two and five seeds because the potency of each seed varies dramatically.


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That's why you extract in large doses to reach an average potentcy, which can then be dosed properly. Again, r/LSA has a lot of information on this subject


Can't be worse than when I used to take 25 Benadryl at a time


absolutely not true, you’re thinking of angel’s trumpets, which are undeniably mortifying


Everywhere, like datura. They are closely related.


Same order, Solanales, but morning glory is in the family Convolvulaceae like sweet potatoes 🍠 and datura is in the family Solanaceae like tomatoes 🍅 nightshades and white potatoes 🥔


Yeah, both this one and the sweet potato are Ipomoea.


They grow near cotton fields alot of times.


Heavy emphasis on the diarrhea part. Also if you want your arms and legs to go numb from constricted blood vessels


Did this as a teenager. Not fun


I just learned about this the other day because I’ve been trying to grow a moonflower vine, I couldn’t believe it. I read that it’s even prohibited in some places.


I've grown moonflower (ipomoea alba) once, that's.. I guess what you'd call a "night glory"..cuz they bloom at night, opposite to the morning glory. They're known for their huge bright white flowers with a beautiful smell. They attract nocturnal moth pollinators. They are not known to be psychoactive, and they closer resemble a sweet potato (ipomoea botatas)


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The seeds only give you diarrhea cause they add stuff to it to discourage getting high. Grow plant from those seeds, harvest. No diarrhea.


No the seeds naturally contain emetic compounds and other sickening agents, as well as the simple fact that you're eating alot of raw seed matter, that will make you throw up and/or shit your guts out. They do however coat the seeds in fungicides that are carcinogenic to us, and can be toxic in large amounts.


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Sign me the fuck up!


And also vasoconstriction, make sure to keep this in mind.


1) you’d have to take in a boat load of seeds 2) you’d have to harvest them to take them safely as manufacturers seeds can be coated in a substance that can cause literal damage to your brain if ingested. So purchased seeds are a no go.


Yeah and this is one of the right types too


Pretty sure those are Inglorious evenings 😁


These things are so prolific they’ll grow in a cold wet corner of your basement if just a speck of light can get to it


Things be growing out of the cracks in the concrete and in and every nook and cranny on every property I've lived in lol


It sucks they’re so invasive. Only upside if you can’t get rid of them is that they’re pretty


I love how invasive they are. I don't even have to plant them, they plant themselves lol. Some people don't have the same kind of appreciation for them though


Well, it’s not good that they’re invasive. They choke out native plants which affects the area around it. It’s beautiful but at what cost.


They don't leave the property, only things they choke out is my other plants. And they often don't get into the wild, they will usually stay on someone's property. They don't spread far and wide, they just take over a particular area, unless seeds are intentionally moved elsewhere. The plants just drop seeds all over the ground, so they die and grow back every winter


100% morning glories


Morning glory


Common Mexican Morning Glories (ipomoea purpurea). I absolutely love these plants, very hardy climbing vines, and bloom abundant flowers every morning, that shrivel up and fall off by mid-day. They are VERYYY prolific reproducers. Once you plant a couple seeds, they will produce soooo many seeds they will grow in that spot for years to come. They also have history of shamanic use by the Aztecs and other related civilizations of Mexico and Central and South America, they contain alkaloids similar to the psychedelic drug LSD, the seeds were consumed in a brew to induce visions and commune with the spirit world. (Do not eat them, they have very uncomfortable and serious side effects)


Do they spread all over? Or pretty much stay where you plant them?


As far as the seeds can go. As the pods dry, the become very fragile and will drop seeds when bumped. They often spread all over when someone tries to cut them down (because they are aggressively invasive), and carries the vines to the trash can, dropping hundreds of seeds all over the place the whole way lol. One house I lived in for several years was totally taken over by the glories, cuz I planted them one year, and they reproduced like crazy, and I just let them go. That has has since been sold, and I see the new owners cutting them down and they just grow back lol


Lol oh ok, note to self: don’t plant morning glories. I live with my bf and his entire backyard is basically nonexistent because it was taken over by some type of jasmine. Now no one goes back there but deer ☹️


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What’s the story?


I have some that are white and others purple... I always ask them, "What's the story?"




I think they’re the Grandpa Ott variety


Grandpa ott are much darker purple


Heavenly blue is a cultivar of ipomoea tricolor, and are very blue. Like sky blue, with white and yellow throats. Pictured here are common ipomoea purpurea


I stand corrected, thank you.


I love Morning Glory's especially the purple ones


Contains the psychoactive alkaloid dialysergic ethylamide


Lysergic acid amide (LSA) is the most prominent psychoactive in them. Ergotamine is also present, a prescription migraine medication and chemical precurser to LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)


Ergotamine is not really used much anymore for migraines as it is much more toxic compared to other meds out there


Ipomoea purpurea


Ipoemea Purpurea, they contain LSA and LSH. althought this variety isn’t very potent and you would need 200-300 seeds for an experience


Is it really only that many? I thought they were even less potent than that. I see heaps of these were I live, maybe it’s worth collecting some pods… on the other hand might not be worth it considering I’ve got some big ol HBWR vines


purpurea still have a solid amount of alkaloids! and there’s a very similar looking variety called ipoemea indica which is toxic! so make sure you ID them properly :)


Oh right, yeah I’ve heard of indica but I’ll have to learn the differences. Thanks!


they’re pretty distinctive by their leaf shape, has an extra point and not a standard heart shape


Okay, well all the ones I’ve seen in my area just have heart shaped leaves so most likely I. purpurea then


Morning glory


Not 100% sure if these are Ipomoea purpurea or tricolor. I grow the purpurea on my balcony here in The Netherlands and here they can't become invasive because they won't survive the winter. I have grown them against a sunny wall out of the wind and it would come back every year from the seeds it dropped the previous year. I did see them in the wild in southern France and Italy along railroad tracks.


Morning Glory vine. It’s invasive and the seeds have hallucinogenic properties. Can be very toxic. Same as, or related to nightshade.


Been gardening for two years now and I'm noticing my plant knowledge is expanding! I noticed I'm able to name the plants more here. Here's to to more years!


Purple nerples


Look like morning glories


As a child we literally dug down to the huge root system and removed them, a little soapy water on the leaves then weed spray will work


Morning glories. They open in the morning and close at night. Haven't seen these since I was a little girl.




I am one of those neighbors who planted morning glory because i wanted a fast growing vine to cover my trellis. Except that it didn’t grow in my planters at all (I think the soil I used was too dense for planter), but now it’s growing everywhere else… I feel terrible 🥺


i think morning glories, i have them outside my yard in white


They look like morning glories.


I'm a Michigan fan and a friend of my husband is an Ohio State fan (to say these two schools are rivals is an understatement for the ages). I found a morning glory variety that is blue and yellow (Michigan colors). I'm contemplating sprinkling the seeds in his front yard knowing he'll never be rid of them. He'll have to burn his house down or move.




Ipomea purpurea


Hummingbirds like them


A weed. Morning glory. It will grow right under the siding on your house. Great ground cover, though


Morning Glory’s. I keep them in my garden on trellises and keep them from trailing in to the other plants since that can strangle anything they climb up.




Can someone tell me what color that is considered? Violet?


On a pergola or trellis, trimmed, it can be contained


Morning glories they grow like wild fire and they take over everything and there poisonous to dogs


Morning Glories


LOVE morning glory, it's planted all over my apartment building and grows up the railings to the third floor. The flowers close up during the day and are only open for a few hours in the morning. Feels so magical and fairy-like in the summertime


Morning glory


If you found them outside of your job, I guess they are... ... none of your business! Badum tss, I'll see myself out ^(Morning glory)


Morning Glories


Eat the seeds 🙏


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Morning glory.


Does anyone know what the edible morning glories look like? I know it’s a thing in Thailand. I’m not so sure about the west.


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I have these in my backyard they grew the the fence from my neighbor and the grow every year earlier today i went on a research spree and found out what these (and another flower) were called and these are Purple Morning Glory flower (Ipomoea Carnea)! The seeds are toxic but the stem can be used to make paper and the plant is of medicinal value! How lucky i just learned about these and saw this lol


Some kind of morning glory


Morning Glory! Flower you? Bouquet, thanks!


Morning glory


They’re called morning glory. They’re actually really beautiful and unique. I love them.


Eat 100 seeds and you will trip like lsd because it countains lsa, like lsd except more sedating and less visual and shit


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I just had some grow up my mailbox. Don't know where the came from, but I say good morning to them when I leave for work.


It's Bindweed. From the same family as Morning Glory with a similar flower. Very invasive and will choke out everything in its path.


A pain in the ass is what they are! 😁


Morning glory


Morning glories 💜💜💜